Game The Puddletown Mafia (Town victory)

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Waffles would u just like to post that updated vote count? :tomato

01. Dr. White
02. Darth - Ava
03. WPK - Dr. White
04. Shiny
05. Mr. Waffles - Darth
06. Ava - WAD > Darth > No Lynch > Darth
07. SinRaven - WAD
08. Nevan
09. Reznor - Ava > Darth
10. RuffRuff
11. Platinum - Psychic
12. Didi - WAD > Darth > Ava
13. Psychic - Didi
14. Melodie
15. WAD - Darth
16. DDL - WAD > Ava

:hm Yeah not so much lurking, moreso reading the thread. game started at an inopportune time for me. Not sure who looks scummy or not but there's a lot of accusations flying back and forth for a day 1 and it definitely feels like mafia started a wagon at some point in the phase. "Voting for the majority lynch" comes across as kind of scummy to me so for now I'll drop a vote on Ava.

[ Vote Lynch Ava ]


[vote lynch Darth]
I take it that all this resistance to the WAD lynch despite the amount of fun involved must mean that WAD is scum, got it :)

This is low-effort even for you sin :catroll.

The reason Sin gave for meme lynching you is better than anything we are used to.

I've seen NF go berserk for way lesser reasons. And on players as good as or better than you.

Tho you have a point that this general apathy could be the reason.

I'm not sure its apathy, I think a lot of people are just waiting for the pieces to fall and jump in safely on a wagon.

You guys are always up for meme lynches but now y'all scared big meanie wad will hurt you if you go for this one

Poor pups

I really am curious why you are so determined to push this. I would think you are lynchee (or whatever that role is called where you have to get a specific person lynched to win), but i'm not sure you would be so blatant about it.

speaking of these so called meme lynches

can anyone tell me the last time someone was ‘meme lynched’ ?

cuz as far as i can remember all D1 lynches have had some degree of merit to th

Day 1 of my game basically would have been an 'lol cubey' lynch if not for you being so receptive to it being changed on you. But that's probably because I brought in a lot of OBD guys so :shurg:

[Change Vote Lynch Darth]

Gotta make sure I survive at all costs. :blobknife

See, your posting is so blatantly obvious that you are either pulling a Nello or doing a real bad job of being a jester. I think it is the former, but hard to say.

Also do any of the oldfags know what the fuck is Ava doing?

Trying to be so scummy that it flips back to people thinking there is no way scum would be so obvious. That or bad jester play as I said.

What did plat say about psychic?

I think he is talking about my vote for Psychic because of this

i just want to say hi, and I will post later.

Which I still stand by as the classic 'oh shit i'm scum and can't stand out as being an inactifag so i'll post empty words for the illusion of activity' play. My vote still stands for this reason.
Ava wanted you to respond something. Well, either that or he said it just to look like he was contributing.
this post I assume
Well I thought it was very weird how Ruffruff is constantly avoiding to anwser Nevan's "are you town question".

First he says he has to go to sleep then he can't reply. Then I see him online around 8:30 am and he still doesn't reply. And now he still can't reply to that question until he gets back home on his computer apparently. :hmm
You can't call it avoiding when I hadn't posted after he asked me a second time for a solid yes or no and I clearly stated that I was going to sleep. you can compare the time stamp on my post and compare it with what time it was over here and you'll see that it was night time.

Simple, it's easier to quote and type a longer message on the computer than on a phone.

I don't know how you usually play but I find it funny how you keep on jumping around with your lynch vote, seems like you don't care much about the outcome of this lynch.
this post I assume

You can't call it avoiding when I hadn't posted after he asked me a second time for a solid yes or no and I clearly stated that I was going to sleep. you can compare the time stamp on my post and compare it with what time it was over here and you'll see that it was night time.

Simple, it's easier to quote and type a longer message on the computer than on a phone.

I don't know how you usually play but I find it funny how you keep on jumping around with your lynch vote, seems like you don't care much about the outcome of this lynch.
I don't find you suspicious anymore my man, I have new prey so you can ignore my previous post about you. :blobknife
this post I assume

You can't call it avoiding when I hadn't posted after he asked me a second time for a solid yes or no and I clearly stated that I was going to sleep. you can compare the time stamp on my post and compare it with what time it was over here and you'll see that it was night time.

