Game Warcraft III: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Alliance wins!)

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1. Stelios (Lachlan MacGraff) (Generic Forsaken)
2. Legend (Nathanos Blightcaller)
3. WolfPrinceKiba (Archmage Arugal)
4. Santi (Ner'zhul)
5. Shiny (Kurdran Wildhammer)
6. White Wolf (Tichondrius)
8. Platinum (Arthas Menethil)
9. Nighty (Jubei'Thos)
10. Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
11. Alwaysmind (Halduron Brightwing)
12. Hyperion101 (Renthar Hawkspear)
13. Dr. White (Paladin)
Franky (Paladin)
WAD (Archmage Modera)
20. Satsuki (Uther Lightbringer)
23. Lord Genome (Sylvanas Windrunner)
24. Melodie (Kel'Thuzad)
17. Superman (Paladin)
26. Dragon D. Luffy (Kirin Tor)
16. Evil C.C. (Farstrider)
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer (Kirin Tor)
19. Mr. Waffles (Wildhammer)
21. Nello (Stormcaller Mylra)
22. Shark Skin
7. SinRaven (Kirin Tor)

Is there anything more to add to this list?
1. Stelios (Lachlan MacGraff) (Generic Forsaken)
WolfPrinceKiba (Archmage Arugal)
Shiny (Kurdran Wildhammer)
Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
11. Alwaysmind (Halduron Brightwing)
12. Hyperion101 (Renthar Hawkspear)
15. WAD (Archmage Modera)
20. Satsuki (Uther Lightbringer)

Okay these are the revealed town roles. In theory there are 9 hostiles and 17 town in total. I say in theory because we could be horribly wrong. So there should be 9 town and 2 hostiles left again in theory. This lines up with the current unrevealed players list. So it looks like Kirin Tor may have only been 5 players and the Paladins only 5 which leaves 7 to be distributed between the remaining factions I'm guessing a 3/4 split. How many Farstriders were there?
1. Stelios (Lachlan MacGraff) (Generic Forsaken)
WolfPrinceKiba (Archmage Arugal)
Shiny (Kurdran Wildhammer)
Katsuargi (Saidan Dathrohan)
11. Alwaysmind (Halduron Brightwing)
12. Hyperion101 (Renthar Hawkspear)
15. WAD (Archmage Modera)
20. Satsuki (Uther Lightbringer)

Okay these are the revealed town roles. In theory there are 9 hostiles and 17 town in total. I say in theory because we could be horribly wrong. So there should be 9 town and 2 hostiles left again in theory. This lines up with the current unrevealed players list. So it looks like Kirin Tor may have only been 5 players and the Paladins only 5 which leaves 7 to be distributed between the remaining factions I'm guessing a 3/4 split. How many Farstriders were there?
I believe the Farstriders are
Evil CC
and before they became Forsaken:
Lord Genome
I believe the Farstriders are
Evil CC
and before they became Forsaken:
Lord Genome
And we have 2 dead Wildhammers and 2 people alive claiming Wildhammer. With I'm guessing 2 dead Paladins and 3 alive. The math fits once we remove the expectation the Council had 6 members.

How did you get to that ? >.>

Process of elimination. I'm assuming 4 Mafia (3 dead 1 alive) 3 Cult (2 dead 1 alive) and 2 Forsaken (both dead)

I believe the only claimed Wildhammers are Nello, Waffles, Shiny

But i'm almost certain i've seen more than 3 Wildhammers in the writeups :hm
Stelios was a Wildhammer.
I say lynch waffles.

WAD at this point I don't think the Council was 6 people at any point.

Vasto Plat was Arthas and he's dead. Stop being silly.

I did not even know he was dead....

No, I just kept assuming it was 6 because WAD kept bringing up 6 council members and for whatever I kept equalizing our numbers to that.

Fair point, did not know that Arthas died. My apologies.
15 people dead, 11 alive. 1 Mafia, 1 Cult, 9 town with a breakdown of 5 Kirin Tor 5 Paladins 4 Wildhammer and 3 Farstriders. That leaves 3 Kirin Tor alive, 3 Paladins alive, 2 Wildhammers alive and 1 Farstrider.

That's...not the point...

The point is...there's too many roles listed...and claimed...for the amount of players...left... earlier...list...
Also 5 members?

Would be really nice if katsu''s list had faction colors

That would to 20 town, when there were only 19.
I think it was 19. :hm

Give me one reason you shouldn't claim

You...cannot pressure Mr. claim...

He claims...on his own terms...

What WAD said.

[Change Vote Lynch Mr. Waffles]

Which he then throws out of the window. :hm
13. Dr. White (Paladin)
Franky (Paladin)
Superman (Paladin)
26. Dragon D. Luffy (Kirin Tor)
16. Evil C.C. (Farstrider)
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer (Kirin Tor)
19. Mr. Waffles (Wildhammer)
21. Nello (Stormcaller Mylra) Wildhammer
22. Shark Skin
7. SinRaven (Kirin Tor)

What do we have here WAD? 3 Kirin Tor and we've confirmed each other, 3 Paladins and they confirmed each other, 2 claimed Wildhammers, and a Farstrider leaving 2 roles unaccounted for that just happen to fit with 1 remaining Mafia and 1 remaining Cult.
13. Dr. White (Paladin)
Franky (Paladin)
Superman (Paladin)
26. Dragon D. Luffy (Kirin Tor)
16. Evil C.C. (Farstrider)
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer (Kirin Tor)
19. Mr. Waffles (Wildhammer)
21. Nello (Stormcaller Mylra) Wildhammer
Shark Skin
7. SinRaven (Kirin Tor)

What do we have here WAD? 3 Kirin Tor and we've confirmed each other, 3 Paladins and they confirmed each other, 2 claimed Wildhammers, and a Farstrider leaving 2 roles unaccounted for that just happen to fit with 1 remaining Mafia and 1 remaining Cult.

Cooler claimed Wildhammer too. :maybe
So, 3 Wildhammers.
13. Dr. White (Paladin)
Franky (Paladin)
Superman (Paladin)
26. Dragon D. Luffy (Kirin Tor)
16. Evil C.C. (Farstrider)
18. Ultimate Deathsaurer (Kirin Tor)
19. Mr. Waffles (Wildhammer)
21. Nello (Stormcaller Mylra) Wildhammer
Shark Skin
7. SinRaven (Kirin Tor)

What do we have here WAD? 3 Kirin Tor and we've confirmed each other, 3 Paladins and they confirmed each other, 2 claimed Wildhammers, and a Farstrider leaving 2 roles unaccounted for that just happen to fit with 1 remaining Mafia and 1 remaining Cult.

Falstad Wildhammer...and Thadius Grimshade...are unaccounted for...

Mr. Waffles...has alluded to being the former...meaning Cooler...or Shark the latter...

But even with...that one person...whose role we do not have said yourself...there is at least...two scum...left...
That he's lurking the thread and not posting which isn't surprising since he only has 21 posts.

I don't see how that is relevant to...

leaving 2 roles unaccounted for that just happen to fit with 1 remaining Mafia and 1 remaining Cult.

... this.

Unless you think him claiming to be a Wildhammer, and a specific role name, is irrelevant to what you said. :hm

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