Game The Wheel of Time: Trouble in Tar Valon (mafia wins!)

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Tbh I'm lowkey checked out of this game, my boyfriend had his first round of chemo yesterday and more today.

Out of the benevolence of my heart I'll tell you that I am not scum and the earlier confusion in my posts was me misunderstanding a defensive ability I have and immediately correcting myself.

I'm strongly suspicious of my fellow Reds but moreso Cypher than Usopp. And like maybe I shouldn't tell you this so you can lynch me and I can peace out but do with that what you will.
I’m sorry to hear that, it’s very difficult :catsad

And don’t worry: it’s just a game.
Tbh I'm lowkey checked out of this game, my boyfriend had his first round of chemo yesterday and more today.

Out of the benevolence of my heart I'll tell you that I am not scum and the earlier confusion in my posts was me misunderstanding a defensive ability I have and immediately correcting myself.

I'm strongly suspicious of my fellow Reds but moreso Cypher than Usopp. And like maybe I shouldn't tell you this so you can lynch me and I can peace out but do with that what you will.

Really sorry to hear that! Wishing your boyfriend all the best.
Why are you saying I'm lying?

I tried to target you and Usppp with something but got told I was blocked.

Why should I have said something? I figured any number of people could have blocked me and I don't really care that my actions failed lol.
Because I know you were visited and it doesn’t add up that you were blocked.

Unless if you were busdriven, but I don’t know if we get informed of that?
My vote was on Usopp. Phase end yesterday was at a time I'm asleep, so wasn't there for that.
thanks for yesterday, but i'm hoping you could actually properly use ur vote today can u?

Yes I still have her on ignore and it won't Change.

We know Whit Ajah has the +1 Vote Power passive. You really think there is a Major role in the game while there is White Ajah?

Thats why I think there have to be an other reason for 8 vs 6 turning into RNG then having multiple Majors.

(@Go D. Usopp you should read this too)
there r alot of possibilities, its also fair to consider that one of black ajah might have a +2 vote power, to make it 8-8. fake vote switching like u said is also possible

So 2 roleblockers? The other RB Tiger since Juad said Tiger got attacked and the other RB Cooler
yet how come juan's passive never said that cooler was targeted?


Player who votes someone from their own Ajah vote won't be counted.

Cypher is Red Ajah. From Red Ajah only Maerala and LG voted Cypher and their vote won't be counted so 2 votes were not counted making it from 8 vs 6 to 6 to 6. My theory
but then me and cypher voting LG shouldnt count.

we have no such passive, you can read our passive on the LG flip
Right now I expect scumteam to be
WPK + DDX + Maerala + (one of Tiger amd Sigismund)
its possible, but why r u letting cypher out so easily?

But Maerala and Natalija are the only ones who could be this hidden "voteshifter".
maerala and cypher cannot be of the same alignment. I doubt we have more than 1 scum in red tbh

Because I know you were visited and it doesn’t add up that you were blocked.

Unless if you were busdriven, but I don’t know if we get informed of that?
Juan's passive did not say anything about cooler being blocked. he is obv lying
thanks for yesterday, but i'm hoping you could actually properly use ur vote today can u?

there r alot of possibilities, its also fair to consider that one of black ajah might have a +2 vote power, to make it 8-8. fake vote switching like u said is also possible

yet how come juan's passive never said that cooler was targeted?

but then me and cypher voting LG shouldnt count.

we have no such passive, you can read our passive on the LG flip
I thought Juan targeted Tiger amd saw Tiger got roleblocked. So its his passive to see who got role blocked?
@Cypher hey ningen ik u have exams and all but coming here to whine and say I got exams bla bla takes the same effort as coming to tell us why did u invest nessos instead of me or maerala, and why are u not willing to rolecrush cooler/sigis

u know very dem well if we can clear me u and maerala as town, we can have a free 3 man mason, so why the fk r u investing nessos

answer that, convince me, and MAYBE i can let u go

but at this point no. And you should know dem well how persistent I am when I wanna push someone. So either clear urself and us, or tell ur faction to kill me. I wont shutup otherwise

and gl on ur exams :zaru
bolded is the highest chance scum among these ajahs

1. Maerala Sedai, of the Red Ajah
2. Go D. Usopp Sedai, of the Red Ajah
3. Cypher Sedai, of the Red Ajah

4. Dragon D. Luffy Sedai, of the Green Ajah
5. John Wayne Sedai, of the Green Ajah
6. Tiger Sedai, of the Green Ajah
7. Kue Sedai, of the Green Ajah

