Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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for you to bring up that you passively protect yourself on odd dayphases only after I began to question this doesn’t leave me feeling comfortable.

Why would I admit I can't protect people on odd phases.

:drake that's literally telling town my protect is useless on odd days..

I didn't even want to reveal this shit even now, this basically gives fucking mafia a lot of information that they shouldn't know.

but fuck that shit because of your lousy play.

Why would I admit I can't protect people on odd phases.


Why would you announce to everyone in thread that you were going to protect Luck, effectively letting mafia know not to try targeting Luck and removing any probability of getting their faction killed blocked (because they’ll obviously not risk attacking Luck if they know he’s protected) and allowing them the chance to fish for other priority town power roles.

You have a repeat record of doing dumb shit that I can’t strategically rationalize, quite frankly.

I don’t know what to think anymore in regards to you :jaeshrug

Why would you announce to everyone in thread that you were going to protect Luck, effectively letting mafia know not to try targeting Luck and removing any probability of getting their faction killed blocked (because they’ll obviously not risk attacking Luck if they know he’s protected) and allowing them the chance to fish for other priority town power roles.

You have a repeat record of doing dumb shit that I can’t strategically rationalize, quite frankly.

I don’t know what to think anymore in regards to you :jaeshrug
as I said that's your fault.

Effectively you’re an anomally, I can’t count on you to act rationally, which is why your lynch is becoming more and more enticing
Seriously let see if you're really tenten. Just throw a kill on me.


This is such a blatant role fish, I can’t help but admire the courage you have to try and catch me with this most basic of bait.

Just who the hell do you think I am? You’re trying to capture a Mewtwo with no status ailments and a healthy quantity of remaining hp with a pokeball.

Let me paint the big picture for you, Shade. There’s supposed to be a 50-50 chance of scum between you and me, so if you somehow flip town I’m threatened of becoming a suspect myself.

I’ve considered everything there is to consider, and I’m making a calculated risk that endangers myself on the likely probability that you are scum :jaeshrug

what you think that doesn't apply to me.

So you acknowledge this and still choose to blame me for your own lynching?

getting treated as sus and getting lynch are two different shit.

I don't have any problem getting suspected and that's the same reason I can openly tell parts of my role.

Seriously with how things go

if you line up 5 people along with me and ask them to shoot the mafia in day 1, I'm probably going to be the one they will shoot at.

getting treated as sus and getting lynch are two different shit.

I don't have any problem getting suspected and that's the same reason I can openly tell parts of my role.

Seriously with how things go

if you line up 5 people along with me and ask them to shoot the mafia in day 1, I'm probably going to be the one they will shoot at.


Cut the appeal to emotion. For virtually the entire calender year of 2014 I had never made it past night 3, that’s well over 20 consecutive games.

You won’t get any sympathy from me :jaeshrug
I'm Gaara. :noworries


Alright, but what if...

If Shade flips scum who’s the most probable to be his ally?

Imo it’s one of: Kira, Wad, and Waffles.

What’s the likelihood of Gaara being anti-town?

Yeah that. I mean, maybe? He was a villain at some point at least.

What are your abilities and actions?

Come the fuck on, Shade.

What worth is “I’m blue”? You’re naive enough to think I should just take your word for it when most others who are alive have given more and don’t have information from the lunar goddess stacked against them?

You are, based on evidence, the safest mafia lynch for today. It’s me or you, and I’m sure it isn’t me.

Based on what you’re saying, it sounds like you believe I’m town, but then who the hell do you think is the scum? There’s only three fucking candidates left and you haven’t made a case for an alternative lynch against ANY of them.

Why? Because and I quote “I’m not going to defend myself if town tries to lynch me”

Then fuck you. I’m trying to win this game whether I survive or not, self-absorbed children like you who refuse to fight for the objective are a liability to the town at this stage in the game, and I will happily take you out of it if you no longer want to take part in it.

There’s 7 of us left, which means we have at least 5 nights to root out 2 scum from a pool of 3-4 players.

You think your rebellious shit is going to make any difference? You’re already dead weight.

>7 players left
>2 scum
>We have at least 5 nights

What kind of fucking math? :tinfoil
Yeah that. I mean, maybe? He was a villain at some point at least.

What are your abilities and actions?

I'm assuming this is aimed at me ?
I only got a passive, a one-shot and a two-shot.
One-shot is a rolecrush.
Two-shot allows me to make people easier to kill.

Haven't used either of them though.

> make people easier to kill
Like that's gonna be useful, right.
Day 5 - Shade0180 is lynched
Vote Count

MAD - Mr. Waffles > Shade
SupremeKage - Mr. Waffles
Santi - Shade
Kira Yagami - Shade
Luck - Shade

Shade - 4
Mr. Waffles - 1

Self Votes

Mr. Waffles

Shade0180 (Kaikyō no Jinbē) was lynched!

Shizune said:

Kaikyō no Jinbē 海侠のジンベエ
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Stop counting only those things that you have lost! What is gone, is gone! So ask yourself this: What is there... that still remains to you?!"

[Passive - Mizugokoro] - Jinbē manipulates waves of water to block attacks. On odd numbered night phases, Jinbē will protect himself against kills. On even numbered night phases Jinbē will protect another player against kills, leaving them soaked in water.

[Two Shot Active - Kairyū Ipponzeoi] - During the night Jinbē can draw upon the water left on other players he's protected, protecting all of them against kills and consuming the water.

As we approach LyLo, I would like to resolve the actions and begin the next day phase as quickly as possible. Please don't delay sending your actions.

@SupremeKage @Santi @Luck @Kira Yagami @MAD @Mr. Waffles

Night 5 start. No more posts, no exceptions.

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