Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 4 (mafia wins!)

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I believe we should leave player spite in the past, that's why there's a p in past as in the letter a is past p because it's in the past. You feel me?
I mean why? It’s not really spite as much lynching players that could be and have been legit problems to town. And I mean, good chance 1 of the policy lynches could flip scum.

And this discussion and who to lynch with so many choices for policy could actually benefit reads a bit more with flips. Especially day 1
I mean why? It’s not really spite as much lynching players that could be and have been legit problems to town. And I mean, good chance 1 of the policy lynches could flip scum.

And this discussion and who to lynch with so many choices for policy could actually benefit reads a bit more with flips. Especially day 1
Policy lynch is a scum tactic to whittle down our numbers without doing much work. If I see a player being a menace or aren't providing much then we lynch them. You suggesting such an act already puts you in my scum list
Policy lynch is a scum tactic to whittle down our numbers without doing much work. If I see a player being a menace or aren't providing much then we lynch them. You suggesting such an act already puts you in my scum list
So basically more then half the players are scum right? Becuase almost everyone is voting a policy lynch candidate. Actually your excuse can be said to be a scum tactic. Exploiting random means on players who want to get rid of possible scum/dentrimental players to town.
So basically more then half the players are scum right? Becuase almost everyone is voting a policy lynch candidate. Actually your excuse can be said to be a scum tactic. Exploiting random means on players who want to get rid of possible scum/dentrimental players to town.
Yes half the players are candidates to being scum. Idk how what I'm doing is a scum tactic because I'm helping town not lose valuable players/roles, nice try though to make it seem as such. All I'm saying is lynch those who appear to be harmful to town as of this game, not based on previous experiences.
Yes half the players are candidates to being scum. Idk how what I'm doing is a scum tactic because I'm helping town not lose valuable players/roles, nice try though to make it seem as such. All I'm saying is lynch those who appear to be harmful to town as of this game, not based on previous experiences.

Let's just say
we reset, clean slate

i'm lynching priscilla today

what about it?

You know something about her that we don't and oppose her lynch?
Yes half the players are candidates to being scum. Idk how what I'm doing is a scum tactic because I'm helping town not lose valuable players/roles, nice try though to make it seem as such. All I'm saying is lynch those who appear to be harmful to town as of this game, not based on previous experiences.
I was just giving an example :dead

Anyway, since more then half the player base has a vote for policy lynching, what are reads that aren’t just people policy lynching. Because that ain’t gonna help tbf
I don’t mind a spite lynch. Do it, pussies.

But there is a massive, massive difference between a spite lynch and a policy lynch.

One means you can’t take an L from me because you’re being childish, the other implies I play mafia unethically. And I don’t let people post defamatory bullshit like that about me on this forum.

I mean why? It’s not really spite as much lynching players that could be and have been legit problems to town. And I mean, good chance 1 of the policy lynches could flip scum.

And this discussion and who to lynch with so many choices for policy could actually benefit reads a bit more with flips. Especially day 1
Nah, you’re not even playing the game. You posted lies about me to get me lynched, you suggested a tactic that we should lynch based off vendettas and spite, and have posted other miscellaneous cringey shit since the thread started.

This isn’t the first time you do this shit. If people call you out for your unsportsmanlike behavior every single game, then stop playing mafia on this forum. Nobody wants you around. :camby
I don’t mind a spite lynch. Do it, pussies.

But there is a massive, massive difference between a spite lynch and a policy lynch.

One means you can’t take an L from me because you’re being childish, the other implies I play mafia unethically. And I don’t let people post defamatory bullshit like that about me on this forum.

Nah, you’re not even playing the game. You posted lies about me to get me lynched, you suggested a tactic that we should lynch based off vendettas and spite, and have posted other miscellaneous cringey shit since the thread started.

This isn’t the first time you do this shit. If people call you out for your unsportsmanlike behavior every single game, then stop playing mafia on this forum. Nobody wants you around. :camby
I guess you aren’t reading the thread, probably should stop making it more toxic then you already do. You are wasting time and you aren’t even talking about the game you just post at people saying you are better for some reason even though I haven’t you seen you do literally anything good but that’s beside the point.

So sit down, shut up, and play the game. At least i have been trying to get reads out of people and interaction. You have done nothing. So stop talking and being a waste of space
I don’t mind a spite lynch. Do it, pussies.