Simple, it's easier to quote and type a longer message on the computer than on a phone.

I don't know how you usually play but I find it funny how you keep on jumping around with your lynch vote, seems like you don't care much about the outcome of this lynch.
You're still avoiding.

Don't tell me why you aren't avoiding, tell me whether or not you are town. Are you town?
Give me a post with just "I am town" if you are town, otherwise I'll assume mafia or indie and proceed from there.
:hm Yeah not so much lurking, moreso reading the thread. game started at an inopportune time for me. Not sure who looks scummy or not but there's a lot of accusations flying back and forth for a day 1 and it definitely feels like mafia started a wagon at some point in the phase. "Voting for the majority lynch" comes across as kind of scummy to me so for now I'll drop a vote on Ava.
[Vote Lynch Ava ]
Well, I'm pretty fine with my vote on Darth now.
This might be a dumb/newbie question and if so I apologize in advance....but what's the point of the "are you town" question.

I understand why Dr. White did that in WAD's cb game since he had a lie detector role, but from my understanding this is a vanilla game so no way such a role would exist.

Therefore everyone is going to say they are town regardless if they are town since there are no consequences for lying.

Unless I'm missing something. :dank
This might be a dumb/newbie question and if so I apologize in advance....but what's the point of the "are you town" question.

I understand why Dr. White did that in WAD's cb game since he had a lie detector role, but from my understanding this is a vanilla game so no way such a role would exist.

Therefore everyone is going to say they are town regardless if they are town since there are no consequences for lying.

Unless I'm missing something. :dank

It's more about just getting the person to respond, and seeing how they respond.

Are they matter-of-fact? Defensive? Snide and dismissive? All of that can say something.
A lot of our games have lie detectors too. This question gives them a chance to work.

Though I don't expect such a role to exist in a simple game like this one.
How did scum deal with lie detectors in those other games out of curiosity? If you lie, you get caught, if you don't answer, you get pressured by everyone until you do. Seems like it's way too cheap. :dank
How did scum deal with lie detectors in those other games out of curiosity? If you lie, you get caught, if you don't answer, you get pressured by everyone until you do. Seems like it's way too cheap. :dank

It is. That is why I use lie-detector roles that won't check 'i'm town' statements, but can be used to check role-claim and other things.

Though you can still get around this with a vague non-answer that seems like an answer such as 'why would I ever say i'm not town?' if the person isn't persistent enough.
How did scum deal with lie detectors in those other games out of curiosity? If you lie, you get caught, if you don't answer, you get pressured by everyone until you do. Seems like it's way too cheap. :dank

You treat it like an extra cop. A little stronger if the lie detector result is public, a little weaker if it's not. Cops are cheap, but that's why balanced games don't have too many of them.
I'm conflicted about Darth and Platinum tbh.

And this reads a lot like a bullshit attempt to construct a narrative. An innocent child role with the kind of flavor being given (not to mention this is a Shizune game and his warcraft one had a lot of hidden triggers that swapped alignments) is something to be wary of. Someone that just wants to be spoonfed information instead of looking at things and considering the possibilites that everything might not be as it appears is far more agregious to me. Don't try to construe me as someone posting empty fluff when I threw out the mere possibility of something, before moving on to question and pressure other voters.

Nah, it really does not. A mafia member does not contribute to town's victory/hunting for mafia. They try to give the impression of contributing through arguing about game mechanics or tinfoil stuff to give the impression that they're town. It's basic principle of how to play the game, and while tinfoiling is sometimes a necessity, distinguishing whether it's worth noting or not is important. Your argument regarding it being Shizune's game or comparing it to his Warcraft mafia doesn't hold much merit either considering the concept of the game is entirely different. That game was marketed as a Bastard game, and not only this, but marketed as also extremely role-madness type game. Neither of which fall into this game category.

List of people I won't lynch today no matter what:


List of people I am not totally opposed to lynching but probably won't:

Mr. Waffles

List of people I will likely choose one from and lynch:


This may or may not line up with my reads.

