Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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Anyone know shit about WoW lore to confirm RemChu?

Sylvanas became a Forsaken however the Forsaken don't play well with the living. They do hate the Scourge and indeed last game killing them was part of the wincon along with the Burning Legion and half the town. So yeah, no, not a lot of room for trust here. I mean hell Sylvanas' alignment is chaotic evil.

Remchu needs to offer up something good to get out of this.
Hi again, here's the rundown.

I'm Sylvanas Windrunner. I started off as an Undead Scourge in service of Arthas, however I have no idea who that is, but after dying or getting lynched I return as a Forsaken (independent) whose sole purpose is to eliminate Arthas and the Scourge.

My abilities while Undead were to roleblock a player every night, learn if someone is kaldorei or not. Plus the revival and indie status once I die and revive.

My new ability allows me to make arthas vulnerable at night.

For the record I actually beleive this because these are similar to the abilities I had in that last game

Now whether or not he's anti town is another thing but

My previous game role had nothing to do with orcs and stuff, just needed humans dead (not my problem right now xd)
from the wiki

Sylvanas became one of Arthas' primary generals. She remained behind in Lordaeron with Kel'Thuzad under the watchful eye of the dreadlords, who had been stationed in Lordaeron to protect it in the name of the Burning Legion. At some point during this time, Sylvanas succeeded in using her abilities as a banshee to repossess her corpse, becoming a corporeal undead creature.[11] She learned of Archimonde's defeat at the Battle of Mount Hyjal from Kel'Thuzad, keeping the information from the dreadlords. Varimathras, Detheroc, and Balnazzar, the three prime dreadlords overseeing Lordaeron, were convening under Sylvanas' watchful eye when Arthas stormed into the stronghold, fresh from his journey to Kalimdor. He informed them of the Legion's failure and his intentions to take control of the Scourge. The dreadlords fled, outraged but unwilling to risk their lives by battling the new King of Lordaeron.

at this time, she is still under arthas's control and hasnt yet done her rebellion

so i actually dont doubt that he could be sylvanas but the whole thing about creating the forsaken is definitely a nope

the end point of this story should be archimonde's defeat since he's the arc boss so to speak
Vote Count

MAD - RemChu
Juan - RemChu
Lewd - RemChu
Agent Washington - RemChu
RemChu - Agent Washington
Dragon D. Luffy - RemChu
Alwaysmind - RemChu
Sweet Home - RemChu
Maerala - RemChu
Lord Genome - RemChu
Dr. White - RemChu
Mexikorn - MAD
Oddjutsu - Alwaysmind

RemChu - 10
Agent Washington - 1
MAD - 1
Alwaysmind - 1

Self votes


RemChu (Rage Winterchill) was lynched!
Shizune said:
Rage Winterchill
The Lich
faction: The Scourge
wincon: eliminate The Kaldorei, The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde

"The ancient evil survives."

[One Shot Passive - Phylactery] - When you die your murderer or the last person to vote for you will keep your phylactery, janitoring your role. After 2 cycles the latent power in your phylactery will drive them insane, causing them to resurrect you and join your faction.

[??? - Ability stolen!] - This ability was stolen!

(Cairne Bloodhoof) was modkilled for inactivity!
Shizune said:
Cairne Bloodhoof
Chieftan of the Bloodhoof Tribe
faction: The Orcish Horde

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"The spirits of the present and past come alive here in this sacred place, my friend. Honor them, and in doing so honor yourself."

[One Shot Passive - Reincarnation] - If you're killed your earth goddess will breathe life back into your body, janitoring your role and returning you to life one cycle later.

[Active - The Verdant Plains of Mulgore] - You dream of uniting your people's nomadic tribes and settling an untamed valley to the west. During the night you may investigate another player to learn whether they're fellow tauren. If you find the other chieftans, you will gain the ability to communicate with them outside the thread.

Night 8 begins. No more posting, no exceptions.
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The Burning Legion faction killed Dr. White (Thrall)!

Shizune said:
Warchief of the Horde
faction: The Orcish Horde
wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

“The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn.”

