Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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So, we’re voting Waffles instead of shade? Lmao.
[Change Vote Lynch Mr. Waffles]

I want u guys to read these quotes and tell me if there is any sense of cohesion.

"I have a good reason for not telling who Pain is. Im a survivor, hes vigging me."

10/10 logic rite here.
Can’t really give you anymore information without WAD/shade/Kira benefiting from it.
Tell me your scum reads in each of these situations.

1. I’m lynched and I flip indie survivor.

2. I’m lynched and I flip Pein.

3. The lynch fails.

More or less the same throughout the scenario.

1. My slight scum read of Wad remains along with Shade, and my heavy ones lean on Waffles/Kira

2. I’ll lean town on Wad, my Shade read becomes heavier.

3. Same as 1
Day 4 - Jayjay is lynched
Vote Count

MAD - Jayjay
Shade0180 - Jayjay
SupremeKage - Jayjay > Mr. Waffles
Kira Yagami - Jayjay
Jayjay - MAD > Shade > Mr. Waffles
Luck - Jayjay
Santi - Jayjay > Shade > Jayjay
Mr. Waffles - Jayjay
Stelios - Mr. Waffles

Jayjay - 6
Mr. Waffles - 3

Jayjay32 (Pein Rikudō) was lynched!

Shizune said:

Pein Rikudō ペイン六道
wincon: eliminate all other players

"But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you… this hatred binds us together. I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain."

[One Shot Active - Chibaku Tensei] - When less than half the players are alive Pein can create a gravitional force to superkill 2 people.

[One Shot Active - Jigokudō] - Pein can summon the King of Hell to animate an extra player that night.

[Active - Rikudō no Jutsu] - Each night Pein can animate the corpse of a dead player, gaining their abilities. Kills targeting Pein are redirected to his zombies.

[Active - Shinra Tensei] - When Pain has at least 1 zombie standing he can use repulsive force to kill another player each night. When Pain has at least 3 zombies standing, his kills are upgraded to superkills. When Pain has at least 5 zombies standing, he can perform 2 kills.

Night 4 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
Day 5 start
The HST Mafia faction killed Stelios (Dokugamine Riruka)!

Shizune said:

Dokugamine Riruka 毒ヶ峰 リルカ
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"But the truth is, there's a lot more to it than just a simple battle of "strong" against "weak", of kill or be killed. You must understand what I'm talking about too, right? The true meaning of "survival of the fittest" isn't as simple as all that."

[One Shot Active - Anta wo Kyokasuru] - During the night Riruka can mark 3 other players by rating their posts "friendly." The following day Riruka will trap them within her dollhouse, where they will play a separate day phase and vote to lynch one person in their group.

Day 5 start. You may now post.
what about if shade flips town.

I'd like you to ask for a mod kill.


No, because town who plays against town interest is just as deserving of being lynched as actual scum.

Assuming you are blue, if your mislynch for some reason turns this game out of our favor, it would entirely be your fault for your miserable attitude.

For you own reputation, you better hope that you don’t flip blue, because no one will ever take you seriously again for quite some time.
No, because town who plays against town interest is just as deserving of being lynched as actual scum.

Assuming you are blue, if your mislynch for some reason turns this game out of our favor, it would entirely be your fault for your miserable attitude.

For you own reputation, you better hope that you don’t flip blue, because no one will ever take you seriously again for quite some time.

:kannasip My own interest when you are the one fucking up. lol.
:kannasip My own interest when you are the one fucking up. lol.

:kannasip more like you wouldn't be taken seriously after this considering I have always been saying I am blue since the second day or some shit and you appeared here and keep putting a finger on me.

Come the fuck on, Shade.

What worth is “I’m blue”? You’re naive enough to think I should just take your word for it when most others who are alive have given more and don’t have information from the lunar goddess stacked against them?

You are, based on evidence, the safest mafia lynch for today. It’s me or you, and I’m sure it isn’t me.

Based on what you’re saying, it sounds like you believe I’m town, but then who the hell do you think is the scum? There’s only three fucking candidates left and you haven’t made a case for an alternative lynch against ANY of them.

Why? Because and I quote “I’m not going to defend myself if town tries to lynch me”

Then fuck you. I’m trying to win this game whether I survive or not, self-absorbed children like you who refuse to fight for the objective are a liability to the town at this stage in the game, and I will happily take you out of it if you no longer want to take part in it.

There’s 7 of us left, which means we have at least 5 nights to root out 2 scum from a pool of 3-4 players.

You think your rebellious shit is going to make any difference? You’re already dead weight.
:kannasip anyway it's town choice to mislynch me or not, not mine when I already threw every possible angle I could to get town creds.

Case in point.

“I’m not going to make a case for a better lynch, but screw you guys for sus’ing me based on credible information so lol I’ma just ad hom you the whole time :kannasip

God you’re so fucking scummy you’re either really fucking good or really bad, depending on what your alignment is.
:kannasip more like you wouldn't be taken seriously after this considering I have always been saying I am blue since the second day or some shit and you appeared here and keep putting a finger on me.

:kannasip anyway it's town choice to mislynch me or not, not mine when I already threw every possible angle I could to get town creds.

I was going to say something, but...

Come the fuck on, Shade.

What worth is “I’m blue”? You’re naive enough to think I should just take your word for it when most others who are alive have given more and don’t have information from the lunar goddess stacked against them?

You are, based on evidence, the safest mafia lynch for today. It’s me or you, and I’m sure it isn’t me.

