Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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Along with Waffles who’s my other hard scum read (you being a soft one), I’m now more inclined to stick to the position of trying to vig him tonight and trying to hit mafia tonight.

That should be the one and only town line for today imho

> hard scum read

That's you gauging my alignment.

> no way for me to gauge your alignment

You gotta do better than that.

he sused you long time ago
you just didn't pick the ball when you should
Where is the defense ?
I see through what you were doing there and just asked if it's pointless. :kanyeshrug


Counter question.

Would me answering that question still be useful once I've flipped town ?
>counter question

implies you have something to counter
I just asked you what's your take on MAD who I asked him what's his take on you
and even though he's normally fast to reply , still hasn't. maybe you are discussing over this now in your chat?

>Would me answering that question still be useful once I've flipped town ?

Defensive stance. You refuse to reply and ask a question instead.
when all you had to do was to say what's your take in MAD
which is a proper healthy town player response

pretty confident you'd do that if you were town
but you didn't

>counter question

implies you have something to counter

I did.
Your question.
It's why I called it a counter question.

I just asked you what's your take on MAD who I asked him what's his take on you
and even though he's normally fast to reply , still hasn't. maybe you are discussing over this now in your chat?


>Would me answering that question still be useful once I've flipped town ?

Defensive stance. You refuse to reply and ask a question instead.
when all you had to do was to say what's your take in MAD
which is a proper healthy town player response

Your question is based on the flawed assumption that I'm scum.
My answer was gonna be used by you to reflect on MAD.
Seeing as the basis of the whole question being useful relies on me being scum, it's a pointless question.

pretty confident you'd do that if you were town
but you didn't

You should sell your confidence.
It won't be worth anything, but at least it's gone.

> answering pointless questions
I only do that if you have tits.
Otherwise Imma tell you to go away.

My response to SK was more out of annoyance than anything else, the real reason I’m hesitant on jj is because of you, quite frankly.

Along with Waffles who’s my other hard scum read (you being a soft one), I’m now more inclined to stick to the position of trying to vig him tonight and trying to hit mafia tonight.

what do i have to do with it
if im honest and town, ive found the SK

if im probably still honest because why would i forfeit my life to lynch anyone but the SK?

either way, it’s pretty hard to argue against a position where town or scum me found the SK
let me get this straight, Stelios

u suspect me and mr. waffles to be in collusion

i.e, scummates

but ur putting us (me again) in ur dollhouse thing where only 3 people enter and are eligible to vote each other for a second lynch

in what world do u not see us lynching the third and how is that helpful for town :thunk

I just said I won't

so it's either your or waffles along with SK and jayjay
okay, those are 'scumreads'

but explain to me in what world is lynching scum better than lynching SK at this point

unless you doubt im providing you the identity of the SK

in which case id like to know what peoples' headcanon is of me and why im directing u towards him

cuz hes done absolutely nothing to refute the case against him and my claimed action check on him is not even half the reason why he should be lynched lol
okay, those are 'scumreads'

but explain to me in what world is lynching scum better than lynching SK at this point

unless you doubt im providing you the identity of the SK

in which case id like to know what peoples' headcanon is of me and why im directing u towards him

cuz hes done absolutely nothing to refute the case against him and my claimed action check on him is not even half the reason why he should be lynched lol

I’m not concerned about jj making an attack tonight.
okay, those are 'scumreads'

but explain to me in what world is lynching scum better than lynching SK at this point

unless you doubt im providing you the identity of the SK

in which case id like to know what peoples' headcanon is of me and why im directing u towards him

cuz hes done absolutely nothing to refute the case against him and my claimed action check on him is not even half the reason why he should be lynched lol
Because you’re lying to get me mislynched. It’s not that complicated.

There is confirmed scum between Shade and Santi yet you’re still trying to lynch me. How on earth is this an optimal play for your scum mates when you’re just outing yourself and shade?

Go ahead and lynch me, I don’t care. But at least I provided the townies a chance to rectify it, lmao.
I voted for him based on moon goddess answers.

can you weight here
read the last 20 posts if you please and tell me what you think

So, you want me to vote Waffles instead of shade, who is clearly scum?

I don't want you to do anything. I want to solve the game and MAD and waffles are both not co-operating which is rare.
Shade has been useless in the entire game
waffles kept his distance from commenting on simple questions
and MAD for all the momentum he had in starting line he's like a broken record now saying 'jayjay jayjay jayjay'

You obviously have your own wincon to fulfil so I don't expect anything from you. But if you have any sane argument, make it.
I mean, you’re either buying WAD’s story that I’m Pein or my story that he’s full of shit.

If I’m Pein, why the fuck would I say this as soon as day 3 started?
The HST Mafia used gravitational force to role crush everyone for one night!

Wait, so, the scum roleblocked everyone? Why wasn’t I affected? My action went through, lol.

