Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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How many Burning Legion are even there?

Can we have the complete list?

You are The Burning Legion. You can perform a faction kill during the night, and you know the identities of your subordinates Rage Winterchill (RemChu) and Arthas Menethil (Mexikorn).

1. MAD - Archimonde
2. Lewd - Tichondrius
3. Mr. Waffles - Mannoroth
4. Phantom Thief - Azgalor
5. Stelios - Anetheron
6. Dragon D. Luffy - Kaz'rogal

The Defiler
faction: The Burning Legion
wincon: eliminate The Kaldorei, The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde

“Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair.”

[One Shot Passive - Time Warp] - When you die you will attempt to save yourself by rewinding time to the beginning of the most recent day phase.

[Passive - Lingering Insanity] - Your very presence is maddening to mortals, enabling you to fool all investigative abilities. If you're targeted by an investigative ability the user will temporarily become deranged, corrupting the results of their next investigation.

[One Shot Active - Surrender to Madness] - You can trap another player in an illusion for 2 cycles, convincing them that they've turned against their faction and adopted a hostile wincon.

Lord of the Nathrezim
faction: The Burning Legion
wincon: eliminate The Kaldorei, The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde

"It is my nature to assume the worst."

[One Shot Active - The Darkener] - During the night you can shroud the game in darkness, concealing the writeup. The following day masons cannot communicate outside the thread, lynch votes must be submitted privately and you can emerge from the shadows to superkill one player, janitoring their role.

[Active - The Skull of Gul'dan] - This cursed artifact befouls the land around you, causing the players immediately before and after you on the player list to scan guilty to investigations. Each night the corruption spreads one player further in both directions, until the entire town is corrupted. During the night you can hide in the shadow of a corrupted player, redirecting abilities used on you to your target.

The Flayer
faction: The Burning Legion
wincon: eliminate The Kaldorei, The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde

"I am the rage in your heart. I am the fury of your thoughts. I alone empowered you to bring chaos to this world, and by the endless void, you shall!"

[Passive - The Exalted One] - Your immense stature and might protect you against kills. If you're killed, you will superkill your assailant. If you perform the faction kill, you will roleblock your victim.

[One Shot Active - Demon Blood] - You can poison another player with your own volatile blood. For the next 2 nights, your target can kill another player each night. You will roleblock your target if they attack a member of your faction. On the third night, your target will die.

The Pitlord
faction: The Burning Legion

wincon: eliminate The Kaldorei, The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde

"I think I have someone stuck in my teeth..."

[One Shot Passive - Howl of Terror] - You become more powerful when opposed, gaining +1 voting power for each person currently voting for you. This ability is consumed when you successfully redirect the lynch away from yourself.

[One Shot Active - Shockwave] - When less than 2/3 of your enemies remain you can move the earth to superkill another player and janitor their role.

[Active - Taunt] - During the day you can intimidate another player into not casting their vote, vote silencing them.

The Dreadlord
faction: The Burning Legion
wincon: eliminate The Kaldorei, The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde

"The night beckons."

[Passive – Soul Preservation] - If you're killed your spirit will persist in your murderer's body. Your role is janitored and you lose your abilities, but you can continue posting with a voting power of 1. You die permanently when either your vessel dies or the rest of your faction dies.

[Active - Mind Vision] - During the night you can infiltrate another player's thoughts, learning their role.

The Doomguard
faction: The Burning Legion
wincon: eliminate The Kaldorei, The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde

"Cry for mercy! Your meaningless lives will soon be forfeit."

[One Shot Active - Shapeshifter] - You can assume the form of your enemies, falsely revealing yourself to the game as the druid Broll Bearmantle.

[One Shot Active - Rain of Chaos] - You can bring fire and brimstone upon the game, scattering the townsfolk and stopping the lynch.

Quick votes on me for merely voting for Waffles:
Hm imo this waffles thing is a bit of a reach:thunk
My thoughts exactly.

