Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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Because of the goddess thing I chose WPK. I think both of them are scum.

Cypher and Hayumi told us everything :owosmirk

How did Odd's kill on you get redirected then?
hes claimed vig my man (in the eyes of mafia, he is either vig or SK)
anybody could redirect him from them

i thought i killed him via dunya and its why i was pushing dunya yesterday

i mean u gotta think about it a bit here, i had no real reason to come and say i targeted odd and i might have been the one killing him lol

this is really weak from u scum vivo :hisoka
this is mafia too.

JW/usopp are teammate compatible too, especially after last night.

pretty confident WPK and JW are his teammates based on how he reacted to WPK in the thread and how he handled JW in police chat.

my ideal poe

WPK, Usopp, JW, parka, kvothe, katsuargi...and yes me. add me.

someone tell me why any of the names up there shouldn't be up there ^

also i should iso hero. he has 86 posts but i remember like 5 of them

These look a bit better now
@Sigismund do u have any info?

ur vote on JW at the end will look horrible if WPK flips stronger scum role

LM visited Cypher and she died of poison soon after.

Random abiltiy showed that he visited Hayumi last night, so if hayumi dies we have our most likely poisoner since Catamount was dead and Vivo was at my actual target of Kvothe.
Why would you waste the invest on Kvothe?? Are you dumb??
the choices were kvothe/LM/WPK/vivo

i asked on the knight table and none said anything

fk u guys honestly LOL, every1 so quiet

anyway i wanted to invest WPK or one of WPK's voters "kvothe/LM/you"

i thought WPK might be GF and scan innocent so wanted to invest his voters instead and none else said anything, every1 is literally a sheep lol
Why would you waste the invest on Kvothe?? Are you dumb??
LITERALLY. I suggested LM/WPK or you/Sig if anyone else besides them but I specifically said I don't think the Kvothe invest would tell us much since they were one of the people Ussop initially brought up. By the time I checked chat again, I don't even think dunya voted, and Remchu just sheeped Ussop's vote so I just voted along with them since there wasn't time to change anything by then.
LITERALLY. I suggested LM/WPK or you/Sig if anyone else besides them but I specifically said I don't think the Kvothe invest would tell us much since they were one of the people Ussop initially brought up. By the time I checked chat again, I don't even think dunya voted, and Remchu just sheeped Ussop's vote so I just voted along with them since there wasn't time to change anything by then.
do u think kvothe is town even with sigis seeing her target dunya?

so like scum controls ppl's actions now?
I never said one way or the other, but just gave my opinion on who I prefer over Kvothe. You haven't listened to my opinion apart from d1 and Remchu/dunya were nonexistent so it's kind of hard for us to actually decide on a invest as a whole
i gave u my reasonings for kvothe

sigis said he saw her target dunya

she said she didnt

one of them is a liar or scum can control kvothe

this is the best invest tbh
Vote count

Dunya -
Cooler > WPK
Lord Melkor - Remchu > WPK
Cooler - John Wayne > WPK
Hero - Usopp > WPK > John Wayne
Familyparka - Lord Melkor > WPK
Usopp - WPK > John Wayne
Hayumi - John Wayne
Kvothe - WPK
Vivo Diez - WPK

WPK: 6
John Wayne: 3

Self votes

John Wayne

Votes lock in 35 minutes.

Vote count

Dunya - John Wayne
Lord Melkor - Remchu > WPK
Cooler - John Wayne > WPK
Hero - Usopp > WPK > John Wayne
Familyparka - John Wayne
Usopp - WPK > John Wayne
Hayumi - John Wayne
Kvothe - WPK
Vivo Diez - WPK
Katsuargi - WPK
Sigismund - John Wayne
John Wayne - John Wayne

John Wayne: 7
WPK: 5

Self votes

John Wayne

John Wayne (Xena of Amphipolis) was lynched!

(before any of you ask, yes, this vote count and lynch are accurate. I counted twice just to be certain)

Night 3 start. No more posting.
These are some last minute differences between the vote counts.
@dunya and @familyparka you both switched to JW towards the end?

Also note JW voted for himself, probably to put himself over WPK in the votecount on purpose
No, I said this in the Round Table chat tonight, and again in here a few pages ago.

I did not change my vote. Someone forced me to vote for who they wanted. The host confirmed this, I asked.
remchu getting the freeiest pass of the century

ya ofc the game is funny
u think 2 scum would have the same ability?

it looks more like someone moved them, or one of them can move and force someone else to move with him
You guys know you can match abilities to the characters submitted right?

