Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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yea im sure u want to get rid of me MafiaMind since im one of the most active people left (and hilariously this is like...the least active ive been on an NF game in quite some time)

Makes you wonder why you're still alive doesn't it?

??? Means an ability was used to conceal their faction.

Ratchet is confirmed Kaldorei.

Burning legion wasted their kills on them but still it showed ???
Remchu acted like an ability was used on him but still got in his daily 2 post. Makes one wonder if an ability was actually used.
Ratchet could be a fake role. Not sure. His death was the most unique so maybe there was a role conceal ability used in his case.
Vote Count

Alwaysmind - Cinera > Phantom Thief
Cooler - MAD > Phantom Thief
Lewd - Alwaysmind
Juan - Phantom Thief
Lewd - Phantom Thief
WAD - Phantom Thief
DDL - Phantom Thief
nfcnorth - Phantom Thief
Sweet Home - Phantom Thief
Franky - Phantom Thief
Lord Genome - Phantom Thief
Agent Washington - Phantom Thief
Dr. White - Phantom Thief
Luck - Phantom Thief
MyMind - Phantom Thief
Maerala - Lord Genome
Phantom Thief - Cinera

Phantom Thief - 14
Cinera - 2
Lord Genome - 1
MAD - 1

Self votes


Cinera (Oben Rageclaw) was lynched!

Shizune said:
Oben Rageclaw
Druid of the Claw
faction: The Kaldorei

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"The sleeper has awakened!"

[Passive - The Emerald Dream] - You dream of the earth's primordial lands, and cannot use your abilities until you're awakaned.

[Passive - Aspect of the Bear] - You can shapeshift into the mighty bear, protecting yourself against kills.

[One Shot Active - Rejuvenation] - You can bestow nature's blessing on another player, granting them an extra life. If your target loses their bonus life in an attack, they will regain it three cycles later.

[Active - Roar] - During the night you can defend another player, redirecting kills used against them to yourself.

Night 6 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
The Burning Legion faction killed Cooler (Marn Thunderhorn) and superkilled Luck (???)!

Shizune said:
Marn Thunderhorn
Chieftan of the Thunderhorn Tribe
faction: The Orcish Horde

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"Honor guides me."

[Passive - Stampede] - You're the mightiest hunter on the plains, roleblocking any puny humans who target you.

[Active - Ensnare] - During the day you can trap another player, vote silencing them.

Day 7 start. You may now post.
ok bet you cant do that again

[Vote Lynch Phantom Thief]

anyways time for me to reveal

im darius crowley, human expedition ofc

i have the ability to give a player +1 vote power during the day phase, i ignore the first hostile action on me (roleblock, rolecrush, kill etc...not superkill tho) and every three cycles i passively and randomly receive a report of a player who is 'hostile' (thats why u couldnt roleblock me ScumMind lol)

when i asked shizune what that meant he said it means either a player who has used hostile action on me or is anti-town
on night 3 i learned dr. white was 'hostile' (which he has explained with being fake converted?)
last night i learned that DDL was hostile

@Dragon D. Luffy

claim plz, and have u tried any hostile actions on me?
Lynch me WAD. I've pretty much outlived my usefulness as a meatshield but if I get lynched I can do something useful.

can it wait?

the thing with unlynchable/lynch redirecting scum is they generally cant do it back to back otherwise its pretty much too broken, so i wanna try lynching phantom scum again

so yeah im a bit concerned, suspicious rather, that you're saying "hey lynch me instead now" :thunk we go again. Really don't see how a guilty verdict was returned to Juan if he's using an ability check. None of my abilities are alignment indicative. But to prove that, I'll claim now.

I'm Malfurion.

My passive is known as Emerald Dream. I was asleep like all the other druids.

At night, I can stop all kills and during the day I can redirect a lynch by voting someone else. Both one shots. :catstars

I'm almost inclined to believe Juan was converted to Burning Legion :catthinks
How many Kaldoreis are in this damn game. Other than Agent who got converted I believe.

Where my humans at :dank

i mean the game was mostly gonna be Kaldorei (night Elves) because the setting of the game is primarily based on the assault on Hyjal which is night elf territory

So it was pretty much gonna be like half the town being those fuckers and the other half being the various bros who came to help them on behalf of Jaina and Thrall and shit (humans and orcs coming together to help the elf fuckers from getting rekt by demons and zombies)

u better not be pro-zombie terry

i mean the game was mostly gonna be Kaldorei (night Elves) because the setting of the game is primarily based on the assault on Hyjal which is night elf territory

So it was pretty much gonna be like half the town being those fuckers and the other half being the various bros who came to help them on behalf of Jaina and Thrall and shit (humans and orcs coming together to help the elf fuckers from getting rekt by demons and zombies)

u better not be pro-zombie terry


As much as I am an IRL zombie, unfortunately, I am not a zombie in this game. The guy I replaced is a human and I already revealed one of my abilities.

