Game Mafiacraft (mafia wins!)

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I won't ask you something like you don't see how that makes it even worse? That would be treating you like a town member
To be frank I honestly do not even feel bad whatsoever about the fact that Lord Genome got lynched day one. Sure it might be unintended and initially a vote I placed on him to pressure him into actually participating in the game and contributing, but he decided to throw one fluff post at the beginning of the game and never participated again. What purpose do we have of such player if he is unwilling to take part of the game? At that point he'd just be a threat regardless of his alignment due to his inactivity. Say he doesn't get lynched, would he be of worth next day phase? he has a one shot and he'd either be modblocked or modkilled, and would continue being a worthless suspicion.

If there is a townie that I wouldn't mind going away day 1, it'd be Lord Genome due to his complete inactivity
To be frank I honestly do not even feel bad whatsoever about the fact that Lord Genome got lynched day one. Sure it might be unintended and initially a vote I placed on him to pressure him into actually participating in the game and contributing, but he decided to throw one fluff post at the beginning of the game and never participated again. What purpose do we have of such player if he is unwilling to take part of the game? At that point he'd just be a threat regardless of his alignment due to his inactivity. Say he doesn't get lynched, would he be of worth next day phase? he has a one shot and he'd either be modblocked or modkilled, and would continue being a worthless suspicion.

If there is a townie that I wouldn't mind going away day 1, it'd be Lord Genome due to his complete inactivity
Not only do you not feel bad, you legitimately enjoyed it. You got your wish
Then why are you sure Infinity is mafia?

And why does Infinity being mafia exclude me from your equation?

I feel like your logic doesnt add up, as if you're making it up on the go. It also seems like you're saying you think I'm town to earn my trust
Why wouldn't I want your trust?

And I've never seen someone be more mafia than that Infinity guy

Also I don't know how exactly my powers work but they just do, how do people add up logic when it doesn't have a numerical value

But I'm not making it up on the go, all three of them set off the alarms
Cooooo! (Alright Nessos Okosan wants a comprehensive list of any/all info you gained from that LG town flip right now)
What you get is stuff like
Nessos vote on LG however was only to get himself not lynched.
Scum popping up throwing shade on me.

And the end of the DP I had the decision who gets lynched, I could have gone for Odd or Gnome or let myself get lynched.

Odd gave me Townvibes, I knew I am Town and my gute told me Gnome is scum.
If you were at my position what would you have done Oko?

Next you will jump in Melodies accusation, most likely cause your a jealous little Dove having a big and noisy Albatros in front of you. If I would be scum I would be afraid Gnome would pop up OMGUSing me, so I would have jump in the Idd train hoping someone else would also pop up following the lead of Pussy Pro Sin and Kouga thats how scum would save his ass.

Cause doing garbage pressure vote
Do you always throw pressure votes and dissappear? Never coming back to check, if the one you tried to pressure actually give a reaction? Or to change your Vote to someone you read as scum?
What you get is stuff like

Scum popping up throwing shade on me.

And the end of the DP I had the decision who gets lynched, I could have gone for Odd or Gnome or let myself get lynched.

Odd gave me Townvibes, I knew I am Town and my gute told me Gnome is scum.
If you were at my position what would you have done Oko?

Next you will jump in Melodies accusation, most likely cause your a jealous little Dove having a big and noisy Albatros in front of you. If I would be scum I would be afraid Gnome would pop up OMGUSing me, so I would have jump in the Idd train hoping someone else would also pop up following the lead of Pussy Pro Sin and Kouga thats how scum would save his ass.

Do you always throw pressure votes and dissappear? Never coming back to check, if the one you tried to pressure actually give a reaction? Or to change your Vote to someone you read as scum?
Coooo! (Okosan sees a severe lack of info gained from the LG lynch you were talking about yesterday)
COO?? (Is this in regards to what Okosan just said? Because it's true. A cop with even a mildly alright check should just immediately out. The game is unlikely to go more than a few phases anyways, so it's better to get your info out early instead of waiting and probably dying)

It was a general statement, the game has just been a bit unpleasant since InfinityG made things needlessly complicated for no reason.

I think Nessos is town considering what happened after my post. I don't know about the accusation on Melodie tho. The person who revived me is either priest, paladin, or shaman imo.

Other than that I don't have my action sadly.
I once had a role where I could post after death and it was a fucking nightmare because the townies wouldn't listen to me no matter what I did. I promise to listen to you
Sin, I suspect WPK plenty. I also there is one mafia out of the birds.

Do you always throw pressure votes and dissappear? Never coming back to check, if the one you tried to pressure actually give a reaction? Or to change your Vote to someone you read as scum?

No because I visited the thread unhealthy amount of times, saying I did not come back is dishonest because there are also posts to prove so. yea I did not come back the last couple hours of the day phase, and I never will in any phase due to timezone. Also I'm not 'blaming' or throwing 'shade' at you for the lynch on Lord Genome, pretty forced narrative considering I said very clearly that I do not mind the lynch on him whatsoever considering his attitude towards the game as evidently.

I was roleblocked last night unfortunately.

Some of you all throw out the most necessary claims and stuff in the thread for whatever unholy reason :blobfacade
I once had a role where I could post after death and it was a fucking nightmare because the townies wouldn't listen to me no matter what I did. I promise to listen to you

Well, my reads could be wrong. I don't think Infinity/Ava is scum anyways. Infinity was being so dumb for no reason like why lie about being new to mafia and then revealing it was a lie by his own accord. If someone else in the thread was like "uh no you have play mafia before" and he was caught in the lie, then I can see him as more as scum but I just saw him as a dumb townie after that. Ava's posts didn't seem scum like to me anyways.

Going down the list

1. Lord Genome, the Merchant (Town)
2. Okosan, the Shaman - Town lean
3. Oddjutsu, the Mage - Town Lean
4. A Optimistic, the Hunter - Town Lean
5. SinRaven, the Druid - Unsure/Scum lean
6. Nessos, the Warrior - Town lean
7. Kvothe Kingkiller, the Warlock (Town)
8. WolfPrinceKouga, the Rogue - Scum lean
9. Melodie, the Priest - Unsure/Town lean
10. Dragomir, the Paladin - Town lean

I'm going off of in a 10 player game there's 2 scum. I might be wrong?

There seems to be attention on WPK. I don't like how both Sin and WPK says a LG lynch would be better in terms of information or for a mislynch but won't place a vote on him.

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