Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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i haven’t been that useful but i also haven’t been useless

my role is not the greatest but i still feel like either one or both of Dr white and DDL are scum cause of my ability

also Dr white didn’t vouch for me, nfcnorth did, Dr white only verified my ability when he claimed he was ‘temporary’ hostile but he has not done or said anything to help us believe he is Town

in fact why Would Dr white vouching for me be points in my favor if u don’t know if Dr white is scum or not?

im not sure this makes sense but either one of you is scum if not both (in some kansas city shuffle convoluted kind of way)
dr white claims he was turned (uncertain about that even happening)
claims he read you as town while turned, so was his read on you correct now? or was it correctly showing you as hostile while he doesnt know what the fuck he is doing as he thinks he has to invert his read as he was turned...
you see where i am going? scum
im not sure this makes sense but either one of you is scum if not both (in some kansas city shuffle convoluted kind of way)
dr white claims he was turned (uncertain about that even happening)
claims he read you as town while turned, so was his read on you correct now? or was it correctly showing you as hostile while he doesnt know what the fuck he is doing as he thinks he has to invert his read as he was turned...
you see where i am going? scum
i like how you ignore me completely
im not sure this makes sense but either one of you is scum if not both (in some kansas city shuffle convoluted kind of way)
dr white claims he was turned (uncertain about that even happening)
claims he read you as town while turned, so was his read on you correct now? or was it correctly showing you as hostile while he doesnt know what the fuck he is doing as he thinks he has to invert his read as he was turned...
you see where i am going? scum

so...u think we are both scum or something?

this post was hard to read :psyduck

How many people have ever given town a lynch redirect?

it happens just as often as it happens to scum tbh, usually a variation of the ‘Governor’ role

but in the context we saw it used here almost 0 chance he’s town/Malfurion

Oh I might as well say that I am the high commander of the 7th Legion

tfw not enough of a Warcraft nerd to know who this is without googling :blobcry

but let’s chill wth the hints/claims, we have been extremely fortunate that no major town characters except Tyrande have died so let’s try to keep it that way

Cause it wasn't dr. white who vouched for Mad I pretty blatantly have as have I for Alwaysmind today. I can also confirm DDL is not human at least.

yeah DDL is claiming Kaldorei
I'M Malfurion! :blobban
Um yes I have sprinkled the Gift of the Earthmother here and there to those who are most deserving. Why do you ask

since Cooler vouched for you (not sure how given his role?) i need to know exactly how much ur dragging the rest of us down :dank

I can’t find any lore reason to believe DDL is a fake role that is actually Butning Legion...

So I’m going with [Vote Lynch Phantom Thief] for now...

weren’t u the one going on about how we shouldn’t hold anything sacred this game...and that you know best because of ur role in the last game? :ufdup
My list still stands. If phantom lynch fails this phase wad gains a bit of sus along with others but that's more tinfoily. I stand by my list , also mexi is being weird but idk if that's him being more reserved in this section. If anyone has questions ask away. I'm more or less content this phase to see how this phantom thing goes. Not to sure but if necro's are involved we may have to kill them first.
..... right? :dank


The training begins with the person slaying a demon, eating its heart, and drinking its blood. The spirit of the ingested demon bonds with them and from this bond the demon hunter receives visions of the Burning Legiondestroying countless worlds across the universe.[11] In horror at the sight, they tear their own eyes out, and usually puts them into a coma.[12] The fel power infusing their bodies after ingesting the demon's heart and blood causes the demon hunter to mutate, gaining demonic features such as scales, horns, or claws.[13] As with all chaos-touched creatures, the forms that these traits will take can be quite unpredictable.[14]

After the demon hunter awakens and their spectral sight begins to take effect, they are given tattoos which keep their inner demon from overwhelming them, but it is still always there, talking to them and trying to get them to turn to the Legion.[15] Arcane energy counters fel energy, thus they mark their bodies with arcane runes to keep the fel forces in check.[16] Keeping their demons at bay with those tattoos and willpower[14] is necessary to not become demons themselves.[17] Each ritual to become a demon hunter is different and, as such, no two sets of tattoos are the same.[14]

Demon hunters have a constant craving for fel power and demonic flesh,[7] and live in constant torment from the sacrifices they've made.[18] Some succumb to the overbearing power of fel energy and lose all control of themselves. Their blood begins to burn and they unwillingly take on their demon form before lashing out at any nearby living beings.[19] Assuming Metamorphosis form is a very dangerous feat to undertake: unleashing the demon within is risking that the demonic power will take over. Should this happen, all semblance of the elf that was will be lost and only a demonic servant of the Burning Legion will remain.[14]

Demon hunters used to be taught about demons by Varedis Felsoul, infiltration by Alandien, and weapons by Netharel. Varedis also used to oversee training duels.[7] Theras's role was not elaborated on.

Jace Darkweaver, a former mage, found that the fel in his body has made arcane all but impossible to use, even though he retained the knowledge of his old spells.[20] Despite this, Illidan himself casts spells quite often during World of Warcraft: Illidan, so it may vary from individual to individual.