Not many characters here have that type of control power over others.
I told you guys already I have no vote power, this also means I don't show up in vote counts. My only standard ability is to control one vote and move it where I want, the choice I make is reflected in the vote count. My one-shot was to be able to do my standard ability on three people+double each of their voting power which is what happened yesterday.

D1: didn't mess with anyone's vote
D2: made JW vote himself
D3: made JW, dunya and familyparka all vote JW

I had full reign of the lynch essentially, and could have gone hero shooting. JW was just the best choice after everything that came out that day.

Of my actual six voters, some had legit suspicion, but others are trying to hide behind the goddess thing to justify voting me instead of JW, yet I get crucified for deviating early to LM despite thinking both LM and JW were scum that could get got. FP, Vivo, Kat and KV the worst looking for choosing my wagon, as the other three had more motive for choosing me. Kat looking sketchy with their ability used again, but a scum copier is likely enough to not get immediately sent to the scum pile.

Usopp probably isn't part of the scum team but he's scum of some kind.

[Vote Execute]
I told you guys already I have no vote power, this also means I don't show up in vote counts. My only standard ability is to control one vote and move it where I want, the choice I make is reflected in the vote count. My one-shot was to be able to do my standard ability on three people+double each of their voting power which is what happened yesterday.

D1: didn't mess with anyone's vote
D2: made JW vote himself
D3: made JW, dunya and familyparka all vote JW

I had full reign of the lynch essentially, and could have gone hero shooting. JW was just the best choice after everything that came out that day.

Of my actual six voters, some had legit suspicion, but others are trying to hide behind the goddess thing to justify voting me instead of JW, yet I get crucified for deviating early to LM despite thinking both LM and JW were scum that could get got. FP, Vivo, Kat and KV the worst looking for choosing my wagon, as the other three had more motive for choosing me. Kat looking sketchy with their ability used again, but a scum copier is likely enough to not get immediately sent to the scum pile.

Usopp probably isn't part of the scum team but he's scum of some kind.

[Vote Execute]

Except John Wayne didn't vote for himself D2:
Vote count

Catamount - SinRaven
Cooler - Catamount
Dunya - Cypher
familyparka - Catamount
Usopp - John Wayne
Hayumi - Catamount
Hero - Catamount
John Wayne - John Wayne
Juan - Catamount
Katsuargi - Usopp
Kue - Catamount
Lord Melkor - Catamount
Sigismund - Catamount
Kvothe - Catamount
Vivo Diez - Catamount

Catamount: 10
SinRaven: 1
Cypher: 1
John Wayne: 1
Usopp: 1

Self votes

John Wayne

Catamount (Mulan Fa) was lynched!

The Trial of WolfPrinceKiba

Oddjutsu -
Vote Set Free
Kue - Vote Execute
Usopp - Vote Set Free
Hero - Vote Set Free
LM - Vote Set Free
Cypher - Vote Set Free
Parka - Vote Set Free
Cooler - Vote Set Free
Juan - Vote Execute
Kvothe - Vote Set Free

WolfPrinceKiba has been set free!

Night 2 start. No more posting.
I told you guys already I have no vote power, this also means I don't show up in vote counts. My only standard ability is to control one vote and move it where I want, the choice I make is reflected in the vote count. My one-shot was to be able to do my standard ability on three people+double each of their voting power which is what happened yesterday.

D1: didn't mess with anyone's vote
D2: made JW vote himself
D3: made JW, dunya and familyparka all vote JW

I had full reign of the lynch essentially, and could have gone hero shooting. JW was just the best choice after everything that came out that day.

Of my actual six voters, some had legit suspicion, but others are trying to hide behind the goddess thing to justify voting me instead of JW, yet I get crucified for deviating early to LM despite thinking both LM and JW were scum that could get got. FP, Vivo, Kat and KV the worst looking for choosing my wagon, as the other three had more motive for choosing me. Kat looking sketchy with their ability used again, but a scum copier is likely enough to not get immediately sent to the scum pile.

Usopp probably isn't part of the scum team but he's scum of some kind.

[Vote Execute]
this is god awful
why r u executing me when u know im not part of the scum team
aka your team?

yeeting u or LM is inevitable at this point, but u guys wanna execute me along as well since im an easy sus

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