Game Mafiacraft (mafia wins!)

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That ability of hers, it's not a town thing, it's not a mafia thing and it's not a warcraft thing. She played like shit being in danger of getting lynched everyday, she never helped out in town lynches, she never gave any warning about this drastically game changing ability.

I'm not buying it
You're right but I still don't wanna lynch her. I don't think she's lying about it thus we shouldn't lynch her.

But if y'all really wanna do it then go ahead. However, I want Sin to be the second leading wagon too. It has something to do with my ability.
@Melodie who do you think is Mafia? We'll have them vote for you
I have already mentioned the two. Although your lack of ability of rational thought is making a case to be a replacement of one of them. Anyway, can Dragomir and SinRaven stop being coy? Sin speaks about having ability on me but he never mentions anything about it, and now Dragmir is doing the same to SinRaven.
Well, I did everything I could this phase. Sub-optimal play the previous phases, but I tried my best this phase. This is the vote count so far if any of you feel like correcting your misplay

Vote Count:
Nessos: Melodie
Oddjutsu: Melodie
Dragomir: SinRaven
SinRaven: Nessos -> Melodie

Okosan: Self Vote
Melodie: Self Vote.

5 Votes Melodie
2 votes Okosan
1 Vote Dragomir.


fyi this means if Dragomir is the mafia he'd be only one eligible, alongside okosan for next phase voting.
I have already mentioned the two. Although your lack of ability of rational thought is making a case to be a replacement of one of them. Anyway, can Dragomir and SinRaven stop being coy? Sin speaks about having ability on me but he never mentions anything about it, and now Dragmir is doing the same to SinRaven.
My lack of rational thought? You're telling us to believe you just because we have to, that your highly unlikely horror story is real with zero evidence.

Sorry but you don't get to browbeat me
Yes you have to, for everybody's sake
I have a protective role, but can only use my ability if I get at least voted once. (Doesn't matter who votes and the Vote doesn't have to stay EoD)

Somehow got too many Towncreds Not even manage to get a Vote on me by trying to create some.salt against me.

Thats why I had to ask you last DP to vote me.

you don't have to but does it confirm sin as town or not :ahmm

This should have also answered your question. With that I gave @SinRaven the chance to remove bis Pussy image xD it also strengthen my Townread on him, I bet scum would have reacted with PTSD finding excuses to not vote me before I reveal myself.
I have a protective role, but can only use my ability if I get at least voted once. (Doesn't matter who votes and the Vote doesn't have to stay EoD)

Somehow got too many Towncreds Not even manage to get a Vote on me by trying to create some.salt against me.

Thats why I had to ask you last DP to vote me.

This should have also answered your question. With that I gave @SinRaven the chance to remove bis Pussy image xD it also strengthen my Townread on him, I bet scum would have reacted with PTSD finding excuses to not vote me before I reveal myself.
You must have been happy when I voted for you first thing in the game
I have a protective role, but can only use my ability if I get at least voted once. (Doesn't matter who votes and the Vote doesn't have to stay EoD)

Somehow got too many Towncreds Not even manage to get a Vote on me by trying to create some.salt against me.

Thats why I had to ask you last DP to vote me.

This should have also answered your question. With that I gave @SinRaven the chance to remove bis Pussy image xD it also strengthen my Townread on him, I bet scum would have reacted with PTSD finding excuses to not vote me before I reveal myself.

iiii somewhat wish you didn't reveal it because if melodies isn't scum, they are not going to go after you. I just want to know if it would confirm sin or not.

This also doesn't confirm sin for me so meh.
I feel like we should pressure Dragomir into voting Melodie.

Him not voting Melodie could mean two things:

-Hes her scumbuddy and this is their gambit to win
-He is mafia and knows she is speaking the truth and doesnt want to lose his voting power

Other option is he is town but then Nessos or Oddjutsu is lying which I dont find likely

Either way
Also Odd could just Vote Dragomir instead of Melodie so we don't have the risk that majority switches.
I like this way more. Not only for my own safety, but this gives less opportunity to mess with the lynch for mafia. Still if Melodie and Drago are working together (leaning towards this te more I think tbh) then they could still just switch to Okosan so Oko should vote someone as well to be safe
Day 3 - Melodie is lynched New
Vote count

Nessos - Melodie
Oddjutsu - Melodie > SinRaven > Melodie
Dragomir - SinRaven
SinRaven - Nessos > Melodie > Nessos
Okosan - Dragomir > Melodie

Melodie - 3
SinRaven - 1
Nessos - 1

Self votes


Melodie the Priest was lynched. As a consequence, Nessos, Oddjutsu and Okosan are vote silenced tomorrow.



alignment: innocent
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

“It is faith in ourselves that separates us from others, and with our powers, we will cause great change in all of Azeroth. The weak will come to lean on you. The lepers will call you Lord. And the ignorant will look to you for guidance.”

