Game League of Legends 3 (town+indie win!)

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Ahh ok. Appreciate the clear up.

[vote lynch mystic serenade] he’s done nothing and I can’t remember much from
Him, it’ll be nice to place pressure on him and would like
For others to do the same. He’s someone that cooler spoke about as well.

@NoYouCantChangeNamesOnNF me, kvothe,Drago and odd were on your scum list and you chose to vote.
You went on vote the opposite of coolers lynch who
You said seemed like town but the person that got
Santi lynch going was scum in your eyes.

Distance attempt
From a lynch of town and inconsistent play is what I get
From this.
You still didn’t answer how me not caring for ratchets claim made me scummy.

I said you and Kvothe were on my watchlist, not scumreads. Meaning you were suspicious to me but me not having anything substantial to warrant calling either of you out. If it makes you feel any better I partly also suspected you cause I thought youre buddy with Drago but thats not a thing since he flipped town.
Opinion on mexicorn?
Weird af. Never ever saw someone trying metaing oneself. His Vote on Santi followed by voting Odd he ain't look any better.
I am actually suprised no vig killed him.

If he not gets lynched, he is an option for vig.
He either stupid Town or even more stupid Scum.

My Problem with Noyou lynch right now, if he ends up being Town noone can be blamed. Thats why I prefer Noyou getting shot and look for better lynch targets.
even if you don't, i already used it so w.e.
See, my issue is if you were tracked, technically speaking a question to the host should not be caught on a tracker investigation, as you're not actually targeting a valid player within the game. But I don't really know how this interaction is handled on NF Mafia.

Would you like a cup of tea?
I'm drinking one right now, actually.

Cooler had more than one supects, he even said he does not have a strong feeling about Odd (quote below). He also did not like Mystic Serenade and NotYou in particular .

Oddjustsu was very bold in his reads and followed gut feeling on Sanji. This it enough for me to think he is Mafia yet, as this is his usual playstyle.

I have a bit more time now so can attempt to answer your questions, can you summarize them?

Don't have a strong feeling on Odd or anyone really. Which is why I want to lynch Santi for info.

I also figured my attitude would bait a vote or two. Congrats for biting.
You have a weird definition of useful.

So far the only thing he has done is make 5 people follow him on a very stupid wagon.

I will be looking at these people, too. I don't swallow a bunch of mafia veterans lynching Santi on D1 because "oddjutsu told to".

Odd is eccentric and weird but was one of best town players in recent Arie's game I played. But maybe he is scum here, I was willing to give him benefit of the doubt in day one.
Odd is eccentric and weird but was one of best town players in recent Arie's game I played. But maybe he is scum here, I was willing to give him benefit of the doubt in day one.

You didn't merely give Odd the benefit of the doubt, you followed him like a sheep because he said he could read Santi's mind.

Being a good town player in one game doesn't mean you can magically figure out someone's alignment from one post. Even the best hunters in the internet can't do that,
You didn't merely give Odd the benefit of the doubt, you followed him like a sheep because he said he could read Santi's mind.

Being a good town player in one game doesn't mean you can magically figure out someone's alignment from one post. Even the best hunters in the internet can't do that,
Obviously Santi was a Death Miller, why else would he not defend himself. I think Shizune said they wouldn't include death millers but that could have been just to throw everybody off
Here is my take.

Mexikorn is scum, and there was an effort to save him yesterday, most likely by Samael. Melkor and Kvothe are sketchy too and can be suspected.

Mystic's votes are garbage, but he's barely playing. He's good vig material.

Odd is most likely town, and he was just being a loony yesterday. Scum took advantage of it to get an easy mislynch and to blame him the following day.

[vote lynch NoYouCantChangeNamesOnNF]

Okay, I did not like your attitude day one, seemed too cautious to me but I like the above.

[Vote Lynch NoYouCantChangeNamesOnNF]

NoYou and Oddjutsu are both fine wagons for today. The former for his indie hunting and being the likely save if there was one, Odd for being likely why Cooler died+Santi mislynch and the fuckery surrounding people following him of all players.

define weird?

Targetting three people including gamemaster was weird but it seems you already discussed it with Lord Genome.

So Nessos and NoYouCan't are of same alignment? This ability of yours does not sound like something non-town would have.

For all you boast about how town doesn't need game mechanics to win, your main reason to lynch Odd happens to be... game mechanics,

I do not follow this, his reasoning does not seem purely mechanics based to me.

