Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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1. Don't discuss the game outside of the thread or quicktopics under any circumstances. Warcraft characters are infamous for returning from the grave. Dead players cannot post in the thread, in quicktopics or discuss the game.

2. Day and night phases each last 24 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night is referred to as a cycle. At the end of the day phase, whoever has the most votes will be lynched. Posting is not allowed at night. You must post twice during the day. If you only post once, you will be role crushed that night. If you miss a day phase entirely without warning me, you may be replaced or modkilled immediately.

3. Votes must be phrased [vote lynch X] or [change vote lynch X] or I may not count them.

4. This is a closed setup role madness game. Role revealing is allowed, but not recommended. Do not screenshot or quote your PMs. References to your PMs must be paraphrased.

5. Do not edit or delete your posts.



1. Failing to vote for another player will count as two votes toward yourself. You cannot vote for no lynch.

2. There are two levels of kills: regular and super. Regular kills can be stopped by roleblocking the killer or protecting the victim, and consume one life from roles with multiple lives. Superkills bypass all defenses, roleblocks and bonus lives. Superkills can be redirected.

3. "Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Roleblocks disable passive defenses ie bulletproof abilities.

4. Actions are processed at the end of the night, with priority given to roleblocks followed by kills. During the day actions are processed immediately.

5. Faction and alignment are separate. The factions are listed below and determine a role's color. Every character has both a faction and an alignment of either innocent or guilty.

6. Doctors learn when they successfully block a kill, but roleblockers do not learn when they successfully prevent an ability.

7. Abilities with limited use are not expended until they succeed. For example, a one shot can be used a second time if it's roleblocked.

8. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. Faction kills and other abilities appear in writeups under the faction's name and not the user's.

9. This game includes bastard mechanics such as death millers. The moderator will lie to you.

10. Role crushes remove all abilities from their victim, effectively making them a "vanilla" role. Role crushed players retain only their voting power. Protection against roleblocks does not work against role crushes.

11. Kills that only remove 1 life from a player with multiple lives will appear to succeed, although the victim will remain in the game and their role won't be revealed.



The Kaldorei

The Human Expedition

The Orcish Horde

The Burning Legion

The Undead Scourge

Do not post yet
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Player List

1. Jayjay (Tyrande Whisperwind)
2. WolfPrinceKouga (Shandris Feathermoon)
3. Dr. White (Thrall)
4. Cinera (Oben Rageclaw)
5. Dragon D. Luffy
7. Sweet Home
8. Lewd
9. RemChu (Rage Winterchill)
10. Agent Washington
11. SupremeKage (Califax)
12. MyMind
13. Lord Genome
14. Kira Yagami (Cenarius)
15. Cooler (Marn Thunderhorn)
16. MAD
17. Stelios (Anetheron)
18. Jjcb
19. Ratchet (???)
20. Novaslinenever (Duke Lionheart)
21. Franky (Cairne Bloodhoof)
22. Phantom Thief (Azgalor)
23. Mexikorn
24. Oddjutsu
6. Shade0180 (Raene Wolfrunner)
25. Alwaysmind
26. nfcnorth (Halford Wyrmbane)
27. Avito (Tarindrella)
28. Hyperion1O1 (Grom Hellscream)
29. Luck (???)
30. Dragomir (Speaker Ik'nal)
31. Mr. Waffles (Mannoroth)
32. Maerala


Do not post yet
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Day 1 start
The Human Expedition and The Orcish Horde have landed on the uncharted shores of Kalimdor, The Burning Legion and The Undead Scourge hot on their tail.

Day 1 will 48 hours, twice the normal phase length. After 24 hours, when the phase would normally end, I will begin replacing people who haven't posted yet.

Day 1 start. You may now post.

I can see that angle, but I feel it's just his disgruntlement with recent behavior as a whole we let slide.

I definitely understand a potential disgruntlement one may have, especially with SK. That is totally understandable.

However, this is more of tonal read. I don't have a problem with someone being disgruntled with NF's recent play or SK in particular. It's just that I just don't buy his. The lack of vote makes his alleged disappointment very weak.
Lmao I already got a vote. Is it because of my absence? Me leaving the forum for extended times is nothing new.

I’m very curious to see how this game goes. I am currently at A-AKon Dallas (fact check me I promise <3) and don’t have a lot of time but I’ve skimmed the thread and will have time tomorrow to analyze before end of day once I’m back home.

Cheers and good luck all!

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