Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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It is up to the vets to reach out to newbies more than the other way around. Starting off it is easy to feel lost and not be comfortable asking for help, even then you might just receive vitriol back or people scumread you for it. In-game is a hard place to get good advice as people are wary of helping others as town since that person might be mafia they're allowing/helping to skate and mafia isn't going to want to honestly help a drowning townie.
I dunno about JayJay's behavior but it doesn't seem very unfair/antisocial/harsh to newcomers to me. But maybe I've just grown too thick a skin to know. I remember how people treated me in the OBD when I literally had like maybe 10 posts, especially fluttershit was mocking and making fun of me and I couldn't at the start make out if he was being sarcastic or not. The community on narutoforums can be quite something and ... well, I don't care, honestly I just stick around cause I got nothing better to do lul
Mafia might just be a game, but you don't use "fun" as an excuse for not trying or even trying to improve after the game concluded.
Understanding Your Audience – Bartle Player Taxonomy
Every player is unique and special but it’s nearly impossible to assess and cater to each type of personality. So it’s necessary to step back and start by understanding what you’re dealing with in regard to your site’s community.


We all know that every player is unique and special, with their own motivations for playing any given game and developing a personalized approach to its ecosystem. However, it’s nearly impossible to assess and cater to each type of personality with every aspect of your game, so it’s necessary to step back, organize, and plan things out a bit. And that starts by understanding what you’re dealing with in regard to your site’s community.

Hence the need for a taxonomy and some kind of assessment system. The Bartle Player Taxonomy or Bartle Player Types are based on character theory and player behavior; the classification is meant to establish player personality types based on behavioral patterns and their goals and motivations for playing the game.

Note that no player fits into one particular category; rather, most players overlap more than one of them. In fact, the graph shown above displays the common overlaps and the behavioral patterns associated with each of them. To go into further detail, these are some of the common characteristics, and the basic activities, behaviors, and playing styles for each type:

  • Killers: These players enjoy creating chaos and challenging authority by attempting to alter the functioning of the game’s world and and trying to affect the experience for other players.
  • Achievers: Their goal is to accumulate status, loot, and points by winning the various battles within in the game; they tend to follow the game’s rules (unlike the killers).
  • Explorers: They want to discover the systems that govern the function of the game world, understand their technicalities and uniquenesses, and learn how to take advantage of them.
  • Socializers:They want to form connections with other players by telling stories,sharing tactics, and working together within the game.

mafia Forum version would probably be
  • Try Hards: Highly competitive players, they will over analyze, ISO, use any trick in the book in order to win. Metagaming etc. They start to sound like robots at the highest level neglecting the social aspect of the game. Want to be better than others.
  • Hosts: like hosting games and providing a good and sometimes novel experience.
  • Gourmet: They like a particular game's flavor and lore. Discussing mechanics and playing in said games.
  • Casuals: "fluffers" Mostly there for the comradery of mafia games, to joke and have fun, make a few good plays every once in a while.

Unrealistic to expect everyone here to act a certain way when we never established the place like that. Also you can be competitive, yet respectful at the same time @jayjay³² just a game.
mafia Forum version would probably be
  • Try Hards: Highly competitive players, they will over analyze, ISO, use any trick in the book in order to win. Metagaming etc. They start to sound like robots at the highest level neglecting the social aspect of the game. Want to be better than others.
  • Hosts: like hosting games and providing a good and sometimes novel experience.
  • Gourmet: They like a particular game's flavor and lore. Discussing mechanics and playing in said games.
  • Casuals: "fluffers" Mostly there for the comradery of mafia games, to joke and have fun, make a few good plays every once in a while.
Unrealistic to expect everyone here to act a certain way when we never established the place like that. Also you can be competitive, yet respectful at the same time @jayjay³² just a game.
I don't give a darn about those lists since we can't generalize players like that. I'm a leader, I play to win, and I expect my teammates to play to win. You can have fun along the way - you can even coast and play like garbage, but keep your fun away from my wincon. For me, it's about winning first and having fun second since I am a competitor. If you've extrapolated anything more than that out of my posts, you are just disrespecting me.

If you try to stop me, your teammate, from winning the game, then I will call you out on it. @Luck not using that protect on me was just dumb - it's not even 'hindsight is 20/20' at this point, Luck has continued to underperform in multiple mafia games without a desire to improve. Had I been protected, I would've won and closed out this game easy.

If you want to have fun, go play Neopets. People join this forum just to play mafia here and get better at mafia but here you are discrediting the integrity of NF's mafia competition with absolutely no regard for players to improve.

The amount of scum in this post-game spewing vitriol to defend poor town play really is something else. Just take the W and move on. Let me gather the town troops and help them get better.
@Luck not using that protect on me was just dumb
My wincon was "eliminate all other faction" at the time.

