Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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1. Stelios (Lachlan MacGraff) (Generic Forsaken)
2. Legend (Nathanos Blightcaller)
3. WolfPrinceKiba (Archmage Arugal)
4. Santi (Ner'zhul)
5. Shiny (Kurdran Wildhammer)
6. White Wolf (Tichondrius)
7. SinRaven Jaina Proudmoore
8. Platinum (Arthas Menethil)
9. Nighty (Jubei'Thos)
10. Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
11. Alwaysmind (Halduron Brightwing)
12. Hyperion101 (Renthar Hawkspear)
13. Dr. White (Deathlord Mograine)
14. Franky (Admiral Barean Westwind) Mal'gains
15. WAD (Archmage Modera)
16. Evil C.C. Farstrider
17. Superman Sir Morgan Ladimore
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer Ansirem Runeweaver
19. Mr. Waffles Falstad Wildhammer
20. Satsuki (Uther Lightbringer)
21. Nello Stormcaller Mylra
22. Shark Skin cultist
23. Lord Genome (Sylvanas Windrunner)
24. Melodie (Kel'Thuzad)
25. Cooler Thadius Grimshade
26. Dragon D. Luffy Archmage Antonidas

There you go complete list.
Saidan Dathrohan used The Ashbringer to superkill Shark Skin (Dar'Khan Drathir)!

Nitty Scott said:
Dar’Khan Drathir
The Traitor
faction: Cult Of The Damned
wincon: eliminate everyone outside of the Cult and the Scourge

“Then I shall become a god to Azeroth! No one else deserves its power more than I! No more will I be twisted or forced to bow to the power of another! I shall make even my dear Lord Arthas kneel to me!”

[Passive – From Light To Darkness] – If Arthas Menethil, Morgan Ladimore or Alexandros Mograine die, they will be risen as members of the Cult. This ability was redacted from Ner'zhul's role and bestowed upon his loyalists.

[Passive - Dark Covenant] - The cultists can communicate outside the thread and perform a faction kill each night.

[Passive – Betrayal] – If Arthas becomes corrupted Dar’Khan will help him invade Quel’Thalas, making Sylvanas Windrunner vulnerable.

[Passive – Illusionist] – Dar’Khan uses magic to disguise himself, making him immune to watchers and trackers and allowing him to scan innocent to investigations.

[Passive – Cheat Death] – Dar’Khan will fake his own death if he is attacked. He has 3 lives.

[One Shot Active – Vanish] – Dar’Khan casts an illusion over the game, changing that night’s writeup to add or remove anything he wants.

[Active – Silvermoon City Records] – As a former magister, Dar’Khan has stolen copies of government documents. Each night he can search the census for another player’s name, learning their faction.

[Active – Curse Of Tongues] – Dar’Khan can bewitch another player each day, placing them under a posting restriction of his choosing.

The last mastermind behind the Cult has fallen. The Cult Of The Damned has been defeated.

Patchwerk...wants to play...
Franky (Mal'Ganis) has been lynched!

Nitty Scott said:
The Dreadlord
faction: The Burning Legion
wincon: eliminate the Alliance

“As you can see, your people are now mine. I will now turn this city household by household, until the flame of life has been snuffed out... forever.”

[Passive – Demonic Master] – Mal’Ganis knows the identities of his servants, Jubei’Thos and Ner’zhul.

[Passive – Nathrezim] – Mal’Ganis knows Tichondrious’s identity and can communicate with him outside the thread.

[Passive – Soul Preservation] – If Mal’Ganis dies his spirit will persist in his aggressor’s body, causing them to scan guilty to investigations. Abilities targeting Mal'Ganis are redirected to his vessel. Mal’Ganis’s role is janitored and he loses his abilities, but he can continue posting and has a voting power of 1. Mal’Ganis can still communicate with Tichondrious and dies permanently if his vessel or Tichondrious dies.

[Passive – Shapeshifter] – Mal’Ganis has infiltrated the Knights Of The Silver Hand disguised as the paladin Barean Westwind and can communicate with them outside the thread.

[Passive – Grand Admiral Of The Scarlet Fleet] – Stormwind City built a monument to commemorate Barean’s decorated career. Mal’Ganis has a voting power of 3 and scans innocent to investigations. Players who target Mal’Ganis with any ability will also investigate him, learning that he is innocent.

