Game League of Legends 3 (town+indie win!)

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I generally don't want to pursue this lynch on Mexikorn because I have a feeling that he is town based on the results. It doesn't seem like there's any efforts to save him as well because if he's scum, then it would mean nessos would be scum too and I really doubt scum is going to let this play out where it's two outed scum.

@Nessos I think your vote is on SinRaven. I'm thinking about it as well. What is your basis on this again?
I generally don't want to pursue this lynch on Mexikorn because I have a feeling that he is town based on the results. It doesn't seem like there's any efforts to save him as well because if he's scum, then it would mean nessos would be scum too and I really doubt scum is going to let this play out where it's two outed scum.

@Nessos I think your vote is on SinRaven. I'm thinking about it as well. What is your basis on this again?

though tbh my thought is more he seemed good day 1 but fell a bit off after he accused me of scum and didn't really pursue anyone else. I felt like it was a throwaway vote

Today it seems like he's going for a low hanging fruit for town cred but idk. I usually see more from Sin but maybe there is a good reason for it.
@Nessos I think your vote is on SinRaven. I'm thinking about it as well. What is your basis on this again?
Call it guts. He was awfully quiet and I was hoping to get some reactions from him. After he shared his read it puts him in a slightly better light. But also somehow reminds on my first game here... Mafiacraft.
(Also don't like LM directly questioning me before Sin respond)

Samael is for me scummy af. The only thing he did Day 1 was to pour oil in the fire, trying to get out more of the discussion between Ratchet and me. (He never questioned Oko about it after Oko posted multiple time "Ratched might be Indie")
Also bis voting behaviour is fucking strange. Wordless he jumped between trains, especially after he put so much effort in "Ratchet and Nessos".
Hmm alright. But you're still sticking with SinRaven? @Nessos
Why should I stick with Sin? We still have more than 14h left. As I mentioned the Vote was meant to get reaction, but Sin almost completly dodge it. Not asking for my case just saying "Nessos is obsessed". I smell "pussy pro"-vibes^^

But for now the case against Samael is definetly more solid.
[change vote lynch Samael]

Also getting some bad vibes from Kouga. The way he directly jumped on Odd somehow feels prepared.
Coooooo! (For people who are still voting NoYou... why? Sure does Okoan kind of want to policy lynch them due to the self vote? Yeah. But does that mean you should actually lynch them? No not at all. Everyone still on that wagon needs to explain why they aren't switching. Whether that be you somehow don't believe Kvothe's claim, or you think both Nessos and NoYou are scum)
Samael is for me scummy af. The only thing he did Day 1 was to pour oil in the fire, trying to get out more of the discussion between Ratchet and me. (He never questioned Oko about it after Oko posted multiple time "Ratched might be Indie")
Also bis voting behaviour is fucking strange. Wordless he jumped between trains, especially after he put so much effort in "Ratchet and Nessos".

i questioned your need to keep digging into ratchets claim. Despite numerous times of” I’m going to leave it alone”. I didn’t want discussion out of ratchet because my focus wasn’t on him. It was on your lying ass.
pull up the post that shows me doing so.
After that thriller bank game with him I think it’s just part of his play. He tends to back or go behind others reasoning.

Shouldn't fault him for having the same ideals as others but can’t let him off the hook for continuously doing it either.
COOO! (To be entirely fair it's not you town reading Drago technically, but this post is basically brushing aside reasons that DDL was asking questions of them. Honestly it's just a good kill from you for not being someone you explicitly town read, but someone you might think is going to be pretty townie)
Nessos? Possibly. Probably town? Same can be said about anyone else here so that argument is flawed. I questioned nessos for his odd need to continuously push ratchet about their role and mexikorn has flawed actions in his voting/posting. These are actual cases not be talking just to talk
Coo! (That's just how Nessos acts in Okosan's experience. They tend to focus hard on one thing and tunnel on it/ And sure Mexikorn seems extremely meh, but you have to be pushing the fact that both are scum if you're going to hold your vote. And honestly Okosan just doesn't see Nessos as scum)

Coooooo! (Tbh even if you think both are scum they really aren't the lynch today. Because if you mess up and both are town then we basically just threw away 2 confirms for no real reason)
COOO! (To be entirely fair it's not you town reading Drago technically, but this post is basically brushing aside reasons that DDL was asking questions of them. Honestly it's just a good kill from you for not being someone you explicitly town read, but someone you might think is going to be pretty townie)

So you lied and simply said blown something out of proportion? Figured. There is no “technically” I didn’t town read him at all nowhere in any post.
but this post is basically brushing aside reasons that DDL was asking questions of them.

word placements such as basically and technically let’s me know that you know you don’t have anything. You got carried away, tried to find anything to back your claim and can’t find nothing.

I brushed aside nothing. DDL asked what did we make of his behavior, I came in and answered with information from my experiences with him. Had anyone came out and said something different would you have done the same to them as you are to me?