[Vote Lynch JayJay]
Many pardons, friend. We tauren are unaccustomed to discourse with other sentient races, so many millennia have we spent in near-isolation, roaming the endless plains of Central Kalimdor with only the mighty kodo and ornery plainstrider by our side. Rest assured that we are peaceable people. Which makes what I must do next all the more onerous.

I do not make the decision to strike down this person lightly, but for countless moons I have now sought the wisdom of the ancestors, aided by the luminous waters of the Pools of Vision. The voice of my dear departed great-grandmother resonates clearly within the confines of my bovine mind, revealing to me the dark intent of this individual. I trust her fully, of course. She was a powerful shaman in life. Some say she could have challenged Old Magatha for the title of Elder Crone, before the unfortunate pond-diving accident.

But how I do go on.

[vote lynch jayjay]
Phantom playing hard defense for Waffles:
You forget that people have egos. Nobody's going to go "So and so played a bad game last time, but so did I, so I have no room to talk". Especially if said person doesn't believe their play was bad. Did Waffles explicitly express distaste in how he played last game? Or are you talking to acknowledge that he might have thought he played a good game?
Then he shouldn't have posted it to begin with. He warned SK that he was going to policy lynch him if he did X (which is essentially just baiting him to do it), SK does X, and now his vote is on SK so he can coast for the entire phase and doesn't have to scumhunt. This entire scenario is scummy. Exactly which part of this are you having trouble understanding?

In any case, it doesn't matter. Waffles will be lynched whether you understand it or not.

WAD getting caught out 1v1 at the end of day 1:
i mean what i say and say what i mean
Both you and Waffles just wanted to get off with the easiest possible day phase by baiting SK and then policy lynching him once he took the bait – and that is a pretty ideal plan for scum.
adapting your reads as events transpire is not inconsistency
That’s not adaptation. You opted out of using the DP to properly scumhunt. You supported a scummy tactic to get SK lynched and used scummy excuses to justify mislynching him. Your play is lazy and scummy – that will reflect on you.

Maerala just making a scummy statement:
Ok it's 3 in the morning and I don't have the energy to, you know, put on my tauren wig and do the whole skit, so I'll just clarify that yes Burning Legion faction killed jayjay but I voted to lynch him on day 1, so that's that on that. If anything I imagine anyone who voted for jayjay publicly (2-4 of us?) is probably not scum but what do I know this is my first rodeo.

Phantom being inconsistent and salted that his scummate got lynched:
Phantom agrees with my reasoning for lynching Waffles:

Of course, I suspect you as well, but I agree with that last explanation you gave me which has helped ease my suspicion. Even if I'm not entirely sure on how likely that is, considering my non-existent understanding of Waffles and SK.

But after WPK asks Phantom why he voted for me on day 1:
Voting for someone on gross logic. I ain't gonna lie that I agreed a bit with what he was saying after I questioned him later in DP1, but some of his initial explanations were piss poor. The "You can't scrutinize him when you played poorly as well" doesn't even make sense unless said player recognizes or recognized they played poorly that game. Also didn't like the "If he was serious he would have voted him immediately". Legit makes no sense when Waffles added that he'd only vote SK if he said "I'm scum". He also went as far as to make a giant assumption that Waffles would be ASK for the remaining 30-40 hours of the DP to support his claim.

Also gonna have to disagree that everything early game is gonna be a reach. I simply just don't think that's true. There's plenty of widely agreed upon behavior that can be scrutinized early game that's surely better than what JayJay went for, regardless of whether he was right or wrong.

Like I said though, the first paragraph is only my initial reaction to his first few explanations.

Anyways, I'm way off topic here. My main grievance here is that you tried to make it seem like I was trying to shut down JayJay simply for scumhunting and I definitely don't like my actions being painted in such a shady light when that's not even remotely close to what was going on. His reasoning was a huge reach and honestly didn't make much sense considering the qualifier Waffles added for his potential vote on SK.
In other words, I did most of the homework for town on day 1, scum made multiple slip-ups after I got faction killed, and you guys still lost the game.

