Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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Game end
Vote Count

Santi - MAD
Mr. Waffles - MAD
Kira Yagami - Santi
MAD - Santi
Luck - MAD > Santi
SupremeKage - Santi > Kira Yagami > MAD > Mr. Waffles > MAD > SupremeKage > Mr. Waffles

Santi - 3
MAD - 2
Mr. Waffles - 1

Santi (Tenten) was lynched!

Shizune said:

Tenten テンテン
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"I want to be a great and powerful ninja! To walk in the footsteps of the legendary kunoichi, Tsunade!"

[One Shot Passive - Kaifū no Jutsu] - Tenten can summon the right tools for any occasion. Tenten will permanently fill in for the watcher, tracker, doctor or roleblocker, depending on who dies first.

[Two Shot Active - Sōshōryū] - Tenten can watch, track, protect or roleblock another player during the night.

Tenten became the new Town Roleblocker when Kikanbō no Ē died.

With their enemies cornered, The HST Mafia (Crugyr, MAD, Kira Yagami and Luck) have won the game!

Thanks for playing!
I told you let's get rid of SK.

Kira and Luck were also big scum tells early WAD came along later.

I was Kakashi btw I was about to rolecrush Luck or JayJay

Yeah, Kira was obvious early on, we all got distracted by Luck’s list because unless you’re made aware that someone is converted, there’s close to zero counterplay against that in terms of mechanics.

The “moon goddess” shit was troll, but a nicely implemented trick that I had a good laugh at.
I told you let's get rid of SK.

Kira and Luck were also big scum tells early WAD came along later.

I was Kakashi btw I was about to rolecrush Luck or JayJay
Yeah, Kira was obvious early on, we all got distracted by Luck’s list because unless you’re made aware that someone is converted, there’s close to zero counterplay against that in terms of mechanics.

The “moon goddess” shit was troll, but a nicely implemented trick that I had a good laugh at.
Yall say i was obvious from early on but town barely sussed me till d4/5:camby
Yeah, Kira was obvious early on, we all got distracted by Luck’s list because unless you’re made aware that someone is converted, there’s close to zero counterplay against that in terms of mechanics.

The “moon goddess” shit was troll, but a nicely implemented trick that I had a good laugh at.
I would’ve appreciated a “HST Mafia has recruited ???” write-up, as that would’ve probably made me claim and allowed the remaining townies take the vote that much more seriously in fear of a LyLo.

My biggest issue was with Waffles’ play. Generally made up his mind on the vote as soon as the phase started and set off alarms with his incredibly apathetic play. There was really no reading him, besides his truth meta on role claiming. And it didn’t help that he wasn’t trying to figure anything out.
Mafia roles:

Shizune said:

Taishō Fujitora 藤虎
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your mafia

"In this world... there are many horrible things that you do not want to see."

[Passive - Kenbunshoku Haki] - Isshō can sense when another player is roleblocked.

[Passive - Gurabitō] - Isshō uses the power of gravity to roleblock anyone outside his faction who targets him. If Isshō performs the faction kill, he will roleblock his victim.

[One Shot Active - Mōko] - Isshō exerts immense gravitational force, role crushing everyone outside his faction for one night.

[Active - Jigoku Tabi] - When another player is roleblocked Isshō can create a crater beneath them, extending their roleblock into the following night.


Ōtsutsuki Kaguya 大筒木カグヤ
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your mafia

"This earth is my precious nursery."

[Passive - Oni] - Kaguya was sealed away in the moon, and plays the game through her brainwashed teammates. Abilities and lynches targeting Kaguya will fail, and Kaguya cannot perform the faction kill. When all of Kaguya's teammates are dead, she will leave the game as well.

[Passive - Usagi no Megami] - Kaguya is worshipped as a goddess. During the night other players can privately submit one question each for Kaguya to answer. When someone submits a second question, Kaguya can investigate them to learn their abilities.

[One Shot Active - Mugen Tsukuyomi] - When a townsperson asks Kaguya 3 questions, she can convert them into her faction.