Hey @tinky winky I got revenge on the evil moderator, you'll always be the COCKOLOGIST

Okay, you really need to stop trolling and contribute more. I am almost down with lynching you on this point, but NotYou seems better candidate.
Okay, I did not like your attitude day one, seemed too cautious to me but I like the above.

[Vote Lynch NoYouCantChangeNamesOnNF]

Targetting three people including gamemaster was weird but it seems you already discussed it with Lord Genome.

So Nessos and NoYouCan't are of same alignment? This ability of yours does not sound like something non-town would have.

I do not follow this, his reasoning does not seem purely mechanics based to me.

Okay, you really need to stop trolling and contribute more. I am almost down with lynching you on this point, but NotYou seems better candidate.

kinda wish you didn't reveal that
I decided to look at Nessos' posts so foe to form better opinion of him (ones below are not all of them of course). I have a slight town lean on him but not a strong one, any opinions?

Nothing I have just some PTSD from flagbearer game :catcry

Was suspicious about Cooler powerwolfing at the beginning of the game, this is understandable for me as I was also wary of him.

Don't have to be a wincon. Can also be partial wincon but getting half players vote you within in the Game and then asking for stagging it smells like BS for me.

But as I mentioned don't wanna waste anymore time on it, it is end of D1.

Was sceptical about Ratchet's request, I can see while he would be but decided to drop the matter after some time when it seemed like it is not leading anywhere.

Drago thats what I would call sheeping. You say Kvothe is scummy, then Cooler told SinRaven is more scummy, then you copy/paste Coolers Post adding your Vote on Raven.

Never explaining your reason. Then you stopped your Vote on SinRaven saying His Argument with Dragon smelled like TvT.

Feels a bit strange.

This seems valid to me.

[Vote lynch Dragomir]
I don't like liars. Also I think he tried to deflect by bringing back "Indie" ratcge to let Townies waste time in it.

Are you now trying to act like a Jester?!?

The case against Cooler is right and fits with my early guts. Now I want to see if Cooler stays cool.

Maintained his vote on Cooler to "pressure him" but earlier said he prefers Dragomir lynch.....I do not like this switch of votes.

Also put a lot of pressure at SinRaven.
I feel this information is helpful to town, why disclose it?


because if they are town nessos is probably a highish mafia priority and if he is killed(or vise versa) we know hes town for sure

if they are mafia i didnt want them to know that info because now they can play around it(big thing is nessos has avoided talking about him until i asked him about it just today) and see where he actually leans. its why i said id only reveal it if me or kvothe died to make sure it gets out then

so yea cool great

because if they are town nessos is probably a highish mafia priority and if he is killed(or vise versa) we know hes town for sure

if they are mafia i didnt want them to know that info because now they can play around it(big thing is nessos has avoided talking about him until i asked him about it just today) and see where he actually leans. its why i said id only reveal it if me or kvothe died to make sure it gets out then

so yea cool great

Okay I understand.
This would mean NoYou is Town.

So who would you vote for if not NoYou?
Wait you pick NoYou and me and both of us have the same alignment?

Yes. I had asked if you and Mexicorn had the same alignment. I got the answer that both you share the same alignment as Mexicorn.

So like LG said, I don't think tbh that I hit two scums. Going over your posts, I kinda don't see you as scum but I still remain a little skeptical of Mexikorn. Especially with the self vote now.
Yes. I had asked if you and Mexicorn had the same alignment. I got the answer that both you share the same alignment as Mexicorn.

So like LG said, I don't think tbh that I hit two scums. Going over your posts, I kinda don't see you as scum but I still remain a little skeptical of Mexikorn. Especially with the self vote now.

How do you think about Samael and Kouga?

Also @tinky winky should pull out his Dipsy of Lalas Po and start playing while he is finally unbanned.
How do you think about Samael and Kouga?

Also @tinky winky should pull out his Dipsy of Lalas Po and start playing while he is finally unbanned.

I don't trust either of them. I don't think Cooler would use his ability on Oddjutsu because he outright said he doesn't trust him and after Santi flipped, I don't think he's going for the risk of killing himself for Oddjutsu. So I am thinking Cooler tried to go for a safe play and go for someone he thought might be town or a town leader. Which is why I don't fully trust WPK until I know for sure.

Samael is acting weird. I normally see him with more conviction behind his votes but he's kind of throwing votes around. I am trying to think if there is scum behind Santi's wagon because it turns out Santi, Cooler, and Dragomir are all town. Scum wouldn't need to jump on Santi train unless Mexikorn is scum and they were trying to save them.
Yes. I had asked if you and Mexicorn had the same alignment. I got the answer that both you share the same alignment as Mexicorn.

