Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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i mean
you should know with ur flavor knowledge that most of the dudes defending hyjal were night elves (kaldorei)
also do u care to explain why u were hinting orcish horde early game and then claimed alliance today? (this is incongruous to anyone who doesnt have flavour knowledge)
Didn't the Orcish horde join the alliance?
Day 3 - Stelios (Anetheron) is lynched
The light has returned, and the darkness dispersed. The rules have returned to normal.

Stelios (Anetheron) was lynched!

Shizune said:
The Dreadlord
faction: The Burning Legion
wincon: eliminate The Kaldorei, The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde

"The night beckons."

[Passive – Soul Preservation] - If you're killed your spirit will persist in your murderer's body. Your role is janitored and you lose your abilities, but you can continue posting with a voting power of 1. You die permanently when either your vessel dies or the rest of your faction dies.

[Active - Mind Vision] - During the night you can infiltrate another player's thoughts, learning their role.

Night 3 start. No more posting.
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Day 4 start
The Burning Legion and The Undead Scourge have begun marching on Mount Hyjal. The sentient creatures native to Mount Hyjal have joined The Kaldorei in mounting a defense. In their desperation, The Kaldorei freed Illidan Stormrage.

Unfortunately, Dragomir (Speaker Ik'nal) died of poisoning soon after forming an alliance between the dark trolls and the elves. Prior to tonight, Dragomir's win condition was surviving until the end of the game.

Shizune said:
Speaker Ik'nal
Shaman of the Dark Trolls
faction: The Kaldorei
wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Undead Scourge

"Now I be nothin' more than a curiosity."

[One Shot Active - Ritual Sacrifice] - You must kill another player to gain access to the rest of your abilities.

[One Shot Active - Far Sight] - You can peer back through time to learn the identity of one [???] in a writeup.

[One Shot Active - Visions] - You can ask the moderator a yes-or-no question. The moderator reserves the right to veto questions.

[One Shot Active - Ancestral Guidance] - You may choose a dead innocent player to commune with outside of the thread.

[One Shot Active - Earth Sapta] - You can use either Scrying Magic, Visions or Big Bad Voodoo a second time.

With five members of his faction dead, Kira Yagami's (Cenarius) presence has faded from the forests. However the Ancient of Life binds his spirit to another player, allowing his wisdom to guide you until his vessel dies.

Shizune said:
Lord of the Forest
faction: The Kaldorei

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

“Who dares defile this ancient land? Who dares the wrath of Cenarius and the night elves?!”

[Passive - Son of Elune] - Your sacred connection with nature grants you 10 lives. When a member of your faction dies your powers wane, costing you 2 lives.

[Passive - Circle of the Ancients] - You can awaken various forest aspects to help you throughout the game.

[One Shot Active - The Ancient of Wonders] - If you're in the top 2 posters for 2 day phases you can excite the forest sprites, protecting 2 random members of your faction against non-lethal hostile abilities each night.

[One Shot Active - The Ancient of Lore] - If you help lynch 2 innocent players you can turn to the stars for guidance, allowing you to privately lie detect one post every other night.

[One Shot Active - The Ancient of Wind] - If you're roleblocked from using your abilities twice you can ask the sylphs to watch over you, telling you the name of anyone who targets you with a non-lethal ability and protecting you against roleblocks.

[One Shot Active - The Ancient of War] - If you're in the top 4 most voted lynch candidates for 2 day phases you can rally your natural allies to perform a faction kill each night.

[One Shot Active - The Ancient of Life] - If you have 2 lives remaining you can bind your spirit to another player, allowing you to continue posting as long as they live. If your target is guilty, you will die immediately.

The Burning Legion faction killed Hyperion1O1 (Grom Hellscream)!

Shizune said:
Grom Hellscream
Chieftan of the Warsong Clan
faction: The Orcish Horde

wincon: eliminate The Burning Legion and The Scourge

"You have seen me when the bloodlust has come upon me. You have seen me wade in blood up to my knees. I have killed the children of the humans ere now."

[Passive - Savagery] - You fight without abandon, causing protective abilities to fail on you.

[One Shot Active - Bloodlust] - Your thirst for combat enables you to use Bladestorm twice in one night.

[Active - Bladestorm] - During the night you can overwhelm another player with your brutish strength, roleblocking them. If you target the same person two nights in a row you will attempt to kill them instead. If your target is a human or demon, your kill will be upgraded to a superkill.

Day 4 start. You may now post.
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i have info that is incriminating on someone but im gonna wait til past halfway to reveal it so i can maybe observe the player posting in their natural habitat



ur not dead in the player list? :drake
The Burning Legion and The Undead Scourge have begun marching on Mount Hyjal. The sentient creatures native to Mount Hyjal have joined The Kaldorei in mounting a defense. In their desperation, The Kaldorei freed Illidan Stormrage.

Unfortunately, Dragomir (Speaker Ik'nal) died of poisoning soon after forming an alliance between the dark trolls and the elves. Prior to tonight, Dragomir's win condition was surviving until the end of the game.

