Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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i asked my question

how many people actually followed up on the plan i wonder

if you did then DONT SAY WHAT UR ANSWER IS

lets figure out who might be suspicious and ask them the question to see if ur answers match

actually it might be smarter to pose the question now to everyone:

"Did you ask a question last night?"

just yes or no will do for now

I followed the plan. :oldshrug
Asked my question as well :blobtrin

Namikaze Minato used Sennin Mōdo to superkill Cooler (Emporio Ivankov)!

The HST Mafia faction killed Iwandesu (Kikanbō no Ē)!

Jayjay, MAD and WolfPrinceKouga have been trapped in an alternate dayphase where they must vote among themselves to lynch one person from their group. That means there will be 2 lynches today, one among the rest of the players and one among this trio.

Day 2 start. You may post.
Stelios looks very scummy right now :dank
Why 3 of the best players,do you believe theres scum between them?
best players? Don't you mean popular?
I do believe theyre some of the best players in the game rn and would be a loss if they were town

Yeah between jayjay and wpk I actually do.
I didn't scum read MAD for sure but I wanted someone I town read in the mix as well.
Wanna fill me in on why WPK and jayjay are scummy? :catthinks

@Stelios Why did u only chose people from group 3?
Mafia killed Iwandesu, also from group 3.

If I were a betting man, id say mafia is trying monopolize one of the groups so they could control the info. :catthinks
Oh nice one luck,didnt even notice that
Hm :catthinks
I do believe theyre some of the best players in the game rn and would be a loss if they were town

So it would be great loss for town if WPK with his 6-7 posts and his vote on Cooler died now for example?

How so?

Wanna fill me in on why WPK and jayjay are scummy? :catthinks

Read their posts. Because apparently you didn't.

Also do not overlook the info that can come out by these three trying to lynch each other. For one you already seem to side with all of them. Do you believe all of them to be town? Why? Do you have some knowledge we do not?
So it would be great loss for town if WPK with his 6-7 posts and his vote on Cooler died now for example?

How so?

Read their posts. Because apparently you didn't.

Also do not overlook the info that can come out by these three trying to lynch each other. For one you already seem to side with all of them. Do you believe all of them to be town? Why? Do you have some knowledge we do not?
Was judging from their past performances mate

No,it was a simple question bro,i dont know how you've come to the conclusion that im siding with them:dank
Was judging from their past performances mate

So wad and jayjay did great in the DN game? Best town players ?

No,it was a simple question bro,i dont know how you've come to the conclusion that im siding with them:dank

Ah huh :dank

I was scum reading Jayjay but then u traped him and 2 others in a box, lied about it, back peddled when I called u out and now you have become extremely defensive when I try to understand the logic behind your reasoning.
Where is the lie where is the backpedal and what exactly did you consider defensive in my reply?
Where is the lie where is the backpedal
Just reread ur posts, looks like u didnt lie about using the action. My bad.

what exactly did you consider defensive in my reply?
I didn't notice this actually. That's a good catch.

Now take this 3 multiply with 2
add 5 to the result
Multiply with 50

if you had birthday this year add 1768
if you haven't add 1767

subtract the year of your birth from the result

voila : it's number 3 and your age

if you were a betting man , wouldn't you bet there's at least one scum in that group? :catthinks
I asked u question to see if it was coincidence and u reply with a joke and another question.

So don’t lie about me being defensive @Luck

You actually sound like an opportunistic scum right now :ufdup
Im not the guy who trapped 3 players that are being read as town. Im the one who called him out.
I asked u question to see if it was coincidence and u reply with a joke and another question.

If you break down the post you call as being defensive it has
a serious answer and then a joke

I didn't notice this actually. That's a good catch.

this is the answer.

The mathematics trick is obviously a joke. I was making fun of you because the way you found this
reminded me the number conspiracy theorists.

The question is actually serious.

Mafia killed Iwandesu, also from group 3.

If I were a betting man, id say mafia is trying monopolize one of the groups so they could control the info. :catthinks

if you were a betting man , wouldn't you bet there's at least one scum in that group? :catthinks

Care to reply?
From what I gather Luck your accusations about me that
a) lied
b) backpedaled
c) extremely defensive

were shut down in merely 2 posts.

Im not the guy who trapped 3 players that are being read as town. Im the one who called him out.

And then there's this line here.
If you can tell me under which type of logical fallacy it falls I will give you a like and cookie points.

Pretty sure you were also scum reading one of them already:

I was scum reading Jayjay but then u traped him and 2 others in a box, lied about it, back peddled when I called u out and now you have become extremely defensive when I try to understand the logic behind your reasoning.
this is the answer.

The mathematics trick is obviously a joke. I was making fun of you because the way you found this
reminded me the number conspiracy theorists.