8. Cooler Sedai, of the Gray Ajah
9. Dragon D. Xebec Sedai, of the Gray Ajah
10. Hero Sedai, of the Gray Ajah

11. Lord Melkor Sedai, of the Brown Ajah
12. Sigismund Sedai, of the Brown Ajah
13. Natalija Sedai, of the Brown Ajah

14. RemChu Sedai, of the Yellow Ajah
15. Ishmael Sedai, of the Yellow Ajah
16. Melodie Sedai, of the Yellow Ajah

17. Juan Sedai, of the Blue Ajah

18. WolfPrinceKiba Sedai, of the White Ajah
19. Nessos Sedai, of the White Ajah
You think he subbed solely because you accused him? That is bold.

Normally I would say that inactives should be left for vigs to deal with, however I understand from flavor and hints that town has no vigs in this game?

I read your tone as town, but this is a lot tinfoling. Are you speculating about every White or White being Black here? Or do you think both Whites are Black?

Still not a fan of Melodie, she looks like coasting to me. Similar feeling about Natalija.

So you switch from Maerala to Cypher because you think Cypher's lynch gives more info?

The point of tinfoils is you're not sure enough about them to do anything. Otherwise I would have just said I believed it and acted on it. I make an assertion to see what people say about it. This is not high level stuff.

I switched to Cypher because I read the phase again with a different perspective. Maerala said something that could have been construed as lying. Then panicked and rescinded the statement. I asked Nitty if he'd consider "the lynch will fail on me" as a lie-- and it's not. It's too open ended. If Maerala had said "I have lynch immunity", that is a statement and if incorrect, a lie.

But Maerala didn't have time to ask Nitty if what he said was ok, he just panicked and rescinded.

That comes off as townie to me upon 2nd glance.

I keep my Vote at Maerala especially with his posts that says "you can't lynch me, but I am not lynch immune".

And I recommend that @Cypher should check Natalija in case Maerala flips Town.

Directing the suspicious cop is silly, at best. Directing him away from red again is almost as puzzling as Cypher not checking Maerala or Usopp last night.

Uhmmm. Mafia are the only ones allowed to lie right? Wouldn't that just confirm maerala as mafia if so considering they bluffed...? Or am I misunderstanding something here

It was too vague, I checked.

A Black Ajah can manipulated someones vote (but thats in my opinion to OP and thus again unlikely

I think that's quite plausible, actually. Explain why below.

@Nessos : If you are also town, then that would give town two double voters. There's no way scum wouldn't be given a means of countering that with their own double voter/silencer/switcher/stealer, possibly more than one of those options.


Secretly shifting Vote as powerful as +1 Vote power in case of Voting power (more powerful in general cause it is hidden).

Don't you agree.

You weren't supposed to divulge your voting power passive. That much is probably obvious. It makes perfect sense to me that mafia would have a way to mess with other people's votes to combat White.

To explain what I mean.

Imagine the following
Player X have 3 votes
Player Y have 3 vote

Now a Player with double Vote Power votes for Player X results in

Player X have 5 votes
Player Y have 3 votes

Now one of the voters of player X secretly shifts his Vote causing

Player X have 4 votes
Player Y have 4 votes

This way a secretly shifted directly cancels out the White Ajah passive.

@WolfPrinceKiba this is exactly what you want to have in the game and as you can see possible without duplicating White Ajah passive.

Still very plausible to help combat White's power, assuming both of you are town.

I agree the possibility of Blacks Vote being nullified in Blacks is possible, but in my opinion super weak cause it can't be effectly used for Vote manipulation.

Also through lying theme of Black Ajah, I think secretly shifting votes fits perfectly.
And as you said Black Ajah needs a Power to cancel out White Ajah passive also Points towards Vote shifting ability.

