Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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because I'm town I'll theorise with you

Melodie is straight up a ghost with zero ability to influence the game via actions similar to katsuargi

so can't be killed but can't kill u

or you need a holy sword to deal the death blow

@Superman do the deed :ufdup

I'm almost certain MelKel died and is now a spooky ghost with ghost powers waiting to be ressurrected :juubisquint

Ok but

1. Do you think Melodie is the only one in her faction or has she recruited cultists despite no action indicating it?

2. If she's alone, and a ghost, how is it fair that she can still send in FACTION KILLS with impunity?
Ok but

1. Do you think Melodie is the only one in her faction or has she recruited cultists despite no action indicating it?

2. If she's alone, and a ghost, how is it fair that she can still send in FACTION KILLS with impunity?


I actually did not even see that faction kill

yeah that's sort of a wrench in my theory

so lets default to "needs to be killed by a holy sword"

we already tried ashbringer, it's time for the other option
Maybe Arthas has already become a DK in secret and he's the one who sent in the faction kill

I've considered it.

There's gotta be a reason why Arthas said fuck off to his homey so.


@WADsworth the Wise any idea who has the book? It may be possible to just rolecrush her and she'll die immidiately since whatever is keeping her a ghost is gone?

Also @WolfPrinceKouga and @Dragon D. Luffy do either of you have any idea what to do about melthuzod?

No clue who has the book tbh
But I doubt it would work against Melodie.
So tell me

Give me any tinfoil

How do we remove Melodie from play

I've exhausted myself over this dilemma

Because by all accounts Nighty should be dead before the phase ends

And we will need to lynch someone else

Won't be Melodie, might be lg

But what do we do about Melodie

My money is that it is something that happens automatically once some event is triggered.
If you do that you better not disappoint us with the results

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