I'm not sure what more I could've done - leave abstract breadcrumbs in the game thread that MyMind was town since I knew his identity?

All you guys needed to do was use a protect on me and I would've won this shit. But you guys didn't do that. :mjlol
Even when I lose games, I still end up winning. :bookerskully

Good game to mafia, you guys played well. Respectable performance from Phantom and WAD, winning without needing to coast.

@Mr. Waffles (old), next time, don't intentionally feed and almost throw the game for your mafia team with that low-tier bait. I got half the team off your abysmal SK bait play, lmfao.

Thanks. I felt like I received too much of a pass for being new though. There were too many things I said that made me feel like I could have gotten lynched.
That wasn't an inconsistency though :mikebatman

You provided another explanation after further questioning that made me go "Yeah, I can kind of understand that".

That being said, should have never defended Waffles like that. Tbh, was still learning people's names and forgot he was a scummate Kappa
That is inconsistent, though. I didn't dodge any of your questions and you ended up agreeing with my reasons for voting Waffles. You ended the day phase with a vote on me instead of SK or Waffles. When WPK called you on it, you said you didn't like my logic and got defensive about it. If you didn't agree with my reasoning, why lie? Why didn't you continue the conversation with me while I was alive and discuss the parts that you thought were illogical? I can answer that: Because you would've got caught out by me if you continued to disagree.

It's pretty classic scummate behavior to call proper scumhunting "illogical" (you) and "lucky" (WAD). WPK and DDL are two players that should've lynched you off this.

WPK didn't push you for some reason and you got lucky that DDL was on your team. Oh well.

Maerala actually didn't become burning legion until the end of the game so his slips in the beginning weren't scum slips. idk what they are.

That said, I prefer watching the mafia games from afar rather than playing but I had somewhat fun subbing in. Gooby u shoulda killed me u burning legion scum. Or make me a zombie.
Yeah, then I'm not sure what that was about. @Dr. White also had some really scummy posts that WAD should've abused and got him lynched for:
[Vote lynch Mr. Waffles]

Something ain't right :frysus

What do you feel about old man eggos?

His entrance with a warning to SK. It doesn't feel genuine. I may have bought it had he accompanied it with a pressure vote and showed he meant business. He didn't though.

I can see that angle, but I feel it's just his disgruntlement with recent behavior as a whole we let slide.
This may sound rude and I've only played two games here but why does everyone makes excuses after the game? You lost. Accept the L and move on. Heck I've been on MAD's case for the majority of the game but you don't see me crying about it. I couldn't convince the masses. That's on me.
That certainly isn't something exclusive to NF. Almost every site I've been on has players who do much the same. You're from OJ, right? They've done it there too, albeit under the "ah, I just knew x was scum all along, but I followed them without question anyway" routine moreso than direct excuses.
That certainly isn't something exclusive to NF. Almost every site I've been on has players who do much the same. You're from OJ, right? They've done it there too, albeit under the "ah, I just knew x was scum all along, but I followed them without question anyway" routine moreso than direct excuses.

Really? No not from OJ or any other mafia forum. Used to only play a variation of mafia on a now dead site few years ago.
So looks like whining is a common thing huh. Will just have to bear it then :catippy
This may sound rude and I've only played two games here but why does everyone makes excuses after the game? You lost. Accept the L and move on. Heck I've been on MAD's case for the majority of the game but you don't see me crying about it. I couldn't convince the masses. That's on me.

Traditions die hard. # lynchcubey:noworries
The Shadow Hunter
faction: The Orcish Horde

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"I've lost me head! It was about, ah, yea big, I was keeping in on my spear. If you find it let me know."

[One Shot Active - Spirit Link Totem] - You can tether another player's spirit to the physical realm. If your target is killed their death will be delayed and their role hidden until you also die.