But even if take the Black Ajah Vote nullfied on Black Ajah as a potential case it Points again towards Natalija and Maerala don't you agree?
Thus we have
  • Option 1: One of the Black Ajahs secretly shifted his vote from Cypher to LG -> one of Maerala or Natalija being that Vote shifter
  • Option 2: WPK is not only double voter, but can also secretly shift his Vote -> makes only sense to hide a Black Ajah in the Cypher wagon -> WPK and at least one of Maerala, Natalija and me being scumbuddies
  • Option 3: Black Ajahs vote nullified when voting for Black Ajah -> Cypher, Maerala and Natalija being scumbuddies or Cypher and Nessos being scumbuddies

Did I miss a reasonable possibility?

And about Option 3, why risking Cypher getting lynched one Black Ajah could habe Just abstained or Vote someone else in Day 1?
For the last question I would like to hear a logical answer from @WolfPrinceKiba and @Tiger since they are the once advertise this option. Giving their best to shift the votes away from Maerala.

If all the black ajah had at their disposal was a vote switch, and they used it on someone to swap from Cypher to LG, that would explain the tie.

Based on the Day 1 lynch the only logical conclusion we can make is to lynch one of @Maerala and @Natalija.

I would Like to hear everyones opinion which of these 2 they find scummier. To decide who to lynch.

I go for Maerala, because of her posts that basically states "You can't lynch, but I am not lynch immune".

That's only the case if you assume only one possibility of the many.

The bottom line is-- Cypher was saved by something. Logically, there'd be no reason to do so if both Cypher and LG were town. No matter *what* type of vote fuckery they have. They would have simply stayed off that voting event.
There's also the notion that if both Whites are town, and the mafia has a vote swap ability to combat them, then Juan stands out as a very high % chance at being mafia.

at this point i doubt any of them is cleared (juan, nessos, WPK)

but, the kvothe kill is the biggest reason why I think juan might be scum tbh

cuz scum probably realized kvothe should have same passive as juan, so she has to be killed.
at this point i doubt any of them is cleared (juan, nessos, WPK)

but, the kvothe kill is the biggest reason why I think juan might be scum tbh

cuz scum probably realized kvothe should have same passive as juan, so she has to be killed.

I agree. It was still puzzling me why Kvothe first. Removing that passive from the benefit of town would be a big gain for mafia.

also its easy for juan to fake it up and say oh yea tiger was targeted

when it could simply be his scummate targeting tiger

note that tiger said he got roleblocked b4 juan talked u know..

I think BlackJuan would retain that passive just as if he was Blue. So he doesn't have to fake it. But it does allow him to simply state something his team did instead of what he learned through the passive.
I want to say it again--

Having a cop and a tracker and maybe two others with investigation abilities in a mason group where they can coordinate their abilities and share their information without one of them being a very hard to swallow.

well maerala hinted some lynch immunity or smthing, and i talked about my abilities yesterday. so both of us likely don't have cop related abilities.

eitherway think about it, if cypher was really a town cop, wouldnt scum use their vote fuckery to make SURE cypher get lynched and not LG?

its possible, but why r u letting cypher out so easily?
I can only repeat myself.
I am just saying my top suspects based on the result of last DP lynch are Maerala and Natalija.

What do we know.
7 player voted for Cypher
6 player voted for LG

And it ended up with a rng between Cypher and LG.

Thats a fact.

Now we everyone knows that one of the Cypher voters had double voting power(me) and you (@WolfPrinceKiba) should be able to confirm this since you should have the same passive.

Thus we know it was actually
8 votes on Cypher
6 votes on LG

What is possible, but super unlikely
  • Cypher have a passive reducing votes on her by exactly 2
  • Cypher have a passive, when being lynched always RNG between her and 2nd in lead
  • There are multiple player with multiple vote power (making White Ajah trait quite useless)
  • Black Ajah with Vote silence ability Vote silenced me, unlikely cause it had to be me(it had to be cause of my +2 VP)

And the only other idea I can up with was Vote got secretly shifted!
Turning 6vs8 into 7vs7

Thus we get following suspects
  • One of the player in the Cypher train secretly shifted his vote -> one of @Maerala or @Natalija being Black Ajah with that ability
  • @WolfPrinceKiba secretly shifted his vote from @Go D. Usopp to LG (turning it to a 8vs8) (but even if thats the case I would expect scum hiding in Cypher train)
  • A Black Ajah can manipulated someones vote (but thats in my opinion to OP and thus again unlikely

@Tiger and thats what I think about Yesterday lynch after reviewing the result.