You’re reaching and reaching because you can’t back up the claim of me time reading someone I never even threw a true read at.
So you lied and simply said blown something out of proportion? Figured. There is no “technically” I didn’t town read him at all nowhere in any post.

word placements such as basically and technically let’s me know that you know you don’t have anything. You got carried away, tried to find anything to back your claim and can’t find nothing.

I brushed aside nothing. DDL asked what did we make of his behavior, I came in and answered with information from my experiences with him. Had anyone came out and said something different would you have done the same to them as you are to me?

You’re reaching and reaching because you can’t back up the claim of me time reading someone I never even threw a true read at.
Cooooo! (Ehh it was a town read by omission is how Okosan took it. Person - "Hey this person is scummy!" You - "Nah that's just how they act. Let's ignore them for now")

COOO! (Plus the entire point was that Drago would be a kill Okosan could see you make)

COO? COOO! (On top of that, you really think Okosan couldn't have come up with something to make a fake read on you if he wanted? Lmao. Okosan could've even just said you were pretty null if he wanted and tunneled on NoYou and LM for today if he wanted to. But alright.)
Coo! (That's just how Nessos acts in Okosan's experience. They tend to focus hard on one thing and tunnel on it/

And his flawed argument is me supposedly putting oil in a fire when all I did was question why he felt the need to keep poking at ratchet.

The guy throws you into a post, goes out his way to throw you into the light when I’m questioning HIM and I’m the sus one?
Coooooo! (Tbh even if you think both are scum they really aren't the lynch today. Because if you mess up and both are town then we basically just threw away 2 confirms for no real reason)

Call it guts. He was awfully quiet and I was hoping to get some reactions from him. After he shared his read it puts him in a slightly better light. But also somehow reminds on my first game here... Mafiacraft.
(Also don't like LM directly questioning me before Sin respond)

Samael is for me scummy af. The only thing he did Day 1 was to pour oil in the fire, trying to get out more of the discussion between Ratchet and me. (He never questioned Oko about it after Oko posted multiple time "Ratched might be Indie")
Also bis voting behaviour is fucking strange. Wordless he jumped between trains, especially after he put so much effort in "Ratchet and Nessos".

receipts to my claim, randomly threw okosan name out there. There were multiple people on the ratchets indie wave.
Still think Drago is being a sheep tho. What do y'll think?
After that thriller bank game with him I think it’s just part of his play. He tends to back or go behind others reasoning.

Shouldn't fault him for having the same ideals as others but can’t let him off the hook for continuously doing it either.
I answer a question yet it’s me defending dragomir or something?
Cooooo! (Ehh it was a town read by omission is how Okosan took it. Person - "Hey this person is scummy!" You - "Nah that's just how they act. Let's ignore them for now")

Where’s the town read?
COOO! (Plus the entire point was that Drago would be a kill Okosan could see you make

Based off what? You twisting and misinterpreting a post? I’m sure it is with the reading skills that are being displayed. First you lied and couldn’t provide evidence now you switch to trying to grasp at other things to keep up your front of me town reading dragomir.
COO? COOO! (On top of that, you really think Okosan couldn't have come up with something to make a fake read on you if he wanted? Lmao. Okosan could've even just said you were pretty null if he wanted and tunneled on NoYou and LM for today if he wanted to. But alright.)

No I don’t think you could. Because I’d just do what I’m doing now and pick at the flaws, grasps and lies that are in your post.
Okosan could've even just said you were pretty null if he wanted and tunneled on NoYou and LM for today if he wanted to. But alright.)

tunneling on posters just because huh? Egos will get you killed this game btw.
Coooooo! (Samael it's a town read in that Drago was town that game, so by saying that's how Drago played in that game it's saying it's how he played as town. Ergo it's in line with Drago's town play)

COOO! (Plus this entire discussion seems kind of worthless to be having with you anyways. You're convinced Okosan is lying to you, and Okosan knows he's not. You're not changing your mind there so what's the point?)
Again stop twisting my post. I didn’t say anything about him being town, I simply commented on documented play and thriller was my most recent game where others commented on it as well.

I’m not, you’re a liar who got caught and started moving the goal post. I town read Drago turned into I basically if technically did.. no basically and technically you don’t know what the hell youre talking about.
I never toy around with these things Okosan, you could have at least tried to fake something.
Coooo! (Ugh fine Okosan just really actually hates claiming in role madness games like this since he thinks it kind of makes the game worse and makes it so you just go around going "Hey what are you???" instead of figuring stuff out. Plus Okosan knows his name is going to be a lynch option literally every day once he claims)

COO! (But Okosan can see how this day is going to go so yeah Okosan is just a Survivor. And before you ask (because Okosan knows you will) he's almost entirely passive with the ability to avoid people who mislynch too many times and a single kill he gets to use. Probably just to get him out of a pinch where someone is hard tunneling on him)
@Okosan wouldn't have even cared to do all this as it's distasteful but some fuck had to go and try to kill me last night.
COO! (Yeah Okosan would've gone this entire time without claiming anything (like Okosan did in an earlier Shizune game with survivor again lmao) but Okosan can see people are going to lynch him if he keeps not claiming today with you pushing that)
I might get shit for it but I really am hoping this will help town in the long run. I am still thinking this is similar to the Warrior character that nessos has in the previous game and it somewhat fits with the league character as well that I'm thinking about.