Aizen Sōsuke 藍染 惣右介
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your mafia

"The Sōsuke Aizen you knew never existed to begin with."

[Passive - Goteijūsantai] - Aizen has infiltrated the town, giving him a voting power of 2 and allowing him to fool all investigative abilities.

[One Shot Active - Kanzen Saimin] - Aizen can use his shikai to create the illusion of his own death at the mafia's hands. Aizen will leave the game for one cycle, publicly appearing as the fake town role Urahara Kisuke. After one cycle Aizen will appear to be resurrected, rejoining the game.

[One Shot Active - Hadō #90: Kurohitsugi] - Aizen engulfs one day phase in darkness, isolating the townspeople. For that day masons cannot communicate outside the thread, and lynch votes must be submitted privately to the moderator. Aizen can move through the darkness to superkill one person, janitoring their role.
To be fair,Mad would die if his teammates died so it makes it balanced to have a recruit ability

not when it doesn't show in the write up.

You have a town read and suddenly that person is mafia and you don't even get any warning bells.

:kannasip So moon goddess is literally kaguya.

Yea this shit is one sided.

Also the write up for fujitora hid this important part

Passive - Gurabitō] - Isshō uses the power of gravity to roleblock anyone outside his faction who targets him. If Isshō performs the faction kill, he will roleblock his victim.

So it assumes every town is roleblocked.

Town was super strong but we had great kill selection and you guys were kinda wasteful with ur abilities and u guys got hella hoodwinked by the moon goddess mechanic :kannasip
Well, I had no reason to distrust the oracle and Luck’s list with Santi not getting counterclaimed and my assumption that there was no crazy play like a friendly-fire janitor kill on Canti.

shade also wasn’t claiming initially, and even after he did, and Santi reasonably sus’d a doctor claim that could self-target.

I don’t think town was particularly weak, but it was mostly apathetic play and narrow-mindedness that threw the game.
Well, I had no reason to distrust the oracle and Luck’s list with Santi not getting counterclaimed and my assumption that there was no crazy play like a friendly-fire janitor kill on Canti.

shade also wasn’t claiming initially, and even after he did, and Santi reasonably sus’d a doctor claim that could self-target.

I don’t think town was particularly weak, but it was mostly apathetic play and narrow-mindedness that threw the game.

i feel especially bad for you my dude :blobcry

Lynch failed day 1 so you couldn’t kill n1 cuz no dead bodies to animate

Then night 2 I had fujitora rolecrush everyone

then since u were so diligent with questions i was like “hey ya let’s investigate jayjay and see if he’s worth recruiting....oh shit....”
Unfortunately, jayjay was one of those distractions.

@jayjay³² I have to say, I don’t think the “I know who Pain is but won’t reveal him” thing really isn’t a good survival strategy it places too much attention on yourself for a role where survival is everything.

I really wanted to avoid lynching you D4 so we could at least have a shot of hitting mafia instead, and I’d keep you from making a killshot with my roleblock, but once it came down to you and Waffles I had to choose the gauranteed indi over Waffles who was at least 50% likely being town.
Yeah, Kira was obvious early on, we all got distracted by Luck’s list because unless you’re made aware that someone is converted, there’s close to zero counterplay against that in terms of mechanics.

The “moon goddess” shit was troll, but a nicely implemented trick that I had a good laugh at.
I called it with the Moon Goddes and you guys shrugged me off I told you it was Bastard and the was the one aspect I believed would lie to us, especially based off the answers it was giving out, which is why I didn't even bother asking any questions.
I was town while u were still alive, tho :blobwhat
your list is what had you scum read by me it was annoy that you kept blindly believing the MG. I knew that was a troll mechanic.
I was just trying not to get faction killed by claiming knowledge on the indie until I got more zombies. Instead, I got lynched because I guess I’m not believable.
you honestly could've just stayed quiet about Pein you fucked up early with WAD and the vote mechanic you had then didn't have. Then the Pein thin I was like OK this guy is going to die now.

I didn't even vote you cause I thought you were playing a decent Town game but I got day killed either way so my vote didn't matter.