[One Shot Active – Templar’s Verdict] – Mal’Ganis can post a fake lie detection of his choosing under the alias Barean Westwind.

[One Shot Active – Sew Abomination] – Mal’Ganis stitches the corpses of 4 dead players into an abomination. All 4 players will return with one of their abilities as members of Ner’zhul’s mafia. They cannot vote, but Ner’zhul gains +1 voting power. The abomination can perform a faction kill for Ner’zhul each night, and Ner’zhul will send a message to the Cult to protect the abomination. If one of the 4 players dies again, the abomination will fall apart causing all 4 players to return to the grave and Ner’zhul to lose his +1 voting power.

[Active – Mind Control] – Mal’Ganis bends another player to his will, redirecting their actions to a target of his choosing that night.

Without Mal'Ganis's necromantic magic, his pet Abomination sewn from the corpses of WAD, Shiny, Stelios and Alwaysmind has returned to the grave.

Nitty Scott said:
The Abomination
faction: The Burning Legion
wincon: eliminate the Alliance

[Passive - Slow] - Abilities targeting the abomination are delayed by 1 phase.

[Active - Ranger] - The abomination can track 1 person each night.

[Active - Fire And Water] - The abomination can either protect or roleblock one person each night.

[Active - The Sons Of Lothar] - The abomination can learn another person's alignment each night.

The Grand Alliance between the high elves of Quel'Thalas, the dwarves of Aerie Peak and the humans of Lordaeron has won the game!


Light's Hope Chapel
Quel'Lithien Lodge
The Human Expedition

The Twisting Nether
The Infected Granary

So like.

@Nitty Scott

You were the one who said I could still defend myself within the lore.

Then you end the phase an hour and a half early. And I don't get to argue my case.



I can't begin to tell you how fucking whack that is.

Like even the town has to admit, that's some BS. :dank

Katsuargi alone was literally at like 6 or 7 voting power, DDL had like 4 lives and 2 voting power, Superman was a bulletproof doctor, Nello was a dual doctor/roleblocker, I could go on


I'm sorry Franky, you played a good game
Also Sin would have made this really unwinnable for you in the coming phases

Nitty Scott said:
Jaina Proudmoore
Special Agent
faction: The Kirin Tor
wincon: eliminate all threats to the Alliance

“All I ever wanted was to study.”

[Passive – Apprentice] – Jaina studies under the Council Of Six. If a councilmember dies, Jaina will replace them on the Council.

[One Shot Passive – Invisibility] – If Jaina is targeted with a kill she will become invisible to her attacker. The kill will be redirected to the last person that targeted Jaina, and the attacker cannot target Jaina again for the rest of the game.

[Passive – The Founding Of Theramore] – Jaina will rally the fleeing survivors of Lordaeron under her banner. When only one person remains in an Alliance faction, Jaina will become masons with them. Jaina gains +1 voting power for each player she recruits.

[Active – Transmutation] – Jaina manipulates time and space to swap two people with each other. That night, actions targeting one player will be redirected to the other and vice verse.

@Ultimate Deathsaurer
@Nitty Scott

I'm not mad I lost. I'm a little salty about being cut off with an hour to go, but that's not even a big deal.

It was a good game. I enjoyed it. So I don't mind losing. Just a little salty.

But that too is alright. I'm a salty guy. :dank

I understand why it was cut off though, well played Town, hopefully next time I'm scum my partner doesn't auto-admit to giving away dark power on Day One 2.0. :dank
@Ultimate Deathsaurer
@Nitty Scott

I'm not mad I lost. I'm a little salty about being cut off with an hour to go, but that's not even a big deal.

It was a good game. I enjoyed it. So I don't mind losing. Just a little salty.

But that too is alright. I'm a salty guy. :dank

I understand why it was cut off though, well played Town, hopefully next time I'm scum my partner doesn't auto-admit to giving away dark power on Day One 2.0. :dank



"that...doesnt sound very all...what faction are you"

"i an elf :dank"

Greatest Highlights (in no order)

-LG thinking he's gonna make shit hit the fan by killing Arthas and he actually solves a major puzzle piece for town.
-Shark Skin breaking his 5-year truth meta
-White Wolf: "I am a cosmic alien offering you dark power...also I'm an Elf :dank"
-Santi: "I am Chromie"
-Franky "You really think I'm Mal'Ganis? That's fucking retarded" (Franky[Mal'Ganis] has been lynched)
-My proving my vote stack saving Nighty and wasting a lynch on Melodie
-My tearful suicide, going off into the Twisting Nether with Nighty :catsalutears