Based on what you’re saying, it sounds like you believe I’m town, but then who the hell do you think is the scum? There’s only three fucking candidates left and you haven’t made a case for an alternative lynch against ANY of them.

Why? Because and I quote “I’m not going to defend myself if town tries to lynch me”

Then fuck you. I’m trying to win this game whether I survive or not, self-absorbed children like you who refuse to fight for the objective are a liability to the town at this stage in the game, and I will happily take you out of it if you no longer want to take part in it.

There’s 7 of us left, which means we have at least 5 nights to root out 2 scum from a pool of 3-4 players.

You think your rebellious shit is going to make any difference? You’re already dead weight.

Case in point.

“I’m not going to make a case for a better lynch, but screw you guys for sus’ing me based on credible information so lol I’ma just ad hom you the whole time :kannasip

God you’re so fucking scummy you’re either really fucking good or really bad, depending on what your alignment is.

...but Santi did all the work already.
About this shit with luck.
1. Shade0180
2. Crugyr - fujitora
3. Priscilla - Shiny
4. C A N T I - (janitor) (???)
5. Santi

lets assume both of us is town, When Luck asked this.

:kannasip would Canti count as scum for being Janitored by mafia?

also Canti only died after Luck released this information

Spoiler: Supreme Kage
Uchiha Madara
Vinsmoke Sanji

Spoiler: Avito
Namikaze Minato
Gol D. Roger

Spoiler: Crugyr

Spoiler: ???
Bartholomew Kuma
Ōtsutsuki Kaguya

Spoiler: WPK
Uchiha Itachi

Spoiler: Mr. Waffles
Donquixote Doflamingo

Mr. Waffles is the only second character in the whole game(?)

Spoiler: Stelios
Dokugamine Riruka
Nefeltari Vivi

Spoiler: ???
Sōsuke Aizen
Kisuke Urahara

Spoiler: Iwandesu
Kurosaki Ichigo

Spoiler: Shade0180
Might Guy

Spoiler: ???
Hatake Kakashi
Zaraki Kenpachi

Spoiler: Jayjay
Portgas D. Ace

Spoiler: Superman
Inoue Orihime

Spoiler: Shiny
Askin Nakk Le Vaar
Uchiha Obito

Spoiler: Nfcnorth
Tsukishima Shūkurō
Ginjō Kūgo

Spoiler: ???

Spoiler: Cooler
Emporio Ivankov

Spoiler: Santi
:kannasip would Canti count as scum for being Janitored by mafia?

I mean, that’s the ballsiest play I can think of for this game and I’m not quite counting on it tbh.

trying to imply with the rest of that post :hm
Mr. Waffles is the only second character in the whole game(?)

Iirc Waffles only submitted Tenten. He didn’t submit two roles so I’m not sure what you’re

Also it's possible that this role is the one that janitor'd santi's role.

:kannasip we also could have an errant role in the game.

Mafia knows which role is in the game and they could claim an empty role.

We have 2 roles that only has 1 choice and if shizune ignored 1 of them then we have an errant role.

Ten Ten, and Kakuzu (?)

Portgas the Ace and Pein are sent by another character.

What you’re implying.

I mean his character claim.. is the only second character in the list.

everyone is using a first list character.
Also it's possible that this role is the one that janitor'd santi's role.

:kannasip we also could have an errant role in the game.

Mafia knows which role is in the game and they could claim an empty role.

We have 2 roles that only has 1 choice and if shizune ignored 1 of them then we have an errant role.

Ten Ten, and Kakuzu (?)

Portgas the Ace and Pein are sent by another character.


Translate this for me.
I'm saying it's possible that one of the people that passed a role was ignored by Shizune.

- Kakuzu, Pein.

So we could have an errant role like Madara, or Kaguya and still have

Sanji and Kuma (Which is a town/indie role)


It’s after my shift, I ain’t translating shit atm :murika

Let me know once you figure out.

I think he's saying that he hasn't read the OP. :hm
And doing the opposite logic of what you used for your Tenten claim.
The whole 1 pick of each player was used thing.
I think he's saying that he hasn't read the OP. :hm
And doing the opposite logic of what you used for your Tenten claim.
The whole 1 pick of each player was used thing.

If we have kakuzu, then that's our Nardo Mafia. Which removes Kaguya and Madara from the game.

then what the fuck was the ability in day 2(?).

also bleach mafia

should be between this two.

Sōsuke Aizen
Kisuke Urahara

Hatake Kakashi
Zaraki Kenpachi
I didn't pass any action on night 1 and :drake

:kannasip as I said my ability is passive.

Yes, I’m aware of that tidbit.

I’ll let everyone interpret this latest interaction themselves to determine whether or not you’re being genuine; however, I’d like to note my increasing suspicion of canti being doctor, and mafia (ie you) using his role as a safe claim.

For a doctor to be able to protect himself is weird, and for you to bring up that you passively protect yourself on odd dayphases only after I began to question this doesn’t leave me feeling comfortable. It reads as someone trying to cover his tracks, even though everything you say looks like it checks out.

But I digress, I want to hear what other people think. The Lunar Goddess from Luck’s list should gaurantee us a scum between you and me, and as I see it we have yet to be presented a reason to suspect that the goddess is intentionally deceiving us, and due to the nature of the question from Wad’s plan I don’t see how it’s probable for her to just flat out be fooled if she’s not intentionally deceiving us.

This is something I think we need to test and find the answer to.

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