The question is actually serious.
I was implying that ur scum and wanted to dwindle the groups numbers. The fact that u agreed with it made me think u were joking. If u arent scum, why u would u unironically to my post accusing u of being scum? :geg

Care to reply?
It makes sense one of them is scum, I just dont think its any of the people u targeted.

And then there's this line here.
If you can tell me under which type of logical fallacy it falls I will give you a like and cookie points.

Pretty sure you were also scum reading one of them already:
I was sus of Jayjay, which is why I wanted to see if any body would target him in the night phase. Ur ability is sus af since u also targeted 2 people I was reading as town, hence, me putting pressure on u.
One bad game isnt much
Why are you so hung up on that part? Youre a great player too my dude no need to be salty :caticon

My reply was more factual I mean

three best players statement was inaccurate
three best players for town is also inaccurate if one of them is mafia they can't be possibly be of best for town

So you gonna answer my question or what

oh? let me see again
I was implying that ur scum and wanted to dwindle the groups numbers. The fact that u agreed with it made me think u were joking. If u arent scum, why u would u unironically to my post accusing u of being scum? :geg

It makes sense one of them is scum, I just dont think its any of the people u targeted.

I was sus of Jayjay, which is why I wanted to see if any body would target him in the night phase. Ur ability is sus af since u also targeted 2 people I was reading as town, hence, me putting pressure on u.

My ability has a very good way to be spotted I actually trapped the people I friendly'd their posts.
The posts are also easy to spot from day one end reading backwards was first jayjay , wpk and wad post I could find.

So I didn't even try to hide my friendly ratings in an elaborate way. Pretty sure anyone reading the posts and seeing what happened today with the ability would find that detail immediately.
I was referring to this question
A proper answer would be nice
Im not a fan of "read their posts and you'd see" answers tbh

WPK's posts felt like coddling jayjay aka buddying
Then it was his vote on Cooler. I found his reasoning solid but
after cooler rolling town it could also be scum WPK using a solid
word slip to lynch a townie.

Jayjay engaged in a drama talk at start of game so the first day impression he left me
was that it's better if we get a grip of what he is early game than later.

He also jumped on Cooler's bandwagon.
Could be a scum jumping on a town.

MAD well I town read him day one however I wanted him in because he is good at interrogating people.

So my train of thought was:

I sus read 2/3 pretty sure that they can't be both scum
I town read one of them maybe I'm on the wrong anyway however that one can interrogate
These three have some very big ego as players

I'm going to buy some popcorn and watch these three fight it out :popcorn
"Are there more anti-town players numbered 1-9 on the player list or 9-18?"

So this is the question.

1. Supremekage
2. Shade0180
3. Avito
4. Superman
5. Stelios
6. Crugyr
7. Priscilla
8. C A N T I
9. Santi
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10. Cooler (Emporio Ivankov)
11. Luck
12. Kira Yagami
13. nfcnorth
14. WolfPrinceKouga
15. jayjay³²
16. MAD
17. Iwandesu (Kikanbō no Ē)
18. Mr. Waffles

this is the list..

:kannasip Shizune is pretty straight forward.. Shizune just typed
Tbf @Stelios you ca easily fake claim get with the abilties given.

So claiming doesn’t really give a pass in my mind.

And I also seen that part and she wasn’t really a good guy technically but she was helpful.

That’s why I think at best this is a 3rd party power to cause chaos

Fullbringers were good for all intents and purposes in the end.
Though the real alignment of a role does not guarantee they are town does it?
So i'm not sure why people use this as an indication of ones alignment :hm

because if that was the case I'd be town only by that fact :naruramen
Yea I got that but at that point where we posted at the same time and still said the same thing.

:kannasip It's pretty much tells we both aren't lying.
My point is like luck.
How he just gave an answer but it wasn’t exact. That means others that haven’t post can just agree. That’s the point.
Fullbringers were good for all intents and purposes in the end.
Though the real alignment of a role does not guarantee they are town does it?
So i'm not sure why people use this as an indication of ones alignment :hm

because if that was the case I'd be town only by that fact :naruramen
I mean you and someone else brought it up so i commented with it. But I mean they were technically villains during the arc even if they flipped good later. You could basically say the same about Aizen because he helped in the last arc. So no it doesn’t work like that.

Your ability is not very Town like that’s just a fact. And your choices imo weren’t the best.
So according to Shade, Group 1 yielded a result of “1-9”

That’s already huge info. Game of 18....there’s gotta be about 4-5 scum

Which means that for the first half the player list to have more scum than the second half it has to be about 3 in the first half, 1-2 in second half

1/3 of the first 9 listed players are scum?

@MAD I asked my question, ill post the reply if u want.

I know for a fact it was u who trapped those guys in the alternate dimension u lying scum.

[Vote lynch Stelios]

This is really damning for Stelios because Stelios claimed he forgot his night actions so unless I’m mistaken, LAL as fuck and he is in the first half of player list as it is

[Vote Lynch Stelios]

Oh, I got High yesterday and forgot:dank


I followed the plan. :oldshrug

ur in my group right?
don’t say nothing for now

@Stelios Why did u only chose people from group 3?

very interesting catch

The answear to my question was no if any one was curious.