But there is a massive, massive difference between a spite lynch and a policy lynch.

One means you can’t take an L from me because you’re being childish, the other implies I play mafia unethically. And I don’t let people post defamatory bullshit like that about me on this forum.

Nah, you’re not even playing the game. You posted lies about me to get me lynched, you suggested a tactic that we should lynch based off vendettas and spite, and have posted other miscellaneous cringey shit since the thread started.

This isn’t the first time you do this shit. If people call you out for your unsportsmanlike behavior every single game, then stop playing mafia on this forum. Nobody wants you around. :camby

I want Crugyr here
because she's hot damn :ufdup

also with this behavior we will lynch you anyway
right after Priscilla
because this kind of play right now is exploitable

any scum worth its salt can incorporate all this negativity you are carrying
into its play and use it to its advantage
I dont follow,Elaborate?

give me a second ill make a separate post

There are way too many policy choices. Honestly I can bet one has to be scum

list all the policy choices iyo

This is what Host Stated.

So By your own Role and Actions we can deduce who's in the game and who isn't.

Since it's Favorites season, I won't be deciding the cast this time. When signing up, each player gets to submit 2 characters from Naruto, Bleach and One Piece. I will pick one character from each pair to turn into a role. Please try not to submit the same character as someone else.

Player list

1. Supremekage - Madara, Sanji
2. Shade0180 - Minato, Gol D. Roger
3. Avito - Isshio, Sabo
4. Superman - Kuma, Kaguya
5. Stelios - Itachi, Jiraiya
6. Crugyr - Doflamingo, Gaara
7. Priscilla - Riruka, Vivi
8. C A N T I - Aizen, Urahara
9. Gifted - A, Ichigo
10. Novaselinenever - Jinbe, Gai
11. Luck - Kakashi, Zaraki
12. Kira Yagami - Pain, Ace
13. nfcnorth - Orihime, Enel
14. WolfPrinceKouga - Askin Nakk Le Vaar, Obito
15. jayjay³² - Shukuro Tsukishima, Kugo Ginjo
16. Ishmael - Pein, Kakuzu
17. Iwandesu - Ivankov, Pacifista
18. Mr. Waffles - Tenten

i was referring to the moon goddess bitch my dude

anyways 1 sec
Anyway reads for me (even though most people aren’t posting)

Priscilla prob town at the moment. I mean troll but meh I’m feeling Town for now.

I got novase as neutral, he isn’t as scumhunting as usual for his town self but like I said not many posts do not much to note

Ishmael (before subbed) didn’t really give me great vibes, and kinda seemed defensive of gifted. Though could be genuine to a point I can see many buddies possibly?

Jayjay I really just wanna lynch

Stelios seems more laid back and fluffy when he is usually more serious. So a little suspicous for now but keeping neutral I think on him.

Kinda liking canti for now, though I know when Town he likes to push buttons so cautious I guess
I guess you aren’t reading the thread, probably should stop making it more toxic then you already do. You are wasting time and you aren’t even talking about the game you just post at people saying you are better for some reason even though I haven’t you seen you do literally anything good but that’s beside the point.

So sit down, shut up, and play the game. At least i have been trying to get reads out of people and interaction. You have done nothing. So stop talking and being a waste of space
I'm being toxic when you brought my name up out of nowhere and started posting lies about me?

Your only read was that @SupremeKage is scummy because he doesn't want to spite or policy lynch with you.

All of your posts have been about policy lynching instead of actively scumhunting. Nothing you've said has been significant.

also with this behavior we will lynch you anyway
right after Priscilla
because this kind of play right now is exploitable

any scum worth its salt can incorporate all this negativity you are carrying
into its play and use it to its advantage
Are you defending someone who openly supports spite and policy lynching instead of scumhunting?
Stelios seems more laid back and fluffy when he is usually more serious. So a little suspicous for now but keeping neutral I think on him.

I am
Okay, so here's the thing about Shizune mafia games meta. She doesn't like giving town too much investigation ability, or at least she doesn't like giving an individual agency over the investigative aspects of the game.

She will often gimmick it into being a global ability or a group concerted effort, such as when in his World of Warcraft game the cop ability was delegated to the Kirin Tor; an anonymous council of five players voted on who to investigate that night.

