Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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im not gonna entertain ur troll schtick this game -.-
It may sound like I'm defending JayJay here, but I'm curious.

What troll schtick? What in that post you quoted made it look like JayJay was trolling at all?

This post of yours looks to me that you don't wanna address any Jay's post when it includes you by saying that he's trolling. I'm only getting this by the fact that you're implying that Jay is trolling in that post you quoted.
[Vote Lynch Mr. Waffles]

His message to SK seems like an act. Both of them were responsible for making a mistake that lost them the generic game, so Waffles should be additionally scrutinizing himself for the “dumb shit” he’s calling SK out for.

I definitely understand a potential disgruntlement one may have, especially with SK. That is totally understandable.

However, this is more of tonal read. I don't have a problem with someone being disgruntled with NF's recent play or SK in particular. It's just that I just don't buy his. The lack of vote makes his alleged disappointment very weak.
@Mr. Waffles Are you not gonna address these posts and explain yourself?
So waffles starts a small talk with Sk
Nova vote for waffles for reasons
Jayjay votes waffles for interaction with SK.

Nova explained his reasons for voting for Waffles in page 1. He even did it again in a post above yours. But instead of writing that down like you did for Jayjay you say "for reasons". May I know why?

Pretty sure that's not why Jayjay voted for Waffles. IIRC, he did it because Waffles didn't scrutinize himself.
Pretty sure that's not why Jayjay voted for Waffles.
To be clear, I voted for Waffles for 3 reasons.

The first is that he’s looking for easy ways to commit to a vote with policy lynch tactics, attempting to absolve himself of the responsibility to seriously scumhunt on day 1.

The second is that he’s criticizing SK for a performance in a previous game where he had an equally abhorrent performance.

The third is that, as nova mentioned, his complaint for SK doesn’t seem genuine since he didn’t immediately follow it with a vote.
I don't play Dota

My bad, I mixed it with Elune.

Alright, since this is Eternity's End (basing this on the game), members for faction should be:

Kaldorei- Malfurion, Tyrande, Illidan
Orc- Thrall
Human- Jaina
Burning Legion- Archimonde
Undead- Arthas, Sylvanas, Kel'thuzad

High chance.

I forgot the name of the Lich, Pitlord and Dreadlord with Archimonde in Mount Hyjal but they should be there I think? Or just Tichondrius maybe.
So is this like a direct sequel to the last game? The Roles and Affiliations would be similar if not the same correct?

Roles and Affiliations would be the same.

Since this is Eternity's End, I imagine that Orcs, Kaldorei (Elves) and Humans would have the initial goal of killing each other but we should have a hidden win con where we win when we beat the Burning Legion and Archimonde.

I can only say that this game covers chapters three and four of the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos campaign, The Invasion of Kalimdor and Eternity's End.

Wait, Invasion of Kalimdor?

Ok, I have additional roles then.

Guaranteed Mannoroth for Burning Legion, Cenarius for Kaldorei, Grom Hellscream for Orc, Shandris for Kaldorei.

So since Burning Legion is the big bad, there should only be 3 of them which is:


Mannoroth should be capable of converting Orcs (or Grom).
They’ve either thrown games or made extremely questionable plays on NF.

It’s a good thing you’ve come to NF to improve, the mafia mecca of anime forums. We have lots of visitors from TMF, OJ, and other mafia forums.

Ratchet seems like quite the thoughtful and meticulous player though. Ava's just a hoot.

And from what Mad says, I find what you say to be...questionable :tearesa
Since this is Eternity's End, I imagine that Orcs, Kaldorei (Elves) and Humans would have the initial goal of killing each other but we should have a hidden win con where we win when we beat the Burning Legion and Archimonde.
This would make sense.

How does the story in the game unfold, does the war between humans, elves and orks stop after the Burning Legion and Archimonde are killed?
This would make sense.

How does the story in the game unfold, does the war between humans, elves and orks stop after the Burning Legion and Archimonde are killed?

Invasion of Kalimdor:
Thrall looks for stuff in Kalimdor after a shipwreck and meets Cairne Bloodhoof. They journey with Kodo caravans and encounter Grom. Thrall tells him to cut wood which makes Grom mad. Grom kills humans for some rest and relaxation.

