Game The Puddletown Mafia (Town victory)

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I did some work during the night phase. I believe this may be useful to find sense in last day's bandwagons:



Mr. Waffles

Dr. White


Red = Darth
Blue = Wad
Green = Ava
No color = Other
Gray = No Lynch

Final votes are in Bold. Votes that were changed later are not.
So you basically copy pastad the vote count and color coded to appear to be doing work?
Pretty sure millers/godfathers fool LDs more often than not.
Not sure they do, and didn't you say the exact opposite in one of the last games?
I could have opted to not do it at all and just accuse people like everyone else is doing too. And like I am doing too.

Instead I am trying to do vote analysis, in a way that might be useful.

I didn't make this up btw. I copied the system from Gman from Mafia Syndicate.
Yeah but you made it seem like you did some intricate patter analysis, when nitty already showed is vote changes. And what do you mean "just act like everyone else and start accusing" when that's the crux of the game and players before you (including myself) did do vote analysis?
Yeah but you made it seem like you did some intricate patter analysis, when nitty already showed is vote changes. And what do you mean "just act like everyone else and start accusing" when that's the crux of the game and players before you (including myself) did do vote analysis?

Nitty didn't show the precise order of the votes.

This is important.

And you are accusing me of trying to appear like I am contributing, when I am already contributing with accusing to begin with, and just wanted to add a little extra. I ddidn't make this so you assholes think I am more town. I made it because I thought the Darth lynch could be very revealing if we looked at which order the votes happened.
But maybe you are salty because I made a post that showed you as the 6th person on the Darth wagon, meaning you are an obvious busser? Because that's what it's looking like.
A.) i sussed you at day start so i can ise the argument that you sussed me because of that but I'm not cause it's weak and defensive.
B.) and no, I was at work and wanted to get a vote in and as I told Wpk darths defense was shit hence why he got voted.
C.) if you actually read, i said the same thing as you in my post to start this phase except i didn't try to feign effort by dressing nitty's vote count up in pretty colors can anyone can see the vote count.
Nitty didn't show the precise order of the votes.

This is important.

And you are accusing me of trying to appear like I am contributing, when I am already contributing with accusing to begin with, and just wanted to add a little extra. I ddidn't make this so you assholes think I am more town. I made it because I thought the Darth lynch could be very revealing if we looked at which order the votes happened.
Pretty sure hers does.

Your the one who created a dichotomy between your rainbow vote thing and "just accusing others" as if that puts you on some new level of activity.
For example, you can see from the list Waffles and Ava added votes on Darth when the thread was still talking about whether to lynch Wad or not. This makes them look like town.
Like last game when wpk and didi copped town cred by bussing stel? Given how flaky the wad wagon was it's not as strong imo.

Nit that i think waffles or ava are scum from that but i find your logic to weak from just that especially in a 48 hour phase.
Pretty sure hers does.

Your the one who created a dichotomy between your rainbow vote thing and "just accusing others" as if that puts you on some new level of activity.









Ok? You're the one who made the argument lmao?

And yes all you had to do was look at the lynch post. Nitty tracked people's votes. What do you think the arrows seperating seperate names and "no lynch" meant? Color coding is cute and all but once again you portrayed it as some beacon of effort.
Ok I give up you have a bad case of tunnel vision. You are convinced I made the list as some evil plot to look more town and you refuse to even look at it.

Why do I even waste time to scumhunt in this site.

I see a Syndicate game just started. I'm going there.

Except I am pressuring you over something i find sus, thos being after i sussed you prior to this conversation. Do you see a vote dropped?

Stop being so damn mellow dramatic and play the fucking game.
And yes all you had to do was look at the lynch post. Nitty tracked people's votes. What do you think the arrows seperating seperate names and "no lynch" meant? Color coding is cute and all but once again you portrayed it as some beacon of effort.

Holy shit you can't be that dumb.

No it doesn't. Because Nitty's post shows the votes by order of poster. It doesn't show them by order of time.

