Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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@Gifted don't take their insults to heart, they're not serious. All they're trying to do is help you become a better player. Also try to see the game through instead of backing down/giving up in the middle of the game, it won't help anyone.Also try not to flame, you could banter but don't be offensive on purpose.

It’s ok SupremeKage...I officially quit Mafia on this forum. I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t like the majority of the members here and the attitudes they have towards others.

Poeple call me a dumbass and a retard..And I reply back and say I don’t respect anyine here then all of a sudden I’m the asshole.

I’m also the bad guy for not taking advice from the same people who call me all sorts of names.

I will finish my Console War game though.

I do want to thank you @SupremeKage and @Ishmael for always being kind to me....I’ll miss you guys
I don't mind people spite lynching me when I outplay the fuck out of them in a previous game.

But that's not what you are doing. You're calling a policy lynch on the basis of other people getting out-fucking-played in an ongoing game. That is straight up defamation
First & Foremost you didn't Outplay anyone even Ava and Johit played better than you.You fake claimed as Town and stuck with it with the Final 3, 1 being the Bomb the other being the Spy. While your strongest Town Read didn't Counter the Spy. You still stuck to it and Single-Handedly Lost Town that game 'cause you didn't allow Martyrs to do their Job.

I mean I already shut you down a handful of times that game. I can do it again. If you really think you can Outplay a member of OJ bar Johit the let's see how well you can actually play.

In which game are you currently outplaying me 'cause from what I said I clearly stated a past game that made me view you as a Player who had an Ego larger than he can Carry. A player who is so egotistical that he's willing to Go against his Own Win-Con to do his absolute best to try and Prove himself Wrong and his Naysayers Wri g yet still ultimately be completely in the Wrong. You already were disproved by the Host himself WAD that your play was half decent and in the End it was YOU whom LOST Town the Game.
If you continue to discuss ongoing games or accuse me without proof, I'll tag Shizune since you're posting lies about me to sabotage my ability to play this game.
Discuss whom you've Hosted before yet dont fully understand this Rule.

Learn before you Preach.
trust me .. i won't troll this game :hehe

I'll make a contract ~

I, Priscilla of NF .. will not fake Role claim in this Mafia Game ( Holy Shounen Trinity )

just sign here ---- >

now that's out of the way....

I'm town

if I'm not town in the end.. consider me gone from Mafia indefinitely

You never signed it. There is a sketch option in posts you can sign it.
It’s ok SupremeKage...I officially quit Mafia on this forum. I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t like the majority of the members here and the attitudes they have towards others.

Poeple call me a dumbass and a retard..And I reply back and say I don’t respect anyine here then all of a sudden I’m the asshole.

I’m also the bad guy for not taking advice from the same people who call me all sorts of names.

I will finish my Console War game though.

I do want to thank you @SupremeKage and @Ishmael for always being kind to me....I’ll miss you guys
Understandable. You're more than welcome to change your mind and play more games whenever you like. Personally I would want you to stay and enjoy and learn more of the basics to the game, but it's your decision. Take care!
It’s ok SupremeKage...I officially quit Mafia on this forum. I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t like the majority of the members here and the attitudes they have towards others.

Poeple call me a dumbass and a retard..And I reply back and say I don’t respect anyine here then all of a sudden I’m the asshole.

I’m also the bad guy for not taking advice from the same people who call me all sorts of names.

I will finish my Console War game though.

I do want to thank you @SupremeKage and @Ishmael for always being kind to me....I’ll miss you guys
You can come play with us on OJ we have a lot of Newbies whom are still learning.
Lol jay jay trying to basically get someone modkilled for talking about another game like nice mafia skills
Just stop talking shit, it's cringey. I have no intentions of getting anyone modkilled.

First & Foremost you didn't Outplay anyone even Ava and Johit played better than you.You fake claimed as Town and stuck with it with the Final 3, 1 being the Bomb the other being the Spy. While your strongest Town Read didn't Counter the Spy. You still stuck to it and Single-Handedly Lost Town that game 'cause you didn't allow Martyrs to do their Job.

I mean I already shut you down a handful of times that game. I can do it again. If you really think you can Outplay a member of OJ bar Johit the let's see how well you can actually play.

In which game are you currently outplaying me 'cause from what I said I clearly stated a past game that made me view you as a Player who had an Ego larger than he can Carry. A player who is so egotistical that he's willing to Go against his Own Win-Con to do his absolute best to try and Prove himself Wrong and his Naysayers Wri g yet still ultimately be completely in the Wrong. You already were disproved by the Host himself WAD that your play was half decent and in the End it was YOU whom LOST Town the Game.

Discuss whom you've Hosted before yet dont fully understand this Rule.

Learn before you Preach.
I thought you were talking about the DN game (which is ongoing), but now that we're talking about the Jihadfia game, let's laugh at you.

There are many humans on this planet. And some of these humans post on NF. Despite the many differences that these humans have on NF, every single one of them - besides you - will come to the same conclusion about you after they read that game.