Grom cuts wood in Night Elf territory and kills Cenarius, the NE Demigod but not without getting corrupted by Mannoroth (Burning Legion).

Thrall meets Jaina and nearly fight but got stopped by Medivh who is fuckall useless. They get informed that Grom is corrupted so Thrall throws a Pokeball at Grom. Later, Grom and Thrall kill Mannoroth but Grom dies.

Eternity's End:
Humans later join the Orcs in lumberjacking the NE territory. Tyrande is pissed and she kills a bunch of them. Burning Legion and Tichondrius arrives and she invis in their face and they get baffled and leave.

Tyrande later hits the snooze button for Malfurion's alarm. They decide to wake up the sleeping Yogi Bears but Tyrande also wakes up her former stalker, Illidan who joins them.

Illidan gets baited by Arthas to eat a skull and the former kills Tichondrius with it. Malf and Tyrande are horrified that Illidan doesn't look like a hippie anymore and banishes him. Medivh invites Malf in a dream and unites Jaina, Thrall and Malf in alliance to beat Archimonde.

They do a 45 min tower defense in Mount Hyjal and detonates a bunch of wisps on Archimonde which kills him.

The End.
Ratchet seems like quite the thoughtful and meticulous player though. Ava's just a hoot.

And from what Mad says, I find what you say to be...questionable :tearesa
I don’t really care whether you believe it or not, it’s the reality of the situation. NF mafia really tests people and brings out the worst qualities in mafia players whom other communities might rate highly.

WAD plays games at TMF, right? WAD’s tunnelvision and low game IQ cost town a very basic generic game last week. And you think of Ratchet highly? Ratchet also had an abysmal performance there in that same game, just coasted and let the mafia team run us over.

It’s why people come to a dying Naruto forum to play mafia here - this shit pushes you to your limits.
On the three main wagons so far e.g. Waffles, SK and jayjay;

jayjay: I don't really like his reasons for voting for Waffles. He admits himself they're tenuous as it's Day 1 but the logic feels very forced. Looks like he's trying to capitalise on Nova's lynch and is trying to find legit sounding reasons other than "his tone feels off". This idea that Waffles should scrutinise himself publicly is silly - it's not gone unnoticed that Dragomir is softcore buddying jayjay by repeating this same stuff.

SK: This is the easiest lynch right now because he's generally a policy lynch anyway and with his "I'm scum" admission it's an easy wagon to jump and hide on. I wasn't on the generic game but I'm guessing he pulled that shit as scum on that game? I wouldn't put it past him to try that stuff twice but I think he's probably just being a fool. I'd rather vig him than lynch him to be honest.

Waffles: I think it's maybe slightly odd for him to immediately post and complain about SK but the main reason I'd want to lynch him right now is to see how Dragomir or jayjay flips.

[Vote lynch Dragomir]
I’ve been reading your posts @Hyperion1O1. I can’t see how this gives us any insight on game abilities. At best, we’ve found out the role names and that the Burning Legion has 3 scum. The Undead Scourge probably has Arthas, right?

We could guess the abilities and what they do since this is (most likely) going to use Warcraft 3 abilities.

So that gives us Far Sight from Thrall which is potentially role reveal, Bladestorm from Grom which is a super kill, Tranquility from Malf which is heal.

But yes, Undead has Arthas guaranteed. Kel'thuzad too and Sylvanas.
Well, I didn’t really get much from your post, you just think the Waffles vote is farfetched and presume his innocence without elaborating, in the same way DW did.

In mafia, everyone is guilty until proven innocent.
Why do you think this?
Nova and u said waffles not voting for SK right away makes his dissapointment look weak and not genuine
Imo waffles not voting for SK right off the bat doesnt make his dissapointment look weak when Waffles already threatened hed be voting SK the minute he pulls anything and he did lol
Thats all :catshrug
We could guess the abilities and what they do since this is (most likely) going to use Warcraft 3 abilities.

