Game The Wheel of Time: Trouble in Tar Valon (mafia wins!)

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I think Nessos has Cypher on ignore?
Yes I still have her on ignore and it won't Change.

So everyone is a type of tracker, great :catslam

Not everyone though. Definitely not Cypher and another one among the people who voted LG.
We know Whit Ajah has the +1 Vote Power passive. You really think there is a Major role in the game while there is White Ajah?

Thats why I think there have to be an other reason for 8 vs 6 turning into RNG then having multiple Majors.

(@Go D. Usopp you should read this too)
Also you gotta see I'm Town from how fast the votes pick up and from the lack of resistance anyway.

No, see, that's awful reasoning. You were literally saved by a mysterious use of the Power. And now when Maerala is brought up as a candidate to take your place as the top suspect, that is what is receiving no pushback.

And you have some actual explaining to do, but are conveniently too busy in a 24 hour period to participate. You have others talking for you, instead.
Hmm it's a;ready confusing enough with Nessos has two vote power which led Cypher had eight votes and LG had six votes and still ended with rng. Maybe there are some players with vote power two and they might be Ajah leader. Ajah Leaders have vote power two.

This was skated over earlier, but I need you to clarify why you thought Ajah LEADERS had 2 voting power.

I need to reread Cypher's entire post log, and try and figure out what exactly that all was. RN she is suspect with the vote manipulation, but if there lies a better explanation as for how that all happened, then im down to hear it.

You ever end up doing that, btw?

Too bad it isn't since you said you have two vote power making Cypher had eight votes and LG had six votes which led me to think there might be two voters of LG with two vote power that led to eight vs eight aka rng.

I'm still struggling with your wording about Ajah leaders. Who's your Ajah leader?
This was skated over earlier, but I need you to clarify why you thought Ajah LEADERS had 2 voting power.

You ever end up doing that, btw?

I'm still struggling with your wording about Ajah leaders. Who's your Ajah leader?
Flavour. Maybe leader has 2 voting power fitting their position then Nessos said only White Ajah has 2 voting power so WPK has it too but WPK Didn't vote Cypher or LG according to Nessos and it was still rng even though Cypher had 7 votes then to 8 due to Nessos 2 voting power while LG had 6 voting power
Because LG had 6 votes and Cypher had 8 and still ended with rng so LG voters might have 2 vote power. Don't know how is that a slip
Think it is a general passive for Ajah "Leaders". The only one Inwould considere as leader is Black Ajah GF. And Black Ajah GF should only have +1 Vote Power when he was White Ajah.

I explained multiple times it is unlikely to have a roles with increased Vote power while White Ajah trait is to have increased Vote power. Don't you agree?
Cause he slipped hard. Thinking there are 2VP among all Ajahs cause the Black Ajah aka @WolfPrinceKiba also have +1 VP.

He just made a wrong conclusion Outing himself and his GF. :dankfoil

I thought that at first too. But I'm thinking it's more a language thing.

There should be mafia roleblocker the one who RB Tiger or Cooler.

When I found out I had been blocked, I assumed only a mafia role-blocker would target me. No townie would, surely.

Then the innocent child, from my own Ajah, said I was suspicious. So I'm not so sure any more.
Think it is a general passive for Ajah "Leaders". The only one Inwould considere as leader is Black Ajah GF. And Black Ajah GF should only have +1 Vote Power when he was White Ajah.

I explained multiple times it is unlikely to have a roles with increased Vote power while White Ajah trait is to have increased Vote power. Don't you agree?
In the explanation of each Ajah by Nitty in the sign up of this game, there is an explanation about Red Ajah leader is called, Green Ajah leader is called until White Ajah so I thought there might be leader for each Ajah
Thinking about it logically, which lynch would provide more info?

Maerala or Cypher?

Usopp has been clamoring for Cypher being mafia. Claiming cop and being saved from lynch by unknown Power?

Scanning Nessos innocent instead of other reds or blues or his team's suggestions.

But...claimed cop.

The Maerala wagon was easy, boring, and gave nothing. The main issue is Maerala himself not caring enough to properly address it.
In the explanation of each Ajah by Nitty in the sign up of this game, there is an explanation about Red Ajah leader is called, Green Ajah leader is called until White Ajah so I thought there might be leader for each Ajah
Now when you know that it is super unlikely to have someone with raised Voting Power on LG train.