Feel free to ask me about anyone. :hm

I'd like to ask you about Platinum, Shiny and Nevan.

Ah boohoo WAD is so afraid he's getting lynched he has to go for the low blows

Didn't you recently mention another game where you almost got lynched day one and tried to turn it by flaming

Well la die da

Ehh, WAD also gets extremely upset if he's being lynched for stupid reasons as town. He lost it when he was getting lynched in a Cubey generic mafia game I believe, but Belphe decided to use his governor ability to lynch me (Doctor) instead.

No really

Tell me a Darth lynch right now is anything but an easy way out.

Dude is a legendary inactifagger.

You vote for him before he even starts posting.

This is just as meme as the Wad lynch, with the difference that it's not even an interesting one.

policy lynch=/= meme lynch. IMO.

[vote change no lynch]

Just gonna observe for now, got no idea who's scum and I don't wanna mess this up.

I'll make a decision later. :hmm

This is way too scummy that I feel like you're town :bookerskully
Nah, it really does not. A mafia member does not contribute to town's victory/hunting for mafia. They try to give the impression of contributing through arguing about game mechanics or tinfoil stuff to give the impression that they're town. It's basic principle of how to play the game, and while tinfoiling is sometimes a necessity, distinguishing whether it's worth noting or not is important. Your argument regarding it being Shizune's game or comparing it to his Warcraft mafia doesn't hold much merit either considering the concept of the game is entirely different. That game was marketed as a Bastard game, and not only this, but marketed as also extremely role-madness type game. Neither of which fall into this game category.

That's all well and good, but I explained my mistrust is due to my only other experience with Shizune's hosting, which you can disregard fine, and the flavor of the game making this a possibility. The former is discountable if you want it to be, the latter is still something I feel is possible.

Your focus on this is incredibly curious, as it is just something I brought up as a possibility and then moved on from. I didn't pressure Reznor for it; I didn't demand opinions or cop investigations. You linger on this one point as if it is all I have done, when its literally the least important thing i've done all day phase outside of a single shitpost. Your repeated attempts to paint me as some empty-worded fluffer attempting to blend while ignoring all my discussions which contradict this read is something i'm definitely noting.
I'd like to ask you about Platinum, Shiny and Nevan.

I feel like I've mostly covered this earlier. :hm

But to reiterate:

I'm sort of neutral on Platinum, but I think his activity levels makes me give him a tentative slight-town read. It's the same deal with Nevan, I feel like both these guys hang back a bit more when they're scum. However they both had interactions of interest to me: Platinum with Psychic, and Nevan with Ruffruff. I think these were organic and genuine interrogations/inquisitions (i.e no bussing occurring), so if Psychic flips scum, I think Plat is town. Same with if Ruffruff flips scum for Nevan. And since I don't believe they are bussing or sussing teammates for cred, if Plat or Nevan flip scum I'll pretty much consider the other two most likely town.

Shiny, I'm thinking is scum because he seemed more nervous and unwilling to fluff than his usual town self. He's posted a bit better since I FoS'd him but I'm fairly comfortable with my read, like 70% or so. :thunk
Melodie also asking W about his opinion on me when has given it multiple times already also shows you are either trying to buddy with him, or that you haven't read the thread closely enough to remember it:

List of people I won't lynch today no matter what:


This may or may not line up with my reads.

Feel free to ask me about anyone. :hm

Platinum because he's been active and vigilant and is a good player, regardless of his faction

And you call me the one pretending to contribute while actually doing nothing :catball.
I'd like to believe I read the entire thread. But I missed that post.

Very convinent, to say the least, that you missed all the posts where the guy you were attempting to buddy with to pressure me agreed with my read on pyschic, and thought I was playing the exact opposite way that you are attempting to paint me as.

This also fails to address any of the other points I countered you on, and is a weak defense on its own.

Is this possibly one of those fabled posts where the person just argues about meaningless shit to pretend to be town, but is really just mafia?

I guess we'll find out by the end of this game now won't we?
This would be a direct response, which isn't a defense by the way, you're the one being suspected, unless you're suggesting that you're simply suspecting me due to my reasonable suspicion on you, then that just paints you in worse light than before.