@MAD why'd you kill me ningen?
This is something I've been vehemently pushing since my League of Legends game 3 years ago.

Indies should be treated like mafia. Town-friendly indies should be the exception, not the rule.
I tried no one listened.

If you're not Town Aligned Then you are scum.
Yall say i was obvious from early on but town barely sussed me till d4/5:camby
you were though.

No one really listens to me on this forum though it's showed the last few games. My early suspicions get passed over and Scum ends up winning.
not when it doesn't show in the write up.

You have a town read and suddenly that person is mafia and you don't even get any warning bells.

:kannasip So moon goddess is literally kaguya.

Yea this shit is one sided.

Also the write up for fujitora hid this important part

Passive - Gurabitō] - Isshō uses the power of gravity to roleblock anyone outside his faction who targets him. If Isshō performs the faction kill, he will roleblock his victim.

So it assumes every town is roleblocked.

well if you look at the game it's Bastard in which I pointed out and Kaguya equating to being Moon Goddess makes a lot of sense.

I opted to not asking MG questions and WAD took advantage of how easily you all were swayed to have such an open and easy mechanic.
Let’s see Luck, Waffles, Canti, and Santi’s roles before we talk about balance, lol.
I can't post my role from mobile maybe Host will post it.
Mafia had 3 players and no kill protection.

Had people figured the moon goddess was full of shit, town would stomp.
I did I tied it into the Bastard Mechanic
Everything just worked out for us really luckily and our actions were pretty much close to perfect
I think JayJay blindsided is and took away from Scum.
I can’t believe Tsukishima was actually town, I’d look like the real oracle if he had write-up deception. -.-
Adkin is the unbelievable one.

I pegged the Top Dogs were the scum faction I regretted putting Aiken in the Game.
Lots of distractions. I’ve tracked you/roleblocked you a total of 3 times, because I was that confident you were scum, but was looking for evidence to justify making a push over whatever else was going on in thread.

Interesting, actually.

Surely you tracked him, and saw nothing.

Then you roleblocked him (not stopping the faction kill).

What possessed you to roleblock him again? (This time him performing the faction kill).
@C A N T I

killed you for 4 reasons

1. You were playing with interest, so I figured you had a nice strong role.

2. You were getting into it with jayjay so I wanted to see if that spawned any WIFOM arguments against him

3. Because you weren’t playing my oracle game, you were never someone I could recruit or investigate to play around. So I had to kill you sooner than later.

4. Town didn’t have the strongest roster. No alpha personalities, to be frank. Once you, WPK, and jayjay we’re out of the picture I would have this game in complete control

didn’t count on Santi stepping up for the first time in years so kudos to him lol
Interesting, actually.

Surely you tracked him, and saw nothing.

Then you roleblocked him (not stopping the faction kill).

What possessed you to roleblock him again? (This time him performing the faction kill).

Night 5 I blocked both him AND you at the same time via my two-shot, actually. My attempt on you failing, obviously, which is when I knew we were in a world of shit.

I figured you guys may be alternating who performs the faction kill, which I guess Luck performed the first time I blocked him.

Again, I was looking for evidence so I could have a case to make for his lynch, but I was willing to bet my left nut that at least one scum was him.
I called it with the Moon Goddes and you guys shrugged me off I told you it was Bastard and the was the one aspect I believed would lie to us, especially based off the answers it was giving out, which is why I didn't even bother asking any questions.

Yeah, I got bamboozled. Had I considered that Kaguya was even in the game at all, I might have caught on, but I didn’t read the list of submitted characters at all lmao.

That was a great twist, not mad about it at all
@C A N T I

killed you for 4 reasons

1. You were playing with interest, so I figured you had a nice strong role.

2. You were getting into it with jayjay so I wanted to see if that spawned any WIFOM arguments against him

3. Because you weren’t playing my oracle game, you were never someone I could recruit or investigate to play around. So I had to kill you sooner than later.

4. Town didn’t have the strongest roster. No alpha personalities, to be frank. Once you, WPK, and jayjay we’re out of the picture I would have this game in complete control

didn’t count on Santi stepping up for the first time in years so kudos to him lol
Makes sense well I appreciate you answering.