[Passive - Virtue] - The beloved Priest requires an extra vote to be lynched. If the Priest is lynched, everyone who voted for her will be shamed, vote silencing them for the following day.

Night 3 start. No more posting.
Game end New
Game over. The Mafia (WolfPrinceKouga and SinRaven) win!

I'm ending the game a little bit early because the mafia's victory has become inevitable, and there's no point waiting out the remaining phases.

Sin sent in a kill on Dragomir tonight, which means tomorrow Sin will be the only person not vote silenced by Melodie's passive. Regardless of who Sin chooses to lynch and kill in the next two phases, there will be only one town player alive to match him the following day, and Sin is a double voter so when that happens he will again have sole control over the lynch.

Thank you all for playing. Please take a loot at my upcoming League of Legends game and consider signing up.

I'll post the remaining roles shortly.
Roles New
SinRaven's role:


alignment: guilty
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your mafia

“We are the preservers of the balance, now and forever, as Malfurion lies in the Dreaming. Never forget this.”

[Passive - Mark of the Wild] - The Druid enchanted her own vote, granting her a voting power of 2.

[One Shot Active - Starfire] - If the Druid performs the faction kill, she can empower her attack with lunar magic, upgrading it to a superkill and janitoring her victim's role.

Kvothe Kingkiller's role:


alignment: innocent
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

“Behold those who have power, and who are not afraid to wield it. Behold... the warlocks!”

[One Shot Active - Death Coil] - The Warlock can permanently sacrifice his own voting power to permanently role crush another player.

Oddjutsu's role:


alignment: innocent
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

“Bein' a mage means knowin' power can flow in more than one direction.”

[One Shot Active - Polymorph] - The Mage can transfigure another player into a sheep, roleblocking them for that night.

[One Shot Active - Ice Barrier] - The Mage can shield another player, protecting them against kills for that night.

Nessos role:


alignment: innocent
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

“Now, watch them attack me. Pitiful! Do they think to take vengeance for their fallen? Do they come to challenge ME? I, who have won a hundred wars? I, who stood alone against thousands and still shouted for my enemies to come? No, they will crumple before me like paper before the flame!”

[Passive - Bloodlust] - If another player votes to lynch the Warrior, he will become enraged, protecting him against kills for that night.

Dragomir's role:


alignment: innocent
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

“In all things, paladins must reflect the Light, which supplements our strength. To strive to be divine for one of our kind does not mean we strive for godhood--we strive to be good in all actions. Although called upon to smite evil in these harsh times, you must always remember that it's aiding others that will truly set you apart from the other citizens. Compassion, patience, bravery--these things mean as much to a paladin as strength in battle.”

[One Shot Active - Judgment] - During the night, the Paladin can smite the player who had the second most lynch votes during the day, killing them.

Okosan's role:


alignment: innocent
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

“Know this: a shaman must never demand power; to do so would arouse the anger of the elements, and a shaman without the elements' protection is nothing.”

[One Shot Active - Ancestral Guidance] - The Shaman can conjure the spirit of a dead innocent player, enabling them to continue posting until the Shaman dies.
I was a double voter so I couldn't switch to Dragomir, because I really needed Melodie to be lynched so I could control the lynch with people their votes being stolen
We knew Melodies ability since we stalked her night one. We wanted to use it to copy it to save WPK but couldn't use it during the day.

I played terrible dayphase two, gave in to my nerves and switched votes to WPK early, which put us in a bad spot and basically sealed his lynch.

My plan was to leave Melodie alive and have her by lynched and I initially wanted to do that by claiming guilty on her, but I waited for her to show up and she immediately claimed her ability so I figured claiming guilty on her wouldn't help the situation. Luckily town was wary and still switched on her.

I was a real pussy for the most part of this game and honestly feel very lucky winning this.

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