Game The Wheel of Time: Trouble in Tar Valon (mafia wins!)

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From experience. Vote manipulation is usually mafia ability. Although there is Noble role who is town that has similar ability.

Vote power increases are NAI. Erasing votes is usually mafia though.

Seems like @Pool Party Nitty missed that you changed your Vote to Natalija.
(I copied/pasted final Vote Count.)

Then we can expect at least one of @Lord Genome @Natalija and @Maerala is scum.

Prefer to lynch Maerala than Natalija.

Even so I don't like Witch hunting based on Ajah since all Ajah powers seems to be useful (besides poor green).

I agree it makes sense to have have scum among Red Ajah.

[Vote lynch Maerala]

Not sure why you keep dissing my Ajah. Just because we don't have passives doesn't mean we don't have useful abilities. Like...what? We're the *Battle* Ajah. I'm guessing we all have 2 actives instead. Don't be obtuse intentionally.

So catching up I got the feeling Tiger was trying really hard to limit the wagon to Cypher and LG. He kept saying over and over he wanted those two to be the wagons. Anyone else felt that or was it just me?

Obviously. It's beyond stupid to let people vote in a scattered fashion without at least getting an explanation why they shouldn't.

Just because you're innocent child doesn't mean you forget how to play mafia, DDL.


yes actually

tiger got attacked

do u know the type of attack?

@Tiger are u role blocked or anything?

I was blocked. Filthy casual whoever did it. Made me vulnerable.
There should be someone with vote power counted two yesterday which led to rng since Cypher had seven votes while LG had six votes. Among LG voters there should be mafia with that ability.

eitherway let me just try to rephrase stuff

cypher had 7 votes, genome had 6

i told cypher no way a cop has an ability to tank a 1 vote difference

cypher said that there could be one of her voters with 1 less vote power, or one of genome voters with 1 more vote power

fine, then lets ask town. any of genome voters has a +1 extra vote power? any of cypher voters has a -1 vote power??

HOWEVER, i also told her i'd only trust u if u brought in an invest result from cooler/sigis, who r the most 2 possible scummates of her as of now. Even investing maerala is an option

but for sm reason she invested nessos??
No, in fact I think the thing is that Cooler voted me yesterday? @Cooler can you confirm?

So Cypher and LG had each 6 votes and it was indeed RNG
Good point, I really hope you are town.

[Vote Lynch Maerala]

Also aren't Nessos and Cypher always arguing with each other in these games? It makes sense that they are at each other's throats, isn't it?

I am.

I think Nessos has Cypher on ignore?

Nice try. :smugnon

But I don't care about what you did, I care about why I think you did it.

[vote lynch Tiger]

That actually doesn't track. What I did is fine, even logical, but the confirmation bias in your head has colored my actions in a way that supports your belief? Is that... Basically what you're saying?

Are you the knob that blocked me last night, too?
actually nah i think nat is town

the fact that cooler didn;t even bother pointing out that mistake in the votes is what makes it look worse for him

anyway i asked nitty on red convo and he stated that cooler's vote didnt count

so it was not a 6-6 rng. it was an 8-6 cuz of nessos's passive,

but obv one of genome voters must've had a +2 vote on genome to make it 8-8

in fact scum probaably thought it would be 7-8 and genome would get lynched

BUT unlucky for them nitty missed a vote so it ended up 8-8, BUT they got lucky that the 50-50 coin flip ended lynching LG
I don't think Cypher has an ability that tanks votes. Their reaction seems too candid for that.

So yes, I think LG's wagon has extra votes. And since Nessos and WPK's white Ajah have that passive-- other Ajahs shouldn't. Someone may have tried to save Cypher.

So then it'd make sense one of these had +1 voting power

Not sure if that necessarily means scum or important town, but. Someone here is a badass :cat

It was 8-6, therefore we're missing 2 vp, not just 1. That makes it even more fishy.
Good point, I really hope you are town.

[Vote Lynch Maerala]
u think maerala is worse than cypher?

Usopp - Genome
Cypher - Genome
Tiger - Genome
Sigisund - Genome
Ishmael - Genome
Melodie - Genome

So then it'd make sense one of these had +1 voting power

Not sure if that necessarily means scum or important town, but. Someone here is a badass :cat
more like +2 power, cuz nessos had +1
Ah I see you got the 2 actives deal too.

Nah I actually forgot to send in any actions last night.


Though cop could not counterclaim in such situation..

If I were cop I would definately investigated Cypher last night.

And why I keep asking Cypher to explain their choice for investigation. Is it really enough to have a hard-on for Nessos not to scan another red???
I was reading eariler in the thread, and noticed the time was close to when Nitty said the cutoff was, so I sent in my vote for LG, as usually when it's LG vs someone else, LG is always a good pick.

Then he flipped innocent, after seemingly requiring vote manipulation to save Cypher, proving me wrong.
Nothing more complex than that.

Something about this post feels off.

Nothing more complex than that.

Sigis is playing a town like game.

While he hasn’t dropped much I’ll bet that on him being busy and then there was only real conversation towards the end of the phase.

Which ended chaotically.

@Sigismund what do you make of the game currently?


Ps. This forum update fucking sucks. I still can’t properly place votes... it won’t let me bold my text man wtf??

Click the [ ] button on the top right. Might be hidden behind the 3 dots.
I'm the only one you can trust but I'm also a fucking mess so I dunno.

keep in mind when @Tiger wanted to push aizen, eventually aizen got subbed in to kue and cypher soft defended that subs are not always scum

which is ironic given that she subbed in as a scum on her last game here on valorant mafia weeks ago.

also aizen did not sub out on money mafia for sm reason when hes just as inactive lmao
So everyone is a type of tracker, great :catslam

Not everyone though. Definitely not Cypher and another one among the people who voted LG.

At least one of those who voted LG is black, and therefore all bets are off about what abilities they may have.

I have one defensive active and one offensive active. Neither of which are for voting, sadly. Would be strong in this game.

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