So that gives us Far Sight from Thrall which is potentially role reveal, Bladestorm from Grom which is a super kill, Tranquility from Malf which is heal.

But yes, Undead has Arthas guaranteed. Kel'thuzad too and Sylvanas.

Come to think of it, Malf's probably a roleblocking doctor

Entangling Roots: Roleblock
Force of Nature: Summon that can block an attack
Tranquility: Heal
Are these guys members of the burning legion?
Waffles: I think it's maybe slightly odd for him to immediately post and complain about SK but the main reason I'd want to lynch him right now is to see how Dragomir or jayjay flips.
What an unusual post. I’ve got multiple questions.

Why would Waffles’ flip indicate my alignment? He posted something suspicious, I voted for him, and I elaborated on my reasoning. As far as I can see, you’ve deliberately chosen to disregard my reasoning and instead presume that I’m trying to lynch Waffles with fallacious reasons.

Secondly, why are you defending Waffles in his place? What reason do you have to defend him? It is not your responsibility to defend him, and he has been AWOL since he became the lynch lead.

Thirdly, why would you not address the reasons we want to lynch Waffles? Saying they are weak reasons is stating the obvious. You make a scummy play, you become the best candidate for the lynch. That’s how mafia works.
On the three main wagons so far e.g. Waffles, SK and jayjay;

jayjay: I don't really like his reasons for voting for Waffles. He admits himself they're tenuous as it's Day 1 but the logic feels very forced. Looks like he's trying to capitalise on Nova's lynch and is trying to find legit sounding reasons other than "his tone feels off". This idea that Waffles should scrutinise himself publicly is silly - it's not gone unnoticed that Dragomir is softcore buddying jayjay by repeating this same stuff.

SK: This is the easiest lynch right now because he's generally a policy lynch anyway and with his "I'm scum" admission it's an easy wagon to jump and hide on. I wasn't on the generic game but I'm guessing he pulled that shit as scum on that game? I wouldn't put it past him to try that stuff twice but I think he's probably just being a fool. I'd rather vig him than lynch him to be honest.

Waffles: I think it's maybe slightly odd for him to immediately post and complain about SK but the main reason I'd want to lynch him right now is to see how Dragomir or jayjay flips.

[Vote lynch Dragomir]
Soft core buddying how?

What posts have I made where I've repeated the same stuff as him? IIRC, the posts that I've made where JJ was included was me correcting Shade and questioning Waffles as to why he didn't address JJ's and Nova's suspicions on him defending himself from their accusations. I don't remember repeating anything JJ said.

Why vig instead of lynch? Wouldn't his lynch give you some info regarding those that jumped on his wagon?

I'm confused. You want to lynch Waffles but vote for me instead?
What an unusual post. I’ve got multiple questions.

Why would Waffles’ flip indicate my alignment? He posted something suspicious, I voted for him, and I elaborated on my reasoning. As far as I can see, you’ve deliberately chosen to disregard my reasoning and instead presume that I’m trying to lynch Waffles with fallacious reasons.

Secondly, why are you defending Waffles in his place? What reason do you have to defend him? It is not your responsibility to defend him, and he has been AWOL since he became the lynch lead.

Thirdly, why would you not address the reasons we want to lynch Waffles? Saying they are weak reasons is stating the obvious. You make a scummy play, you become the best candidate for the lynch. That’s how mafia works.

I think your reasoning sucks, not sure what else to say about it? I elaborated on one of your reasons in the para on you anyway.

My point was fairly simple, if Waffles flips town then the guys that went after him with strange logic look worse. Flip was possibly the wrong word but voting patterns indicating alignment is pretty much par for the course and you should know that's what I meant...

Also you call that post defending him? Really? I even said I'm not fully opposed to the Waffles lynch because it will give me a better read on a couple of other posters. Equating me giving my read on you based on your reasoning for the Waffles vote with defending Waffles is BS.

To me Waffles post was a bit unusual but not scummy, if you went with Nova's "just a gut feeling" then I could see where you were coming from - saying that he should be scrutinising his own play and that his complaint for SK should have been followed by vote didn't come across as logical or genuine to me. You yourself admitted that the logic was a bit of a reach but justified it with the phase being only 7 hours old.

