Game League of Legends 3 (town+indie win!)

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Hey Oddjutsu? There are many players in this game who have a long history of playing role madness, and have played Shizune games before. I was literally on that mafia that had Varus stacking vote power on people. That scum had a bunch of vote power, permanent or temporary, wasn't a surprise to us. It was something to be accounted for regardless of a chat leak.

It had miniscule impact on the game, if any.
Why would you even bother doing that? Unless you knew in advance what was going to happen

Congratulations you just exposed yourself

Because ur deterred you guys from voting without even considering it was a bluff.

Seems like to me it was an excellent gambit.

2 adcs and 1 support are mafia

What does nitty have against bot lane???? Even my 3 "adc" picks were an adc, jungler and a mage :lul

My top lane was a fucking support. God damn cancer champ.

i didn't exactly understand the plan of switching the lynch on me tbh

i revealed i already used my one shot too so I'm kinda useless

They lynched you because they knew my role and when I told you if you got your +1 they knew that you had a bonus life. So they must have figured that it was easier to lynch you then potentially try to kill you down the line I guess with that extra life.
Hey Oddjutsu? There are many players in this game who have a long history of playing role madness, and have played Shizune games before. I was literally on that mafia that had Varus stacking vote power on people. That scum had a bunch of vote power, permanent or temporary, wasn't a surprise to us. It was something to be accounted for regardless of a chat leak.

It had miniscule impact on the game, if any.
Yeah I know you cheated
We targeted you. Don't help an Indie win who decides to help Town, when he could have tied votes when voting with scum.
Coo! (Okosan means that seems a little short sighted. If you think Okosan is survivor all killing him does is potentially hurt you. Even if he didn't side with you immediately. And if you think Okosan isn't a survivor he's a potential distraction for town to lynch instead of you for the next night)
@Oddjutsu I'm sick of being spoken to like that. You should be ashamed of yourself right now. You have serious anger issues and you need to find help for them. You will be thread banned from here soon. You are still welcome in my future games, if you apologize to me for the name-calling. I'm not replying to you again until that happens.
Nah, you tanked your own game. I will never apologise to the likes of you
nitty likes to make mafia have lesser numbers but increase their power by a lot, there’s typically a lot of lynchpins like the kaguya role in the naruto game

i actually don’t doubt that sin might legit be untargettable and unlynchable because it fits the flavor of that stupid cancer cat to a tea, but once she has no teammates to attach to she’s useless (gone? generic?)

Don’t recommend lynching sin

pretty sure mexikorn is the most obvious Lynch in the history of mankind but that’s just based on my read the vote patterns

I haven’t followed too much on mechanical implications itt

ive literally been unlynchable and unkillable myself as mafia in a role made by the host in one of his games so i know it’s not outside his power scaling

Yuumi is the literal definition of co-dependence so 0.0000000000% she is anything but mafia scum

to clarify here im saying that yuumi is for sure a scum role since i think ppl confused that

I still think there is at max 3 scum btw

I gave her the bonus life last night because your mafia team played badly so I figured you would predictably go for her, heh.

I even didn’t send any action the night before because I knew my role had been compromised and I was wondering if you guys had a Redirector and would feed yourselves an extra life.
Nah you are the one predictable, the Main reason we killed Usopp instead of Melodie was you.
How high is the Chance is a thinking
"Sin will go for Melodie."
Because ur deterred you guys from voting without even considering it was a bluff.

Seems like to me it was an excellent gambit.

My top lane was a fucking support. God damn cancer champ.

They lynched you because they knew my role and when I told you if you got your +1 they knew that you had a bonus life. So they must have figured that it was easier to lynch you then potentially try to kill you down the line I guess with that extra life.

i feel like they coulda worked around the extra life thing during the night. at least for that night iunno. I really had nothing else to offer and there were still vigs around.
honestly I still have no idea which one was the real quote and gave up on it

Kvothe trying to make sense of the quotes:

Coo! (Okosan means that seems a little short sighted. If you think Okosan is survivor all killing him does is potentially hurt you. Even if he didn't side with you immediately. And if you think Okosan isn't a survivor he's a potential distraction for town to lynch instead of you for the next night)
What would you have done If I would have told you this...

Nessos said:
@SinRaven @Okosan
We make a mistake thinking Vote silence would disable a Vote, but instead it sets Vote just to 0.