I was Kakashi I had a
Sharigan - Passive that Copied any non Killing Action I could use the Following Phase.

Kamui -1-Shot Ability Crush but didn't work on certain Abilities

& Protect
I also said shizune is separate from the goddess but no one took that seriously.

Well you blindly believed the moon goddess yourself so there is that .
Yeah, I got bamboozled. Had I considered that Kaguya was even in the game at all, I might have caught on, but I didn’t read the list of submitted characters at all lmao.

That was a great twist, not mad about it at all
You're a bungee always get as much info from op haha

I was really annoyed no one took that seriously when I brought it up.

It was good to see you actually play.

All other games I've played with you you inactifagged

Hatake Kakashi はたけカカシ
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town.

"There are many friends I was unable to protect so far… every time I swear that I'll protect them, then I still happen to face the truth that I'm not able to do it."

[Passive - Sharingan] - If Kakashi is targeted by a non-lethal ability, he will mimic it for one cycle.

[One Shot Active - Kamui] - Kakashi warps another player's role, permanently stealing one of their abilities. This ability will fail on some roles.

[Active - Manji no Jin] - During the night Kakashi can guard another player, redirecting abilities used on them to Kakashi.
Unfortunately, jayjay was one of those distractions.

@jayjay³² I have to say, I don’t think the “I know who Pain is but won’t reveal him” thing really isn’t a good survival strategy it places too much attention on yourself for a role where survival is everything.

I really wanted to avoid lynching you D4 so we could at least have a shot of hitting mafia instead, and I’d keep you from making a killshot with my roleblock, but once it came down to you and Waffles I had to choose the gauranteed indi over Waffles who was at least 50% likely being town.
you honestly could've just stayed quiet about Pein you fucked up early with WAD and the vote mechanic you had then didn't have. Then the Pein thin I was like OK this guy is going to die now.

I didn't even vote you cause I thought you were playing a decent Town game but I got day killed either way so my vote didn't matter.
WAD caught me lying about vote power, which was more than enough to get me lynched with Crugyr, Kira, Luck, and Waffles in the game. Everything else I did was just delaying the inevitable.
Things I am not a fan of:
-No ??? was converted message. I am not the hugest fan of conversion in general to be clear (even when I am playing as them) but if there is conversion mechanics I do feel like they are important enough to make note of somehow unless it is super super obvious that there is one before the game starts. Like if your game is called _ _ Cult game than sure I can see hiding it but other wise I like noting it personally.

That's the main thing a couple of other small things but I don't really think they are worth mentioning.

Overall it was intersting and fun.
you were though.

No one really listens to me on this forum though it's showed the last few games. My early suspicions get passed over and Scum ends up winning.
Hence why i said "barely"

Even when i was considered sus,Town didnt bother to pressure or question me at all,if they did maybe i wouldnt have gotten away with coasting and jumping on wagons so much

I give u props for calling out the moon goddess tho,couldve easily became a threat if u lived longer :handshake
@Luck what was your role?


Hiken no Ēsu 火拳のエース
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"I don't wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that'll be enough."

[One Shot Active - Hiken] - Ace can use his signature technique to kill another player.

[Active - Enjōmō] - During the day Ace can trap another player behind a wall of fire to prevent them from casting their vote, vote silencing them.

[Active - Hotarubi] - During the night Ace can surround another player in small lights, learning the name of anyone who targets them.
I had claimed Ace on night 3, my list had caught Crugyr, my one shot showed up in the write ups as town flavored and Waffles knew Ace was in the game before I claimed.

I was spotless by the time I was culted.
WAD caught me lying about vote power, which was more than enough to get me lynched with Crugyr, Kira, Luck, and Waffles in the game. Everything else I did was just delaying the inevitable.
I think you did enough to get by, I just assumed you were being a bad townie. The vote power was semi believable it was the apron piece that really sused you.

I didn't even want to make you FoS until you were being uncooperative and then your kill on NFC I was like OK this guy or Pein and you were both ahahahaj

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