I agree the possibility of Blacks Vote being nullified in Blacks is possible, but in my opinion super weak cause it can't be effectly used for Vote manipulation.

Also through lying theme of Black Ajah, I think secretly shifting votes fits perfectly.
And as you said Black Ajah needs a Power to cancel out White Ajah passive also Points towards Vote shifting ability.

But even if take the Black Ajah Vote nullfied on Black Ajah as a potential case it Points again towards Natalija and Maerala don't you agree?
Thus we have
  • Option 1: One of the Black Ajahs secretly shifted his vote from Cypher to LG -> one of Maerala or Natalija being that Vote shifter
  • Option 2: WPK is not only double voter, but can also secretly shift his Vote -> makes only sense to hide a Black Ajah in the Cypher wagon -> WPK and at least one of Maerala, Natalija and me being scumbuddies
  • Option 3: Black Ajahs vote nullified when voting for Black Ajah -> Cypher, Maerala and Natalija being scumbuddies or Cypher and Nessos being scumbuddies

Did I miss a reasonable possibility?

And about Option 3, why risking Cypher getting lynched one Black Ajah could have just abstained or Vote someone else in Day 1?
For the last question I would like to hear a logical answer from @WolfPrinceKiba and @Tiger since they are the once advertise this option. Giving their best to shift the votes away from Maerala.

And about Cypher lynch based on the fact it ended up in RNG and iz wasn't directly redirected she is fine for now.

The train on her is Just stupid. Maerala and Natalija are better options.
That's only the case if you assume only one possibility of the many.
I pointed out all possibility and explained why the Option is the only that makes sense.

Now acting like I only assume one possibility is BS at let you really look bad.

Cypher was saved by something
Cypher was saved by RNG. The lynch wasn't completly redirected thats somehow what the most player are missing.
You're ignoring a lot of good points
Then plz list at least 3 points I didn't take into account.

I think I almost considere every possibility in these 2 posts.

I am just saying my top suspects based on the result of last DP lynch are Maerala and Natalija.

What do we know.
7 player voted for Cypher
6 player voted for LG

And it ended up with a rng between Cypher and LG.

Thats a fact.

Now we everyone knows that one of the Cypher voters had double voting power(me) and you (@WolfPrinceKiba) should be able to confirm this since you should have the same passive.

Thus we know it was actually
8 votes on Cypher
6 votes on LG

What is possible, but super unlikely
  • Cypher have a passive reducing votes on her by exactly 2
  • Cypher have a passive, when being lynched always RNG between her and 2nd in lead
  • There are multiple player with multiple vote power (making White Ajah trait quite useless)
  • Black Ajah with Vote silence ability Vote silenced me, unlikely cause it had to be me(it had to be cause of my +2 VP)

And the only other idea I can up with was Vote got secretly shifted!
Turning 6vs8 into 7vs7

Thus we get following suspects
  • One of the player in the Cypher train secretly shifted his vote -> one of @Maerala or @Natalija being Black Ajah with that ability
  • @WolfPrinceKiba secretly shifted his vote from @Go D. Usopp to LG (turning it to a 8vs8) (but even if thats the case I would expect scum hiding in Cypher train)
  • A Black Ajah can manipulated someones vote (but thats in my opinion to OP and thus again unlikely

@Tiger and thats what I think about Yesterday lynch after reviewing the result.
I agree the possibility of Blacks Vote being nullified in Blacks is possible, but in my opinion super weak cause it can't be effectly used for Vote manipulation.

Also through lying theme of Black Ajah, I think secretly shifting votes fits perfectly.
And as you said Black Ajah needs a Power to cancel out White Ajah passive also Points towards Vote shifting ability.

But even if take the Black Ajah Vote nullfied on Black Ajah as a potential case it Points again towards Natalija and Maerala don't you agree?
Thus we have
  • Option 1: One of the Black Ajahs secretly shifted his vote from Cypher to LG -> one of Maerala or Natalija being that Vote shifter
  • Option 2: WPK is not only double voter, but can also secretly shift his Vote -> makes only sense to hide a Black Ajah in the Cypher wagon -> WPK and at least one of Maerala, Natalija and me being scumbuddies
  • Option 3: Black Ajahs vote nullified when voting for Black Ajah -> Cypher, Maerala and Natalija being scumbuddies or Cypher and Nessos being scumbuddies

Did I miss a reasonable possibility?

