Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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Alexandros Mograine has resurrected WolfPrinceKiba (Archmage Arugal)!

Alexandros Mograine attempted to use The Ashbringer to superkill [???], but the sword passed right through him as if he weren't there!

also going by this writeup it looks like mograine tried to finish off melodie since she got a similar writeup for the lynch of being a spOooOOoOky ghost

mograine should just kill nighty tbh tbf
see here's what is interesting to me

i think dr white is a paladin, this makes sense for the context of him defending katsuargi from me on D1

but if he's accusing you guys...ur not fellow paladins/silver hand

u are also not far striders because none of u called out white wolf on BSing

so the only options left are Kirin tor/council and wildhammer

But the thing is I think there is only one more wildhammer

there should be also 3 more unaccounted for Kirin tor but none of u have indicated any knowledge of being so throughout the game :thunk
2. Legend (Forsaken)
5. Shiny (Claimed Wildhammer)
7. SinRaven
8. Platinum
9. Nighty

10. Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
13. Dr. White (Innocent undetermined role)
14. Franky (Silver Hand...forgot role name)
15. WAD (Archmage Modera)
16. Evil C.C. - Cleared by Alwaysmind (HELLA GRAIN OF SALT)
17. Superman
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer
19. Mr. Waffles

21. Nello - Innocent by investigation
22. Shark Skin - Claimed Town
23. Lord Genome (Sylvanas Windrunner)
24. Melodie (Kel'Thuzad)
25. Cooler
26. Dragon D. Luffy - Kirin Tor

correct me if im wrong about any of this or if anyone has any other info to fill in

in that list is:

1-5. Five other Kirin Tor members, including Jaina. (The Council has Six, Jaina took my spot when I was temporarily dead)

6. Falstad Wildhammer

7. Thadius Grimshade

8. Arthas.

9. Mograine.

10. Jubei'Thos

11. Mal'Ganis

someone update this

also those were 12 players without roles attached and shiny's wildhammer guy whose name i immediately forgot was not falstad or Thadius

so those are 100% the remaining roles
Left me off because you believe I'm town or just forgot?
Forgot but willing to give you some BOD > Waffles, Nello, and Plat.
What are you gonna do if nighty flips mcgrundy :dank
She won't.
someone update this

also those were 12 players without roles attached and shiny's wildhammer guy whose name i immediately forgot was not falstad or Thadius

so those are 100% the remaining roles
slightly inaccurate. So you gonna explain why you cucked the lynch off of nighty? Were you converted by Blackrock?
Forgot but willing to give you some BOD > Waffles, Nello, and Plat.

She won't.

slightly inaccurate. So you gonna explain why you cucked the lynch off of nighty? Were you converted by Blackrock?

what's inaccurate about the previous list

and cuz i wanted to see if we could get rid of Melodie that way so I was going for the big play

but also i wanted to flex/prove I could vote stack :dank

also i was in full YOLO mode due to the events of the day phase :dank
what's inaccurate about the previous list

and cuz i wanted to see if we could get rid of Melodie that way so I was going for the big play

but also i wanted to flex/prove I could vote stack :dank

also i was in full YOLO mode due to the events of the day phase :dank
Things...I'm not about to single out who the actual vig is :dank

Well yeah in light of recent events that makes the play look even more sus. You didn't answer the question of if you got converted :dank
Things...I'm not about to single out who the actual vig is :dank

Well yeah in light of recent events that makes the play look even more sus. You didn't answer the question of if you got converted :dank

cuz it's not a smart assumption, where was there even an indication I got converted :dank

lg and legend got killed by jubei thos and came back as forsaken

i got killed and was dead for a while then came back but because i fucked with time in order to return my position in time is unstable, which caused me to lose my previous powers but now i can vote stack :dank
My current fear/tinfoil is the Cult of the Damned is literally a cult and they have been recruiting people every night (without it showing in a writeup).