I got some pretty good information. I asked the Moon Goddess a pretty clever question about the alignments of Riruka and Tsukishoma and received a clear answer.

WAD hasn’t posted any proof. WAD is also the reason that the Crugyr lynch got RNG’d.

If you want to lynch a survivor, then go ahead – it’s MyLo for town.

I already told you on day 1 I didn’t care if I got spite lynched and I certainly don’t care.
I mean, you’re either buying WAD’s story that I’m Pein or my story that he’s full of shit.

If I’m Pein, why the fuck would I say this as soon as day 3 started?

WAD hasn’t posted any proof. WAD is also the reason that the Crugyr lynch got RNG’d.

If you want to lynch a survivor, then go ahead – it’s MyLo for town.

I already told you on day 1 I didn’t care if I got spite lynched and I certainly don’t care.
certainly don’t care now. *
can you weight here
read the last 20 posts if you please and tell me what you think
Waffles and Mad r sus as fuk right now. At least one of them is scum.

I think jayjay is the most opportunist one here tho. He has info on Pain and refuses to share. He mentioned something about Pain reviving corpses, my guess is hes buying time or something. I really dont feel ok letting him make past this round.
Waffles and Mad r sus as fuk right now. At least one of them is scum.

I think jayjay is the most opportunist one here tho. He has info on Pain and refuses to share. He mentioned something about Pain reviving corpses, my guess is hes buying time or something. I really dont feel ok letting him make past this round.

well he claims his action went through but there's no proof of his action for sure

I mean, you’re either buying WAD’s story that I’m Pein or my story that he’s full of shit.

If I’m Pein, why the fuck would I say this as soon as day 3 started?

WAD hasn’t posted any proof. WAD is also the reason that the Crugyr lynch got RNG’d.

If you want to lynch a survivor, then go ahead – it’s MyLo for town.

I already told you on day 1 I didn’t care if I got spite lynched and I certainly don’t care.

What was your action again? I can't seem to find anything in a write up.
But you didn’t assert anything. You just lied, didn’t post any proof, and won’t even claim your role. Lmao.

i didnt lie
the other two points are tru tho but theyre not necessary

you killed him
dont tell me it wasnt you who killed him, cuz u were somewhat obsessed with the riruka/tsukishima angle

dont make me ISO that cuz i can find it in a jiffy but its a tedious endeavor

im guessing
tell me im wrong after the game
u tinfoiled stelios and nfcnorth as scum so u went to kill nfc hoping that he was scum cuz its much easier for an SK to operate without a scumteam threatening him

if you're not pain, you should tell us who pain is because they're obviously not a vigilante, yea?

also just saying but pain seems like the kind of character that would be immune to that GRAVITY rolecrush that u claimed to be immune to urself yknow :noworries
1. Supremekage - Sanji
2. Shade0180 - Town
5. Stelios - Town(???)
8. C A N T I (???) - Janitored by Mafia
9. Santi - Tenten (???)
11. Luck - Town(???)
12. Kira Yagami - (???)
15. jayjay³² - (???)
16. MAD - (???)
18. Mr. Waffles -(Town/???) - Truth Meta (?)

Base on this.

Considering MAD and Waffles are treated as scum they can't be Pain.

Luck me SK couldn't be pein.

If we believe Santi as Tenten he also couldn't be pein

So that leaves us with Stelios or Kira.

Or jayjay is pein.


Nah, I do have a very good reason for not revealing Pein.

I’m not revealing Pein. It goes against my wincon. If you want to MyLo, be my guest.

The only thing that can save me at this point is a day investigation because apparently you guys are incapable of rational thought.

Nah, my wincon is to survive, which is why I’m telling you this is MyLo. I lost my 1-shot BP last night so I’m probably getting vigged by Pein even if you guys don’t lynch me, lmao.
If you want to lynch a survivor, then go ahead – it’s MyLo for town.
I want u guys to read these quotes and tell me if there is any sense of cohesion.
1. Supremekage - Sanji
2. Shade0180 - Town
5. Stelios - Town(???)
8. C A N T I (???) - Janitored by Mafia
9. Santi - Tenten (???)
11. Luck - Town(???)
12. Kira Yagami - (???)
15. jayjay³² - (???)
16. MAD - (???)
18. Mr. Waffles -(Town/???) - Truth Meta (?)

Base on this.

Considering MAD and Waffles are treated as scum they can't be Pain.

Luck me SK couldn't be pein.

If we believe Santi as Tenten he also couldn't be pein

So that leaves us with Stelios or Kira.


Stelios is 100% town.
waffles has no truth meta
he just never fake claims

fucking wad didn't even point this fact

if you did you 'd be a better read for sure @MAD

why do i have to point it out
its common knowledge by now isnt it
if u want to pressure his claim go for it
he can wait tho cuz im obviously gonna gun hard for the guy i have direct info on and who is otherwise by far the scummiest player in the thread
u kept harping on about my reads but i listed him as a scumread so :thunk

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