Game Warcraft III: Eternity's End (mafia wins!)

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Original SK voter said:
Cinera - SupremeKage
SupremeKage - SupremeKage
MAD - Franky > SupremeKage
Mr. Waffles - SupremeKage

the final Tally said:
Cinera - SupremeKage
Dragon D. Luffy - Franky > SupremeKage
Sweet Home - SupremeKage
Agent Washington - SupremeKage
Lord Genome - SupremeKage
Kira Yagami - SupremeKage
MAD - Franky > SupremeKage
Franky - Cinera > SupremeKage
Alwaysmind - Luck > SupremeKage
Luck - SupremeKage
Mr. Waffles - SupremeKage

less than 4-5 hour change.

You had any doubt on where my vote was?

I was the first one on Waffles, caught him slippin' :pimpe

not doubt, just no memory
like i said i was mostly brain afk on day 1 :catshivers

less than 4-5 hour change.


this is good ty
so +8 votes from that count, the new voters:

Sweet Home
Agent Washington
Lord Genome
Kira Yagami

BET we got 2-3 scum in here
gonna ISO one of these dudes in a bittie :ufdup
i mean SK ended up being Town and jayjay’s theory about subliminally baiting SK into his gamethrow meta turned out to be correct but i repeat that same lynch 100 out of 100 times because i am exasperated with NF’s hard troll meta so I have zero point zero patience for that shit

its curious though, again, why literally the first person who voted for him, who has a history of strictly policy/spite lynching on day 1 is being sussed out for this instead of say, the half dozen or so people that rushed/scrambled to vote SK in the last 4-5 hours of the day phase

Why not ask for an investigate on him? Why indifferently see a potential townie getting lynched? Being annoyed at trolls is understandable but outright lynching him just because seems as bad as the trolling it self if not worse imo.

You voting first for SK involved no risk for you as Mr. Waffles had already given a reason that you could use. I've not played any games with you so I don't know what you normally do but all games are played differently depending on what you have. Though this is not the only reason why I suspect you.

SK claimed to know illdian here

[Change vote lynch: JJBC]

My passive claims for him to be evil, but idk if that means he’s scum.

I probably won’t post much later cuz still busy. I haven’t finished reading through the thread, so I’ll probably give my thoughts by the end of the phase or the beginning of day 2. I’m just changing my vote cuz it’ll be dumb for me to due to placing a vote on myself.

Also JJBC is illidian.

And jjbc confirms it

okay what the fuck

first time I don't wanna claim and shizune gives my role to fucking supremekage :tiredpepe

After it you say that you weren't rolefishing but giving him a chance to claim and see if he's innocent. Well he did claim and got confirmed but you somehow still thought that there was doubt. Baffling.

i doubt he’s Town by now but u typically want to ask the people u intend to lynch to claim so that if they are actually innocent something can be done about it
Why not ask for an investigate on him?

yeah because directing cops is totally a pro-town maneuver

Why indifferently see a potential townie getting lynched? Being annoyed at trolls is understandable but outright lynching him just because seems as bad as the trolling it self if not worse imo.

you are very clearly not aware of this particular player’s meta history

You voting first for SK involved no risk for you as Mr. Waffles had already given a reason that you could use.

i had no reason to use mr. waffles’s bait, i stated in a previous game if SK claims scum again i will lynch him without hesitation - i even cited the post i claimed to do so earlier

I've not played any games with you so I don't know what you normally do but all games are played differently depending on what you have.

that is generally fair but i have stayed and it has since gone uncontested that i >always< policy or spite lynch people on D1, this of course has an ulterior motive of obfuscating others’ ability to read me as its NAI, so for others, particularly those familiar with my patterns and trends to suspect me for this to read it as anti-Town is straight up bullshit

Though this is not the only reason why I suspect you.

then state so?

SK claimed to know illdian here

And jjbc confirms it

After it you say that you weren't rolefishing but giving him a chance to claim and see if he's innocent. Well he did claim and got confirmed but you somehow still thought that there was doubt. Baffling.