@Dragomir I'll reply to you after I eat breakfast.
Soft core buddying how?

What posts have I made where I've repeated the same stuff as him? IIRC, the posts that I've made where JJ was included was me correcting Shade and questioning Waffles as to why he didn't address JJ's and Nova's suspicions on him defending himself from their accusations. I don't remember repeating anything JJ said.

Why vig instead of lynch? Wouldn't his lynch give you some info regarding those that jumped on his wagon?

I'm confused. You want to lynch Waffles but vote for me instead?

It may sound like I'm defending JayJay here, but I'm curious.

What troll schtick? What in that post you quoted made it look like JayJay was trolling at all?

This post of yours looks to me that you don't wanna address any Jay's post when it includes you by saying that he's trolling. I'm only getting this by the fact that you're implying that Jay is trolling in that post you quoted.

@Mr. Waffles Are you not gonna address these posts and explain yourself?

Nova explained his reasons for voting for Waffles in page 1. He even did it again in a post above yours. But instead of writing that down like you did for Jayjay you say "for reasons". May I know why?

Pretty sure that's not why Jayjay voted for Waffles. IIRC, he did it because Waffles didn't scrutinize himself.


You've been buddying Jayjay more than a little this game.

When did I say I wanted to vote Waffles? I said the main reason I'd want to see a Waffles lynch is because of the implications for you - so why wouldn't I just go straight to voting for you seeing as you're the one I'm sussing?

I'd rather work a bit harder at scum hunting during the day than just going for the easy lynch with SK, if he doesn't give a shit about the game and just wants to troll then vig him - don't waste a day phase lynching him.
I think your reasoning sucks, not sure what else to say about it? I elaborated on one of your reasons in the para on you anyway.

My point was fairly simple, if Waffles flips town then the guys that went after him with strange logic look worse. Flip was possibly the wrong word but voting patterns indicating alignment is pretty much par for the course and you should know that's what I meant...

Also you call that post defending him? Really? I even said I'm not fully opposed to the Waffles lynch because it will give me a better read on a couple of other posters. Equating me giving my read on you based on your reasoning for the Waffles vote with defending Waffles is BS.

To me Waffles post was a bit unusual but not scummy, if you went with Nova's "just a gut feeling" then I could see where you were coming from - saying that he should be scrutinising his own play and that his complaint for SK should have been followed by vote didn't come across as logical or genuine to me. You yourself admitted that the logic was a bit of a reach but justified it with the phase being only 7 hours old.

@Dragomir I'll reply to you after I eat breakfast.
Which reasons suck? All I've seen from you is say "bad logic" and "strange reasons" to describe my posts - things nobody in this thread agrees with. You haven't even bothered to address my points in their entirety, only in isolation. I didn't find anything I said about my Waffles post to be illogical, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it.

Yes, you are playing soft defense for Waffles from my perspective. You're telling me I don't have a case against Waffles and being deliberately vague about what you don't like about my push. Then, despite disliking the push, you say you want to lynch him anyway, but at the end of your post you've put down a vote that has nothing to do with Waffles. You are all over the place and you are being incredibly lazy about your disagreement.

Essentially, what you're doing is trying to redirect attention from Waffles. Not only that, but you are trying to scumhunt by sus'ing the scumhunters. You are trying to 180 the Waffles push by suspecting his voters without any real justification. You're also proposing an association between myself and Dragomir without any basis. Everything you've said in this thread is inherently scummy and reeks of redirection.

And no, I didn't admit my logic was a bit of a reach at any point in this thread - I said that we're not going to have indisputably incriminating evidence so early into the phase but I still stand by all my reasons for wanting to lynch Waffles.
Which reasons suck? All I've seen from you is say "bad logic" and "strange reasons" to describe my posts - things nobody in this thread agrees with. You haven't even bothered to address my points in their entirety, only in isolation. I didn't find anything I said about my Waffles post to be illogical, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it.