You played bad
. I will hire people to run national studies on that game if you still try to blame me for that loss. You claimed cop after scum RNG RB'd you on night 1 or night 2, which then allowed them to chainblock you for the rest of the game. I tried to downplay it because you're from OJ and you're Mohit's friend, but c'mon, dude, that was just straight up garbage. Let's just ignore the fact that you couldn't figure out my role at the very end of the game when it was so damn obvious. That was the icing on the cake. The post-game? I invited an open session of criticism, where nobody on that player list decided to blame me for that loss, except for you. That told me everything I needed to know about you, and I never talked shit to you afterward.

I don't care about personally outplaying you, Canti. You are starting beef between us when there is none. I have never had anything against you, I'm just simply well aware of your skill level. So, just chill out. Don't look down on players that are better than you - learn from them.
What do you think of the gifted wagon? Or what was the gifted wagon
Gifted was an easy target but I would still not call out those who voted for him, he was so bad that all of those who for him just wanted to get rid of him. I for one actually voted for this reason
Also what do think the chances are that gifted actually was scum and asled to get replaced under the pressure from his team mates?
Gifted was an easy target but I would still not call out those who voted for him, he was so bad that all of those who for him just wanted to get rid of him. I for one actually voted for this reason
Also what do think the chances are that gifted actually was scum and asled to get replaced under the pressure from his team mates?
I think he left becuase he didn’t wanna play himself. I doubt it was from pressure of teammates tbf
let me get a quick rundown
is it personnel?

well enjoy ur community of gifteds, priscillas, rions, shinys, and so on in six months when you continue to coddle people who should be conditioned for abhorrent play lol
Eh I don't really want to go into this debate here. I aint going to stop you or anyone else from doing so I just don't want to participate in it myself. Call me soft/idealistic (cause I probably am) or what ever but it just isn't my style or the way I would want to handle it.
Eh I don't really want to go into this debate here. I aint going to stop you or anyone else from doing so I just don't want to participate in it myself. Call me soft/idealistic (cause I probably am) or what ever but it just isn't my style or the way I would want to handle it.

fair enough
but i think ever lynching ppl actively playing the game on D1 over any of those in that category is outright community sabotage

Eh? I just opened this game is all

been spending a lot of time in ur mafia convo then? :nonon
Jokes aside...

Character Submissions

Uchiha Madara
Vinsmoke Sanji
Namikaze Minato
Gol D. Roger
Bartholomew Kuma
Ōtsutsuki Kaguya
Uchiha Itachi
Donquixote Doflamingo
Dokugamine Riruka
Nefeltari Vivi
Sōsuke Aizen
Kisuke Urahara
Kurosaki Ichigo
Might Guy
Hatake Kakashi
Zaraki Kenpachi
Portgas D. Ace
Inoue Orihime
Askin Nakk Le Vaar
Uchiha Obito
Tsukishima Shūkurō
Ginjō Kūgo
Emporio Ivankov

The mafia knows which characters aren't in the game. Furthermore...

The Moon Goddess is in this game. During night phases, you may each ask her one question. The Pale Lady doesn't know everything, but her counsel may prove useful to you.

Do not post yet

I have an idea with this mechanic, if it’s anything like an Oracle we can basically corner scum with it.
lets see do I want to

Lynch Jayjay for death note game
Lynch Supremekage for making the Death Note game
Lynch Santi because I hate him
Lynch WPK for generally being a jackass
Lynch Avito because he sucks and I hate him
Lynch Priscilla for being annoying(in games) little bitch
Lynch Crugyr for being a colossal douche
Lynch C A N T I for sounding like Santi
Lynch Kira because I hate his name
Lynch Novaselinenever because I both hate trying to remember his name and being CR's co host
Lynch Stelios because fuck you
Lynch Iwandesu because fuck mod
Lynch Ishmael because he is 25000 people in one and fuck you
Lynch nfcnorth because his fucking Vikings failed and it pisses me off
Lynch shade for being a noncommital double dick
Lynch Luck because it rhymes with fuck
Or Lynch Waffles because he does not like being excluded from things

Decisions decisions

Superman sounds like an undecided scum to me
trying to justify each and single vote for all game long since post one :jk
It's not going to be that easy lad :fu
Jokes aside...

I have an idea with this mechanic, if it’s anything like an Oracle we can basically corner scum with it.
This is what Host Stated.

So By your own Role and Actions we can deduce who's in the game and who isn't.

Since it's Favorites season, I won't be deciding the cast this time. When signing up, each player gets to submit 2 characters from Naruto, Bleach and One Piece. I will pick one character from each pair to turn into a role. Please try not to submit the same character as someone else.

Player list

1. Supremekage - Madara, Sanji
2. Shade0180 - Minato, Gol D. Roger
3. Avito - Isshio, Sabo
4. Superman - Kuma, Kaguya
5. Stelios - Itachi, Jiraiya
6. Crugyr - Doflamingo, Gaara
7. Priscilla - Riruka, Vivi
8. C A N T I - Aizen, Urahara
9. Gifted - A, Ichigo
10. Novaselinenever - Jinbe, Gai
11. Luck - Kakashi, Zaraki
12. Kira Yagami - Pain, Ace
13. nfcnorth - Orihime, Enel
14. WolfPrinceKouga - Askin Nakk Le Vaar, Obito
15. jayjay³² - Shukuro Tsukishima, Kugo Ginjo
16. Ishmael - Pein, Kakuzu
17. Iwandesu - Ivankov, Pacifista
18. Mr. Waffles - Tenten

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