[Three Shot Active - Serpent Ward] - During the night you can set a magical trap around another player, learning the name of the next person to target them. When another player triggers your trap, you can kill them.
Here was my role. My 3 shot only helped me identify 2 town cops and @Cinera got lynched so my protect was useless :catprone
This may sound rude and I've only played two games here but why does everyone makes excuses after the game? You lost. Accept the L and move on. Heck I've been on MAD's case for the majority of the game but you don't see me crying about it. I couldn't convince the masses. That's on me.
That certainly isn't something exclusive to NF. Almost every site I've been on has players who do much the same. You're from OJ, right? They've done it there too, albeit under the "ah, I just knew x was scum all along, but I followed them without question anyway" routine moreso than direct excuses.
I’m just curious as to why people don’t take responsibility for their loss and try to get better? @Sweet Home lost the game saying “well, I subbed in and I prefer to coast instead of win the game” - that is a loser’s mentality. Why do we even have players like that?

It’s not about making excuses, it’s just about reflecting on your performance and trying to get better.

If I recall correctly, @MyMind, you literally said on day 1 that we had nobody to suspect. @Cooler was getting offended by the act of scumhunting. Most of town lynched SK off of Waffles’ stupid bait. You lost the game without even trying to fight @Juan over possible investigation shenanigans. You guys were lazy and not even thirsty for the win, despite how much hard work there was by other townies. Why shouldn’t I be critical of you guys?

In other words, you guys played bad and you should learn from it. It’s not about excuses, it’s about putting up a respectable performance. And what I saw wasn’t respectable.
@Sweet Home lost the game saying “well, I subbed in and I prefer to coast instead of win the game” - that is a loser’s mentality. Why do we even have players like that?

Because I invited him here. He was far from the worst offender in this game, and you should be grateful for any signs of new life in this section considering the state of things.

Besides Jayjay, for all your effort you can be just as much of a nuisance to play with as well.
Because I invited him here. He was far from the worst offender in this game, and you should be grateful for any signs of new life in this section considering the state of things.

Besides Jayjay, for all your effort you can be just as much of a nuisance to play with as well.
Nah, I’m not grateful for subs who coast mafia games. Next time invite someone who wants to win.
Jeez, you sound like a handful.

I don't know anyone here other than a few people. This is also my first Mafia game ever on forums. I've only played party mafia games where I can read people off of voice and behavior. When @Shizune invited me to play, I thought why not. Sorry I sucked. I even said it before too, I'm incredibly new but you do you then. If you want veterans, cya. I'll go back to spectating.
Jeez, you sound like a handful.

I don't know anyone here other than a few people. This is also my first Mafia game ever on forums. I've only played party mafia games where I can read people off of voice and behavior. When @Shizune invited me to play, I thought why not. Sorry I sucked. I even said it before too, I'm incredibly new but you do you then. If you want veterans, cya. I'll go back to spectating.
Is this some attempt at guilt tripping me? I don't care if it's your first game. You had veterans in this game that you could've sought help from at any point that you felt confused about the next step.

Sure, you tried your best, but you sound like a proud loser. You don't want to get better or learn - and this is one of the best anime mafia forum communities on the internet, we take this shit seriously. I don't have respect for competitors like you.
This may sound rude and I've only played two games here but why does everyone makes excuses after the game? You lost. Accept the L and move on. Heck I've been on MAD's case for the majority of the game but you don't see me crying about it. I couldn't convince the masses. That's on me.


Part of town skill is finding scum, but part is convincing other people you are right.

You won't accomplish anything by saying you were right about X and Y, because someone does that every damn game. And mafia wins by isolating those individuals from the group and manipulating people into following the wrong ones. If you were right about everything but still let mafia control the lynch, sucks to be you.
Jeez, you sound like a handful.

I don't know anyone here other than a few people. This is also my first Mafia game ever on forums. I've only played party mafia games where I can read people off of voice and behavior. When @Shizune invited me to play, I thought why not. Sorry I sucked. I even said it before too, I'm incredibly new but you do you then. If you want veterans, cya. I'll go back to spectating.
Don't let him get to you.
Is this some attempt at guilt tripping me? I don't care if it's your first game. You had veterans in this game that you could've sought help from at any point that you felt confused about the next step.