[Vote Lynch Platinum]

That's all well and good, but I explained my mistrust is due to my only other experience with Shizune's hosting, which you can disregard fine, and the flavor of the game making this a possibility. The former is discountable if you want it to be, the latter is still something I feel is possible.

Your focus on this is incredibly curious, as it is just something I brought up as a possibility and then moved on from. I didn't pressure Reznor for it; I didn't demand opinions or cop investigations. You linger on this one point as if it is all I have done, when its literally the least important thing i've done all day phase outside of a single shitpost. Your repeated attempts to paint me as some empty-worded fluffer attempting to blend while ignoring all my discussions which contradict this read is something i'm definitely noting.

The only reason you moved on from was due to the quick notice of how sketchy the discussion was. Distancing yourself from it is reasonable. pushing it further to demand cop investigations or the like would be a reach, and just paint an even worse light. Waste actions on a innocent child? recipe for a quick lynch. It's not the least important thing you have done, as it is by far the most suspicious thing you have done. And I have never painted you as an empty word fluffer, nor have I painted you as player that blends in/coast throughout the game. Unless you mean that simply blending between town regardless of contribution or actions or whatever, then that is literally every player.

Very convinent, to say the least, that you missed all the posts where the guy you were attempting to buddy with to pressure me agreed with my read on pyschic, and thought I was playing the exact opposite way that you are attempting to paint me as.

This also fails to address any of the other points I countered you on, and is a weak defense on its own.

Is this possibly one of those fabled posts where the person just argues about meaningless shit to pretend to be town, but is really just mafia?

I guess we'll find out by the end of this game now won't we?

All the posts?
Exact opposite?

That's actually ridiculous exaggeration in all fronts. Nothing I have done can be even interpreted as buddying to WAD, objectively speaking. He offered open reads to his suspicions, so I asked him several names, as I'm curious for his reads. Second one was simple stance on how WAD behaves as town. Literally all I brought up regarding WAD. He literally just reiterated his stance on you and it's in no way the opposite of my view either. and last but not least, let's not confuse the positions, I'm not the one here defending myself, you are, lol.

If anything, you're trying to paint WAD as a confirmed townie, for someone to buddy, as you believe he's absolutely town somehow.

Overall, players should focus on slips, that's why you pay attention to specific slips, and I don't see why you're baffled for being called out on one.
Nice of you to finally do something on your own Melodie, without feebly waiting for others to suspect me first.

This would be a direct response, which isn't a defense by the way, you're the one being suspected, unless you're suggesting that you're simply suspecting me due to my reasonable suspicion on you, then that just paints you in worse light than before.

[Vote Lynch Platinum]

Except your suspicion isn't reasonable at all... which is the whole point I made. You trying to paint me as something I was clearly not being is not reasonable suspicion. It is shoddy scumhunting and poor play.

The only reason you moved on from was due to the quick notice of how sketchy the discussion was. Distancing yourself from it is reasonable. pushing it further to demand cop investigations or the like would be a reach, and just paint an even worse light. Waste actions on a innocent child? recipe for a quick lynch.

Not at all. Those posts were made when it was just me and Dr White agreeing that something might be up, and then Reznor came out and said he was an innocent child with some lore fluff and I left it at that. This also completly ignores that my tinfoil on this was that he is a townie that might possibly turn due to the flavor. The fact that you think this is completly impossible and illogical is just completly stupid when the context of Shizune's opening post paints the flavor as a religiously heavy town, which can indicate corruption in the church.

It's not the least important thing you have done, as it is by far the most suspicious thing you have done. And I have never painted you as an empty word fluffer, nor have I painted you as player that blends in/coast throughout the game. Unless you mean that simply blending between town regardless of contribution or actions or whatever, then that is literally every player.

Bullshit. You haven't painted me as an empty worded fluffer?

That's not the problem. Not to me anyway. It seemed like a ridiculous tinfoil for something overly basic/obvious. Which gives off the impression that it's just mafia trying to give the impression of contributing when they're literally saying nothing/discussing nothing of value.