What kind of conclusions you get for 6 vs 8 votes turns into RNG?
Then Maerala bluffs about a lynch on him not working. Then immediately calls the bluff and retracts. Maybe forgot about the "no lying" rule?
Wonder if they have awareness enough to think that town would catch them slipping by telling a lie and not dying from it.

Only mafia can lie. The fact he lied and still in the game means he might be mafia. Or Maybe that's sarcasm
What they said was loose enough to not qualify as a lie, as they didn't claim to be lynch immune, just that any attempt to lynch them would fail which can be interpreted to also mean that the lynch wouldn't have enough support to go through.
Now when you know that it is super unlikely to have someone with raised Voting Power on LG train.

What kind of conclusions you get for 6 vs 8 votes turns into RNG?
Player who votes someone from their own Ajah vote won't be counted.

Cypher is Red Ajah. From Red Ajah only Maerala and LG voted Cypher and their vote won't be counted so 2 votes were not counted making it from 8 vs 6 to 6 to 6. My theory
But for Maerala's weird posts today, it was possibly vague enough he got away with it, but panicked and made the post after saying it was BS.


I have two tinfoils about white. 1st is a White having the ability to secretly change their vote without it being shown. The 2nd is a White's vote not counting if placed on a fellow black sister that claimed cop.

Let me ask you how you feel about a Cypher lynch today?

[Vote Lynch Cypher]

Whether I keep it there or not depends on what they say when they are done with studying or whatever. But I will have to see it in the morning.

Player who votes someone from their own Ajah vote won't be counted.

Cypher is Red Ajah. From Red Ajah only Maerala and LG voted Cypher and their vote won't be counted so 2 votes were not counted making it from 8 vs 6 to 6 to 6. My theory
Wait just ignore this post. Cypher also voted LG and the vote should be 5 by my logic but still ended in rng
Let me ask you how you feel about a Cypher lynch today?
For me cop is an easy fakeclaim and many seems to have doubt her claim cause noone wanted to switch off.

But the D2 Cypher train is BS. Easy made up for scum

But as I mentioned with 6vs8 turning into RNG let me think Black Ajah is hiding in Cypher train from Day 1.
-> My top suspects for who manipulated the votes are @Natalija and @Maerala cause anyone else of Cypher train wouldn't have make sense switching Vote or wouldn't have lead to the same outcome.

I have two tinfoils about white. 1st is a White having the ability to secretly change their vote without it being shown. The 2nd is a White's vote not counting if placed on a fellow black sister that claimed cop
This post seems like you expect both Whites to be Blacks. Now you are voting Flower.

You agreed with what WKP said about Melodie and now you are basically doing the same as Melodie.
Wait just ignore this post. Cypher also voted LG and the vote should be 5 by my logic but still ended in rng
How you think about one of the Black Ajah having the ability to fake is vote.

Like voting for Cypher in public, but voting for LG in role PM. This would habe turned 6 vs 8 into 7 vs 7. (Easy math)

Then starting the DP with either pushing Cypher or the once voting LG while bathing their hands in innocence.

And when we look at the ones voting Cypher one can conclude fast it makes only sense for Maerala and Natalija.

Maerala is pushing Flower
Natalija said we should look at LG voters

And from his perspective, if he IS a black sister, then my deductive logic looks damning and soundproof. Would explain why he would sub out this game and not a concurrent game where he is also inactive as per Usopp.

You think he subbed solely because you accused him? That is bold.

Normally I would say that inactives should be left for vigs to deal with, however I understand from flavor and hints that town has no vigs in this game?

But for Maerala's weird posts today, it was possibly vague enough he got away with it, but panicked and made the post after saying it was BS.


I have two tinfoils about white. 1st is a White having the ability to secretly change their vote without it being shown. The 2nd is a White's vote not counting if placed on a fellow black sister that claimed cop.

Let me ask you how you feel about a Cypher lynch today?

[Vote Lynch Cypher]

Whether I keep it there or not depends on what they say when they are done with studying or whatever. But I will have to see it in the morning.