Mafia is done for if one of us gets lynched now. And you 2 will be lynched next.

LG = 1
Is a = 0+1 = 1
Melodie = 1+1 = 2
Mystic = 1+1 = 2
Lord Melkor = 1+1 = 2
Kouga = 1+1 = 2
-> Town voting Power = 10
We can Vote silence 1
-> Town voting Power = 10-2 =8

Okosan = 1
Sin Raven = 1
-> Indie voting Power = 2

Scum right now has a voting power of 6
Together with Indies we reach 8.

If you are not able to reach your wincon next night you should vote Melodie, but also if you just wanna keep playing.

Thats a post I prepared.... But never get the chance to post it. Thought DP would end in 17h from now on.
What would you have done If I would have told you this...

Thats a post I prepared.... But never get the chance to post it. Thought DP would end in 17h from now on.
COOO! (Honestly Okosan thinks he was always voting Mexikorn that day. Like Okosan said if he sides with you he has to then kill you that night. Which is going to basically out that he's a sk immediately. The only path to victory Okosan saw was this that he posted in his pm:

"-Lynch Mexikorn (6-2-1)
-Mafia kills someone and Okosan can choose 2 different targets. Nessos dies from Wraith (3-1-1)
-Okosan convinces town to lynch Sin (3-1)
-Okosan kills 2 people (1-1)

Then at that point you either end it in a draw or Okosan wins or however you're handling that. Since the situation would probably be WPK/Okosan who can't lynch or kill each other") killed one of the most scum read town players in the game because he was the one person who wasnt anti-town I suspected to accomplish...what?

Thanks I guess?
No cause it was a high chance he is a Town vig.

Nessos said:
Mystic, Melodie and Usopun options for Night Kill.

Who of these 3 is the less experienced player?

I expect an experienced player would have gone for Mexicorn or Odd in N1 or N2. Thats another reason why Usopp got shot.
also yeah okosan’s days were numbered the moment he got outed

Imagine ever believing a survivor claim that isn’t disclosed at the start of the game

that’s deuces
Coooooo! COOO! (To be fair Okosan is maybe the one person who could get away with it. He policy doesn't claim in role madness games unless he has some very juicy info or is forced too. Heck Okosan literally even played a Shizune game as survivor without claiming the entire time previously)
hot take: mafia abilities were s t a c k e d, absolutely not a weak faction this game.

Mafia abilities were stacked too much.
Big problem the only one we could have busted was Odd and maybe we should have done it D1 after Mexikorn almost outed himself by his play in D1 xD

In any normal game I would have busted Mexikorn based on his play, but through Odds passive it wasn't possible... Cause he would have gotten cleaned.

D2 make shit worse with Kvothe targeting Mexikorn and me. If we had busted Odd and Mexikorn would have killed by an SK Mafia Team done for.

In top of that we also didn't really have the option to bust Sin. I mean every scum would have bust a lynch immune scumbuddy.

And yes WPK choosing one of 3 outing the factions of and Indie and a Scum also removed the option of Sin making a believable Indie fake claim.
Mafia abilities were stacked too much.
Big problem the only one we could have busted was Odd and maybe we should have done it D1 after Mexikorn almost outed himself by his play in D1 xD

In any normal game I would have busted Mexikorn based on his play, but through Odds passive it wasn't possible... Cause he would have gotten cleaned.

D2 make shit worse with Kvothe targeting Mexikorn and me. If we had busted Odd and Mexikorn would have killed by an SK Mafia Team done for.

In top of that we also didn't really have the option to bust Sin. I mean every scum would have bust a lynch immune scumbuddy.

And yes WPK choosing one of 3 outing the factions of and Indie and a Scum also removed the option of Sin making a believable Indie fake claim.

I didn't want to even reveal any of my investigation results. I really thought Mexikorn was scum and wanted to see what he flipped but then all that shit happened and made me change my mind because you were read as town. but oh well.
But yeah Kougas role was broken.
Able buff the Town to confirm himself is a bit broken. Also it destroyed the SK.

It should really have been choose random player without any faction hint or choose faction.
Mostly only broken if I picked the townie, which I wasn't told who was what alignment among the three.

It wasn't even fun broken because I had nothing to do after choosing a player.

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