Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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Got to this way later than I should because of Favorites VIII stuff:dead

White suggests here we should let Waffles slide for his opening post. Not just not lynching him for it but sweeping it under the rug.

shade with his one of several summaries, downplaying nova and jayjay's reasons for voting Waffles.

Kira questioning the early Waffles read as a reach, as if that doesn't apply to nearly all early reads.

Phantom trying to turn on jayjay for trying to start up scumhunting.

Shade continuing his useless posts commenting on known facts with a :hmm at the end but never actually posting any thoughts as to what he thinks on the matter in anyway meaningful.

Stelios would usually be more suspicious of people only talking mechanics, here he just posts annoyance at the fluff.

Kira continuing to defend Waffles.

Singles out Cooler as hard to read, all the while he hasn't made a read on anyone.

Kira attempting to tilt/provoke jayjay

Votes jayjay with a bunch of flowery bullshit that doesn't amount to anything.

Immediately throwing shade at the newcomer.

Shade with his next summary for the other newcomer in a clearly biased fashion, with the Cinera inclusion and mentioning defenses of SK but not Waffles.

Stelios's first actual contributive post has him accusing Dragomir of defending SK, helping to push the SK wagon along while ignoring Waffles and his defenders.

Franky says he wants to focus on the ones jumping on SK then votes cinera of all people rather than any of those who have seen SK do this as both alignments.

Here is mad pushing the policy lynch angle for SK.

WAD brings up the defenses of SK as reason he drew scum while ignoring the fact that Waffles had his own defenders.

This post is tonally terrible.

Dr.White going off wagon late.

This post looks good actually.

There he goes again.

Late vote after day was over, so technically didn't even vote.

[Change Vote Lynch Stelios]

I would say Cooler looks like the popular side wagon a scum would like to jump on. Lewd stands out for this, need to go grab that post again.
I feel I lack to much meta to actually read anyone now, but I need to vote.

I'd have voted Kira Yagami, but he might be a jester, so I guess I'll just go with Stelios.

[Vote: Lynch Stelios]
I wish I was a jester right now... I came in expecting crazy action day 1 like the last game. I've been disappointed with the lack of action so far. So I'm just going to come clean. I'm a survivor unaffiliated with anyone. I don't really care about any of your town vs mafia stuff I'm just in this for my entertainment. So you can take that knowledge and kill me or just ignore me. I personally just want to be left alone eating my stones over here.

Also volunteering for vote silencing so I don't have to bother with that.
Part 2

Need more interactions. :mystery

Not sure what to make of JJ vs Cooler.
Waffles is eh.

That last sentence :fusain

Should have read "Or are you even going to acknowledge that he might have thought he played a good game"

I guess I could argue that it isn't Waffle's fault SK responds like a rebellious teenager, but then again, you guys have played with eachother for what I can only assume to be a long time, so I imagine he'd know how SK might reply to that. Feels like some 3D chess, but I understand where you're coming from with that. An opportunity to coast, maybe. However, we still have 15(?) hours left in this DP. Easily enough time to put forth some arguments. I'm not willing to place my bets on a Waffle lynch for something that I observed as fairly trivial and expressed in a joking manner. At least not yet.

Oh yea, one of the faction have pm votes.

Vote Count

Jayjay - Mr. Waffles
WolfPriceKouga - Luck
Cinera - SupremeKage
Dragon D. Luffy - Franky
Lewd - Cooler
RemChu - Luck
SupremeKage - SupremeKage
Cooler - Dragomir
MAD - Franky > SupremeKage
Jjcb - Cooler
Novaslinenever - Mr. Waffles
Franky - Cinera
Phantom Thief - Jayjay
Mexikorn - Luck
Alwaysmind - Luck
Avito - Nova
Dragomir - Agent Washington > Mr. Waffles
Mr. Waffles - SupremeKage
Maerala - Jayjay

Luck - 4
SupremeKage - 4
Mr. Waffles- 3
Cooler - 2
Jayjay - 2
Franky - 1
Dragomir - 1
Nova - 1
Cinera - 1

Self votes

@Kira Yagami
@Lord Genome
@Dr. White
@Agent Washington
@Sweet Home

There are 4.5~ hours left until in the phase.

and this is where we hit the interesting point

also calling it now 1 of Remchu/shade is scum
People need to stop treating this like a normal mafia game because it isn't. Unless the person you're voting for is in your faction there is no wrong vote. Unless there is a hidden wincon and if there is it doesn't matter until it triggers everyone is enemies.

This kind of thought is the way to defeat. I hosted a game with two towns early this year and it was the biggest mafia stomp I've ever seen in this site. Towns were so worried about sabotaging each other that mafia's job was even easier than usual.
This kind of thought is the way to defeat. I hosted a game with two towns early this year and it was the biggest mafia stomp I've ever seen in this site. Towns were so worried about sabotaging each other that mafia's job was even easier than usual.