Why the fuck would I use it on u before my new wincon? :drake

it's not even 'hindsight is 20/20' at this point, Luck has continued to underperform in multiple mafia games without a desire to improve.
Fuck outa here wit that bullshit. Singleing me out when half of town couldnt be bothered to post more than twice a day. I know where I fucked up and try to improve, if u dont believe me than thats ur problem not mine.

Also I want to hear all these games I "underpreformed" in because I can only think of 2, DDL's game where it was my first time as mafia and ur saiyan saga game. Every other game ive participated in, I was apart of the winning team or was killed by mafia close to the end.
For me, it's about winning first and having fun secon
What. Why would you play a game like this, a game where you often are not in full control of whether you win or you lose due to the nature of the game, to win before fun? That's crazy.
If you want to have fun, go play Neopets.
If you want to win, go play sports. No, seriously. You have more fun winning with sports too.
If someone joined this forum just to play 1 mafia game, then of course we were going to expect them to take it seriously and perform better than some Ohara Library shitposter.
We? :hm

Aren't you being too harsh on someone who's new to forum mafia (1st game)? Saying Sweet Home has no intention to improve only after 1 game. Your expectation on him is ridiculous. He's not even that bad. Are you really wanting to help him to improve or actually looking for someone you can blame for town loss?
We? :hm

Aren't you being too harsh on someone who's new to forum mafia (1st game)? Saying Sweet Home has no intention to improve only after 1 game. Your expectation on him is ridiculous. He's not even that bad. Are you really wanting to help him to improve or actually looking for someone you can blame for town loss?
The guilt tripping has got to stop. Every townie is responsible for this loss, including myself.

Sweet Home isn't the subject of this post-game. The losers are. He said something disrespectful to the losers who actually tried to win this game and that disrespect is completely independent of my expectations or him being a newbie.

If you are proud or happy about losing while having no desire to improve, you are just not someone we want to play with. I don't play mafia to make friends, be nice, or harvest an environment for losers, I play mafia to win - and plenty of people in the NF mafia community are in this same boat. Having an issue with my personality or my constructive criticism isn't going to win you games, learning from me will.
New directive for games in NF Mafia second half of 2018.

- Jayjay is the best player this forum has ever had. Those who do not recognize it will be banned.

- Jayjay must approve all new players who join. We will do a background check on every person who wants to join (not him, us, he is too great to do that kind of manual labor) to check their W/L ratio and MVP history, and present it to Jayjay so he can decide if they are worthy to play mafia with him.

- New players will be submitted to a pdychological evaluation so that Jayjay will decide if they are someone he would like to play with. Criteria for it include thirst for winning, disregard for real life, and how much they like the taste of Jayjay's shoes.

- Jayjay doesn't normally lose mafia games. If he does lose a game, it is someone else's fault for not corresponding to his skill standards, and they will have to endure his rage and harsh criticism in post-game. Jayjay also gets to decide if they are allowed to keep playing or not.

- Do not host a game if you do not want Jayjay ostracizing its players after the end of it. That's a normal part of NF Mafia which you should expect every game. Also do not use your game to invite new players that Jayjay doesn't want to play with. That is punishable with being forbidden from hosting further games.

- Do not publicy defend players Jayjay considers to be bad. That will make him consider you as bad too. Even if you won the game and Jayjay lost.

- You didn't catch scum in this game. You merely followed the tracks left by Jayjay's genius after he heroically lynched Mr. Waffles on Day 1. Know your place and learn to recognize your inferiority to Jayjay. Even if you are still in the game and he's dead, he is playing it better than you are.

- This site doesn't have a history. Or a culture. Or a community. All of those ceased to exist when Jayjay started playing mafia. Our playstyle is Jayjay's playstyle, our goal is to play like Jayjay does, and the only reason we still have Role Madness games is that Jayjay enjoys them. For now.

- If you think this post is a joke, you are not good enough to play mafia with the great Jayjay.
Enjoyed the satirical piece. :laugh

At the end of the day, I have good intentions.

If the best performing loser isn’t going to try and rally up the rest of the losers in the post-game to learn and improve, then the losers take a second L. -.-

I can see you have good intentions, but you need to tone down on your ego. Seriously.

Your previous post's last paragraph was the most cringe inducing thing I read all week.
Enjoyed the satirical piece. :laugh

At the end of the day, I have good intentions.

If the best performing loser isn’t going to try and rally up the rest of the losers in the post-game to learn and improve, then the losers take a second L. -.-
I can understand your general frustration, I have been in games where I was mislynched with only 2 votes on me in a game that had 20+ players alive because I was "tryharding". You just go about it the wrong way and focus your attention on those least deserving of being harshly scrutinized.
Don’t host games if you can’t handle one of your friends getting criticized in the post-game without turning into an unprofessional wreck.

If someone joined this forum just to play 1 mafia game, then of course we were going to expect them to take it seriously and perform better than some Ohara Library shitposter.


New directive for games in NF Mafia second half of 2018.