But he didn’t claim. You’re straight up misrepresenting the case here.

Not ONCE did he claim his actual character name. I don’t know how familiar you are with Warcraft lore but knowing who Illidan is in flavor isn’t exactly indicative of being a morally good character.
I don't see how that is relevant. WAD has different personas/status in different communities, meta can shift and context is important, someone can post in a similar manner but with different motives behind those posts.

His coasting on d1 is common here tho.

It's his way of making a statement about how much he hates the players here. Or whatever bullshit he is thinking.
His coasting on d1 is common here tho.

It's his way of making a statement about how much he hates the players here. Or whatever bullshit he is thinking.

i don’t intend to coast, i admit that my play overall was lazier than normal but again i always try to push a policy or spite lynch on day 1 because

1) i try to rid the game of what i perceive to be cancerous elements/players in the only phase where it’s semi-acceptable to do so without substantiating actual merits for suspicion

2) doing so makes it easier for me to blend which serves both my town and scum game equally
I still think jayjay's reasons for voting Waffles were weak but he turned out to be right, so I ended on the wrong side of that argument. People have already highlighted that they need to "look at me". Not sure what you can infer from me recognising that?

This sounds like that moment when scum is furstrated their teammate was caught for reasons they don't think is fair.

"We lynched scum but we didn't earn it ok guys?"

Classic tell.

[vote lynch Cooler]
[Vote lynch WPK]

1) Tried to lynch me for talking about game mechanics when there have been Shizune games that town lost because they took basic game mechanics at face value.

2) I role claimed to try and get a reaction out of him, he completely ignored my defense and kept his vote on me without even posting a rebuttle. This screams scum trying to get a bandwagon on an easy target and not caring about anything I put out.

3) He immediatly switched his vote to SK when he saw he wasnt getting any traction.

4) Jayjay gets into argument with Wad then Jayjay gets lynched, WPK immeadiatly comes in sus of WAD. I aint gonna defend WAD because his day 1 play was complete garbage but WPK is coming off as opportunistic scum here.
TFW you don't know who WAD and WPK is.
yeah because directing cops is totally a pro-town maneuver

Seems better than outright lynching a potential townie to me.

you are very clearly not aware of this particular player’s meta history

Actually I played with him previously in Cracking Idea. He was all over the place but still ended up as town.

i had no reason to use mr. waffles’s bait, i stated in a previous game if SK claims scum again i will lynch him without hesitation - i even cited the post i claimed to do so earlier

that is generally fair but i have stayed and it has since gone uncontested that i >always< policy or spite lynch people on D1, this of course has an ulterior motive of obfuscating others’ ability to read me as its NAI, so for others, particularly those familiar with my patterns and trends to suspect me for this to read it as anti-Town is straight up bullshit

That is well and good but essentially your reason for lynching him is that he's a troll. Mr. Waffles had the same reason but flipped scum so don't blame me for taking this excuse with a grain of salt.

But he didn’t claim. You’re straight up misrepresenting the case here.

Not ONCE did he claim his actual character name. I don’t know how familiar you are with Warcraft lore but knowing who Illidan is in flavor isn’t exactly indicative of being a morally good character.

Yes SK didn't actually claim his character name but did something even better. Told what his passive was and got an alibi from jjbc. That should have got him off the hook but you still said he was a doubt and went ahead with the lynch.
Told what his passive was and got an alibi from jjbc.
I mean, Wad already said it, but knowing my character doesnt necessarily make you a good person.

he could have been the racist adventurer bitch who has a zealous pursuit to kill me and doesn't care about the casualties as long as she gets to gut me :dank

or the serpent empress of the nada (or whatever they're called idk) that illidan worked undercover with who serves the literal evil god sargeras

or maybe one of my betraying demon hunter lieutenants who were looking for a chance to dethrone me and let us fail the war against sargeras just to get more power

in fact kalidax doesnt even appear in the wiki explanation of my character, so him knowing who I am is a wiiiiiild reach to claim as ((((town))))

but on the other hand illidan is fucking crazy so disregard everything I said AND GET ME OUT OF FUCKING PRISON ALREADY
SK needs to be banned from future games instead of making us waste a dayphase on him every game :tiredpepe