Vote Count

MAD - Phantom Thief
nfcnorth - Phantom Thief
Agent Washington - Phantom Thief
Sweet Home - Phantom Thief
Alwaysmind - Phantom Thief
Lewd - Phantom Thief
DDL - Phantom Thief
Lord Genome - Phantom Thief
MyMind - Phantom Thief
Mexikorn - Phantom Thief
Juan - Phantom Thief
Franky - Phantom Thief
Dr. White - Phantom Thief
Maerala - Phantom Thief

Self votes

Phantom Thief

Phantom Thief (Azgalor) was lynched!

Shizune said:
The Pitlord
faction: The Burning Legion

wincon: eliminate The Kaldorei, The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde

"I think I have someone stuck in my teeth..."

[One Shot Passive - Howl of Terror] - You become more powerful when opposed, gaining +1 voting power for each person currently voting for you. This ability is consumed when you successfully redirect the lynch away from yourself.

[One Shot Active - Shockwave] - When less than 2/3 of your enemies remain you can move the earth to superkill another player and janitor their role.

[Active - Taunt] - During the day you can intimidate another player into not casting their vote, vote silencing them.

Night 7 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
The Burning Legion faction killed nfcnorth (Halford Wyrmbane)!

Shizune said:
Halford Wyrmbane
The High Commander
faction: The Human Expedition

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"Through the valleys and peaks of Mount Hyjal, across the shifting sands of Silithus, against the Legion's dread armies - we have fought."

[Passive - Emblem of Valor] - Other players who target you will see your many commendations, learning that you're innocent.

[Active - Inspection] - During the night you can ask another player for their badge, learning if they're in your faction.

Remchu (???) has returned to the game!

Someone has left the town...

Day 8 start. You may now post.
it wasn't me :drake

the timeline the game follows doesn't have me betraying anyone, in fact I'm the leading fucking general against the demons lore-wise :giogio

also dr white is innocent

true but ill remain wary about u til the game is over because what happens is you end up BTFO'ing Tichondrius (the 2nd-in-command of the burning legion's forces in this part of the story) and you acquire the skull of gul'dan from him to which ur like hey this dark power is pretty fucking sweet im wit it and then malfurion is like "alright ur fucking banished fuck outta here"

that said ur super duper low priority atm and i think its pretty worrisome that agent washington's claim is hella sketchy and hes not going after obvious scum remchu after his somewhat questionable play the last 2 days which almost seemed like he was trying to divert attention away from phantom thief :thunk
betrayer betrayer betrayer betrayer betrayer betrayer

Also you should probably consider lynching me.

i honestly phantom thief was a big shot like archimonde or arthas and you were trying to stall for them while they used whatever abilities that must be important to the scum faction but it turns out he was mid-tier so im not as sure as i was before, so tell us: why?
If I get lynched I get a kill shot and because I avoided the lynch the person with the second highest vote total gets lynched instead. I was going to use it as my trump card to get the town to leave me alone when I was still an indi but now that I am town and getting a bit weary of the speed of this game this is the best way I can contribute.

the pros:
you can still lynch Remchu or whoever else you want
you get an extra kill this round

the cons:
it requires trusting me in a game where trust if not really a thing
If I get lynched I get a kill shot and because I avoided the lynch the person with the second highest vote total gets lynched instead. I was going to use it as my trump card to get the town to leave me alone when I was still an indi but now that I am town and getting a bit weary of the speed of this game this is the best way I can contribute.

the pros:
you can still lynch Remchu or whoever else you want
you get an extra kill this round

the cons:
it requires trusting me in a game where trust if not really a thing

let me get this straight
if u get lynched
the 2nd person gets lynched anyways
and u get a kill?
Hi again, here's the rundown.

I'm Sylvanas Windrunner. I started off as an Undead Scourge in service of Arthas, however I have no idea who that is, but after dying or getting lynched I return as a Forsaken (independent) whose sole purpose is to eliminate Arthas and the Scourge.

My abilities while Undead were to roleblock a player every night, learn if someone is kaldorei or not. Plus the revival and indie status once I die and revive.

My new ability allows me to make arthas vulnerable at night.
Hi again, here's the rundown.

I'm Sylvanas Windrunner. I started off as an Undead Scourge in service of Arthas, however I have no idea who that is, but after dying or getting lynched I return as a Forsaken (independent) whose sole purpose is to eliminate Arthas and the Scourge.

My abilities while Undead were to roleblock a player every night, learn if someone is kaldorei or not. Plus the revival and indie status once I die and revive.

My new ability allows me to make arthas vulnerable at night.

Hi again, here's the rundown.

I'm Sylvanas Windrunner. I started off as an Undead Scourge in service of Arthas, however I have no idea who that is, but after dying or getting lynched I return as a Forsaken (independent) whose sole purpose is to eliminate Arthas and the Scourge.

My abilities while Undead were to roleblock a player every night, learn if someone is kaldorei or not. Plus the revival and indie status once I die and revive.

My new ability allows me to make arthas vulnerable at night.


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