The Elves wincon is literally kill everyone else right now. Technically speaking they're more of a threat to my wincon than the mafia who only has to kill the Elves, Humans, and Orcs. I'm gambling a bit that something is going to trigger an alliance at some point and thus no one will have any reason to give any fucks about me but hey until that happens the "town" has more reason to hate me than the mafia does.

Weird ass world.

The Elves wincon is literally kill everyone else right now. Technically speaking they're more of a threat to my wincon than the mafia who only has to kill the Elves, Humans, and Orcs. I'm gambling a bit that something is going to trigger an alliance at some point and thus no one will have any reason to give any fucks about me but hey until that happens the "town" has more reason to hate me than the mafia does.

Weird ass world.

I missed that you're a survivor, whatever.
Part 3

[Vote lynch SK]

Its been like 16 hrs since this post, stop stalling :ufdup

the tiebreaker


[votelynch SupremeKage]

he never listed any reads before this, just voted SK to help the wagon takeoff

[change vote lynch Supremakage{

i did a quick ISO of AM and here’s something funny

his suspects were Remchu and luck, yet when the votes showed SK and luck to be tied, he finally placed his vote...on SK?

did AM finally roll scum?

I'm pretty busy rn so I am gonna keep this short. I do wanna policy lynch SK, but in light of a higher scumread I have to go with the latter. Hyperion is more conversive, reactive, and opportunistic than I would like to see from him to think he is town. Especially under those layers of Wow/mechanic talk.
[vote lynch Hyperion1O1]

this post is hella badly framed tho i agree that hyp101 is waving his flavor knowledge too much
also do u have a post requirement?

[vote lynch SK]

We have nothing to lose and we might learn stuff about Waffles.

so what did we learn?

[vote Lynch supreme kage]

why u wagon james

99% of the time when SK is town he doesn’t defend himself and just stays on trolling. He said he’d be releasing his reads but jumps to debunk his trolling first.

Those, IMO, are better reasons to vote him.

[change vote Lynch Supremekage]

i have to concur with WPK that of all the wagoning posts this one had the most authentic-sounding reasoning

I don't really have any strong convictions on this vote but a vote has to be made.

[VOTE LYNCH SupremeKage]

why don’t u have any strong convictions?

Jayjay feels sketchy but im not too sure
I think ill just go along with the bandwagon today and see what comes out of it

[Vote Lynch SupremeKage]

Jesus Christ

[vote lynch SupremeKage]

wagon post but i think sweet home is town off personal meta read

[vote lynch SupremeKage]

late/invalid vote

So shouldn't we be keeping SK around if he is feeding us info that can help solve the game?

Like come on guys...What if JJCB is part of that faction but still like a hostile indie of sorts?

[Change Vote Lynch Stelios]

hmmmm to look good on an eventual SK flip? placing vote on teammate perhaps?
I don't clearly see anything because I've never played warcraft.

SHow me plz.

First line of write up.

Seeking help in taming this hostile land, the scattered tauren tribes have joined The Orcish Horde.

With enemies at their borders, The Kaldorei have awoken the sleeping druids.

The Dark Troll tribe native to Mount Hyjal abducted Avito (Tarindrella) and sacrificed her for their voodoo rituals.

The Burning Legion faction killed Jayjay (Tyrande Whisperwind)!

Day 2 start. You may now post.

If he's a Tauren I assume he'll be recruited as well.
Part 3

the tiebreaker

he never listed any reads before this, just voted SK to help the wagon takeoff

i did a quick ISO of AM and here’s something funny

his suspects were Remchu and luck, yet when the votes showed SK and luck to be tied, he finally placed his vote...on SK?

did AM finally roll scum?

this post is hella badly framed tho i agree that hyp101 is waving his flavor knowledge too much
also do u have a post requirement?

so what did we learn?

why u wagon james

i have to concur with WPK that of all the wagoning posts this one had the most authentic-sounding reasoning

why don’t u have any strong convictions?

Jesus Christ

wagon post but i think sweet home is town off personal meta read

late/invalid vote

hmmmm to look good on an eventual SK flip? placing vote on teammate perhaps?

I’ll spare you the conspiracy. I misread SK (supreme cage) as SK (serial killer)
Day 3 start
Faced with a common enemy, The Human Expedition, The Orcish Horde and The Kaldorei have formed an alliance against The Burning Legion and The Scourge. The former three factions have had their win condition changed:

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

The Burning Legion concealed the game in darkness, hiding the rest of tonight's writeup. Additionally, the following rules have been enacted for today's phase:

1. Masons cannot find each other, and thus cannot communicate outside the thread.

2. Lynch votes must be submitted privately to the moderator. There will be no vote counts today.

Demons yet lurk in the shadows. Mind your footing today.

The Third War has begun.

Day 3 start. You may now post.

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