That's you, talking about me, saying i'm trying to give the impression of contributing without saying anything, again ignoring everything else i've done in the game. Seems like you trying to paint me as an empty worded fluffer to me. Did you miss this post too in your thorough reading? Or do you not read your own posts, in addition to W's, in this game?

That's actually ridiculous exaggeration in all fronts. Nothing I have done can be even interpreted as buddying to WAD, objectively speaking.

Oh please. "oh not sure about Platinum and Darth, tell me what you think W" sure sounds like buddying to me.

He offered open reads to his suspicions, so I asked him several names, as I'm curious for his reads.

Reads he already gave and you either ignored, and/or forgot about. Seems like an attempt at passively trying to put suspicion on me. And just because someone offers, doesn't mean taking them up on it isn't buddying. In fact, that's the easiest way to get away with it.

Second one was simple stance on how WAD behaves as town. Literally all I brought up regarding WAD. He literally just reiterated his stance on you and it's in no way the opposite of my view either. and last but not least, let's not confuse the positions, I'm not the one here defending myself, you are, lol.

Nope. That's not how it works. Mafia is a two-way street. You don't get to say 'lul, you the one being pressured not me!' and act like that gives you immunity to questioning.

If anything, you're trying to paint WAD as a confirmed townie, for someone to buddy, as you believe he's absolutely town somehow.

Not even. I have not followed W's reads at all in this game, and I even pressured him early in the phase (maybe you didn't read that, understandable). Using his reads on me as a point against you isn't me trying to paint Wad as a confirmed townie.

Overall, players should focus on slips, that's why you pay attention to specific slips, and I don't see why you're baffled for being called out on one.

This is a lovely low-effort attempt to paint what I did as a slip. The only way what I did could be a slip, is if it is actually true and I had knowledge of it. Yet, your whole case against me, is that the very notion of what I suggested is ridiculous and unlikely. So your very argument is inherently contradictory. Either I knew it was true and for some reason I was a complete moron to bring up this possibility to a thread that would never consider it, or I don't know its true, and thus it can't be a slip.
You suspected me for voting for you. Same thing.
I never said once the reason I suspected you was because you were voting me, I said a large portion I stopped suspecting you was because you stopped voting me, there's actually a big difference between those two statements believe it or not.

If you want I can elaborate on why I originally suspected you. :dank
So basically, we're going to need to operate on the assumption that Darth is scum. So anyways, Darth is the majority lynch. I had a gut feeling that maybe Darth could be mafia since he was so inactive, but I wasn't very confident. So I decided to play it safe and vote no lynch and wait and see if anything interesting happens before voting for someone. Apparently that was me committing a huge NF mafia sin and you and Did pounced on me and voted for me and that's where redflags popped off in my head about you and Didi.

Now you're probably wondering "well this just proves that you only suspected us because we voted you".

Not true, I suspected you guys because I think if Darth is mafia, then it's only natural that one of his teammates would want to naturally save him by starting a wagon on a townie who fucked up hard. Lynching me and then saying "whoops I would have never guessed that he was townie because he said something so scummy hehe" would be the perfect move for scum to pull off.

Anyways even if Darth is mafia, I knew at best only one of you between Didi and yourself could be mafia, there's just no way two mafia members would stick out their neck for an inactive comrade. So I then had to figure out which one of you it was.

Now the main difference between you and Didi is...I got no idea who you are. :dank In fact if I'm not wrong, this is the first time we've ever interacted before, so you wouldn't really know how I play mafia. So I could see you being town and seeing my mistake and thinking that makes me scum. Didi on the other hand has seen how I play mafia, we were on the same mafia team together in Cubey's game, he knows I'm nothing like this. But for some reason, he was 99% sure I am mafia. Why is he so confident I'm scum? 99% is quite the percentage don't you think? :maybe

99% Ava's scum

[Vote Lynch Ava]

Anyways, you eventually were willing to vote my number one suspect Darth so of course at that point there was really no reason to suspect you. Hope that clears things up.

Also, this entire post is based on the assumption that Darth will flip mafia, if he flips town then everything I said about Didi is obviously useless. But if Darth comes back scum I'd like to start a manhunt on my buddy Didi.


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