Yes, you are playing soft defense for Waffles from my perspective. You're telling me I don't have a case against Waffles and being deliberately vague about what you don't like about my push. Then, despite disliking the push, you say you want to lynch him anyway, but at the end of your post you've put down a vote that has nothing to do with Waffles. You are all over the place and you are being incredibly lazy about your disagreement.

Essentially, what you're doing is trying to redirect attention from Waffles. Not only that, but you are trying to scumhunt by sus'ing the scumhunters. You are trying to 180 the Waffles push by suspecting his voters without any real justification. You're also proposing an association between myself and Dragomir without any basis. Everything you've said in this thread is inherently scummy and reeks of redirection.

And no, I didn't admit my logic was a bit of a reach at any point in this thread - I said that we're not going to have indisputably incriminating evidence so early into the phase but I still stand by all my reasons for wanting to lynch Waffles.

Your perspective and what is actually happening are at odds. As far as no one agrees with me that doesn't matter to me and you have a vote on you since the Waffles push and it's not like the Waffles wagon is a large one (yet) either. How you can say no one agrees with me I don't know.

Also you're misrepresenting what I'm saying completely by saying I want to lynch Waffles, I said the main reason I could see to lynch him is because it would be an info lynch - that doesn't mean I actually want to lynch him, otherwise my vote wouldn't be somewhere else...

Also this is what you responded to from Kira;
Hm imo this waffles thing is a bit of a reach:thunk

Of course it is, it’s not even 7 hours into day 1. Why are you sounding like Dr. White?

Looks like you're agreeing that it's a bit of reach there. Now you're getting defensive when someone else calls you up on it. Why is that? I've addressed your points, I don't see why I should go into painstaking detail when you yourself admitted it was somewhat of a reach. That's twice you've seemingly lied BTW.

More weird logic from you is that apparently because you've done some scum-hunting you shouldn't be pressured if someone disagrees with you? Though by scum-hunting I'm guessing you mean tunnelling in on a single post made 10 minutes from the start referencing another game...If I see what appears to me as strange or even vacant logic should I not comment because "you're trying"? I don't understand your point here. We're all guilty until proven innocent remember?

I didn't say you had anything to do with Dragomir either by the way, it looks to me like he's trying to buddy you and posted the quotes to support my view - you disregarded this with less effort than I put in for your Waffles push BTW. Originally I thought Dagomir was potentially suss for trying to associate himself with you (a potential town lead) so I dropped some pressure on him, but now after this post I'm not sure how I read you...

Really weird post from you.
Your perspective and what is actually happening are at odds. As far as no one agrees with me that doesn't matter to me and you have a vote on you since the Waffles push and it's not like the Waffles wagon is a large one (yet) either. How you can say no one agrees with me I don't know.
What? The Waffles wagon is the leading wagon and you decided to pursue and tinfoil all of his voters without any counterargument prepared.

Also you're misrepresenting what I'm saying completely by saying I want to lynch Waffles, I said the main reason I could see to lynch him is because it would be an info lynch - that doesn't mean I actually want to lynch him, otherwise my vote wouldn't be somewhere else...
I'm not misrepresenting what you're saying. You said Waffles' flip would reflect on my alignment and that doesn't make sense to me.

Looks like you're agreeing that it's a bit of reach there. Now you're getting defensive when someone else calls you up on it. Why is that? I've addressed your points, I don't see why I should go into painstaking detail when you yourself admitted it was somewhat of a reach. That's twice you've seemingly lied BTW.
I'm well aware of what I posted. Exactly where have I contradicted myself? What was the first lie I made? And what is the second lie? What the fuck are you talking about?

More weird logic from you is that apparently because you've done some scum-hunting you shouldn't be pressured if someone disagrees with you? Though by scum-hunting I'm guessing you mean tunnelling in on a single post made 10 minutes from the start referencing another game...If I see what appears to me as strange or even vacant logic should I not comment because "you're trying"? I don't understand your point here. We're all guilty until proven innocent remember?
You played hard offense on everyone who voted for Waffles and created this baseless scenario where Waffles' lynch will apparently give you information on me. That isn't scumhunting, that's just redirecting and posting nonsense.

