I think your reasoning sucks, not sure what else to say about it? I elaborated on one of your reasons in the para on you anyway.
My point was fairly simple, if Waffles flips town then the guys that went after him with strange logic look worse. Flip was possibly the wrong word but voting patterns indicating alignment is pretty much par for the course and you should know that's what I meant...
Also you call that post defending him? Really? I even said I'm not fully opposed to the Waffles lynch because it will give me a better read on a couple of other posters. Equating me giving my read on you based on your reasoning for the Waffles vote with defending Waffles is BS.
To me Waffles post was a bit unusual but not scummy, if you went with Nova's "just a gut feeling" then I could see where you were coming from - saying that he should be scrutinising his own play and that his complaint for SK should have been followed by vote didn't come across as logical or genuine to me. You yourself admitted that the logic was a bit of a reach but justified it with the phase being only 7 hours old.
@Dragomir I'll reply to you after I eat breakfast.