Game League of Legends 3 (town+indie win!)

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This game was not perfectly balanced, and Karma probably could have been stronger. However, my point is that WPK choosing a side early, that side being town, and then mafia also losing early were 3 separate, unlikely scenarios that all happened simultaneously to really mess Okosan up. In other words, what happened was kind of an edge case, or fringe occurrence, that was difficult to account for. It's similar to basic setups that feature an investigator role, where even if the mafia plays perfectly, the investigator can sometimes catch scum on night 1 and effectively win the game there. And again, even when the stars aligned to mess Okosan up as much as possible, he still nearly won.
This game was not perfectly balanced, and Karma probably could have been stronger. However, my point is that WPK choosing a side early, that side being town, and then mafia also losing early were 3 separate, unlikely scenarios that all happened simultaneously to really mess Okosan up. In other words, what happened was kind of an edge case, or fringe occurrence, that was difficult to account for. It's similar to basic setups that feature an investigator role, where even if the mafia plays perfectly, the investigator can sometimes catch scum on night 1 and effectively win the game there. And again, even when the stars aligned to mess Okosan up as much as possible, he still nearly won.
Coooooo! (Yeah Okosan isn't super salty about it or anything because Okosan still had a chance, Okosan just thinks he gets outed 2/3's of the time the second WPK chooses a person tbh. WPK choosing mafia can claim the same thing with the other two people he had to get 1/2 wasted lynches, or even just claim he knows there's an indy between the two or something to get some town cred)
Okosan nearly winning was a case of having bigger fish to fry, because we needed to thin mafia numbers. Such is the case with a lot of SK wins or near wins though.

Shizune point is fair, I picked early. That is because someone shot me n1, and if that was you @Okosan it triggered the start of your eventual downfall.
"[Active - Soulflare] - Each night Karma can kill 2 players who have -2 karma points or less. If Karma's victim has -3 karma points or less, her kill will be upgraded to a superkill."
Town won off of a cherry picked convo leak and nothing else, nice to have the host on your side

If I was on anyone's side it was Okosan's, Karma is one of my two mains (the other being Zyra) and her role was inspired by my 2016 Zyra serial killer/arsonist role. I was hoping to see Karma suddenly pull the game out from under everyone like Zyra once did, but alas no such luck.
Town won off of a cherry picked convo leak and nothing else, nice to have the host on your side
Coooooo! (Fyi Odd Okosan barely looked at the quotes and still had the scum team. Okosan just never really pushed it because why would he? Okosan as town always lynches and hard pushes Mexikorn because he'd be more surprised to see Mexikorn flip town than Nessos flip scum. And his original 6 town reads wasn't because he was actually town reading people. He was just trying to get pocketed by people so no one felt like they had to kill him. In fact Okosan also said this: )
Coooooooo? (Also reading through the thread, Okosan honestly thinks that all the people really contributing in this game so far are town. Like the top 6 posters kind of thing. There might be a scum between like, Odd/Sin or something, but honestly Okosan is willing to give everyone there a day pass at least)
COOOO? (Which was based on real reads)
Cooooo! (Odd. If Okosan was town he would've been pushing Mexikorn a lot harder way before that. That quote would've done nothing to change the fact that if he was town Mexikorn was dead)
Yeah well I would have gotten him out of it like I did every other day, I even claimed Cultist just to keep him alive.

And then you go and superkill him and end up losing the game for yourself, nice play idiot
Cooooo! (Odd. If Okosan was town he would've been pushing Mexikorn a lot harder way before that. That quote would've done nothing to change the fact that if he was town Mexikorn was dead)
Yeah well I would have gotten him out of it like I did every other day, I even claimed Cultist just to keep him alive.

And then you go and superkill him and end up losing the game for yourself, nice play idiot
Yeah well I would have gotten him out of it like I did every other day, I even claimed Cultist just to keep him alive.

