Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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Well you blindly believed the moon goddess yourself so there is that .

You're a bungee always get as much info from op haha

I was really annoyed no one took that seriously when I brought it up.

It was good to see you actually play.

All other games I've played with you you inactifagged

I considered it, but was town reading Wad at the time and wanted to believe in jis judgement. Wasn’t until D3 where he started setting some alarms for me and I started to sus him, but the jj and shade thing were hard to ignore.

This game was the perfect size and pace for me, most other games here move way too fast and are too large for me to keep up without cutting massively into my personal and social time, so that I was able to read and be caught up on this one without having to go through 400 posts a dayphase was refreshing and didn’t induce apathy into me.

I’m probably gonna stick to more simple and traditional 15-20 man vanilla-like games for now.
Also I probably would have pushed Wad for saying he would have voted JayJay over confirmed scum if JayJay didn't shoot me. I was kind of thinking if he was Pain but that statement kind of set off some alarm bells for me.

Yeah, I was really against lynching jayjay D3 and D4 because Wad’s motives started looking scrupolous and I wanted jj handled during the night so we could spend our lynches trying to get a lead on Wad.
@Luck all set ups are majority set up like this 1:2 Scum/Indie to Town

This set up I concluded 1-2 Indies and 2-4 Scum

I said 7 with the exception of Kaguya being Indie: Pein/Issho/Aizen or Askin being mafia more so Askin and Aizen also being an Indie Chaos role.

I usually round up to be safe.
The way u phrased in day 2 made me think u were exclusively talking about just mafia.
U guys should have seen the shit we were stirring up :skully

One idea involved Mad claiming Kakashi and Kira claiming Kisuke.

Another idea involved Kira using his one shot then comining back to bus Mad.

If you did that I would have broken it, I was waiting for someone to claim one of those roles.

:kannasip I lost interest when the waffles and Santi hand waved what I was trying to do.

Also the reason I didn't vote on the day I got lynched.

I considered it, but was town reading Wad at the time and wanted to believe in jis judgement. Wasn’t until D3 where he started setting some alarms for me and I started to sus him, but the jj and shade thing were hard to ignore.

This game was the perfect size and pace for me, most other games here move way too fast and are too large for me to keep up without cutting massively into my personal and social time, so that I was able to read and be caught up on this one without having to go through 400 posts a dayphase was refreshing and didn’t induce apathy into me.

I’m probably gonna stick to more simple and traditional 15-20 man vanilla-like games for now.
Go sign up for my game then I enjoy the simplicity of Mafia.

The other games are too large and filled with too much fluff and fast pace which is why I'm usually less active in them
You just chose wrong and believed Crugyr to easily cause he was being cooperative with you.

You realize why I wanted to lynch you regardless of youyour wincon
I didn't fully trust him which is why I voted for him. I had some red flags the moment he picked our date option wrong when I had already given him a heads up. But I chose to believe he made a genuine mistake and that he was innocent.
I didn't fully trust him which is why I voted for him. I had some red flags the moment he picked our date option wrong when I had already given him a heads up. But I chose to believe he made a genuine mistake and that he was innocent.
I mean I got the question at night. I answered. An hour later day started. You tell me to pick different number. What does that have to do with my alignment?
How? That doesn’t even make sense since you asked in night where I answered and you didn’t tell me right answe till following day. That makes no sense at all.
You answered at night? I got the options around the ending of night phase, that's why I told you guys which answer to pick during the following day phase because I thought you haven't picked yet
@Shizune when you get a chance can you add me to Maria chat and any after thoughts on the game and play.

I usually don't read every post of my own games, and my observations are more balance related. Despite the outcome, I realized early into the game that the mafia faction was too weak. In retrospect, I think the proper buff to mafia without nerfing town's killing power would be an extra member. Alternatively I could have buffed the mafia's killing power in response, but that would just further shorten the game.

For example, the mafia gained lynch control on night 5 but they were still under threat of losing the game for several reasons:

1.. SupremeKage had 2 successful dates with both Luck and Kira, so one more would remove both SK and a mafia member from play because they immediately win together. WAD was fortunate that neither of them entertained SK for a third night, especially since it was an easier win for them.

2. The faction kill had a low success rate because the remaining townies were the roleblocker and bulletproof.

3. Mr. Waffles could have role crushed Luck or Kira to remove their extra voting power and at potentially send the lynch to RNG.

The discussion in this game was all over the place, partially because of WAD dominating the conversation with the moon goddess mechanic and partially because some town members struggled to stay engaged.

Mr. Waffles' role:
Shizune said:

Suna no Gaara 砂の我愛羅
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Eyes filled with hatred and death, eyes that long for strength… just like mine."

[Passive - Suna no Tate] - Gaara's sand jutsu protects him against kills.

[One Shot Active - Sabaku Rō] - Gaara traps another player in a prison of sand, role crushing them. This ability ends if Gaara dies.

[Two Shot Active - Ryūsa Bakuryū] - During the night Gaara can drown 3 other players in a wave of sand, making them vulnerable to kills.

SupremeKage's role:

Shizune said:

Vinsmoke Sanji
wincon: find your one true love

"A man forgives a woman's lies."

[Active - Lovestruck] - During the night Sanji can take 2 other players on dates. Sanji and his date will each be given a scenario with three options to choose from, such as where to go or what to eat. If Sanji correctly guesses which choice his date picks, the date will be a success. When Sanji has 3 successful dates with 1 person, they will elope and win the game together.
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