I read your tone as town, but this is a lot tinfoling. Are you speculating about every White or White being Black here? Or do you think both Whites are Black?

Still not a fan of Melodie, she looks like coasting to me. Similar feeling about Natalija.

So you switch from Maerala to Cypher because you think Cypher's lynch gives more info?
How you think about one of the Black Ajah having the ability to fake is vote.

Like voting for Cypher in public, but voting for LG in role PM. This would habe turned 6 vs 8 into 7 vs 7. (Easy math)

Then starting the DP with either pushing Cypher or the once voting LG while bathing their hands in innocence.

And when we look at the ones voting Cypher one can conclude fast it makes only sense for Maerala and Natalija.

Maerala is pushing Flower
Natalija said we should look at LG voters

Maybe you are scum because only you know this theory and I have never seen this in any mafia game and you can't read me if you think I'm scum.
I keep my Vote at Maerala especially with his posts that says "you can't lynch me, but I am not lynch immune".

And I recommend that @Cypher should check Natalija in case Maerala flips Town.
If Maerala is lynched and flips town, would you not be thinking that Cypher's chances of being scum increase heavily? At that point you should be taking any result they have with a massive grain of salt, and directing the claimed cop isn't a good look in a game where the scum is likely packed with manipulation abilities due to their low numbers/the high number of invests there seems to be.
But for Maerala's weird posts today, it was possibly vague enough he got away with it, but panicked and made the post after saying it was BS.


I have two tinfoils about white. 1st is a White having the ability to secretly change their vote without it being shown. The 2nd is a White's vote not counting if placed on a fellow black sister that claimed cop.

Let me ask you how you feel about a Cypher lynch today?

[Vote Lynch Cypher]

Whether I keep it there or not depends on what they say when they are done with studying or whatever. But I will have to see it in the morning.
Uhmmm. Mafia are the only ones allowed to lie right? Wouldn't that just confirm maerala as mafia if so considering they bluffed...? Or am I misunderstanding something here
If Maerala is lynched and flips town, would you not be thinking that Cypher's chances of being scum increase heavily? At that point you should be taking any result they have with a massive grain of salt, and directing the claimed cop isn't a good look in a game where the scum is likely packed with manipulation abilities due to their low numbers/the high number of invests there seems to be.
I am just saying my top suspects based on the result of last DP lynch are Maerala and Natalija.

What do we know.
7 player voted for Cypher
6 player voted for LG

And it ended up with a rng between Cypher and LG.

Thats a fact.

Now we everyone knows that one of the Cypher voters had double voting power(me) and you (@WolfPrinceKiba) should be able to confirm this since you should have the same passive.

Thus we know it was actually
8 votes on Cypher
6 votes on LG

What is possible, but super unlikely
  • Cypher have a passive reducing votes on her by exactly 2
  • Cypher have a passive, when being lynched always RNG between her and 2nd in lead
  • There are multiple player with multiple vote power (making White Ajah trait quite useless)
  • Black Ajah with Vote silence ability Vote silenced me, unlikely cause it had to be me(it had to be cause of my +2 VP)

And the only other idea I can up with was Vote got secretly shifted!
Turning 6vs8 into 7vs7

Thus we get following suspects
  • One of the player in the Cypher train secretly shifted his vote -> one of @Maerala or @Natalija being Black Ajah with that ability
  • @WolfPrinceKiba secretly shifted his vote from @Go D. Usopp to LG (turning it to a 8vs8) (but even if thats the case I would expect scum hiding in Cypher train)
  • A Black Ajah can manipulated someones vote (but thats in my opinion to OP and thus again unlikely

@Tiger and thats what I think about Yesterday lynch after reviewing the result.
@Nessos : If you are also town, then that would give town two double voters. There's no way scum wouldn't be given a means of countering that with their own double voter/silencer/switcher/stealer, possibly more than one of those options.
Secretly shifting Vote as powerful as +1 Vote power in case of Voting power (more powerful in general cause it is hidden).

Don't you agree.
Secretly shifting Vote as powerful as +1 Vote power in case of Voting power (more powerful in general cause it is hidden).

Don't you agree.
To explain what I mean.