But they also have a faction kill...but it hasn't always happened every night so I'm confused as fuck. Melodie has also indicated she's no longer playing but she could be trolling so I'm super confused. Her role and that faction irritates me to no end and has effectively tilted me since D1 :dank
1. My role is Archmage Modera...I indicated it on the player list and I announced I was going to reset time before she showed in a writeup...resetting time. So unless you want to think I'm wearing Archmage Modera as a skin (because I'm Kil'Jaeden
) you should assume that's my role.
That's cool, but what does that have to do conversion? Your previous role alignment is kinda irrelevant.

2. The Forsaken was not a faction. There was no listed independents prior to their reanimation.
Are you sure? @Nitty Scott can you confirm?

Even if that means...
- They were converted into a new faction, ala not there same roles. So why are you different and just came back as good as new?
- They were roles that could come back as their forsaken selves in which mafia just happen to hit perfectly...

3. Yes, Melodie had been killed/lynched before (in separate timelines) but because she was still playing I was wondering if in order to get rid of her for good she just had to be killed or lynched again. In retrospect I should have maybe assumed that Mograine went after her instead of Nighty (which was dumb) last day phase, given the whole being a spectre thing didn't make sense for Jubei'Thos.
So seeing as Mel has been relatively queit in the game besides just existing, why wouldn't you just wait? If it was dumb for Mograine to go after Mel a second time, why wouldn't it be dumb to lynch her a second time despite your theory being her needing to be killed or lynched twice?

Also my knowledge of the remaining roles is from simple deduction...and tracking who has shown up in writeups and cross referencing them with the players left in the game.
Quite possible, but it is conversly possible that you know the roles cause..they are your homies.
"While Cultists aspire to become Undead, they remain alive because: 1. Undeath is considered an honor one must earn, 2. living beings are useful to the Lich King for their ability to spy in living Horde or Alliance settlements, and recruit powerful individuals from among the living, either into the Cult or the Scourge."
Hmmm, low laying players that could have been converted pretty much bring be back to my list of Plat, Waffles, and Cooler, with wildcards in Sin and Nello.
That's cool, but what does that have to do conversion? Your previous role alignment is kinda irrelevant.

Again, what indication is there at all that I was converted? :dank

Mind you the first thing I did when I came back was go hard on Santi/Ner'zhul.

Are you sure? @Nitty Scott can you confirm?

Even if that means...
- They were converted into a new faction, ala not there same roles. So why are you different and just came back as good as new?
- They were roles that could come back as their forsaken selves in which mafia just happen to hit perfectly...

But I'm not as good as new. I am literally only a vote stacker now.

Also they came back as Forsaken because LG's role is literally the Forsaken faction leader once she is raised as Undead in the storyline (well first she's Arthas's bitch but manages to break control eventually) so I'm guessing as the leader she was able to secure the loyalty of her Farstrider underling even in death.

As for me, that was part of my role. The first time I die I am removed from play for two cycles, the remainder of the day phase gets skipped (as it was), and the night write-up does not exist, and ic one back as I am now.

So, yeah I guess Jubei'Thos's sacrifices were unlucky?

So seeing as Mel has been relatively queit in the game besides just existing, why wouldn't you just wait? If it was dumb for Mograine to go after Mel a second time, why wouldn't it be dumb to lynch her a second time despite your theory being her needing to be killed or lynched twice?

Wait for what? I mean we haven't seen Kel'Thuzad do anything since the timeline reset but her faction (of which I was operating under the belief she's the only one in) is out there killing peeps. Also I legit wasn't thinking straight and didn't consider it was her Mograine tried to kill. I also considered it could have maybe been LG/Sylvanas. But I also didn't really care too much yesterday and wanted to prove I was a vote stacker.

Quite possible, but it is conversly possible that you know the roles cause..they are your homies.

Nah. Anyone who has put in half as much effort into the game as me should have been able to make that list, so I'm just gonna begrudgingly grumble that townies need to step up, because right now I think we are on track to lose if all it takes for scum to win is to hit one valuable target.

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