Now I'm sad cause Cooler and Cinera are gone :blobcry: They were the only ones that I really have reads on. FOS on LG and Dr. White though :dank

And obv, Phantom Thief. You wait to claim now after you redirect a kill? nah man.
As much as I am an IRL zombie, unfortunately, I am not a zombie in this game. The guy I replaced is a human and I already revealed one of my abilities.

Now I'm sad cause Cooler and Cinera are gone :blobcry: They were the only ones that I really have reads on. FOS on LG and Dr. White though :dank

And obv, Phantom Thief. You wait to claim now after you redirect a kill? nah man.

I had about 5 minutes to do something yesterday. Cinera was a viable lynch target because she dropped off the face of the Earth. Admittedly LG or Odd might have been a better choice, but I was kind of rushing to get in a vote, so I didn't think it through.
ok bet you cant do that again

[Vote Lynch Phantom Thief]

anyways time for me to reveal

im darius crowley, human expedition ofc

i have the ability to give a player +1 vote power during the day phase, i ignore the first hostile action on me (roleblock, rolecrush, kill etc...not superkill tho) and every three cycles i passively and randomly receive a report of a player who is 'hostile' (thats why u couldnt roleblock me ScumMind lol)

when i asked shizune what that meant he said it means either a player who has used hostile action on me or is anti-town
on night 3 i learned dr. white was 'hostile' (which he has explained with being fake converted?)
last night i learned that DDL was hostile

@Dragon D. Luffy

claim plz, and have u tried any hostile actions on me?

Ok... I'm Broll Bearmantle. That said I haven't used any abilities on you, so I don't know where the fuck you are taking this from? Either you got redirected or something, or you are making things up.
There was nothing in the previous write ups to suggest Juan converted. And I don't know much about WoW lore if Illidan does get converted so meh.

Also Cinera claimed a protection ability so targetting her was the safest choice (for scum) cause people were sussing her too.


I sorta believe Gooby's claim since nfcnorth confirmed him and Alwaysmind. The worst outcome would be that they're all scum though...
There was nothing in the previous write ups to suggest Juan converted. And I don't know much about WoW lore if Illidan does get converted so meh.

Also Cinera claimed a protection ability so targetting her was the safest choice (for scum) cause people were sussing her too.


I sorta believe Gooby's claim since nfcnorth confirmed him and Alwaysmind. The worst outcome would be that they're all scum though...
I assume you are calling MAD Gooby? Saw you do this in another post so just making 100% sure.

who else would you like to get rid of as scum other than the lead canidate Phantom Thief?
Isn't it suspicious more people haven't looked into WAD? AFAIK he's quite the veteran and yet he hasn't been that useful for town. Granted being a veteran doesn't make you a perfect scum-radar every game but you'd still think he'd come up with more than he did this game. Dr. White vouches for him but that doesn't make me feel any better about either of them.

The lynch for today is again pretty straight forward. If you're up for lynching and it gets prevented that's... very obvious on who you are. It has happened before (Day 2 or 3 IIRC) and I wouldn't be surprised if they had another such thing up their sleeve. I just wonder if we've got no kills of our own, legion is throwing kills left and right and we can only hope to get a good lynch off... Anyways [Vote Lynch Phantom Thief]
Isn't it suspicious more people haven't looked into WAD? AFAIK he's quite the veteran and yet he hasn't been that useful for town. Granted being a veteran doesn't make you a perfect scum-radar every game but you'd still think he'd come up with more than he did this game. Dr. White vouches for him but that doesn't make me feel any better about either of them.

The lynch for today is again pretty straight forward. If you're up for lynching and it gets prevented that's... very obvious on who you are. It has happened before (Day 2 or 3 IIRC) and I wouldn't be surprised if they had another such thing up their sleeve. I just wonder if we've got no kills of our own, legion is throwing kills left and right and we can only hope to get a good lynch off... Anyways [Vote Lynch Phantom Thief]

i haven’t been that useful but i also haven’t been useless

my role is not the greatest but i still feel like either one or both of Dr white and DDL are scum cause of my ability

also Dr white didn’t vouch for me, nfcnorth did, Dr white only verified my ability when he claimed he was ‘temporary’ hostile but he has not done or said anything to help us believe he is Town

in fact why Would Dr white vouching for me be points in my favor if u don’t know if Dr white is scum or not?

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