@MAD wut do think we should ask this round.

let me think about that but i do wanna resolve the situation first
@Stelios another problem with what you did is you probably sent our best town to be lynch by two mafia.


This comment is not well thought out.

Let's assume that what you said is true and that there are two scum between the three I picked.

If there are two mafias in that bandwagon are they likely to decide to openly lynch with zero reasoning the townie
or will they busdrive one of them for town credit?

How do you see this playing out ?
Jayjay, MAD and WolfPrinceKouga have been trapped in an alternate dayphase where they must vote among themselves to lynch one person from their group. That means there will be 2 lynches today, one among the rest of the players and one among this trio.

I mean pretty sure @MAD didn't read most of the posts today
If he did at least he would know he can't vote for me
Why are we posting isn’t this a night ?

One forum day gone by already

these two posts indicate that u were inactive enough to miss the whole cycle (thus your actions)

I just did :catsweat
It’s the agreed one.

I ll give you answer when I get it

me trying to ask u about the question and u saying "oh yeah ill ask it now" (but moon goddess is at night so lol)
I didn’t pretend here :dank
You can deduct I didn’t ask the question because I lost the night :catsweat

and here you go

right here you claim you 'lost the night' which means that you didnt send in actions, theres nothing else that could mean in that context

@Luck specifically accused you of placing us 3 in this meme arena and you admitted it

this means you lied about 'losing the night', cause you DID send in action

so you sent in action, while not asking the question

and as a neat little cherry on top

5. Stelios

ur on the 1-9 playerlist

the ONLY thing giving your case any credibility is claiming riruka who i agree is more likely to be considered a protagonist than an antagonist but that could very easily be a fake claim provided to you, plus the ability is distinctly anti-town in nature

idk if u ask me unless someone comes out with REALLY strong direct evidence that someone is specifically anti-town or guilty ur by far and away the best candidate for a lynch today
these two posts indicate that u were inactive enough to miss the whole cycle (thus your actions)

me trying to ask u about the question and u saying "oh yeah ill ask it now" (but moon goddess is at night so lol)

and here you go

right here you claim you 'lost the night' which means that you didnt send in actions, theres nothing else that could mean in that context

@Luck specifically accused you of placing us 3 in this meme arena and you admitted it

this means you lied about 'losing the night', cause you DID send in action

so you sent in action, while not asking the question

and as a neat little cherry on top

ur on the 1-9 playerlist

the ONLY thing giving your case any credibility is claiming riruka who i agree is more likely to be considered a protagonist than an antagonist but that could very easily be a fake claim provided to you, plus the ability is distinctly anti-town in nature

idk if u ask me unless someone comes out with REALLY strong direct evidence that someone is specifically anti-town or guilty ur by far and away the best candidate for a lynch today

Oh by the way there’s no lie involved in this. I sent my action right at end of day. I indeed missed all the night phase I had a 10 years happily ever after anniversary yesterday :catsalute


I dropped this at end of phase and left and wanted to re-read and send the question
because I really considered asking something different from the group to try and angleshoot if we can trust the moon goddess
after all

7. This game includes bastard mechanics. The moderator will lie to you.

but when i came back game was already started hence my disappointment because I missed that window of doing what I originally intended.

also I never said that I didn't send any actions
Luck said it. You guys deducted this because I said I missed the night. Which I did and here's my explanations for it.

If you want to push the narrative that I lied that is fine but you have constructed this lie I never said it :ufdup
Day 2 - A trip down memory lane
Tsukishima Shūkurō used Buringā Raito to replay last night's events, revealing who everyone was targeted by!

Santi was targeted by Iwandesu

Luck was targeted by WPK

Superman was targeted by WPK

Crugyr was targeted by C A N T I and SupremeKage

Jayjay was targeted by Luck and Stelios

MAD was targeted by Stelios

WPK was targeted by Stelios

Avito was targeted by SupremeKage

Shade0180 was targeted by Shade0180

I dropped this at end of phase and left and wanted to re-read and send the question
because I really considered asking something different from the group to try and angleshoot if we can trust the moon goddess
after all

but when i came back game was already started hence my disappointment because I missed that window of doing what I originally intended.

also I never said that I didn't send any actions
Luck said it. You guys deducted this because I said I missed the night. Which I did and here's my explanations for it.

If you want to push the narrative that I lied that is fine but you have constructed this lie I never said it :ufdup


fair enough

but idk if thats enough to unvote u tbh
i dont like that u wanted to do something different from assigned tho and i think coming clean with that helps ur case much at all

i mean i can see a world where you went 'big fish hunting' with me, wpk, and jayjay

but idk im still leaning on it being bogus :dank

do u have any other abilities? how often can u use this one
need a full claim

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