Ive read through the thread and here are some i find sus

1. Agent Washington
I, for one, eagerly await our latest round of bastard shenanigans

I expect half the town to be traps again
I was making a generalization
So no one else even looked up Illidan? I'm not sure he's someone that would qualify as "evil" but he certainly sounds like the kind of person that could very well be a miller.
From what I gathered he got branded a betrayer because he didn't tell anyone what the hell he was doing and wanted to undermine the Legion from within.
I don't really have any strong convictions on this vote but a vote has to be made.

[VOTE LYNCH SupremeKage]
5 posts
2 are fluff,2 are mechanics talk and the last one feels like hes removing himself from any blame if SK were to flip town

2. Remchu,his posts are also fluff af,he hasnt really added anything on waffles/SK/Cooler situation either,is he usually this quiet? :thunk
Not a big read right now but ill be keeping eyes on him

Hello Zu, Soneji here.

This person has posted nothing but flavor posts such as this.

What would you say a scum!Waffles flip says about SK?

Thanks for the game summary there shade.

Do you usually equate early reaches in a mafia game as scummy behavior?

I can see a tone read on Waffles indicating scum but all of these reasons don't really hold up. He forewarned SK of what would get him policy lynched, SK has done this in multiple games including some where he was legit scum and why would he vote there when it is explicitly a warning post?

A means by which to have a pro-town indie that doesn't influence the game too strongly in town's favor and could be seen as scum because of their post restriction.

The cost of experimentation.

Trying to figure out whether it's safe to claim your scum role?

Your only take away is that it is insufferable fluff?

Noted red flag.

Why specifically him?

It is frowned upon for there to be d1 kills, so be prepared to remain bored for another 28 hours.

[Vote Lynch Luck]

Has just been following along Hyperion's coattails talking about roles/game mechanics. All three of Luck, Hyperion and Maerala look suspicious for their sole focus on mechanics/flavor but Luck stands out as the worst. Maerala I haven't seen around so might have only joined due to flavor and Hyperion at least has been working through things while Luck is just a hanger on.
3. WPK
Luck already mentioned this but WPKs case on her feels scummy
Here he quotes a bunch of lads seemingly sussing some of them but in the end he still goes and votes for luck who he claims stands out the most between her,Maerala and Hyperion
I find his reasons horrible especially when luck has only made 3 posts on the game mechanics
Note that luck had revealed straight after he sussed her but he completely ignored it and kept his vote on her for a while

4. Franky
This guy seems odd
Same opinion I have, and share with you, of the SK lynch and him claiming scum (again) and it being a gamble. Honestly, I feel the people using that as an easy ride are looking more and more scummy, especially the newer people who wouldn't be as aware of him claiming it all the time.

While I don't like him claiming it, it is definitely inside his meta no matter his actual role, and I do agree with Jayjay claiming it better to wait for his reads to see if he actually plans on playing the game because in my experience he tends to be more town the harder he tries regardless of his scum claiming. Especially with it happening so early on I doubt it really means anything.

That being said, again, my sights are currently set on the ones jumping on the SK lynch just for something he does all the time. Seems easy way to coast through for scum.

I'll also mention that I'm a little suspicious of Cooler from the interactions between him and Jayjay, obviously because I agree with Jayjay more.


[Vote Lynch cinera]

For now.
First he Susses ppl voting SK claiming theyre doing it for an easy lynch
99% of the time when SK is town he doesn’t defend himself and just stays on trolling. He said he’d be releasing his reads but jumps to debunk his trolling first.

Those, IMO, are better reasons to vote him.