And then you go and superkill him and end up losing the game for yourself, nice play idiot
Cooooooo! (Okosan means, as town Okosan would've been tunneled so hard on Mexikorn that he would've agreed to lynch himself the next day if Mexikorn was town lmao)

Cooo! (And Okosan has to kill Mexikorn there. If he starts killing town indiscriminately he outs himself to town, and then gets lynched. He has to keep the numbers even until end game)
Melodie didn't have a vote silence lmao
Oh that doesn't change much, did you know that pir vote silence ability which we were counting doesn't effect your passive, it just sets your vote count to zero but it still counts as you casting a vote. That's some bullshit if I've ever heard it

I wouldn't put it past Shizune and Melodie to change the role on the fly so I wouldn't have more evidence of blatant rigging anyway
Oh that doesn't change much, did you know that pir vote silence ability which we were counting doesn't effect your passive, it just sets your vote count to zero but it still counts as you casting a vote. That's some bullshit if I've ever heard it

I wouldn't put it past Shizune and Melodie to change the role on the fly so I wouldn't have more evidence of blatant rigging anyway

Nah I asked nitty about that exact situation before the game even started
Yeah we lost cause we thought Vote silenced would disable Vote instead of Just setting Votepower to 0.

And then shizune ignored my Last question and ended the phase early.
Does this mean a vote count still as vote?

If thats the case, can a vote silenced player get a higher vote power through other abilities? Or will it stay at 0 doesn't matter what happens?

We could have still tied the Vote with Okosans help.
Oh that doesn't change much, did you know that pir vote silence ability which we were counting doesn't effect your passive, it just sets your vote count to zero but it still counts as you casting a vote. That's some bullshit if I've ever heard it

I wouldn't put it past Shizune and Melodie to change the role on the fly so I wouldn't have more evidence of blatant rigging anyway

But we're just magically supposed to know that ourselves because that's why we didn't kill you, vote silence doesn't equal no vote in this game. It's fucking ridiculous

Should of told us Shizune you fucking biased piece of shit
Y'all had two chances to off LG(the lynch and the faction kill), and chose neither. You chose to get fancy and think you know the exact mechanics of how LG's ability would interact with silences. Killing the threat will always be your best bet to counteract it. Don't blame the host when you had a clear path to victory and tried to do big brain plans without proper info instead.
Y'all had two chances to off LG(the lynch and the faction kill), and chose neither. You chose to get fancy and think you know the exact mechanics of how LG's ability would interact with silences. Killing the threat will always be your best bet to counteract it. Don't blame the host when you had a clear path to victory and tried to do big brain plans without proper info instead.
Why did you pick DDL? Because I think you knew all along, knew before the game started
@Oddjutsu listen, I didn't want to run you down in front of everyone, but you're not leaving me a choice. You were the first mafia caught this game, not through an investigation or an ability, but through plain old playing poorly. You were caught so red-handed people were accurately guessing your role before you died, and your team threw the game trying to save you. Now, you're so deep in denial about what happened that you're accusing me of rigging the game. You're like those hardstuck low elo players in League, who can never recognize or improve upon their own mistakes because they blame their teammates or the game design instead.

You have been incredibly vile toward me, and literally spammed me with hate messages since you died. The reason I haven't answered you until now is because I'm not going to tolerate your vitriol and your disrespect. However, despite how poorly you've behaved here, I still have nothing against you. I don't know how you got the idea that I "hate you," when I have been personally messaging you invitations to my games (including this one) for years. I don't know if you thought I was going to argue with you like I used to do with people, but I'm trying to outgrow that, due in large part because it's bad for this section. You are a good player, and the section would be worse off without you, as would my games, as will Laix's game if you truly do unsign from it. So in the interest of keeping maintaining a large and quality community in this section, I hope that whatever your problem with me is, you get over it because I certainly don't have a problem with you.
You double the votes of people who vote with you

Us, hard earned vote silence ability
Hard earned? You had a role that was entirely untargetable and not just unlynchable, but is so untouchable that the lynch goes onto second highest wagon, which is extremely unusual so hard to account for. That got you one of your mislynches. The other you got by all outting on d3, which in turn exposed you to townie abilities.

Game state on d2 prior to my info dump had you or Mexicorn as the likely lynch. Don't act like you guys were doing just dandy until townie abilities fucked you. You tried for a mechanical win, made sloppy choices with your power moves, and lost.

Maybe eventually you'll learn how to play against other's decks instead of only thinking about what's in your own. Mafia is the informed minority, but consistently with your they're the misinformed minority.
Yeah we lost cause we thought Vote silenced would disable Vote instead of Just setting Votepower to 0.

And then shizune ignored my Last question and ended the phase early.

We could have still tied the Vote with Okosans help.