[Passive - Elemental Mastery] - Each cycle you can attune with a different elemental aspect, gaining new abilities. You cannot use the same element twice in a row.

[Active - Fire] - You burn with the power of a raging inferno. During the day your posts must be made in all capital letters. If you're lynched while in the fire aspect, you will kill the last person to vote for you. During the night you can burn another player, roleblocking them.

[Active - Water] - You nurture The Horde as the rivers nurture your villages. During the day your posts must be made in all lowercase letters, and you require one extra vote to be lynched. During the night you can heal another player, protecting them against kills.

[Active - Earth] - You gain the stoicism and hardiness of the earth. During the day your posts must be made in bold letters and your vote cannot be tampered with. During the night you will shield yourself against kills.

[Active - Air] - You become as graceful and elusive as the wind. During the day your posts must be made in italics. The wind aspect causes investigations and roleblocks to fail on you. During the night you can watch another player from afar, learning who targets them.

Day 9 start. You may now post.
why jjcb ?

the person that left town was Maerala.

Adrian is for sure Scourge now (lol get rekt) and while I do think MyMind is 90% scum i want to know exactly what illidan’s deal is cuz i feel a lot of us have left him for granted :thunk

that said i would actually prefer it if mymind was lynched or killed before tonight because his living might interfere with my passive investigation which comes online tonight again so im willing to take the risk

but for example from what i know of the lore the enemies remaining should at least be:


so 2-3 for sure
im thinking that mymind is probably tichondrius, but see that’s bad because in the lore Illidan slays Tichondrius which is good at first but he loots the Skull of Gul’dan off him which is hella bad and that was the last time illidan was on the good guys side for quite some time
^Give me at least one concrete reason as to why you think I could be scum. 90% sure? You're having a laugh. My scum reads weren't up to par this game but at least I was right about Remchu being undead scourge which I predicted a couple of days ago.

Juan's investigations have been on point and your name also came up when I looked into who would target Cooler so tbh you are very high on the list of being scum.

I'd rather kill off the burning legion first since they've been killing town.. How many scourge would there be left besides Maerala actually.
He's sayin you gonna convert if MyMind is some bitch that will turn u scum once he dies.

but I rather take that chance that hes not that bitch so

[Vote Lynch MyMind]

Also gooby has lived very long so far. Why hasn't the legion target him and went for Dr. White and Cooler :thinking

i can think of a lot of reasons

1) i probably got investigated as early as n1 by their role cop and they determined my role isn’t that threatening
2) i haven’t particularly active/vigilant especially in the first half of this game so i was not really a danger to scum
3) my death would have reflected poorly on mymind so I might be kept around as lynch bait
4) Cooler was confirmed town by multiple sources and Thrall was a major character/threat/role

[Change Vote Lynch MyMind]
Lynch the civ but not the confirmed ass all because of an investigae from a suspect do you town.

All I will ask is to lynch Juan next day because of today's lie.
i got a message for your scummates


make sure to pass it on :caticon
At least some people are catching on now. WAD not getting offed until now is fucking suspect. Fortunately we have a likely lynch suspect today (Juan's been pretty legit until now) but think of what it must mean when he still doesn't die tonight...

I never alluded or said that I thought WAD was scum or considered it suspicious. I was curious why they haven't target him yet and he answered some reasons why.

As Juan said, nfc already confirmed as town so I don't know why you're sussing him.
Vote Count

Juan - MyMind
MyMind - Maerala
MAD - Maerala > MyMind
Alwaysmind - Maerala
Maerala - MAD > MyMind
Lewd - Maerala
Dragon D. Luffy - MyMind
Sweet Home - MyMind
Lord Genome - MyMind
Oddjutsu - Maerala

MyMind - 6
Maerala - 5

Self votes

Agent Washington

MyMind (Malfurion Stormrage) was lynched!

Shizune said:
Malfurion Stormrage
The Archdruid
faction: The Kaldorei

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"If pride gives us pause, my love, then perhaps we have lived long enough already."

