..... right?
The training begins with the person slaying a demon, eating its heart, and drinking its blood. The spirit of the ingested demon bonds with them and from this bond the demon hunter receives visions of the
Burning Legiondestroying countless worlds across the universe.
[11] In horror at the sight, they tear their own eyes out, and usually puts them into a coma.
[12] The
fel power infusing their bodies after ingesting the demon's heart and blood causes the demon hunter to mutate, gaining demonic features such as scales, horns, or claws.
[13] As with all chaos-touched creatures, the forms that these traits will take can be quite unpredictable.
After the demon hunter awakens and their
spectral sight begins to take effect, they are given tattoos which keep their inner demon from overwhelming them, but it is still always there, talking to them and trying to get them to turn to the Legion.
[15] Arcane energy counters
fel energy, thus they mark their bodies with arcane
runes to keep the fel forces in check.
[16] Keeping their demons at bay with those tattoos and willpower
[14] is necessary to not become demons themselves.
[17] Each ritual to become a demon hunter is different and, as such, no two sets of tattoos are the same.
Demon hunters have a constant craving for fel power and demonic flesh,
[7] and live in constant torment from the sacrifices they've made.
[18] Some succumb to the overbearing power of fel energy and lose all control of themselves. Their blood begins to burn and they unwillingly take on their demon form before lashing out at any nearby living beings.
[19] Assuming Metamorphosis form is a very dangerous feat to undertake: unleashing the demon within is risking that the demonic power will take over. Should this happen, all semblance of the elf that was will be lost and only a demonic servant of the Burning Legion will remain.
Demon hunters used to be taught about demons by
Varedis Felsoul, infiltration by
Alandien, and weapons by
Netharel. Varedis also used to oversee training duels.
[7] Theras's role was not elaborated on.
Jace Darkweaver, a former
mage, found that the fel in his body has made arcane all but impossible to use, even though he retained the knowledge of his old spells.
[20] Despite this, Illidan himself casts spells quite often during
World of Warcraft: Illidan, so it may vary from individual to individual.