[change vote Lynch Supremekage]
and then later votes SK himself because he was "defending himself" ???
Where did you even get that 99% from? :drake

@Katsuargi @Legend u two even playing? :blobglare
I mean, Wad already said it, but knowing my character doesnt necessarily make you a good person.

he could have been the racist adventurer bitch who has a zealous pursuit to kill me and doesn't care about the casualties as long as she gets to gut me :dank

or the serpent empress of the nada (or whatever they're called idk) that illidan worked undercover with who serves the literal evil god sargeras

or maybe one of my betraying demon hunter lieutenants who were looking for a chance to dethrone me and let us fail the war against sargeras just to get more power

in fact kalidax doesnt even appear in the wiki explanation of my character, so him knowing who I am is a wiiiiiild reach to claim as ((((town))))

but on the other hand illidan is fucking crazy so disregard everything I said AND GET ME OUT OF FUCKING PRISON ALREADY

Forget the lore. If in this game you know you're town then why should knowing your character not be good? You're imprisoned. didn't it occur to you that he could be your jailer instead of all the other possibilities?
2. Remchu,his posts are also fluff af,he hasnt really added anything on waffles/SK/Cooler situation either,is he usually this quiet? :thunk
Not a big read right now but ill be keeping eyes on him
Hes my second biggest scum read atm.

He bandwagoned on me, said some vague shit about the interactions in the game then bandwagoned on SK. These plays resemble his approach in DDL's cracking idea game.
you know you're town then why should knowing your character not be good?
because everybody, except like one guy I killed, thinks of me as a power-crazed bastard.

and knowing other people's alignment/character is not indicative of your own alignment.

masons on differing factions exist, and that's without counting the complete ability mess that are nf games.

didn't it occur to you that he could be your jailer instead of all the other possibilities?
dude I don't play WoW all I did is check the wiki/tvtropes and there's no mention of a jailer anywhere, in fact it's said illidan was in isolation and the only things near him were runes with magic to prevent me from killing myself, it's part of the reason my character is so quirky, he spent 10k years without ever interacting with somebody else.
Town lost 3 members though?

but a scum died as well which also allows us to retrospectively analyze the D1 posts and votes and make substantial cases based off them, plus whatever actions people used

Seems better than outright lynching a potential townie to me.

every other player is a potential townie in the eyes of a townie on D1 unless ur in a mason group so wtf is this point :dank

Actually I played with him previously in Cracking Idea. He was all over the place but still ended up as town.

well then, bully for you i guess but the point is you should have been able to context read that this player is normally very disruptive to the town, usually by virtue of straight up claiming scum which in any other decent mafia forum earns you the noose

ive been particularly patient with this player, even assuming(correctly) that he was town in the last game we played together and i actually spared him from being D1 voted there, but we got stomped in the end partially due to his muddling of reads there

so i vowed (and Ive quoted the pertinent post) that if he did so again, i would punish him for it

and guess what
if he does it again after this game, i will CONTINUE to vote him
im genuinely depressed that this community has become a mafia laughingstock because of players like him so im gonna do my part in operant conditioning, like it or not

That is well and good but essentially your reason for lynching him is that he's a troll. Mr. Waffles had the same reason but flipped scum so don't blame me for taking this excuse with a grain of salt.

mr waffles flipping scum is irrespective of the point though - no one is connecting me to mr. waffles. If that was the case, then I would try to understand why someone could perceive a relationship between us in this game even though there is not, but again, that’s not why you or anyone else seems to suspect me

it’s literally: “you voted for SK who flipped town ergo ur scum”

people have BARELY expanded on how this separates me from the other ELEVEN people who also voted for SK

Yes SK didn't actually claim his character name but did something even better. Told what his passive was and got an alibi from jjbc. That should have got him off the hook but you still said he was a doubt and went ahead with the lynch. it shouldn’t have

again, this is a semi-bastard game (all Shizune games are) and the character/role he is vouching for is of dubious moral alignment

who is to say that Illidan was/is not a Traitor role

he is after all literally given the epithet THE BETRAYER :drake

What's the logic behind this statement.