So like LG said, I don't think tbh that I hit two scums. Going over your posts, I kinda don't see you as scum but I still remain a little skeptical of Mexikorn. Especially with the self vote now.

Why doubt it? Not like what
You had was a investigation that would lead to another but simply something that tells you if two share the same. Mexikorn has been inconsistent with reasoning and scum like things, experienced player do the odds of bad play is out the window imo.

just don’t doubt what you found out is all I’m saying.
Why doubt it? Not like what
You had was a investigation that would lead to another but simply something that tells you if two share the same. Mexikorn has been inconsistent with reasoning and scum like things, experienced player do the odds of bad play is out the window imo.

just don’t doubt what you found out is all I’m saying.

its not the first time alignment wise when I investigate someone and it says town when they're guilty.

Granted I think the chance of me hitting two scum here is unlikely and I don't think I hit the uh godfather (is the term right) either so maybe they are both town.
I can't even say I'm out of practice, I've never been good.
I'm tripping over my own toes.
At least I will be able to confirm another Town.

[Vote lynch Mexikorn]
Honestly, I'm going to be blunt here. If you're town this is pathetic. One town confirmation is never worth a mislynch. In fact it almost feels likea pity plea, and I'm not sure I buy it. You didn't strike me as the type to be so defeatist.

[Change Vote Lynch NoYouCantChangeNamesOnNF]
Granted I think the chance of me hitting two scum here is unlikely and I don't think I hit the uh godfather (is the term right) either so maybe they are both town.
Doubt this would work. Your ability say same alignment. I doubt that it works with same invest results, GF shouldn't be the same as Town.

I can't even say I'm out of practice, I've never been good.
I'm tripping over my own toes.
At least I will be able to confirm another Town.

[Vote lynch Mexikorn]
How about stop whining and get your ass here?!?
I can't even say I'm out of practice, I've never been good.
I'm tripping over my own toes.
At least I will be able to confirm another Town.

[Vote lynch Mexikorn]

Cooooo! (People need to stop self voting for each other. It literally only makes you look worse and makes Okosan want to lynch you more. Before this Okosan was going, "hmm Nessos and NoYou are the same alignment, maybe we should hold off on that since Okosan town reads Nessos," but now Okosan is honestly just back to wanting to lynch you again NoYou)
Entlighten us with your reads Mr Selfproclaimed Pro :catflower
Mysti stands out for his votes (and the timing of them) but I find him generally hard to read otherwise since he rarely puts in effort regardless of his alignment. I do want to see some of his own reads to make up my mind on him (@~Mystic Serenade~)

Samael also looks pretty bad with his voting behavior, and some of his statements rub me the wrong way. Need to look into him more, only caught up with like 75% of D1 so far. But for this phase I dont like how hes tunneling Mexikorn.
Honestly IDK what to think about this Mexikorn thing. While I did find some things about him (like the indie hunt) a bit shady, for the most part it just seems like he's being stupid. Dont want to pursue a lynch on him, especially after Kvothe's claims about him and Nessos. I dont want to waste a dayphase when we possibly could have TWO confirmed townies here.
I do think it's around a 99% chance that it's his own ability that killed him, as there's a low chance of super kills being blown n1+it would be bad play to kill off the counterwagon to a d1 mislynch+Cooler wasn't playing particularly well d1 to be deemed the biggest threat.

Odd is by far the likeliest target, with Ratchet being a distant second I could see considering that if he could prove Ratchet's innocence that would be a big boon to town.

On NF?

I expect all one-shot kills to be blown N1.

you both know better than this

shizune is the type of host who would, can, and has put gates in the form of later-accessibility on super-kills in her roles specifically so they cannot all be used night 1 :pepedab
fuck da police
Okosan, have any thoughts on Samael, Melodie and WPK?
COO! COO! (That's like a solid spectrum of reads right there.
WPK - Okosan is reading as town. Okosan likes WPK's pushes and activity in this game, with the only real downside being a little bit of a focus on stuff that's not too important at times. Like the whole voting / not voting for ratchet thing. Overall town, though
Samael - Scum read here. Looking over the iso Samael has basically only pushed either confirmed town or people who are probably town (Nessos/NoYou). On top of that Drago would be a really solid kill from Samael who was maybe one of the first to town read Drago)
Melodie - Honestly Null. They haven't done enough for Okosan to read them)

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