Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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Saidan Dathrohan superkilled Dr. White (Deathlord Mograine)!

Nitty Scott said:
Deathlord Mograine
Champion of the Scourge
faction: The Cult Of The Damned
wincon: eliminate everyone outside of the Cult

“Life is meaningless. It is in death that we are truly tested.”

[Artifact – The Corrupted Ashbringer] – This weapon of the Light has been twisted into a force of evil that Mograine can use to perform a faction kill each night. If Mograine returns to the grave, the Silver Hand will recover this artifact.

[Passive – Mark Of The Horseman] – Mograine’s shadow magic devours everything it touches. Actions targeting Mograine are turned into roleblocks. If Mograine is roleblocked, the user will be marked. Marked players cannot target Mograine again and his kills against them are upgraded to superkills. Mograine learns who is marked.

The former Silver Hand paladins have reclaimed The Ashbringer and purified it of its unholy taint.

Archmage Antonidas animated an aquatic guardian, gaining a life.
No...because I thought...the Cultists...already had their members...from the start...

And Mograine...was clearly town...for a while...

So not only...are they a mafia...but they are...actually also...a cult...
I don't think they're a cult as in the don't recruit their members.

Nitty is a fan of roles with hidden parts that change part of the role or even it's entire role and alignment. Probably once certain conditions were met the old Mograine became the Death knight Mograine.

Anyone with lore knowledge know which other characters are capable of changing their entire allegiance?
Updated the list. Sorted it a little better. Filled in the paladin names.

Marked the people that were dead and have been revived.

2. Legend (Nathanos Blightcaller)
3. WolfPrinceKiba (Archmage Arugal)
4. Santi (Ner'zhul)
6. White Wolf (Tichondrius)
8. Platinum (Arthas Menethil)
9. Nighty (Jubei'Thos)
10. Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
12. Hyperion101 (Renthar Hawkspear)
23. Lord Genome (Sylvanas Windrunner)
24. Melodie (Kel'Thuzad)
16. Evil C.C. (Farstrider)
21. Nello (Stormcaller Mylra)
19. Mr. Waffles (Wildhammer)
26. Dragon D. Luffy (Kirin Tor)
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer (Kirin Tor)
7. SinRaven (Kirin Tor)
17. Superman (Sir Morgan Ladimore)(Paladin)
14. Franky (Admiral Barean Westwind)(Paladin)
Dr. White (Highlord Alexandros Mograine)(Paladin)
15. WAD (Archmage Modera) (Dead, revived)
1. Stelios (Lachlan MacGraff)(Generic Forsaken) (Dead, revived)
5. Shiny (Kurdran Wildhammer) (Dead, Revived)
11. Alwaysmind (Halduron Brightwing)(Dead, Revived.)

Shark Skin
25. Cooler
You finally...broke your...truth meta...earlier then...

I am...sad...
Yes. I'm sorry WAD-kun:catcry

You don't know how much it pained me to do so. But you caught Mel early and it'd been so long since I had last played that I didn't want to just give myself up early. And sure I could have lurked and barely meet post requirements, but that wouldn't have been much fun. Not that I did much anyway:hurr
Yes. I'm sorry WAD-kun:catcry

You don't know how much it pained me to do so. But you caught Mel early and it'd been so long since I had last played that I didn't want to just give myself up early. And sure I could have lurked and barely meet post requirements, but that wouldn't have been much fun. Not that I did much anyway:hurr

You have form...

Shark Skin...Unlimited...
Oh? Someone has a grudge against the Burning Legion?
I was targeted by White Wolf earlier in the game, so yes. He may have even cost me a recruit because of it. But I won't say much. The last Burning Legion most definitely is a traitor. I have reason to believe that the assumption that this person became a traitor early in the game. As a matter of fact I may have even targeted him myself.
all i m going to say is you bitches have some nerve killing the grand shaman , reviving him as forsaken , sacrificing him and then reviving him again :ufdup

What any of you thinks of Dr.white and Cooler?

Reminds me of a DnD session I had last month where we killed a bloodhound and our idiot Tieflig revived him to have it bound to his will. He was revived, wasn't able to be bound to his will, then the bloodhound killed us and was killed again the next session by the guy who was absent that day.

The entire campaign was in jeopardy 3 sessions in.
He did...

It's...the end...of an era...

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