SinRaven - W
Didi - W > Darth > A
DDL - W > A > Darth
W - Darth
Platinum - Psychic
Psychic - Didi
A - W > Darth > No Lynch > Darth
Mr. Waffles - Darth
WPK - Dr. White
Reznor - Ava > Darth
Darth - A
Dr. White - Darth
Melodie - Platinum
Nevan - Darth

Tell me, just by looking at this list. Which one of those happened first: Didi's vote on A, or Wad's vote on Darth?
Pretty sure millers/godfathers fool LDs more often than not.

If he’s Godfather with LD immunity, whatever he said would have come up as truth.

And I’ve never seen a Miller come up guilty to investigation and show up as a liar. Least not in a generic game? And if he was Miller, he could have indicated it better. He didn’t even know there was a lie detector in play.

Like... if I am hosting a game you can be damn sure the miller will fool LDs. SO I don't see why I would ever say the opposite.

I’m just going to go ahead and note that if he flips scum you should definitely go next.
Well this useful thanks for letting me know so at least I don't have to keep reading the thread next day.

I mean, I’m not the sole authority of town but I haven’t forgotten your defense of Darth but decided it’s not quite enough to condemn you but if you’re defending Ruffruff as scum too then you either are the most unlucky townie in the world who has pretty much has only defended mafia or...yeah.
I mean, I’m not the sole authority of town but I haven’t forgotten your defense of Darth but decided it’s not quite enough to condemn you but if you’re defending Ruffruff as scum too then you either are the most unlucky townie in the world who has pretty much has only defended mafia or...yeah.

It's not necessarily luck tho.

I like to oppose main bandwagons. That's my thing.

Logic states I will often end up opposing ones on scum.
It's not necessarily luck tho.

I like to oppose main bandwagons. That's my thing.

Logic states I will often end up opposing ones on scum.

Yet I can’t recall where you, as town, ardently defender another doomed townie who got lynched?

Anyways, objectively I can see your opposition to the Darth lynch. You don’t like lynching known lurkers/inactives on Day 1. Whatever, I heavily disagree with that philosophy but so be it. I even say I give you some credit because you helped start to push Darth back in the lead over Ava after he gave that one miserable post of his.

But why are you defending and tinfoiling for someone else who has been incriminated?

Is it like, your sworn duty to be the 10th man?
Apparently Nevan is the LD which I'm also not getting but whatever. So I want to suspect White, who took his sweet time to vote, and Melodie, who engaged in contributive mode to create what seemed like a Platinum counter-wagon near the end of the phase.
No one has mentioned me as the LD but you, so you had to think that yourself and yet you dismiss it in your post.

Are you sure you didn't hear it in your QT?

Are you trying to distance yourself from the kill last night?
Well someone has to do the tinfoiling.

We really don’t.

If he’s a Miller or something like a Survivor he should have played better, posted better.

His earlier posts did not lend itself to the suggestion that he’s a Miller or else he would have been more adamant about coming out as the role, or should have. Even with role revealing being banned he could have alluded to it. And if he was survivor or some other neutral or pro-Town indie, he could have just matter-of-factly faction claimed.
This saddens me greatly.
I thought you at least had half a brain, but apparently even that is giving you too much credit. :sadpanda
Nothing in his post alluded to him listing it as time slotted. It was literally color coded votes with him only expounding on if the vote was final or not.

I think the one with less than half the brain is the one being tormented by particularly aggressive Alzheimers :maybe
Nothing in his post alluded to him listing it as time slotted. It was literally color coded votes with him only expounding on if the vote was final or not.

I think the one with less than half the brain is the one being tormented by particularly aggressive Alzheimers :maybe

Common sense goes a long way. :maybe

@Mr. Waffles

Ava later makes a post where he gives DDL a pass and said he would pursue Didi instead, one second.

I know, Manlio. :lmao

I just quoted that because he claims he didn't say it.
Darth and Didi are my number 1 and 2 suspects.

I don't really suspect you or DDL anymore sorry.

