Come the fuck on, Shade.
What worth is “I’m blue”? You’re naive enough to think I should just take your word for it when most others who are alive have given more and don’t have information from the lunar goddess stacked against them?
You are, based on evidence, the safest mafia lynch for today. It’s me or you, and I’m sure it isn’t me.
Based on what you’re saying, it sounds like you believe I’m town, but then who the hell do you think is the scum? There’s only three fucking candidates left and you haven’t made a case for an alternative lynch against ANY of them.
Why? Because and I quote “I’m not going to defend myself if town tries to lynch me”
Then fuck you. I’m trying to win this game whether I survive or not, self-absorbed children like you who refuse to fight for the objective are a liability to the town at this stage in the game, and I will happily take you out of it if you no longer want to take part in it.
There’s 7 of us left, which means we have at least 5 nights to root out 2 scum from a pool of 3-4 players.
You think your rebellious shit is going to make any difference? You’re already dead weight.