Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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reversing effects is literally in the role description, not reversing it onto the person.

so a doctor save becomes a kill, a kill becomes a doctor save,

i can team up with our doctor one day and give them a vig shot :p
Wait, so do you reverse the ability, or do you send it back to the person who sent it originally? Or both?

Sounds awfully like you're trying to fish out who the doctor is, sister
Sounds like an ability mafia would have. Think about it, a townie power-role (Like Hayumi) gets revealed early, so you know for a fact she's getting targetted by doctors. Just figure out who the doctor is and bam, you got the townie killed using the doctor's ability.

I'm having a really hard time seeing your ability as town. Indy at best.
well you're mafia, so that's ok. feel free to nk me :D
I don't really remember being paranoid before. It's kind why I'm leaning wolf, he's not as brash or confident as he usually is IMO.
I've been brash and confident this entire game, I just don't have the energy to go ham, nor does it feel necessary currently.
I roleblocked WPK last night. Dunno if that's useful info to anyone. I just vaguely remember him being a power player back in the day so his low activity yesterday had me nervous.
Even as a power player my post counts were never high. If you're paranoid about me then you can keep wasting your RB my way, my role doesn't really do anything.
In terms on dunya vs RemChu, I don't have a strong read either way on dunya, but RemChu definition feels like his Manipulative scum self than either his unmotivated town self or his supertown self. GTH, I'd lynch RemChu over dunya atm.
ok but why don't you have a read on me. i'm feeling like i havent gotten my footing in here then i see im like 6th highest poster so wtf how are people not reading me by now. COMMIT. GTH even am i w or t?
Does anyone think abilities which mess with lie detects can be in the game?

The godfather could have an ability that circumvents all investigative abilities, including lie detects. When lie detects enter the IE series I'll have the GF be immune to them.

But having Hayumi confirm me as IC, then having you lie detect me as town, then there's someone else that can vouch for me, it's just unlikely to be me. I know that I'm town so that confirms you.

IMO, now that everyone know you are a lie detector, we should watch for players who won't say "I'm town"
Surely that would be a scum ability. If you had been redirected from Catamount to someone else by town I imagine they would have come forward unless they're not active.
I don‘t think I was redirected. I was told Catamount is lying.

I‘m just paranoid scum can mess up my results and render me useless. I feel like there‘s only a slight chance, though, because I said last day phase that it was a 1-shot.
What are your thoughts on a potential wolf in the committee? Also what do you think of Odd admitting to the AM kill?
I think RemChu could be a wolf in the committee, and it's enough members that it's statistically quite likely a wolf made it in.
ok but why don't you have a read on me. i'm feeling like i havent gotten my footing in here then i see im like 6th highest poster so wtf how are people not reading me by now. COMMIT. GTH even am i w or t?
You have good enough content but I trust that you're a very skilled player so I'm wary of your wolf game. Nothing has stood out as very wolfy or very townie reading your posts. Will have to look at your ISO in-depth later.

GTH, I'd put you town.
@WolfPrinceKiba can you give me a read list with reasons, please?
Unlikely to happen this day phase. If I'm alive next day phase, sure.
A general feeling of your tone, and how you've twisted things to make dunya come off as scummy as possible.
What did I twist. Everything i said was factual.

1. We were discussing at the same time.
2. Only one at that point who was paranoid was ussop.
3. She came in last to comment and vote. Said I have to be scum.

Everyone voted for one person I wanted a different choice. I told the people we should go with our first or 2ne choice since that was the one we all agreed on.

Of note both me and Am hard scum read Oddjutsu.

So fuck off with ur tone reading. You are obviously talking out your ass.
What did I twist. Everything i said was factual.

1. We were discussing at the same time.
2. Only one at that point who was paranoid was ussop.
3. She came in last to comment and vote. Said I have to be scum.

Everyone voted for one person I wanted a different choice. I told the people we should go with our first or 2ne choice since that was the one we all agreed on.

Of note both me and Am hard scum read Oddjutsu.

So fuck off with ur tone reading. You are obviously talking out your ass.




sorry for caps, i feel like i said that several times and you're overlooking it and keep playing the same old record <she voted last> <she wasn't there?> <she called me scum>

umm, i called you scum before the committee even started so review that.
What are your thoughts on a potential wolf in the committee? Also what do you think of Odd admitting to the AM kill?
As for Oddjutsu claiming the kill, it's a coin toss with him. Could be him being town and thinking there's legit good reason to reveal that mafia didn't kill AM, or he could open wolfing/an SK. Think the important matter here is that since Oddjutsu is very likely not being lynched today, what's the motivation for him to do this if he is scum? If wolf, he could just be diverting attention away from a teammate that's suspected on the committee like theorized already. Alternatively, he could be a tanky scum role trying to be an ability magnet so wants to draw attention and actions onto himself. Jesters a possibility as well but it would be stupid to pull this move when two mechanical lynches are already on the table.

My take is that Odd should be left alone in terms of actions, and lynched just in case somewhere down the line unless something big comes up to make him look great.

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