Imagine the following
Player X have 3 votes
Player Y have 3 vote

Now a Player with double Vote Power votes for Player X results in

Player X have 5 votes
Player Y have 3 votes

Now one of the voters of player X secretly shifts his Vote causing

Player X have 4 votes
Player Y have 4 votes

This way a secretly shifted directly cancels out the White Ajah passive.

@WolfPrinceKiba this is exactly what you want to have in the game and as you can see possible without duplicating White Ajah passive.
No, see, that's awful reasoning. You were literally saved by a mysterious use of the Power. And now when Maerala is brought up as a candidate to take your place as the top suspect, that is what is receiving no pushback.

And you have some actual explaining to do, but are conveniently too busy in a 24 hour period to participate. You have others talking for you, instead.
Buddy, I targetted Nessos because he voted me up for a whatever reason and I'm wary of him in the first place and would like to avoid unnecessary arguments with him. You can literally already guess this If you know me (I'm Flower btw). And people who know my play also know I'm active regardless of alignment, so me being inactive is because I'm really friggin' busy.

Anyway, off to the exam now. Will come back later this DP.
Then you must also agree Maerala and Natalija doesn't look good based on Yesterday lynch.

Which of the 2 you find scummier and why?
I have different opinion. If someone's vote was shifted from Cypher to LG, then that makes whiever shifted the vote wnted to save Cypher. That makes Cypher scummy and makes LG voters scummy too. Maerala and Natalija voted Cypher IIRC.
I'm not saying you're wrong Nessos, just that there are lots of possibilities, one which you haven't listed being that a black ajah/all black ajahs being immune to each others votes. Now the latter there is definitely too OP to be a constant thing

I agree the possibility of Blacks Vote being nullified in Blacks is possible, but in my opinion super weak cause it can't be effectly used for Vote manipulation.

Also through lying theme of Black Ajah, I think secretly shifting votes fits perfectly.
And as you said Black Ajah needs a Power to cancel out White Ajah passive also Points towards Vote shifting ability.

But even if take the Black Ajah Vote nullfied on Black Ajah as a potential case it Points again towards Natalija and Maerala don't you agree?
Thus we have
  • Option 1: One of the Black Ajahs secretly shifted his vote from Cypher to LG -> one of Maerala or Natalija being that Vote shifter
  • Option 2: WPK is not only double voter, but can also secretly shift his Vote -> makes only sense to hide a Black Ajah in the Cypher wagon -> WPK and at least one of Maerala, Natalija and me being scumbuddies
  • Option 3: Black Ajahs vote nullified when voting for Black Ajah -> Cypher, Maerala and Natalija being scumbuddies or Cypher and Nessos being scumbuddies

Did I miss a reasonable possibility?

And about Option 3, why risking Cypher getting lynched one Black Ajah could habe Just abstained or Vote someone else in Day 1?
For the last question I would like to hear a logical answer from @WolfPrinceKiba and @Tiger since they are the once advertise this option. Giving their best to shift the votes away from Maerala.
Can someone catch me up?

Most people seem to follow theory that there is Mafia in Red Ajah, since they find it unlikely that there are four persons having their own chat all being town.

After LG dead, the remaining Red are Usopp, Cypher and Maerala. There are currently wagons between Maerala and Cypher:

1. Case against Cypher is that there was some vote fuckery last day, as she seemed to have more votes than LG but he was lynched, also people do not like her choice of invest tonight (Nessos);

2. Case against Maerala is cop claim of Cypher, her being not great day one (accused of role fishing) and today making joke / lie that she is immune to being lynched, which she later rebuked from.
Can someone catch me up?
Read this 2 posts and you will realize we should lynch either Maerala or Natalija this Phase.
I am just saying my top suspects based on the result of last DP lynch are Maerala and Natalija.

What do we know.
7 player voted for Cypher
6 player voted for LG

And it ended up with a rng between Cypher and LG.

Thats a fact.

Now we everyone knows that one of the Cypher voters had double voting power(me) and you (@WolfPrinceKiba) should be able to confirm this since you should have the same passive.