Maybe if something new happens we can chat again. :blobknife

I never said once the reason I suspected you was because you were voting me, I said a large portion I stopped suspecting you was because you stopped voting me, there's actually a big difference between those two statements believe it or not.

If you want I can elaborate on why I originally suspected you. :dank

So basically, we're going to need to operate on the assumption that Darth is scum. So anyways, Darth is the majority lynch. I had a gut feeling that maybe Darth could be mafia since he was so inactive, but I wasn't very confident. So I decided to play it safe and vote no lynch and wait and see if anything interesting happens before voting for someone. Apparently that was me committing a huge NF mafia sin and you and Did pounced on me and voted for me and that's where redflags popped off in my head about you and Didi.

Now you're probably wondering "well this just proves that you only suspected us because we voted you".

Not true, I suspected you guys because I think if Darth is mafia, then it's only natural that one of his teammates would want to naturally save him by starting a wagon on a townie who fucked up hard. Lynching me and then saying "whoops I would have never guessed that he was townie because he said something so scummy hehe" would be the perfect move for scum to pull off.

Anyways even if Darth is mafia, I knew at best only one of you between Didi and yourself could be mafia, there's just no way two mafia members would stick out their neck for an inactive comrade. So I then had to figure out which one of you it was.

Now the main difference between you and Didi is...I got no idea who you are. :dank In fact if I'm not wrong, this is the first time we've ever interacted before, so you wouldn't really know how I play mafia. So I could see you being town and seeing my mistake and thinking that makes me scum. Didi on the other hand has seen how I play mafia, we were on the same mafia team together in Cubey's game, he knows I'm nothing like this. But for some reason, he was 99% sure I am mafia. Why is he so confident I'm scum? 99% is quite the percentage don't you think? :maybe

Anyways, you eventually were willing to vote my number one suspect Darth so of course at that point there was really no reason to suspect you. Hope that clears things up.

Also, this entire post is based on the assumption that Darth will flip mafia, if he flips town then everything I said about Didi is obviously useless. But if Darth comes back scum I'd like to start a manhunt on my buddy Didi.


Ava’s most recent reads posts towards the end of D1.
I still want this answered and I would appreciate it if Wad answered too.

WPK I feel fairly confident in reading in general. I am fairly sure I’ve read him correctly in the last 2-3 games I’ve played with him at least. And I’m leaning sort of townie here.

Didi I’m leaning towards scum, but I’m not very confident about it. Like I initially said in my first posts in my half-sleep state when him and DDL voted for me. One of he or DDL is scum. And their voting patterns last phase weren’t the greatest or most townlike. I would love if one or both are lie detected or investigated sooner rather than later because the exoneration of one is the condemnation of the other.
No one has mentioned me as the LD but you, so you had to think that yourself and yet you dismiss it in your post.

Are you sure you didn't hear it in your QT?

Are you trying to distance yourself from the kill last night?

The way Nevan questioned me it was pretty obvious that he was gonna lie detect me, if I weren't town I'd have dodged the rest of the day and let it all slide.
Didi's "pretty cut and dry" syntax seems like some buddying with WAD. Ruffruff is obviously going to die today, so voting for him is just smart to do as scum atm, but I feel a pattern here.
if I weren't town I'd have dodged the rest of the day and let it all slide.
Not a fan of that argument. I don't see how it was more pro-town to dodge it and then reluctantly answer, explaining AFTER a lie detect got wasted on you.

Ava is like pretty much 100% town after that
I mean, if indies are a thing, he's a prime candidate for them. It's pretty clear he's not mafia aligned though.

dr. White had voted for Darth when it was already apparent that Darth has shot himself in the foot and knee with his low effort defense tbh
I swear if you weren't innocent child...

https://wiki.[Blocked Domain]/index.php?title=JEEP's_Tells_for_Finding_Mafia
Sorry the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook's scumhunting advise is failing you.
You sure as hell made it sound like it was some sort of consensus, rather than the excuse of someone found guilty.

