Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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Its tru that it can be a lie couldnt we just ask the moon goddess if it was a lie or not the next cycle?
It doesn't have to be a lie for him to be scum. All he has claimed is that his role is weak early and that he has +2 vote power, which can be true of mafia roles. Mafia would care less about offing him if they think the former is true, which is why your post pinged me a bit. That plus it seemed like you wanted to add additional reasoning to changing off JJ.
It doesn't have to be a lie for him to be scum. All he has claimed is that his role is weak early and that he has +2 vote power, which can be true of mafia roles. Mafia would care less about offing him if they think the former is true, which is why your post pinged me a bit. That plus it seemed like you wanted to add additional reasoning to changing off JJ.
I guess thats tru :catthinks

Since the moon goddess might not help, Im honestly ok lynching either of the 2 tbh.
Day 1 - The first lynch fails
Vote Count

Avito - Gifted
Shade0180 - Gifted > Jayjay
C A N T I - Gifted > Avito > Jayjay
Priscilla - Gifted > Avito
iwandesu - Gifted
Crugyr - Avito > Jayjay
SupremeKage - Crugyr
Mr. Waffles - Jayjay
MAD - Priscilla > Cooler
Stelios - Priscilla
Santi - Crugyr
Jayjay - Crugyr > Cooler
WolfPrinceKouga - Crugyr > Cooler
Superman - Cooler
Cooler - Superman
Kira Yagami - Cooler
Luck - Cooler

Cooler - 6
Jayjay - 4
Crugyr - 2
Avito - 1
Priscilla - 1
Superman - 1

Self Votes


The mob attempted to lynch Cooler (???), but it failed!

Night 1 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
Last edited:
Day 2 start
Namikaze Minato used Sennin Mōdo to superkill Cooler (Emporio Ivankov)!
Shizune said:

Emporio Ivankov エンポリオ・イワンコフ
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Miracles only happen to those who never give up."

[One Shot Passive - Enporio Ganmen Seichō Horumon] - Ivankov can massively increase the size of his head, preventing him from being lynched.

[One Shot Active - Enporio Tenshon Horumon] - Ivankov can empower another player with adrenaline homones for 2 cycles, allowing them to bypass roleblocks and use their abilities twice. After 2 cycles Ivankov's target will be permanently role crushed from exhaustion.

The HST Mafia faction killed Iwandesu (Kikanbō no Ē)!

Shizune said:

Kikanbō no Ē きかん坊のエー
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Shinobi ought not lower their heads so easily, action and power are what shinobi respect! There should be no compromise between shinobi. The history of the human race is a history of war!"

[Passive - Raiton Chakura Mōdo] - Ē's lightning jutsu propels him to unrivaled speeds, preventing him from being roleblocked or protected.

[Active - Raitoningu Sutorēto] - During the night Ē can charge at another player, roleblocking them. If Ē targets the same person 2 nights in a row, he will attempt to kill them instead.

Jayjay, MAD and WolfPrinceKouga have been trapped in an alternate dayphase where they must vote among themselves to lynch one person from their group. That means there will be 2 lynches today, one among the rest of the players and one among this trio.

Day 2 start. You may post.
Jayjay, MAD and WolfPrinceKouga have been trapped in an alternate dayphase where they must vote among themselves to lynch one person from their group. That means there will be 2 lynches today, one among the rest of the players and one among this trio.

Alright, let's start with this. Do either of you have lynch protection or a lynch stop? If so, are you willing to use it? Keep in mind, I have a votepower of 2.

@Shizune, how are tied lynches decided? RNG, most recent vote, or no lynch?

Probably how I’d rate who lynched from my perspective. I think everyone should do this as well to get s consensus when one is lynched we can get reads from it at least.

Good chance this could be an all town group. It seems small to have scum in it? Or do you think it’s a Random player 3rd party?

I don’t see how Town would choose those 3 so I mean doubting it was town.

I’m leaning 3rd for now becuase mafia wouldn’t confirm 2 others who aren’t lynched imo

Probably how I’d rate who lynched from my perspective. I think everyone should do this as well to get s consensus when one is lynched we can get reads from it at least.

Good chance this could be an all town group. It seems small to have scum in it? Or do you think it’s a Random player 3rd party?

I don’t see how Town would choose those 3 so I mean doubting it was town.

