2. WolfPriceKouga: Very sus of him. After the Cooler lynch was dying down and he was second in line he got a bandwagon on Stelios and now hes pointed LG towards Kira. Depending on how these 2 flip will determine how hard I push his lynch next dayphase.
3. Dr. White: Weird one. I was originally leaning on a scum read for his lack of activity and weird push on Hyperion but now that hes mentioned he has some weird post fukery going on im less sus of him.
4. Cinera: Leaning town. Shes been very objective in how she approches this game questioning any post she has problem with.
5. Dragon D. Luffy: Little activity, banwagoning and in general unhelpful. Scum read.
7. Sweet Home: Who?
8. Lewd: Neutral on Lew. Hes playing like he normaly does but ive never been in a game where he was scum so
9. RemChu: Does anyone here actually think hes town?
10. Agent Washington: Hes ampatheic towards the game and hasnt contribuited much.
12. MyMind: Im having a hard time reading him. When his town his reads are pretty good so depending how the people he sused flip will determine my read on him.
13. Lord Genome: Hes coming of as a lazy townie.
14. Kira Yagami: This has to be the first game where he isnt sitting back contribuiting jackshit to town and is actually giving in depth reads on people. Town read.
15. Cooler: Im guessing someone investigated him and got nothing out of the ordinary plus he did a full role reveal so im town reading him for now.
16. MAD: When he makes glaring mistakes its usually because hes town but his recent plays have got me conflicted.
6. Shade0180: Hes playing like he normaly does. Im pretty sure if we ask him any question about his role he'll crack if hes scum.
17. Stelios: Coasting, and is getting fucked for it. His flip will give a good idea on who scum are.
18. Jjcb: Town, I guess.
19. Ratchet: Who part 2?
20. Novaslinenever: All around good reads from him. Town read.
21. Franky: His reads seem solid right now but hes rather neutral on most people.
22. Phantom Thief: Who part 3?
23. Mexikorn: Coasting.
24. Oddjutsu: Pretty sure hes neutral.
25. Alwaysmind: Coasting and doesnt contribuit anything of value.
26. nfcnorth: Who part 4?
28. Hyperion1O1: Hasnt contributed much other than WoW lore.
30. Dragomir: Who part 5?
32. Maerala: Same as Hyperion.