[Passive - The Emerald Dream] - You dream of the earth's primordial lands, and cannot use your abilities until you're awakened.

[Passive - Written In The Stars] - You know Tyrande Whisperwind's identity and you can communicate with her outside the thread.

[One Shot Active - Tranquility] - During the night you radiate with soothing energy, roleblocking anyone who attempts to perform a kill.

[Active - Entangling Roots] - During the day you may either place a seed upon or remove a seed from another player. During the night you can roleblock everyone who is currently seeded.
Shizune said:
Night 9 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
The Burning Legion faction killed Lord Genome (Varok Saurfang)!

Shizune said:
Varok Saurfang
The Elder
faction: The Orcish Horde
wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"We are no longer a band of mindless, demon-manipulated savages. This is the new Horde."

[Passive - Legacy of the Horde] - Your many students and children will carry on your teachings, allowing you to continue posting if you die.

[One Shot Active - Mak'gora] - During the day you can challenge another player to a traditional orcish showdown. A secondary lynch between you and your target will be conducted alongside the normal lynch. Whoever gets the most votes will be lynched.

The Burning Legion (MAD, Lewd, Dragon D. Luffy, Maerala) and The Undead Scourge (Mexikorn) have gained control over the lynch, winning the game!

Thanks for playing!
Alwaysmind - Jaina Proudmoore

Shizune said:
Jaina Proudmoore
Leader of the Survivors of Lordaeron
faction: The Human Expedition

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"All I ever wanted was to study."

[Active - Counterspell] - You learn and memorize the effects of abilities that target you. You can combine two memorized abilities to temporarily create a more powerful ability for yourself.

[Active - Essence Flux] - When the other players target each other with magical abilities, they leave spell residue. During the night you can harvest the residue from another player, temporarily gaining an ability that was used on them the previous cycle.

Juan - Illidan Stormrage

Shizune said:
Illidan Stormrage
The Demon Hunter
wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion

"Because I once cared for you Tyrande, I will help you hunt down the demons. But I will never owe our people anything!"

[Passive - The Betrayer] - You were imprisoned for crimes against the forest, and cannot use your abilities until you're freed.

[One Shot Passive - Evasion] - You will dodge the first kill or superkill attempted against you.

[Passive - Mana Burn] - You can drain another player of their energy, reflecting any roleblocks used against you.

[Active - Eyes of Sargeras] - During the night your ocular magic can be used to investigate another player, learning their alignment.

Agent Washington - Rockbiter

Shizune said:
The Mountain Giant
faction: The Kaldorei
wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"Now I jus' can't quite figure out what I should do here..."

[One Shot Passive - Earth Elemental] - As a magical behemoth made of rock, you're not one to be lynched. If you're lynched you will rampage throughout the town, killing a player of your choosing before you leave the game. The player with the second most votes will be lynched in your stead.

[Passive - Hardened Skin] - Your stone body protects you against kills, but also makes you vulnerable to magic. The first time you're roleblocked, you will permanently become vulnerable to kills.

Oddjutsu - Medivh

Shizune said:
The Last Guardian
wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion

"Know that I have seen the future and beheld the great burning shadow that is coming to consume this world. You sense it as well, don't you?"

[Passive - Legends of the Past] - You're trying to save mankind from afar. You cannot post in the thread, but you're the only person allowed to discuss the game outside the thread.

[Active - Lord of Ravens] - During the night you can appear as a raven to another player, sending them a message.

Sweet Home - Archmage Tervosh

Shizune said:
Archmage Tervosh
The Seer
faction: The Human Expedition

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"We must be brief because there is much to do."

[One Shot Active - Omen of Clarity] - Your scrying magic allows you to briefly witness alternate realities. During the night you can investigate the player who had the second most lynch votes the day before, learning their role as if they were lynched.

[One Shot Active - Temporal Flux] - You can peer back through the timeline to investigate a dead player, learning the names of everyone who targeted them. You will be fooled by glimpses of alternate timelines, including 2 false names in the list you receive.

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