Am I missing anything :thunk
Greatest Highlights (in no order)

-LG thinking he's gonna make shit hit the fan by killing Arthas and he actually solves a major puzzle piece for town.
-Shark Skin breaking his 5-year truth meta
-White Wolf: "I am a cosmic alien offering you dark power...also I'm an Elf :dank"
-Santi: "I am Chromie"
-Franky "You really think I'm Mal'Ganis? That's fucking retarded" (Franky[Mal'Ganis] has been lynched)
-My proving my vote stack saving Nighty and wasting a lynch on Melodie
-My tearful suicide, going off into the Twisting Nether with Nighty :catsalutears

Am I missing anything :thunk

You being revived multiple times while yearning for death?
Greatest Highlights (in no order)

-LG thinking he's gonna make shit hit the fan by killing Arthas and he actually solves a major puzzle piece for town.
-Shark Skin breaking his 5-year truth meta
-White Wolf: "I am a cosmic alien offering you dark power...also I'm an Elf :dank"
-Santi: "I am Chromie"
-Franky "You really think I'm Mal'Ganis? That's fucking retarded" (Franky[Mal'Ganis] has been lynched)
-My proving my vote stack saving Nighty and wasting a lynch on Melodie
-My tearful suicide, going off into the Twisting Nether with Nighty :catsalutears

Am I missing anything :thunk
My murk skills killing Mel, and LG/confirming nighty as scum :cat
Okay, game is over and i'm dumb.

So... fuck you LG and suck a butt.

Secondly, I played my game so optimally, i'm proud, even if I got fucked in the end by gaynome.

I was town. I had lynch immunity as prince Arthas, and the ability to become a vigilante at the cost of dissolving the silver hand and showing guilty to investigations.

I waited and waited, not doing anything as I thought the silver hand was being useful behind the scenes, and thought people would investigate me early... and then, the second I feel it is right to make my play, of course I get faction killed by the stupid cult remnants and converted the same night :giogio.

Thought I was kind of in the clear of that after Santi was got :catroll.

My mistake was playing as a town vigilante first and going after alwaysmind, who i suspected, instead of legend.

But now that I see I never had a chance to win because, for some reason, Sylvanas had the ability to be immune to everything until she decided to kill me... well, that kind of sucks.

Still had fun though.
The Forsaken were hella underpowered

Fuck that.

[One Shot Active – Poisoned Arrow] – Sylvanas fires her specially prepared poisoned arrow at another player, role crushing them.

[One Shot Active – Wind Walk] – Sylvanas merges with the shadows and goes into hiding. While hiding, Sylvanas cannot vote, be lynched or be targeted by any abilities. Wind Walk ends when Sylvanas uses another ability.

How was I ever supposed to kill your faction with that combination of power?
Here is my role

Ansirem Runeweaver
The Professor
faction: The Kirin Tor
wincon: eliminate all threats to the Alliance

“Archmage Ataeric has been rushing his students through training and sending me thick-skulled nincompoops who can scarcely conjure their own drink! If I'm to expect these buffoons to do the work of skilled magi, then woe that this boy couldn't handle a simple errand.”

[Passive – Council Of Six] – Ansirem helps govern the Kirin Tor. During the day he may be called upon to vote for who the Council should investigate.

[Passive – Counterspell] – Ansirem is a renowned duelist. If Ansirem is roleblocked, he will reflect the roleblock back at its user.

[Active – Mind Soothe] – Each night Ansirem sends another player into a magical stupor, reducing their voting power to 1 for the next 2 days.

[One Shot Active – Blizzard] – Ansirem rains gigantic chunks of ice on the game, stopping the lynch.

As I said the only way I could confirm myself via write up would have wasted the entire day.
Fuck that.

[One Shot Active – Poisoned Arrow] – Sylvanas fires her specially prepared poisoned arrow at another player, role crushing them.

[One Shot Active – Wind Walk] – Sylvanas merges with the shadows and goes into hiding. While hiding, Sylvanas cannot vote, be lynched or be targeted by any abilities. Wind Walk ends when Sylvanas uses another ability.

How was I ever supposed to kill your faction with that combination of power?
I was underpowered

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