Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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Going to fulfill the obligation as a town cause this is the role I was assigned by the host.

After this lynch it might come of use.

Cypher is telling the truth about the results she has received. She did investigate Kue and she did receive a confirmation he was telling the truth for that he is town. She also did receive the results that my message was a lie when I said that I am town.

I do not have information on whether her result on Kue is wrong, but you will see that her result on me is wrong. I also do not know her alignment.

Highly encourage the town to take Cypher on a shorter leash. Within a 48 hours phase, she attempted to kill an early pressure vote target, announced in the thread she had a lie detector, went close to apeshit with Vivo who cannot possibly be considered town-like. Asked approximately too much absolutely retarded questions about abilities and roles today to a number of players, did not understand how she disclosed her own kill ability, and, according to RemChu, asked the same stupid role question in the police chat. I feel she will do so after this post as well. Just restrain her and prevent from helping scum further. If her abilities are that valuable, they should be used wisely. And not every single detail of them or the ones targeting her spilled immediately.

It was not obvious that Alwaysmind was the one creating the committee. It would be more predictable if it was one of the mason/culting-like abilities, which seem to be a few around together with investigation-based abilities and fake alignments. With the condition that the committee must have different alignments included (hence so-called "confirmed", suspicious and inactive blended) and its owner would just silently receive the results of their investigations. There was no reason to assume that the creator of the committee was among the equal roles.

Good luck with running from grauken and rereading 72 hours after this phase.
Your claim would be much more believable had you just come out with it first day first thing. But here you are, saying that Cooler and Usopp being Millers makes sense, even. It just doesn‘t if you‘re a Miller when it says most Town roles investigate innocent in the rules. You should have gone after them.

Also, when I told you my results you accused me of having bad reading comprehension when you literally can‘t read such results wrong in any way. Even if you are a Miller, your guilty scan has nothing to do with my detect saying it‘s a lie.

Sorry, but you‘re getting lynched because 1) My results 2) you‘re inconsistent af.

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