Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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I don’t really care whether you believe it or not, it’s the reality of the situation. NF mafia really tests people and brings out the worst qualities in mafia players whom other communities might rate highly.

WAD plays games at TMF, right? WAD’s tunnelvision and low game IQ cost town a very basic generic game last week. And you think of Ratchet highly? Ratchet also had an abysmal performance there in that same game, just coasted and let the mafia team run us over.

It’s why people come to a dying Naruto forum to play mafia here - this shit pushes you to your limits.

"Us"? You on TMF?
Sweet. Glad to be able to play with you all!
Hello Zu, Soneji here.

Warm greetings, friends. I have awoken this evening to a soft breeze blowing over the rolling plains of Mulgore. Mournfully I say that the wind spirits have brought dire tidings for our match. May the Earthmother smile upon us all.
This person has posted nothing but flavor posts such as this.

[Vote Lynch Mr. Waffles]

His message to SK seems like an act. Both of them were responsible for making a mistake that lost them the generic game, so Waffles should be additionally scrutinizing himself for the “dumb shit” he’s calling SK out for.
What would you say a scum!Waffles flip says about SK?

So waffles starts a small talk with Sk
Nova vote for waffles for reasons
Jayjay votes waffles for interaction with SK.

Thanks for the game summary there shade.

My thoughts exactly.

[Vote Lynch JayJay]
Do you usually equate early reaches in a mafia game as scummy behavior?

To be clear, I voted for Waffles for 3 reasons.

The first is that he’s looking for easy ways to commit to a vote with policy lynch tactics, attempting to absolve himself of the responsibility to seriously scumhunt on day 1.

The second is that he’s criticizing SK for a performance in a previous game where he had an equally abhorrent performance.

The third is that, as nova mentioned, his complaint for SK doesn’t seem genuine since he didn’t immediately follow it with a vote.
I can see a tone read on Waffles indicating scum but all of these reasons don't really hold up. He forewarned SK of what would get him policy lynched, SK has done this in multiple games including some where he was legit scum and why would he vote there when it is explicitly a warning post?

Why is this even a role. Do Moonfish get special abilities or something

A means by which to have a pro-town indie that doesn't influence the game too strongly in town's favor and could be seen as scum because of their post restriction.

I have no idea as I expressed a lot of "not having fun" when I had a similar role as well. Lol.
The cost of experimentation.

So is this like a direct sequel to the last game? The Roles and Affiliations would be similar if not the same correct?
Trying to figure out whether it's safe to claim your scum role?

You guys say lore but all I perceive this WOW lore copy paste is as insufferable fluff:ohlord
Your only take away is that it is insufferable fluff?

On the three main wagons so far e.g. Waffles, SK and jayjay;

jayjay: I don't really like his reasons for voting for Waffles. He admits himself they're tenuous as it's Day 1 but the logic feels very forced. Looks like he's trying to capitalise on Nova's lynch and is trying to find legit sounding reasons other than "his tone feels off". This idea that Waffles should scrutinise himself publicly is silly - it's not gone unnoticed that Dragomir is softcore buddying jayjay by repeating this same stuff.

SK: This is the easiest lynch right now because he's generally a policy lynch anyway and with his "I'm scum" admission it's an easy wagon to jump and hide on. I wasn't on the generic game but I'm guessing he pulled that shit as scum on that game? I wouldn't put it past him to try that stuff twice but I think he's probably just being a fool. I'd rather vig him than lynch him to be honest.

Waffles: I think it's maybe slightly odd for him to immediately post and complain about SK but the main reason I'd want to lynch him right now is to see how Dragomir or jayjay flips.

[Vote lynch Dragomir]
Noted red flag.

Reading cooler :psyduck
Why specifically him?

okay I caught up

what the fuck nf :giogio

i come here for the cancerous role madness where everyone has 12 kills and 24 protections, is scum and can literally tell the host to shut up, not to get wall of texts :giogio

in fact, it's been over 12 hours and, guess what? yes, that's right, NOBODY DIED :giogio

if y'all wanna write essays go to mm or mafia universe, that's where you NERDS can thrive
It is frowned upon for there to be d1 kills, so be prepared to remain bored for another 28 hours.

[Vote Lynch Luck]

Has just been following along Hyperion's coattails talking about roles/game mechanics. All three of Luck, Hyperion and Maerala look suspicious for their sole focus on mechanics/flavor but Luck stands out as the worst. Maerala I haven't seen around so might have only joined due to flavor and Hyperion at least has been working through things while Luck is just a hanger on.
[Vote Lynch Luck]

Has just been following along Hyperion's coattails talking about roles/game mechanics. All three of Luck, Hyperion and Maerala look suspicious for their sole focus on mechanics/flavor but Luck stands out as the worst. Maerala I haven't seen around so might have only joined due to flavor and Hyperion at least has been working through things while Luck is just a hanger on.
Lol I guess it does look like im just following his coattails.

