I told you guys already I have no vote power, this also means I don't show up in vote counts. My only standard ability is to control one vote and move it where I want, the choice I make is reflected in the vote count. My one-shot was to be able to do my standard ability on three people+double each of their voting power which is what happened yesterday.
D1: didn't mess with anyone's vote
D2: made JW vote himself
D3: made JW, dunya and familyparka all vote JW
I had full reign of the lynch essentially, and could have gone hero shooting. JW was just the best choice after everything that came out that day.
Of my actual six voters, some had legit suspicion, but others are trying to hide behind the goddess thing to justify voting me instead of JW, yet I get crucified for deviating early to LM despite thinking both LM and JW were scum that could get got. FP, Vivo, Kat and KV the worst looking for choosing my wagon, as the other three had more motive for choosing me. Kat looking sketchy with their ability used again, but a scum copier is likely enough to not get immediately sent to the scum pile.
Usopp probably isn't part of the scum team but he's scum of some kind.
[Vote Execute]