That's like, your interpretation man.

From my point of view, I have 4-5 mafia suspects, and one of them has been said by others to be the LD. So logically I should put you at the end of my list.

Besides, I noticed I was the only one calling you scum last day while half of the player base was calling you town, so it's easy to assume they just caught some hint I didn't.

And if they didn't, I'm just playing safe,
We really don’t.

If he’s a Miller or something like a Survivor he should have played better, posted better.

His earlier posts did not lend itself to the suggestion that he’s a Miller or else he would have been more adamant about coming out as the role, or should have. Even with role revealing being banned he could have alluded to it. And if he was survivor or some other neutral or pro-Town indie, he could have just matter-of-factly faction claimed.

Yes we do.

More speculation is always better than no speculation, no matter what the reason.

We have 24 hours to lynch someone. No need to ban people from discussing possibilities.
Didi's "pretty cut and dry" syntax seems like some buddying with WAD. Ruffruff is obviously going to die today, so voting for him is just smart to do as scum atm, but I feel a pattern here.

Not a fan of that argument. I don't see how it was more pro-town to dodge it and then reluctantly answer, explaining AFTER a lie detect got wasted on you.

I mean, if indies are a thing, he's a prime candidate for them. It's pretty clear he's not mafia aligned though.

Sorry the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook's scumhunting advise is failing you.

With the lack of other action besides the failed mafia kill in the writeup, what independents do you suppose could be in the game?

Yes we do.

More speculation is always better than no speculation, no matter what the reason.

We have 24 hours to lynch someone. No need to ban people from discussing possibilities.

It’s not our job to create circumstances for the accused to defend himself with. :sag

It’s his, and his alone.

Wad, you have this thing where you decide anyone who doesn't obey your leadership is automatically scum. I even made it an ability in the Wad role I made for CotH.

Drop that crap.


Why are you trying to discredit me.

Where in this game have I even suggested this is the case? Everyone I suspect has legitimate merit to their cases.

WPK, Melodie, Platinum, Psychic, Dr. White etc. haven’t really fallen in line with me.

Yet, I don’t suspect any of them.

WPK I feel fairly confident in reading in general. I am fairly sure I’ve read him correctly in the last 2-3 games I’ve played with him at least. And I’m leaning sort of townie here.

Didi I’m leaning towards scum, but I’m not very confident about it. Like I initially said in my first posts in my half-sleep state when him and DDL voted for me. One of he or DDL is scum. And their voting patterns last phase weren’t the greatest or most townlike. I would love if one or both are lie detected or investigated sooner rather than later because the exoneration of one is the condemnation of the other.

I'm town

also, that first part
wasn't your half sleep state me and Sin, not me and DDL? that was what you were going with all last phase at least iirc
Nothing in his post alluded to him listing it as time slotted. It was literally color coded votes with him only expounding on if the vote was final or not.

I think the one with less than half the brain is the one being tormented by particularly aggressive Alzheimers :maybe

with the added stuff of 'bolded vote is last vote' and people being in there multiple times it was very obviously time slotted my man, sorry I am afraid you are legally retarded now :(
Yes we do.

More speculation is always better than no speculation, no matter what the reason.

We have 24 hours to lynch someone. No need to ban people from discussing possibilities.
I agree that we should speculate on other people as well.
But I also think it's reasonable to say that you might be trying to steer the lynch away for Ruffruff.
I won't get any scumread for doing it, you will. That's the way it is.

Being scumread isn't the end of the world. When I'm doctor, I don't want to be "cleared". You're looking at it as "if people think I might be scum, that means I'm doing something wrong" and that just isn't how it works. People can accuse people of being scum for doing the right thing (being too confident that someone is town, for example) or be more townread for being wrong.

It's inevitable that you'll get suspicion for being on the wrong side of something earlier, that's bound to happen.
You don't have to draw more suspicion by being obsessed that you aren't cleared.
I do think you're trying to put in work for town, but that's kind of sullied by checked if you're cleared yet every few posts.

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