Thus we know it was actually
8 votes on Cypher
6 votes on LG

What is possible, but super unlikely
  • Cypher have a passive reducing votes on her by exactly 2
  • Cypher have a passive, when being lynched always RNG between her and 2nd in lead
  • There are multiple player with multiple vote power (making White Ajah trait quite useless)
  • Black Ajah with Vote silence ability Vote silenced me, unlikely cause it had to be me(it had to be cause of my +2 VP)

And the only other idea I can up with was Vote got secretly shifted!
Turning 6vs8 into 7vs7

Thus we get following suspects
  • One of the player in the Cypher train secretly shifted his vote -> one of @Maerala or @Natalija being Black Ajah with that ability
  • @WolfPrinceKiba secretly shifted his vote from @Go D. Usopp to LG (turning it to a 8vs8) (but even if thats the case I would expect scum hiding in Cypher train)
  • A Black Ajah can manipulated someones vote (but thats in my opinion to OP and thus again unlikely

@Tiger and thats what I think about Yesterday lynch after reviewing the result.

I agree the possibility of Blacks Vote being nullified in Blacks is possible, but in my opinion super weak cause it can't be effectly used for Vote manipulation.

Also through lying theme of Black Ajah, I think secretly shifting votes fits perfectly.
And as you said Black Ajah needs a Power to cancel out White Ajah passive also Points towards Vote shifting ability.

But even if take the Black Ajah Vote nullfied on Black Ajah as a potential case it Points again towards Natalija and Maerala don't you agree?
Thus we have
  • Option 1: One of the Black Ajahs secretly shifted his vote from Cypher to LG -> one of Maerala or Natalija being that Vote shifter
  • Option 2: WPK is not only double voter, but can also secretly shift his Vote -> makes only sense to hide a Black Ajah in the Cypher wagon -> WPK and at least one of Maerala, Natalija and me being scumbuddies
  • Option 3: Black Ajahs vote nullified when voting for Black Ajah -> Cypher, Maerala and Natalija being scumbuddies or Cypher and Nessos being scumbuddies

Did I miss a reasonable possibility?

And about Option 3, why risking Cypher getting lynched one Black Ajah could habe Just abstained or Vote someone else in Day 1?
For the last question I would like to hear a logical answer from @WolfPrinceKiba and @Tiger since they are the once advertise this option. Giving their best to shift the votes away from Maerala.
Most people seem to follow theory that there is Mafia in Red Ajah, since they find it unlikely that there are four persons having their own chat all being town.

After LG dead, the remaining Red are Usopp, Cypher and Maerala. There are currently wagons between Maerala and Cypher:

1. Case against Cypher is that there was some vote fuckery last day, as she seemed to have more votes than LG but he was lynched, also people do not like her choice of invest tonight (Nessos);

2. Case against Maerala is cop claim of Cypher, her being not great day one (accused of role fishing) and today making joke / lie that she is immune to being lynched, which she later rebuked from.

I can see Cypher investing Nessos tbh considering their history. Still bit of a weird choice. I'd probably pick Maerala between the two though as Cypher's cop claim felt pretty genuine to me yesterday.

I guess there's no hard evidence that there has to be scum in Red Ajah though. We lynch one of Cypher or Maerala and they flip town, do we lynch the other next phase until they're all dead? lol
I can see Cypher investing Nessos tbh considering their history. Still bit of a weird choice. I'd probably pick Maerala between the two though as Cypher's cop claim felt pretty genuine to me yesterday.

I guess there's no hard evidence that there has to be scum in Red Ajah though. We lynch one of Cypher or Maerala and they flip town, do we lynch the other next phase until they're all dead? lol

Yes, there is not hard evidence, so we should also look at people from outside the group.
Yes I still have her on ignore and it won't Change.

We know Whit Ajah has the +1 Vote Power passive. You really think there is a Major role in the game while there is White Ajah?

Thats why I think there have to be an other reason for 8 vs 6 turning into RNG then having multiple Majors.

(@Go D. Usopp you should read this too)
By that I meant there are roles which aren’t trackers.
Tbh I'm lowkey checked out of this game, my boyfriend had his first round of chemo yesterday and more today.

Out of the benevolence of my heart I'll tell you that I am not scum and the earlier confusion in my posts was me misunderstanding a defensive ability I have and immediately correcting myself.

I'm strongly suspicious of my fellow Reds but moreso Cypher than Usopp. And like maybe I shouldn't tell you this so you can lynch me and I can peace out but do with that what you will.

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