i thought that should have been able to intuit

at the time SK and luck were tied for first with 4 votes with mr. waffles right behind with 3 votes

therefore in order to ensure that their teammate has a healthy gap away from being first, positions 5-8 are likely to have 1-2 scum to ensure that SK was gonna be the lynch that day
Don't know why everyone is suddenly jumping on this WPK train. He had the right idea of going after MAD for his silly pursuit of the SK lynch. Plus looking into people who didn't vote will be beneficial. Like Hyperion for example. He was active but didn't vote for anyone. In addition his post were mainly about the game's lore instead of what's actually going on this game. Pretty suspicious that.

[Vote lynch MAD]

I voted SK on the belief he was lying on his passive (calling Illidan evil) and went to sleep before he posted the entire "destroying the forest and betraying" shit which I called out earlier here in day 2 (post on why didn't he lead with that).

Also, if you have a masonry ability, son of Durotan should call me.
This sounds like that moment when scum is furstrated their teammate was caught for reasons they don't think is fair.

"We lynched scum but we didn't earn it ok guys?"

Classic tell.

[vote lynch Cooler]

Don't be an idiot again it's becoming a pattern.

I'm admitting I ended up on the wrong side of history where Waffles is concerned but I still think reasons like, "Why isn't Waffles saying his own play was crap" and "Why didn't he follow up his warning with an immediate vote" were weak. Later on his stuff about baiting SK into saying something stupid made more sense.

Are you trying to bait me by being a moron?

For now I feel like the obvious lynch is cooler, like I said earlier for his interactions with Jayjay on day 1. Seems suspect since Jayjay was hot on Burning Legion tail and I feel like Jayjay was making fair enough points about it. For now I'm betting Cooler was trying to throw shade off of fellow legion scum.

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

Tentatively. I'm still going over some things.

jayjay's points were bad for the most part, I stand by it.

And if I was teammates with Waffles why would I put myself in such a dangerous position to being arguing with jayjay about it? Especially when there were two lynches and jayjay was making it perfectly clear that Waffles was getting the second noose. Throwing shade onto myself is a great strategy right? Don't ever gamble man, your instincts are shit.

I don't trust any of your guys going for obvious choice in me.
Don't be an idiot again it's becoming a pattern.

I'm admitting I ended up on the wrong side of history where Waffles is concerned but I still think reasons like, "Why isn't Waffles saying his own play was crap" and "Why didn't he follow up his warning with an immediate vote" were weak. Later on his stuff about baiting SK into saying something stupid made more sense.

Are you trying to bait me by being a moron?

jayjay's points were bad for the most part, I stand by it.

And if I was teammates with Waffles why would I put myself in such a dangerous position to being arguing with jayjay about it? Especially when there were two lynches and jayjay was making it perfectly clear that Waffles was getting the second noose. Throwing shade onto myself is a great strategy right? Don't ever gamble man, your instincts are shit.

I don't trust any of your guys going for obvious choice in me.

Wifom, Omgus, and insisting that the dead town leader was wrong

Dude are you a jester :tearesa
Your posts.

I don't try to read people at day 1, I've been wrong too many times. Plus the host admitted in gameplay rule 9 that he will lie to us so I just clarified some things with regards to possible faction members (correctly predicting Mannoroth will exist this game for one) and the hidden wincon where everyone except BL wins.
do not got down this road wad :ufdup

i mean i think ur town now like almost 100% after seeing SK’s flip but before that yeah i was considering otherwise for sure
Nope. You have one more guess.

Another idiot.
You responded to DDL's suspicion by claiming you're not part of one scum faction. Not "you're an idiot, I'm town" or "you're an idiot, I'm not scum-anti-town" or even "you're an idiot, I'm not mafia".

