Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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@MAD @nfcnorth @Luck @Santi @SupremeKage @Superman

What are your thoughts on this? Canti presented me with a very presumptuous scenario: That I will be lynched if I don’t reveal Pein and that I will live if I do.

How is he so certain if votes aren’t public? It’s almost like he’s insinuating he has the tide of his scum team with him to determine who gets lynched.

I don’t think he means immediately, but I’m inclined to agree with him. The longer you hold this out, the more inclined I am to lynch you and any rational town should be thinking the same.

My vote is also on Canti. Kira also isn’t looking good for trying to coerce me into revealing.

What? I am not sure what alignment Pein is. All I am saying is that I cannot trust the idea that antagonist = HST scum when Tsukishima, Riruka (confirmed with Moon Goddess), and Itachi are blue. If someone can bring me proof that Pein is scum, I’ll reveal him.

Why not? I’ve already explained the false equivalency in Riruka/Itachi giving their alignments aren’t nearly as chaotic or evil as Pain’s, Itachi being a martyr for his village and Riruka being unwilling in Xcution’s plan to take Ichigo’s powers and ultimately defending him.

Pain was a cruel and merciless anarchist who sought repeated cycles of war and death to reshape the world to his liking, and was once again the big bad of a major arc. Only in the final moments before his death did he choose to reshape his ideals.

That, on top of the ability you analyzed heavily leaning anti-town is all the evidence we need; any claim that he’s just as likely to be town as anti-town is a HUGE false-equivalency.

You have made it clear, I'm certainly not town so who cares

Then why should we keep you around? You vote me for not participating enough, and then choose to continue voting on me after I start participating plenty and make a roleclaim of a character that is guaranteed to be in the game and clearly town.

Uncooperative indies should certainly be vigged at night.
Then why should we keep you around? You vote me for not participating enough, and then choose to continue voting on me after I start participating plenty and make a roleclaim of a character that is guaranteed to be in the game and clearly town.

Uncooperative indies should certainly be vigged at night.
So now I have to cooperate? I'm pretty sure I've been doing that day 1 but you guys insisted that I should know my place and that my help isn't needed.

Anyways I voted Crugyr
Sorry had a busy weekend with family. Catching up and it seems we have to pm lynch so probably should stick most votes on same player tbh.

The list someone gave, if it ya more scum why did the mafia kill someone on it? Like that seems stupid.

Rn my vote will prob go to that top section though if we are believing this.

@nfcnorth intersdtig to note you’ve didn’t mark me all game until today. Why?
Luck has the no avatar too by the way atm. He has been pushing you way harder than I have. As for my thoughts on you I just know you haven't been on really thats about it. But I do kind of starting to wonder about you more tbh.
Your reasoning makes no sense. I haven’t been on this phase in both games and I died town. So I don’t really understand your point.
I guess I am on a different wavelength with what you mean then. I was thinking you were asking me about why I am pushing you when I am not really. The one who primary is luck and I thought you might be confusing him with me since he also has no avatar atm.
I guess I am on a different wavelength with what you mean then. I was thinking you were asking me about why I am pushing you when I am not really. The one who primary is luck and I thought you might be confusing him with me since he also has no avatar atm.
I think luck gave teason. You look like you just picked 2 choices as a pass by so I asked. Reasoning noted though it doesn’t make much sense tbf
Day 3 - Crugyr is lynched by chance
The lynch went to RNG...

Crugyr (Taishō Fujitora) was lynched!

Shizune said:

Taishō Fujitora 藤虎
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your mafia

"In this world... there are many horrible things that you do not want to see."

[Passive - Kenbunshoku Haki] - Isshō can sense when another player is roleblocked.

[Passive - Gurabitō] - Isshō uses the power of gravity to roleblock anyone outside his faction who targets him. If Isshō performs the faction kill, he will roleblock his victim.

[One Shot Active - Mōko] - Isshō exerts immense gravitational force, role crushing everyone outside his faction for one night.

[Active - Jigoku Tabi] - When another player is roleblocked Isshō can create a crater beneath them, extending their roleblock into the following night.

Night 3 start. No more posting.
Last edited:
Day 4 start
Pein Rikudō used Shinra Tensei to kill nfcnorth (Tsukishima Shūkurō)!

Shizune said:

Tsukishima Shūkurō 月島 秀九郎
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Why did you never teach me what I should do when you were gone?"

[One Shot Active - Buringā Raito] - During the day Tsukishima can replay the previous night's events, publicly revealing who all currently living players were targeted by.

[Active - Bukku obu ji Endo] - During the night Tsukishima can visit another player's past, learning the name of someone they interacted with in the last cycle.

Hiken no Ēsu used Hiken to kill Shiny (Askin Nakk Le Vaar)!

Shizune said:

Askin Nakk Le Vaar アスキン・ナックルヴァール
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"The reason His Majesty took me in was quite simple. It’s because I just wouldn’t die. A bit of a pathetic ability, right...? I hate it, myself."

[Passive - Za Desudīringu] - Askin becomes permanently immune to abilities that target him, causing them to fail if used on him again. Askin may also continue posting after he dies.

[One Shot Active - Gifuto Bāto] - During the day Askin can lower the lethal dosage for votes to a number of his choosing. For that day the lynch will be randomized between everyone who has more votes than Askin's designated amount.

The HST Mafia faction killed Superman (Inoue Orihime)!

Shizune said:

Inoue Orihime 井上 織姫

wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"I kind of wish things could stay like this forever. All of us together, helping each other out, trying to do what's best for everyone's worlds... and one day we look back and realize the start of the war just never came..."

[One Shot Active - Sōten Kisshun] - Orihime can befriend another player, becoming masons with them. The first time Orihimie's partner is killed she will recover the body, janitoring their role and resurrecting them one cycle later. If Orihime's target isn't part of the town, they will kill her.