Sorry, if I missed a question it was because Oddjutsu was spamming your chat with hate messages at that point, so I just stopped reading it.
@Oddjutsu listen, I didn't want to run you down in front of everyone, but you're not leaving me a choice. You were the first mafia caught this game, not through an investigation or an ability, but through plain old playing poorly. You were caught so red-handed people were accurately guessing your role before you died, and your team threw the game trying to save you. Now, you're so deep in denial about what happened that you're accusing me of rigging the game. You're like those hardstuck low elo players in League, who can never recognize or improve upon their own mistakes because they blame their teammates or the game design instead.

You have been incredibly vile toward me, and literally spammed me with hate messages since you died. The reason I haven't answered you until now is because I'm not going to tolerate your vitriol and your disrespect. However, despite how poorly you've behaved here, I still have nothing against you. I don't know how you got the idea that I "hate you," when I have been personally messaging you invitations to my games (including this one) for years. I don't know if you thought I was going to argue with you like I used to do with people, but I'm trying to outgrow that, due in large part because it's bad for this section. You are a good player, and the section would be worse off without you, as would my games, as will Laix's game if you truly do unsign from it. So in the interest of keeping maintaining a large and quality community in this section, I hope that whatever your problem with me is, you get over it because I certainly don't have a problem with you.
Why the convo leak?
Sorry, if I missed a question it was because Oddjutsu was spamming your chat with hate messages at that point, so I just stopped reading it.
Could answer it now?
If we would have vote silence a player would that vote keep in being 0 or would He still get +1 vote through Lord Genomes ability?

(Next time if one player rampaging put that one player in ignore and don't ignore the while chat)
Why the convo leak?

I literally picked a random message like I always do. Besides, as everyone here has been trying to explain to you, that convo leak had almost no impact on the game. You need to face the reality that you played poorly, that you are responsible for what happened to you this game, and that this game was not rigged. Tell me honestly, do you have any idea how ridiculous people think you look right now for accusing me of rigging this game?
I literally picked a random message like I always do. Besides, as everyone here has been trying to explain to you, that convo leak had almost no impact on the game. You need to face the reality that you played poorly, that you are responsible for what happened to you this game, and that this game was not rigged. Tell me honestly, do you have any idea how ridiculous people think you look right now for accusing me of rigging this game?
That convo leak had all the impact on this game, it completely ruined us. It was the worst convo leak I've ever seen

Anyways fuck that mechanic
@WolfPrinceKouga yes we Made the mistake thinking Vote silence would disable vote and not just set vote to 0.
Our whole plan was based on a missunderstanding of an ability the host didn't mind to clear up.
The thing is, it shouldn't have come down to that. Lynch LG instead of Kvothe's whose ability was unlikely to be able to do anything to you anymore(also you should of role copped them anyways which you might have which makes that lynch even worse). Kill LG in the night. Taking him out of the game is guaranteed to rid you of the main roadblock to victory.
That convo leak had all the impact on this game, it completely ruined us. It was the worst convo leak I've ever seen

Anyways fuck that mechanic

Sure, let's say you lost off that convo leak. You didn't, but let's pretend you did for the purpose of this argument. You think that warranted you having a complete meltdown on me, spamming me with hate messages for 16 hours straight, and encouraging your teammates to grief the game? At 35 years old? You think that was appropriate behavior?
The thing is, it shouldn't have come down to that. Lynch LG instead of Kvothe's whose ability was unlikely to be able to do anything to you anymore(also you should of role copped them anyways which you might have which makes that lynch even worse). Kill LG in the night. Taking him out of the game is guaranteed to rid you of the main roadblock to victory.
We didn't care about LGs ability because of Vote silence. So we decides to lynch the players that couldn't be killed directly at night.

And Lord Genome didn't become night target through protects.
Sure, let's say you lost off that convo leak. You didn't, but let's pretend you did for the purpose of this argument. You think that warranted you having a complete meltdown on me, spamming me with hate messages for 16 hours straight, and encouraging your teammates to grief the game? At 35 years old? You think that was appropriate behavior?
If the host is bias against the player it is completely warranted, and that surrender mechanic you decided to introduce at the last second is even more proof that you and Melodie are in cahoots on this shit

It's not a meltdown, it's me calling you out on your bullshit you fucking dog

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