I’m leaning 3rd for now becuase mafia wouldn’t confirm 2 others who aren’t lynched imo

what would you think the odds are of it being a scum ability, and 2/3 are actually scum? :kannasip
actually i do :donk

but im reading u both as town now too atm so if anything just vote me and ill stop the lynch :kanyeshrug
Why are you reading me as town?

actually it might be smarter to pose the question now to everyone:

"Did you ask a question last night?"

just yes or no will do for now

Like why didn’t cooler say anything about his role? Kind of a waste of kill becuase of it
Why should he say something about his role? The votes on him were particularly late, so, would it have been enough time for him to clear himself and get people on a different wagon?

I’m leaning 3rd for now becuase mafia wouldn’t confirm 2 others who aren’t lynched imo
Alternate dayphase sounds like a Kaguya Ootsuki ability (final villain of Naruto). She can manipulate time-space and has access to alternate realities. Uchiha Obito can also do this with kamui and his pocket dimension. In any case, both are villains. If villains = scum in this game, then I guess we could say it was a scum ability.
@MAD looks like your plan is already down in the drain... I mean 3 out of the 6 posters didn't even try to put it as a question.

Shizune didn't even bother when the question is ask, Shizune still gave the answer after the night phase.

:defeat2 @Superman are you still there? want to answer the question.

Hey by all means if there’s info out of it, it should be used. Like which group had the most antitown hippies. That’s a bit of information all town would like to have
@MAD I asked my question, ill post the reply if u want.

Jayjay, MAD and WolfPrinceKouga have been trapped in an alternate dayphase where they must vote among themselves to lynch one person from their group. That means there will be 2 lynches today, one among the rest of the players and one among this trio.

Day 2 start. You may post.

I didn’t pretend here :dank
You can deduct I didn’t ask the question because I lost the night :catsweat
I know for a fact it was u who trapped those guys in the alternate dimension u lying scum.

[Vote lynch Stelios]
Not going to deny I did. I even placed a love heart on them last phase. That does not mean I’m scum. I did it because I thought it would be fun having these three lynch each other :cat
I think your ability comes from 1 of 2 Naruto villains, Kaguya or Obito. 2 townies have flipped as protagonist characters. So, if villains = scum (like HST 3), then it's not looking good for you.

Player List

1. Supremekage
2. Shade0180
3. Avito
4. Superman
5. Stelios
6. Crugyr
7. Priscilla
8. C A N T I
9. Santi
10. Cooler (Emporio Ivankov)
11. Luck
12. Kira Yagami
13. nfcnorth
14. WolfPrinceKouga
15. jayjay³²
16. MAD
17. Iwandesu (Kikanbō no Ē)
18. Mr. Waffles

Character Submissions

Uchiha Madara
Vinsmoke Sanji
Namikaze Minato
Gol D. Roger
Bartholomew Kuma
Ōtsutsuki Kaguya
Uchiha Itachi
Donquixote Doflamingo
Dokugamine Riruka
Nefeltari Vivi
Sōsuke Aizen
Kisuke Urahara
Kurosaki Ichigo
Might Guy
Hatake Kakashi
Zaraki Kenpachi
Portgas D. Ace
Inoue Orihime
Askin Nakk Le Vaar
Uchiha Obito
Tsukishima Shūkurō
Ginjō Kūgo
Emporio Ivankov

The mafia knows which characters aren't in the game. Furthermore...

The Moon Goddess is in this game. During night phases, you may each ask her one question. The Pale Lady doesn't know everything, but her counsel may prove useful to you.

Do not post yet
Player list

1. Supremekage - Madara, Sanji
2. Shade0180 - Minato, Gol D. Roger
3. Avito - Isshio, Sabo
4. Superman - Kuma, Kaguya
5. Stelios - Itachi, Jiraiya
6. Crugyr - Doflamingo, Gaara
7. Priscilla - Riruka, Vivi
8. C A N T I - Aizen, Urahara
9. Gifted - A, Ichigo
10. Novaselinenever - Jinbe, Gai
11. Luck - Kakashi, Zaraki
12. Kira Yagami - Pain, Ace
13. nfcnorth - Orihime, Enel
14. WolfPrinceKouga - Askin Nakk Le Vaar, Obito
15. jayjay³² - Shukuro Tsukishima, Kugo Ginjo
16. Ishmael - Pein, Kakuzu
17. Iwandesu - Ivankov, Pacifista
18. Mr. Waffles - Tenten

We can rule out these flavours.

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