Day 4 start. You may now post.
Okay that’s all the proof we need that Pain is anti-town.

@jayjay³² fess up or get lynched.
Awful bait.

he is pain himself

looks like a serial?
Wrong, lmao. This doesn't make any logical sense to anyone who ISOs my posts.

You tried to mislynch me last day phase in order to save Crugyr and now you're trying to mislynch me again.
as for my vote have to go with jayjay
it’s annoying but that read went north to south fast

The lynch went to RNG...

Crugyr (Taishō Fujitora) was lynched!

You haven't bothered to explain any of your reads, not why I was a strong town read, or why I became a high scum read. You've cracked under pressure and now you're just lying out of your ass.

If people believe you over me at this point, then I don't really care. I tried, but there's only so much I can do to convince stubborn townies.

I asked the Moon Goddess how many alignments can be found in the group of people that who voted for me on day 3 and the answer I got was 2. Stelios is cleared, and both WAD and Kira are heavy scum reads to me. I'm not sure who else voted for me, but it's clear as fuck at least one of these guys is scum, maybe both.

Not posting the rest of my reads because they're just trying to bait me into revealing Pein.

[Vote Lynch MAD]

Easiest day phase of my life, lmao.
Awful bait.

Wrong, lmao. This doesn't make any logical sense to anyone who ISOs my posts.

You tried to mislynch me last day phase in order to save Crugyr and now you're trying to mislynch me again.

You haven't bothered to explain any of your reads, not why I was a strong town read, or why I became a high scum read. You've cracked under pressure and now you're just lying out of your ass.

If people believe you over me at this point, then I don't really care. I tried, but there's only so much I can do to convince stubborn townies.

I asked the Moon Goddess how many alignments can be found in the group of people that who voted for me on day 3 and the answer I got was 2. Stelios is cleared, and both WAD and Kira are heavy scum reads to me. I'm not sure who else voted for me, but it's clear as fuck at least one of these guys is scum, maybe both.

Not posting the rest of my reads because they're just trying to bait me into revealing Pein.

[Vote Lynch MAD]

Easiest day phase of my life, lmao.
Pein just killed a town.

I asked the Moon Goddess how many alignments can be found in the group of people that who voted for me on day 3 and the answer I got was 2. Stelios is cleared, and both WAD and Kira are heavy scum reads to me. I'm not sure who else voted for me, but it's clear as fuck at least one of these guys is scum, maybe both.

This I can believe actually. @MAD ball is in your court.
@jayjay³² you can clear yourself pretty easily
If you truly are not pain then reveal them
You should have no problem or any BS reason not to now that theyre proven anti town
Nah, I do have a very good reason for not revealing Pein. Your desperation for indie-hunting and your constant skepticism over everything I've said, despite being accurate, is making you a high scum read.

You are treading on thin ice. The Moon Goddess said there were 2 alignments in the group of people who voted for me. I went through the last day phase and it was just you, Stelios, and WAD who expressed they were voting for me.

I'm not claiming my role until both you and WAD claim. Don't play stupid games with me. If you are town, you have nothing to worry about.

This is Mafia late game and I'm not falling for your low-tier bait.
Seriously fuk town. Its been a while since ive seen shit play like this, holy shit. I try to organize a bandwagon on Crugyr and only 2 other players follow through. Had I not used my vote block on Crugyr a townie would be dead.
@Luck, remember your list?

Since nobody has counterclaimed @Santi’s Tenten, why the fuck aren’t we voting shade?
Pain just killed a townie and ur still trying to protect him, fuk that shit.

[Vote Lynch Jayjay]
I already made a role reveal and was made to delete it because it was post at the same time at the end of the night phase anyone who have seen it knows how important my role is.


But you guys can believe jay jay's bullshit.

[Change Vote Lynch shade0180]

You never revealed your role, stop lying. Either I believe you or Santi. And Santi has not been counterclaimed.
Seriously fuk town. Its been a while since ive seen shit play like this, holy shit. I try to organize a bandwagon on Crugyr and only 2 other players follow through. Had I not used my vote block on Crugyr a townie would be dead.

Pain just killed a townie and ur still trying to protect him, fuk that shit.

[Vote Lynch Jayjay]
Don’t jump to conclusions, I voted for Crugyr as well.

I’m not revealing Pein. It goes against my wincon. If you want to MyLo, be my guest.

The only thing that can save me at this point is a day investigation because apparently you guys are incapable of rational thought.
Shizune knows I did.

:kannasip I don't know who else saw it.
This shit is my proof when I role revealed last night.

Nah, I remember reading the posts you deleted and I don’t remember you revealing.

Stop choking. Reveal again.

It doesn’t change the fact that you’re on Luck’s list and we already have Santi’s claim.
1. Shade0180
2. Crugyr
3. Priscilla/Shiny
4. C A N T I

5. Santi

At least 2 from this list r scum.
You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?

[Vote lynch Jayjay32]

I’ve given you sufficient leeway and a myriad of reasons towards the improbability of a pro-town Pain that were never sufficiently countered, you have no alibi for not revealing Pain now and any further attempt to keep him from the public is openly anti-town.
So, which is it, are you scum or is shade scum?
Nah, not happening. Good luck winning the game with your scummates.

Nah, my wincon is to survive, which is why I’m telling you this is MyLo. I lost my 1-shot BP last night so I’m probably getting vigged by Pein even if you guys don’t lynch me, lmao.


[Change vote lynch Shade0180]

He’s right here, I already had my eyes set on Shade since the end of the second day and I’m not a fan of lynching potential indies. This isn’t going to go anywhere or get us any in

Leave Jayjay to a vig, we quite frankly have higher priorities atm.

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