Sure, you tried your best, but you sound like a proud loser. You don't want to get better or learn - and this is one of the best anime mafia forum communities on the internet, we take this shit seriously. I don't have respect for competitors like you.

@Sweet Home he is one of the only people who think like that and you shouldnt take him as an example. Please stay.
I will repeat what I said in the previous game.

Part of this forum's problem is lack of players who try.

But another part is that too many of the people who try are anti-social and arrogant.

We are not getting anywhere by treating new members like jayjay is treating sweet home. The people who like mafia will just leave for places that are not full of assholes, and the only ones who stay are the ones who are here just to troll. This kind of atitude will only shrink the community.
I had everyone as null for pretty much the entire game.
So, you couldn't scumhunt all game and this was pretty much the same story every game I've played with you. At some point, you should try something different, nfc.

Why don't you invent a way to play mafia alone since you hate other people so much?
You think I hate people because I'm asking them to get better at the game?
I will repeat what I said in the previous game.

Part of this forum's problem is lack of players who try.

But another part is that too many of the people who try are anti-social and arrogant.

We are not getting anywhere by treating new members like jayjay is treating sweet home. The people who like mafia will just leave for places that are not full of assholes, and the only ones who stay are the ones who are here just to troll. This kind of atitude will only shrink the community.

yo weather is fucking amazing lately
it's summer
forum always tones down people do more shit outside
You think I hate people because I'm asking them to get better at the game?

I think you have extremely unrealistic expectations for how good at mafia a newcomer should be,

a lack of ability in giving feedback to another person without being offensive to them,

and an overblown concept of your own skill due to the fact you are an average player in a forum where most people are trolls.

So these are a few problems you should work on, in my opinion.
So, you couldn't scumhunt all game and this was pretty much the same story every game I've played with you. At some point, you should try something different, nfc.

You think I hate people because I'm asking them to get better at the game?
You don't get it. Its not a lack of effort that kills me or actually me not scum hunting. If you think I don't scum hunt you are not really even close to what is going on. I very much do scumhunt I just think it is beyond foolish to try to play this game solo or get too caught up on your own thoughts. I don't even care if I had an objectively beyond broken role (of either alignment) I feel it super super important to actually listen to other players and not get super set on what I want cause no one is perfect.

I very much have my flaws I know that I do. I will never claim to be without faults as that is just a path that leads to being not self aware which leads to more problems.
Is this some attempt at guilt tripping me? I don't care if it's your first game. You had veterans in this game that you could've sought help from at any point that you felt confused about the next step.

Sure, you tried your best, but you sound like a proud loser. You don't want to get better or learn - and this is one of the best anime mafia forum communities on the internet, we take this shit seriously. I don't have respect for competitors like you.

How about actually giving me tips instead of saying yeah get the fuck out you don't seem like you want to learn or get better when you're calling me out. Yeah I said I was gonna coast the first game because guess what, I just want to learn how it works since I really don't have a clue.

I even apologized but you want to be an asshole about it? You get your wish. I'm out.
I'm sorry for being an asshole, I genuinely don't like toxic mafia players but I also don't like being guilt-tripped. At the end of the day, the NF mafia community is still flourishing and we want to promote a winning mindset, not a losing one.

Ok, sorry that I treated you badly too.

But i just mean there is a different way to treat someone who just joined and failed from someone who has dozens of gamaes in their belt and still claims scum as town on day 1.

If you bully the former they will just leave for other places since they havent even built an attachment to this forum yet. Unless they are the specific extreme e-sports type that wants exactly that.

Also maybe you want that too but at the end of the day, NF Mafia is casual. We can estabilish a base level for quality play but we won't become like MafiaScum or MU overnight unless you literally purge everyone but you and Wad. We are the site that does Favorites, ffs. We are not getting much more competitive than we are now.

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