I guess the only thing I can say in my defense is that after I got my role I was confused by the game mechanics and Shizune didnt want specify them after I asked him about it. After Hyperion layed out the "hidden wincon" theory the game seemed to make more sense.

Anyway, I dont really see the point in not revealing right now. Im Rokhan a member of the Horde, whatever that means lol

You've been buddying Jayjay more than a little this game.
I don't think those posts were me buddying. Not even the first one, which was me questioning MAD about something. The 2nd one I was questioning Waffles about something, whether or not I agree with JJ's reasoning against Waffles, you shouldn't know about. The 3rd one, I was correcting Shade about something. How is that buddying?

When did I say I wanted to vote Waffles? I said the main reason I'd want to see a Waffles lynch is because of the implications for you - so why wouldn't I just go straight to voting for you seeing as you're the one I'm sussing?
Must have misunderstood your post then. I was confused.

I'd rather work a bit harder at scum hunting during the day than just going for the easy lynch with SK, if he doesn't give a shit about the game and just wants to troll then vig him - don't waste a day phase lynching him.
Has just been following along Hyperion's coattails talking about roles/game mechanics. All three of Luck, Hyperion and Maerala look suspicious for their sole focus on mechanics/flavor but Luck stands out as the worst. Maerala I haven't seen around so might have only joined due to flavor and Hyperion at least has been working through things while Luck is just a hanger on.

More like I tend to geek out when Warcraft 3 comes in play (I spent my entire teenage years playing Warcraft 3 and Starcraft Broodwar). Also I did the same in the last Warcraft 3 Mafia.
Roles and Affiliations would be the same.

Since this is Eternity's End, I imagine that Orcs, Kaldorei (Elves) and Humans would have the initial goal of killing each other but we should have a hidden win con where we win when we beat the Burning Legion and Archimonde.
Makes sense. The Burning Legion was a pain in the ass last game.
Trying to figure out whether it's safe to claim your scum role?
Oh no ive been found out. Whoa is me.
This person has posted nothing but flavor posts such as this.

Many pardons, friend. We tauren are unaccustomed to discourse with other sentient races, so many millennia have we spent in near-isolation, roaming the endless plains of Central Kalimdor with only the mighty kodo and ornery plainstrider by our side. Rest assured that we are peaceable people. Which makes what I must do next all the more onerous.

I do not make the decision to strike down this person lightly, but for countless moons I have now sought the wisdom of the ancestors, aided by the luminous waters of the Pools of Vision. The voice of my dear departed great-grandmother resonates clearly within the confines of my bovine mind, revealing to me the dark intent of this individual. I trust her fully, of course. She was a powerful shaman in life. Some say she could have challenged Old Magatha for the title of Elder Crone, before the unfortunate pond-diving accident.

But how I do go on.

[vote lynch jayjay]
Jk just caught up

Lmao I already got a vote. Is it because of my absence? Me leaving the forum for extended times is nothing new.

I’m very curious to see how this game goes. I am currently at A-AKon Dallas (fact check me I promise <3) and don’t have a lot of time but I’ve skimmed the thread and will have time tomorrow to analyze before end of day once I’m back home.

Cheers and good luck all!

This post caught my attention, it's scummy af. First paragraph is excessively defensive for something that is just a d1 random vote. Second paragraph seems fake.

I mean sure I believe you are afk but seems like you are making an effort to coast while at that.

[vote lynch Franky]
Day 1 - rule amendment
Kinda sad that there are like 15 people with 2 posts or less...

In light of this, I'm amending one of the rules:

2. Day and night phases each last 24 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night is referred to as a cycle. At the end of the day phase, whoever has the most votes will be lynched. Posting is not allowed at night. If you miss a day phase without warning me, you may be replaced or modkilled immediately.

Now reads:

2. Day and night phases each last 24 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night is referred to as a cycle. At the end of the day phase, whoever has the most votes will be lynched. Posting is not allowed at night. You must post twice during the day. If you only post once, you will be role crushed that night. If you miss a day phase entirely without warning me, you may be replaced or modkilled immediately.​
[Vote Lynch @SupremeKage]

  • Town has no reason to claim Scum, and Town should not lie.
    • If he's Town claiming Scum hurts his win condition, and this is a policy lynch.
    • If he's scum, he just made our game easier.
He has done stunts like this as town and scum before. So it's kind of a gamble. I can recall him as scum doing the same thing.
Soooooo yeah.

May join yeah on this lynch.

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