And about Option 3, why risking Cypher getting lynched one Black Ajah could habe Just abstained or Vote someone else in Day 1?
For the last question I would like to hear a logical answer from @WolfPrinceKiba and @Tiger since they are the once advertise this option. Giving their best to shift the votes away from Maerala.

And explained quite well why I either Maerala or Natalija have to be scum based on the result.

But yeah I am eager to see the huge list possibilities and options I didn't take into account.
Frankly, the option with the greatest likelihood is that mafia have an ability to swap someone's vote.
Of the 2 posts I quoted 3rd point in swapping optioned there I also explained why it is overpowered and that I doubt it.
I mean that Black Ajah wouldn't be able to Swap, but also have his own Vote Power making it Vote Power +2.

Also again one lying about their totally fits the Black Ajah theme, don't you agree?
Then plz list at least 3 points I didn't take into account.

I think I almost considere every possibility in these 2 posts.

And explained quite well why I either Maerala or Natalija have to be scum based on the result.

But yeah I am eager to see the huge list possibilities and options I didn't take into account.

Both me and Usopp listed good points and posed good questions and you skipped over them to reiterate "I've done the math, my opinion is the best one".

You can read just fine.

Of the 2 posts I quoted 3rd point in swapping optioned there I also explained why it is overpowered and that I doubt it.
I mean that Black Ajah wouldn't be able to Swap, but also have his own Vote Power making it Vote Power +2.

Also again one lying about their totally fits the Black Ajah theme, don't you agree?

There's no "lying theme" in flavor. They just aren't beholden to the oaths.

It's not overpowered at all in this game. So *shrug* at that reasoning.

@Tiger I am waiting for the huge list of Points with which wanna try hard to protect either Maerala or Natalija or maybe even both.

Do your own work, I'm feeding a a little human breakfast. It was literally in the last hour, shouldn't be tough.
Here now and ffs are you guys rude.

To address some points:

I have no idea how I wasn't lynched, I thought I would and even said so at EoD. And I was not "saved" or whatever, it was RNG.

Whoever votes me now should be looked at after my flip since some are dropping votes without even saying why and yet none of you guys are even paying attention to this.

DDL, a confirmed Townie, even confirmed what I did and that I wasn't lying after Nitty cleared it up and you guys are ignoring this again.

So either a whole lot of you are scum or you're not even reading.
[Vote Lynch Maerala]

their posts are mechanical or flavor and i dont like the rest, also law makes a compelling case with the kvothe comparison

So what would you make of usopp and cypher?

my issue with your suggestion is the reasoning.
Legit half of this game besides the shake up from usopp telling us of red ajahs weird little chat is mechanic talk.

even now there’s mechanic talk going on. Law himself has done a good portion of it.

I'm waiting on Cooler to respond to me.

I'm also curious about @Ishmael reads, would you provide some Ish pls?
Usopp is still looking good. He’s all over the place and I love it because it’s natural.

I want to see more from others but that’s it.

I don’t cook up firm reads until the game goes further or something drastic happens.

Thank you @DDL, what you suggested helped.

You seen to be very interested in me nataly, I believe I got a @ or was quoted by you on a previous page.
@Melodie @Sigismund @Ishmael

How do you three think LG was lynched despite Cypher being ahead in votes 7-6?

Cypher was sure he was being lynched.
I’m not big or the best on mechanics. But it would have to be either a miscount or didn’t shizune say she missed coolers vote?? Something like that.

Or.. There was an ability at play. It would make sense. Someone had a larger voting power or someone had one less than what they knew.
You can't lynch, but I am not lynch immune".
was interesting but nothing happened to them as well so it wasn’t a lie


they backtracked or said it was worded wrongly or something along those lines yes?

That’s interesting because rather than directly saying it wasn’t true they chose a more loose route of denying it.
Any thoughts? I’m so eager to hear from you :blobspaz
you’re so cute

I just want to kiss ya and spread the same excitement back at ya.

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