- Jayjay is the best player this forum has ever had. Those who do not recognize it will be banned.

- Jayjay must approve all new players who join. We will do a background check on every person who wants to join (not him, us, he is too great to do that kind of manual labor) to check their W/L ratio and MVP history, and present it to Jayjay so he can decide if they are worthy to play mafia with him.

- New players will be submitted to a pdychological evaluation so that Jayjay will decide if they are someone he would like to play with. Criteria for it include thirst for winning, disregard for real life, and how much they like the taste of Jayjay's shoes.

- Jayjay doesn't normally lose mafia games. If he does lose a game, it is someone else's fault for not corresponding to his skill standards, and they will have to endure his rage and harsh criticism in post-game. Jayjay also gets to decide if they are allowed to keep playing or not.

- Do not host a game if you do not want Jayjay ostracizing its players after the end of it. That's a normal part of NF Mafia which you should expect every game. Also do not use your game to invite new players that Jayjay doesn't want to play with. That is punishable with being forbidden from hosting further games.

- Do not publicy defend players Jayjay considers to be bad. That will make him consider you as bad too. Even if you won the game and Jayjay lost.

- You didn't catch scum in this game. You merely followed the tracks left by Jayjay's genius after he heroically lynched Mr. Waffles on Day 1. Know your place and learn to recognize your inferiority to Jayjay. Even if you are still in the game and he's dead, he is playing it better than you are.

- This site doesn't have a history. Or a culture. Or a community. All of those ceased to exist when Jayjay started playing mafia. Our playstyle is Jayjay's playstyle, our goal is to play like Jayjay does, and the only reason we still have Role Madness games is that Jayjay enjoys them. For now.

- If you think this post is a joke, you are not good enough to play mafia with the great Jayjay.

I can understand your general frustration, I have been in games where I was mislynched with only 2 votes on me in a game that had 20+ players alive because I was "tryharding". You just go about it the wrong way and focus your attention on those least deserving of being harshly scrutinized.

That's like my story every game as town, nearly snapped this game :apathy
I can see you have good intentions, but you need to tone down on your ego. Seriously.

Your previous post's last paragraph was the most cringe inducing thing I read all week.
Same ego that made him counterclaim the cop, who just cleared him, condemning said cop to be lynched. Then the next day claim doctor when he wasn't.

Death Note mafia hosted by supreme.
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I can understand your general frustration, I have been in games where I was mislynched with only 2 votes on me in a game that had 20+ players alive because I was "tryharding". You just go about it the wrong way and focus your attention on those least deserving of being harshly scrutinized.
Oh, please. I wrote one post to Sweet Home, some new NFer with an insulting ideology about losing games, and you guys lost your shit.

DDL created the “jayjay is a newbie hating asshole” narrative and you guys ran with it, insulting me numerous times in the last 25 posts, trying to make me the spectacle of this post-game because a) I’m an infamous douchebag on NF and 2) I don’t give you guys many opportunities to flame me.

Let it all out. I will continue to keep my cool, improve at mafia, and make my money.
@Shizune, who were the town doctors?

The town doctors were Cinera (Oben Rageclaw):

Shizune said:
Oben Rageclaw
Druid of the Claw
faction: The Kaldorei

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"The sleeper has awakened!"

[Passive - The Emerald Dream] - You dream of the earth's primordial lands, and cannot use your abilities until you're awakaned.

[Passive - Aspect of the Bear] - You can shapeshift into the mighty bear, protecting yourself against kills.

[One Shot Active - Rejuvenation] - You can bestow nature's blessing on another player, granting them an extra life. If your target loses their bonus life in an attack, they will regain it three cycles later.

[Active - Roar] - During the night you can defend another player, redirecting kills used against them to yourself.

and Dr. White (Thrall):

Shizune said:
Warchief of the Horde
faction: The Orcish Horde
wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

“The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn.”

[Passive - Elemental Mastery] - Each cycle you can attune with a different elemental aspect, gaining new abilities. You cannot use the same element twice in a row.

[Active - Fire] - You burn with the power of a raging inferno. During the day your posts must be made in all capital letters. If you're lynched while in the fire aspect, you will kill the last person to vote for you. During the night you can burn another player, roleblocking them.

[Active - Water] - You nurture The Horde as the rivers nurture your villages. During the day your posts must be made in all lowercase letters, and you require one extra vote to be lynched. During the night you can heal another player, protecting them against kills.

[Active - Earth] - You gain the stoicism and hardiness of the earth. During the day your posts must be made in bold letters and your vote cannot be tampered with. During the night you will shield yourself against kills.

[Active - Air] - You become as graceful and elusive as the wind. During the day your posts must be made in italics. The wind aspect causes investigations and roleblocks to fail on you. During the night you can watch another player from afar, learning who targets them.

Neither of them could protect you night one because Thrall chose the earth aspect and Oben was still asleep.

@Shizune thanks for the game, who is MVP?

MVP goes to @MAD.

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