Game Mafiacraft (mafia wins!)

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I don't either; my preferred roles were all yoinked away before I got to see the thread.

Can't believe you're still shook from ancient games, how many games did you throw by brainlessly voting me you absolute mad lad. :jerrykek

Why do you not care whether someone votes you or not in such a small game? Don't feel like winning or figuring the game out? Pretty weird to be apathetic super early into the game considering the scale of it

Why do you have such a confident town read on WPK so early?

What made you have those town vibes to instigate a switch so quickly? You note to the person whether they believe you're too scared to keep a vote, yet you were quick to change away from kingkiller so fast

That's how you can tell it's going to be a wack game. Also don't hide like your good old mafia ways.

cause of my role but I still want to figure it out. If I get mislynched, I think it's fine anyways
Day 1 - First vote count New
Vote count

Oddjutsu - Nessos
SinRaven - Melodie > Oddjutsu
Nessos - Oddjutsu
Melodie - Lord Genome

Oddjutsu: 2
Nessos: 1
Lord Genome: 1

Self votes

Lord Genome
A Optimistic
Kvothe Kingkiller

Reminder that not voting for another player counts 2 votes toward yourself.

Day 1 ends in 10 hours and 10 minutes, at 8 AM central time.

Cooo! (Also seems a bit odd that apparently you're questioning something that Melodie, have no leads to speak of, and are instead voting Odd for OMGUS. Melodie voting for LG was clearly something of note to you so why not push that more?)

Because Shizuze said the phase is ending early in the morning. I can't wait for Melodie's reply because by the time I wake up, it's going to be Night 1.
Alright I've caught up.

@Oddjutsu Would you kindly switch your vote to someone else? I am innocent. :blobangel
Your predecessor didn't make it look that way

[Vote Lynch Oddjutsu]

A bit OMGUS but I don't want to self vote and don't really have any leads.
It is a big OMGUS, there's 8 other players you could have voted for and you don't really have leads? I thought you said you caught up...

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