[Vote Lynch Ratchet]

So you think Ratchet is scum or hostile indie after all and was bold enought to go with that plan of asking to vote and then unvote?

[Vote Lynch Samael]

Coooo! (Personally Okosan thinks right now he wants to lynch either Samael or LM. So let's start this wagon and see how it goes)

You have not started the wagon on Samael but rather followed it.

I’ve been saying things, I can’t force people to take the time out and listen to me and I won’t. Lynch me. See where it gets you.

You are getting angry, better say who is your top pick to vote for. I quess Okosan based on your exchange with him?

@Okosan : I give you 5 more minutes to answer before I lead a lynch wagon on you:jackal

Was this ultimatum to Okosan and SinRaven based on knowledge gained through abilities?
So you think Ratchet is scum or hostile indie after all and was bold enought to go with that plan of asking to vote and then unvote?

You have not started the wagon on Samael but rather followed it.

You are getting angry, better say who is your top pick to vote for. I quess Okosan based on your exchange with him?

Was this ultimatum to Okosan and SinRaven based on knowledge gained through abilities?

I still think Ratchet is town.
Oh, he wanted us to vote him on day 2 as well and you complied with it? Sorry, I misunderstood. I agreed about Ratchet.

Do you have any opinion of the exchange between Samael and Okosan?

for me it looks better on samael because it does seem okosan is reaching with that logic. However, it looks like Samael didn't have any hard read with dragomir (whether town or scum) but switched to him late in the game with his reasoning being he thought the wagons was between cooler and dragomir at the time.

Not sure about Okosan's survival ability claim. Dunno why he revealed it so early too so hm.
for me it looks better on samael because it does seem okosan is reaching with that logic. However, it looks like Samael didn't have any hard read with dragomir (whether town or scum) but switched to him late in the game with his reasoning being he thought the wagons was between cooler and dragomir at the time.

Not sure about Okosan's survival ability claim. Dunno why he revealed it so early too so hm.
Coooo! (Because if he didn't you guys were 100% going to death tunnel on him? The survivor claim there has to happen because if Okosan doesn't claim he always dies before the game ends with WPK revealing Okosan as indie. Most likely today, but if not then definitely in a phase or two)

COO! (The ability claim is because Okosan will also always get lynched if he goes, "Okosan is definitely survivor, but no he'll tell you his abilities later don't worry about it :thumbs)
Coooo! (Because if he didn't you guys were 100% going to death tunnel on him? The survivor claim there has to happen because if Okosan doesn't claim he always dies before the game ends with WPK revealing Okosan as indie. Most likely today, but if not then definitely in a phase or two)

COO! (The ability claim is because Okosan will also always get lynched if he goes, "Okosan is definitely survivor, but no he'll tell you his abilities later don't worry about it :thumbs)

I guess, though I wouldn't go after an indie right now (because from the original accusation by wpk, he seemed to knew you were an indie?)
I guess, though I wouldn't go after an indie right now (because from the original accusation by wpk, he seemed to knew you were an indie?)
Cooo! (You definitely go after an indie claiming not to be an indie. Like Okosan said, maybe not today, but definitely tomorrow or the day after. And since you know, Okosan needs to survive that's not really ideal)
Coooo! (Because if he didn't you guys were 100% going to death tunnel on him? The survivor claim there has to happen because if Okosan doesn't claim he always dies before the game ends with WPK revealing Okosan as indie. Most likely today, but if not then definitely in a phase or two)

COO! (The ability claim is because Okosan will also always get lynched if he goes, "Okosan is definitely survivor, but no he'll tell you his abilities later don't worry about it :thumbs)

Okay, but there was only one person tunelling on you, not "everyone".
Okay, but there was only one person tunelling on you, not "everyone".
Coooo! (What is the point of these posts where you're trying to bury Okosan here? Pointing out Okosan being scummy, and wondering how others feel about Okosan, isn't going to hlp anyone. You already know Okosan is survivor so unless you're specifically pushing Okosan is lying about that (which you don't seem to be pushing) this is a waste of time)

COOOOO! (Also Okosan didn't even say that people were tunneling on him. He said that people would have)
Coooo! (What is the point of these posts where you're trying to bury Okosan here? Pointing out Okosan being scummy, and wondering how others feel about Okosan, isn't going to hlp anyone. You already know Okosan is survivor so unless you're specifically pushing Okosan is lying about that (which you don't seem to be pushing) this is a waste of time)

COOOOO! (Also Okosan didn't even say that people were tunneling on him. He said that people would have)

I do not know if you are lying, I can definately imagine you being a hostile indie claiming survivor. You are very formidable player. But I quess Mafia is bigger priority right now than Indie hunting. Is Samael still your biggest scum suspect?

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