I won't be taking any more guesses, the UL was mentioned to make a point. The post was made from a scum POV, doesn't matter which scum.
AlwaysMind: Mad
WPK: MAD>Cooler>Cooler
Nova: Remchu>Dr.White
Luck: WPK
Shade: WPK
Lewd: WPK
Mymind: MAD
DDL: Cooler
Franky: Cooler
JJCB: Unvote>Cooler

Cooler = 4 Votes
WPK = 3 votes
MAD = 2 votes
Dr.Whitet = 1 vote

@Shizune I just combed through all the pages between these vote counts, pages 17-22, where did WPK change his vote to Waffles? :thunk
@WolfPrinceKouga Link me the post where u voted for waffles.
jjcb has a point about Washington. He could try to point to Illidan as scum since sk already revealed him and jjcb claimed it. Then the vote on sk to remove himself from blame could be a slip that he possibly knew he would flip town.

For the first point, I don't know much about warcraft lore so it's possible just to get some clarification.

Although from the looks of how this convo is going down, it looks like it might go down to WPK vs WAD.
The Orc'ish Horde isn't scum right? :apathy

I was an indie last phase and now my alignment has changed, but I was legitimately trying to help town. The last few games I've played my attempts to scumhunt in the first day phase have just gotten me lynched early. So honestly just fuck you all. Hope in the next game I play I'm serial killer so I can end the game early for all the clowns and their shit logic.
AlwaysMind: Mad
WPK: MAD>Cooler>Cooler
Nova: Remchu>Dr.White
Luck: WPK
Shade: WPK
Lewd: WPK
Mymind: MAD
DDL: Cooler
Franky: Cooler
JJCB: Unvote>Cooler

Cooler = 4 Votes
WPK = 3 votes
MAD = 2 votes
Dr.Whitet = 1 vote

@WolfPrinceKouga Link me the post where u voted for waffles.
I never voted Waffles. I told Shizune to change the vote count as my vote never left you.
The Orc'ish Horde isn't scum right? :apathy

I was an indie last phase and now my alignment has changed, but I was legitimately trying to help town. The last few games I've played my attempts to scumhunt in the first day phase have just gotten me lynched early. So honestly just fuck you all. Hope in the next game I play I'm serial killer so I can end the game early for all the clowns and their shit logic.
Brah I left you alone last phase largely because you're mislynch bait, I wasn't part of your wagon in Punk Hazard.

I'm not voting you for scumhunting but a questionable reaction to DDL's push on you.
in all seriousness you're claiming Orcish Horde. In this game from what I can tell there isn't an inherent "Town" but there is a mafia. There seem to be several town-like factions working against the Burning Legion and against factions other than themselves...

However, Burning Legion is the one with a faction kill so we should be aiming them first, and are the most traditional mafia.
Brah I left you alone last phase largely because you're mislynch bait, I wasn't part of your wagon in Punk Hazard.

I'm not voting you for scumhunting but a questionable reaction to DDL's push on you.

DDL's push on me was fucking stupid...

My response to DDL was a hastily written quick rebuttal to him moronically suggesting I was the same faction as Waffles.

Cool it Cooler.


:pek no, fed up of being mislynched by clowning townies.
in all seriousness you're claiming Orcish Horde. In this game from what I can tell there isn't an inherent "Town" but there is a mafia. There seem to be several town-like factions working against the Burning Legion and against factions other than themselves...

However, Burning Legion is the one with a faction kill so we should be aiming them first, and are the most traditional mafia.

It's every faction for themselves, but town'ish factions shouldn't be intentionally targetting each other when the Burning Legion and Undead are still around.
Thats your opinion but it throws the game in scums' favor. They get rid of a town and blend in on the bandwagon.
There's a very subtle fallacious reasoning here:
  • Scum get on the SK bandwagon and blend in.
  • MAD was on the SK bandwagon.
  • MAD is more likely to be Scum than previously.
Here's what you're missing.
  • MAD didn't join the SK bandwagon.
  • He waS one of the people to start it.
  • If MAD's words about policy lynching SK are to be believed (and I think they are), then MAD's vote for SK was Non Alignment Indicative.
MAD voting for SK isn't evidence for "MAD is Scum".

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