You can disagree with the Waffles push but that doesn't mean you've posted any substantive counter. Either address this post or stop wasting my time with your tinfoiling.
To be clear, I voted for Waffles for 3 reasons.

The first is that he’s looking for easy ways to commit to a vote with policy lynch tactics, attempting to absolve himself of the responsibility to seriously scumhunt on day 1.

The second is that he’s criticizing SK for a performance in a previous game where he had an equally abhorrent performance.

The third is that, as nova mentioned, his complaint for SK doesn’t seem genuine since he didn’t immediately follow it with a vote.
What? The Waffles wagon is the leading wagon and you decided to pursue and tinfoil all of his voters without any counterargument prepared.

I didn't pursue Nova who started the wagon. I commented on your reasoning which I disagree with and you said was reaching anyway...

To give a touch more depth on your points;

Waffles says "if you pull dumb shit again SK you're getting my vote", your point that he should therefore vote for him straight up before he does dumb shit is silly. He did in fact vote for SK after he said "I'm scum".

Your point that he should be equally critical of himself for his performance last game is just a dumb reason to vote someone...

As far as Waffles trying to abstain from scum-hunting, maybe he is trying to coast - I did admit his post was odd, just not scummy. Hopefully he posts more in the next 24 hours so I can read him better.

I'm not misrepresenting what you're saying. You said Waffles' flip would reflect on my alignment and that doesn't make sense to me.

Well it's elementary to me so if you don't understand where I was coming from then I don't know what to say man. If Waffles flips scum I'll have a stronger town read on you, if he flips town the jury will still be out but if it becomes a pattern then I'll start to scum read you.

And you are misrepresenting what I'm saying as I never claimed to want to lynch Waffles...are you and Dragomir both trying to paint me as inconsistent in a concerted effort or is it coincidental?

I'm well aware of what I posted. Exactly where have I contradicted myself? What was the first lie I made? And what is the second lie? What the fuck are you talking about?

- You claimed I wanted to lynch Waffles. I said the main reason I'd want to lynch him is for the info - not that I actually wanted to lynch him over anyone else.
- You claimed you never said your logic was reaching. I posted the post where you said as much.

You played hard offense on everyone who voted for Waffles and created this baseless scenario where Waffles' lynch will apparently give you information on me. That isn't scumhunting, that's just redirecting and posting nonsense.

You can disagree with the Waffles push but that doesn't mean you've posted any substantive counter. Either address this post or stop wasting my time with your tinfoiling.

You've just been hella defensive man, I didn't even vote for you. I just said I thought your logic was suspect and you couldn't take it and came at me - that's not me playing hard offence. My offence on Dragomir isn't specifically to do with the Waffles lynch either, I just noticed a pattern of him defending you and repeating your arguments - looks like he could be scum trying to blend.

Reading cooler :psyduck

In my head everything I'm saying is straight forward lol
So looking at WoW wiki, shouldnt there be reason to believe Sargeras would be in this game?

The Great Enemy would not dare another attempt to set his foul hoof upon Azeroth while the twin eyes of the Earthmother watch over these sacred lands. With Queen Azshara banished to the depths of the Maelstrom, let us join hands in beseeching Mu'sha that the Fallen Titan never find another willing vessel for his dark crusade.

okay I caught up

what the fuck nf :giogio

i come here for the cancerous role madness where everyone has 12 kills and 24 protections, is scum and can literally tell the host to shut up, not to get wall of texts :giogio

in fact, it's been over 12 hours and, guess what? yes, that's right, NOBODY DIED :giogio

if y'all wanna write essays go to mm or mafia universe, that's where you NERDS can thrive

this is reminiscent of your play in the BNHA game on TMF where u were scum and u got mad as hell at Rotaretilbo for TL;DRing you

im wondering if its a tell where you get mad at dialogue as scum
anyway what I was saying

isn't this dedicated at scum hunting/defense/attack from what I remember, feels like hes more confident because he rolled a powerful role (scum, i mean scum)

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

Yes it makes sense that I would want to draw as much attention to myself as I could as scum.

This is how I've played my last few games as town for the most part. Don't think you were there though.

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