Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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Context: Plat is called the 'Prince of Hope', so he was soft hinting PRINCE Arthas

Yep. Thanks for letting lg know :maybe.

Please don't vote stack on me WAD, I have a passive that lynches the first person who votes for me, as it is treason against the crown.

[Passive – The Crown Prince] – Arthas is the heir to the human nation Lordaeron. If he’s lynched, the player who casted the first vote against him will be found guilty of treason and lynched instead

I haven't been dk'd yet, and I'm not sure if I still can be with the lich King dead, but I'm still being cautious.
save me again kil'jaeden
Yep. Thanks for letting lg know :maybe.

Please don't vote stack on me WAD, I have a passive that lynches the first person who votes for me, as it is treason against the crown.

[Passive – The Crown Prince] – Arthas is the heir to the human nation Lordaeron. If he’s lynched, the player who casted the first vote against him will be found guilty of treason and lynched instead

I haven't been dk'd yet, and I'm not sure if I still can be with the lich King dead, but I'm still being cautious.
I've considered it.

There's gotta be a reason why Arthas said fuck off to his homey so.

No clue who has the book tbh
But I doubt it would work against Melodie.

I had to dissolve the silver hand to get access to kill shots. I've been quiet, cause I didn't want the lich King to find me. So, when, it turned out Uther was an inactifag and we killed ww, I figured it was the right time to make that move.
I had to dissolve the silver hand to get access to kill shots. I've been quiet, cause I didn't want the lich King to find me. So, when, it turned out Uther was an inactifag and we killed ww, I figured it was the right time to make that move.

Didn't you only do that after Nerzhul died you mean :thunk

I am starting to suspect one them not being who I think they are....especially the one holding ashbringer....


If only two Silver Hand paladins are left...

And it's Mograine and Arthas...

And you're neither....

Who the fuck are YOU? :drake
2. Legend (Forsaken)
7. SinRaven - Kirin Tor/Council

8. Platinum - Arthas
9. Nighty - Jubei'Thos
10. Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
13. Dr. White (Silver Hand)
14. Franky (Silver Hand...forgot role name)
15. WAD (Archmage Modera)
16. Evil C.C. - Farstrider
17. Superman - Claimed Silver Hand?
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer - Kirin Tor/Council
19. Mr. Waffles
21. Nello
- Innocent by investigation?
22. Shark Skin - Claimed Town
23. Lord Genome (Sylvanas Windrunner)
24. Melodie (Kel'Thuzad)
25. Cooler - Probably Wildhammer?
26. Dragon D. Luffy - Kirin Tor/Council

correct me if im wrong about any of this or if anyone has any other info to fill in
Unaccounted for roles:

1-3. Three other Kirin Tor members, including Jaina. (The Council has Six, Jaina took my spot when I was temporarily dead)

4. Falstad Wildhammer

5. Thadius Grimshade

6. Mograine.

7. Mal'Ganis

Do you guys see the problem????

There's six people whose roles we DO NOT know.

But there are SEVEN roles unaccounted for.


I'm part of the town faction. :canttouchthis


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I am of the opinion that if you hint a role you might as well claim it already because mafia can catch the hints too.

no ones really hinted jaina (except nello lol)

point is among those bolded, theres 3 people who are obviously in the council

obviously 1 of those 3 is jaina

no need to whittle it down more

claiming isnt gonna solve anything right now

cause the numbers simply arent adding up

somethings awry

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You sadden me.
Here I thought you'd see, but you blind as a bat.

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