With five members of his faction dead, Kira Yagami's (Cenarius) presence has faded from the forests. However the Ancient of Life binds his spirit to another player, allowing his wisdom to guide you until his vessel dies.

The Burning Legion faction killed Hyperion1O1 (Grom Hellscream)!

Day 4 start. You may now post.
town got rekt hard.

I'm town.

The huntress

race Kaldorei.

:defeat. I didn't want to fucking role reveal considering every kaldorei is dying left and right.
okay, so, it's like 1 in the morning where I live and my wifi's dying every ten minutes so I'm not going to get a gif for this, but

what the fuck is it with nf using role claims as first resort when they're suspected? you had ONE VOTE on you, you could simply question it and get an argument going without exposing yourself, it's not that hard

no wonder mad is fed up with y'al-

The huntress
Then you are wrong, that's all I have to say.
Im assuming that theres 8 members to each faction. Orc, Kaldorei and Human would be 24 players in total while the remaining 8 slots r divided between The Burning Legion, Undead Scourge and Indies. We dont know Rachet's role but we do know hes Kaldorei.

So it could be possible ur one of the remaining Kaldorei but at this point I would imagine u could be counter claimed if ur lying :pepethink
Im assuming that theres 8 members to each faction. Orc, Kaldorei and Human would be 24 players in total while the remaining 8 slots r divided between The Burning Legion, Undead Scourge and Indies. We dont know Rachet's role but we do know hes Kaldorei.

So it could be possible ur one of the remaining Kaldorei but at this point I would imagine u could be counter claimed if ur lying :pepethink
I would say seven members max of each town faction, leaving eleven slots for mafia and indies.
Kaldorei numbers are skewed. Dragomir was an indi that converted.

The Dark Troll tribe native to Mount Hyjal abducted Avito (Tarindrella) and sacrificed her for their voodoo rituals.

That was Dragomir.

[One Shot Active - Ritual Sacrifice] - You must kill another player to gain access to the rest of your abilities.

Just keep that in mind when trying to figure out how big each race is.
Kaldorei numbers are skewed. Dragomir was an indi that converted.

That was Dragomir.

[One Shot Active - Ritual Sacrifice] - You must kill another player to gain access to the rest of your abilities.

Just keep that in mind when trying to figure out how big each race is.
That ability says nothing about converting to the sacrificed's faction.
do u think he can actually be hostile with his role?
As a rule I don't trust NHIs, so why not get rid of the potential threat? They aren't doing anything to benefit us so at worst we get rid of neutral partt, at best we get rid of a hostile party pretending to be kon-hostile. The last version of this role was pro-town which ups the chance this one is anti-town.
As a rule I don't trust NHIs, so why not get rid of the potential threat? They aren't doing anything to benefit us so at worst we get rid of neutral partt, at best we get rid of a hostile party pretending to be kon-hostile. The last version of this role was pro-town which ups the chance this one is anti-town.

kon-hostile lol :ichigo

i mean we definitely have better leads to pursue today tho
Which is why I said to vig him.

Who do you think are those better leads?

well i have someone for sure that i have info on just giving them some slack for now

but i think shade is definitely hamming it up and did not react well to pressure

and Remchu not being off the playerlist after minposting yesterday and saying “thx for the game” is ringing so many alarm bells its giving me tinnitus
shade doesn't seem as contributive as the last time he was town, definition of coasting thus far. He has role claimed but he did that really quick...

I had some misgivings about Agent Washington last phase due to his "conviction-less votes", but he was very consistent with his claim of being a survivor - so I think he was being honest there.

Kira is someone I have my eye on, avoided both the Waffles and Stelios' wagons and I generally just haven't liked their posts.

For me it's between shade and Kira and I prefer Kira for the lynch today;

[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]
shade doesn't seem as contributive as the last time he was town, definition of coasting thus far. He has role claimed but he did that really quick...

I had some misgivings about Agent Washington last phase due to his "conviction-less votes", but he was very consistent with his claim of being a survivor - so I think he was being honest there.

Kira is someone I have my eye on, avoided both the Waffles and Stelios' wagons and I generally just haven't liked their posts.

For me it's between shade and Kira and I prefer Kira for the lynch today;

[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]
Read the end of night write-up bro:drake
shade doesn't seem as contributive as the last time he was town, definition of coasting thus far. He has role claimed but he did that really quick...

I had some misgivings about Agent Washington last phase due to his "conviction-less votes", but he was very consistent with his claim of being a survivor - so I think he was being honest there.

Kira is someone I have my eye on, avoided both the Waffles and Stelios' wagons and I generally just haven't liked their posts.

For me it's between shade and Kira and I prefer Kira for the lynch today;

[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]
Legitiment question.

Ive seen the way he acts when hes being sused. He acts bitter, not angry like he is here.

Im almost positive hes scum if the number for each faction is 7 and not 8.
[Vote Lynch @shade0180]

I think he's not Kaldorei because "The Huntress" sounds too simple a role for Kaldorei to have. Given all the purple prose in the roles Kaldorei have had so far, I'm disinclined to believe his claim.

@shade0180 a flavour claim would help you out here.

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