I'm thinking that this ability:

The Moon Goddess is in this game. During night phases, you may each ask her one question. The Pale Lady doesn't know everything, but her counsel may prove useful to you.

Is effectively this ability: https://wiki.[Blocked Domain]/index.php?title=Oracle

If so, it could potentially be a major source of information for us. I very much doubt that you can outright ask for player alignments or try to cover every angle with a base question like: "Who is scum in this game?" (hence the 'doesn't know everything') but I am sure it can provide a great deal of information that could potentially be very valuable to us.

Could it be a trap? It could, in theory...but I don't think so. Shizune considers lunar aspects to be sacred, hence her fandoms for characters such as Elune or Diana(LoL). So if there is any bastard modding in here, I don't think it's in this. I think she is not banking on us collaborating on this and grossly underutilizing it, with it possibly resulting in our pitfall. We should at least try once and see what happens.

The more likely 'bastard' mechanic in play is probably a Death Miller of some sort. Shizune LOVES her Death Millers. So that will be fun and exciting. :dead

But with regards to the question, I think this is how we should proceed:

There's 18 of us alive and I can't really account for who is being lynched so I think it's best if we send out three groups of six. People in the group will ask a question and see what the answer is to determine reliability of the mechanic and credibility of each other (i.e no one is lying about what the thing tells them).

Let's try this:

Group 1:


All of you will try asking this question:

"Are there more anti-town players numbered 1-9 on the player list or 9-18?"

This is a common splitting question that is an accepted inquiry for similar mechanics of this nature. If the Oracle mechanic is reliable, it will tell us the answer.

Group 2:

Kira Yagami

"Is there any duplicate members from the same series on the mafia team?"

This might be a wasted question, and possibly overambitious, but in mashup games that Shizune has hosted before she usually keeps the cast diverse so a meta-confirmation on that could potentially be huge especially seeing as how a lot of submitted characters are from the same universe.

Group 3:

Mr. Waffles

We will ask this question.

"How many players are anti-town?"

One of the most basic uses about the Oracle is asking about the setup itself.

Call me optimistic, but if we get any of this information from the Moon Goddess it can work as a good foundation to work from.

Comments? Concerns? Clever anecdotes?
Okay, so here's the thing about Shizune mafia games meta. She doesn't like giving town too much investigation ability, or at least she doesn't like giving an individual agency over the investigative aspects of the game.

She will often gimmick it into being a global ability or a group concerted effort, such as when in his World of Warcraft game the cop ability was delegated to the Kirin Tor; an anonymous council of five players voted on who to investigate that night.

I'm thinking that this ability:

Is effectively this ability: https://wiki.[Blocked Domain]/index.php?title=Oracle

If so, it could potentially be a major source of information for us. I very much doubt that you can outright ask for player alignments or try to cover every angle with a base question like: "Who is scum in this game?" (hence the 'doesn't know everything') but I am sure it can provide a great deal of information that could potentially be very valuable to us.

Could it be a trap? It could, in theory...but I don't think so. Shizune considers lunar aspects to be sacred, hence her fandoms for characters such as Elune or Diana(LoL). So if there is any bastard modding in here, I don't think it's in this. I think she is not banking on us collaborating on this and grossly underutilizing it, with it possibly resulting in our pitfall. We should at least try once and see what happens.

The more likely 'bastard' mechanic in play is probably a Death Miller of some sort. Shizune LOVES her Death Millers. So that will be fun and exciting. :dead

But with regards to the question, I think this is how we should proceed:

There's 18 of us alive and I can't really account for who is being lynched so I think it's best if we send out three groups of six. People in the group will ask a question and see what the answer is to determine reliability of the mechanic and credibility of each other (i.e no one is lying about what the thing tells them).

Let's try this:

Group 1:


All of you will try asking this question:

"Are there more anti-town players numbered 1-9 on the player list or 9-18?"

This is a common splitting question that is an accepted inquiry for similar mechanics of this nature. If the Oracle mechanic is reliable, it will tell us the answer.

Group 2:

Kira Yagami

"Is there any duplicate members from the same series on the mafia team?"

This might be a wasted question, and possibly overambitious, but in mashup games that Shizune has hosted before she usually keeps the cast diverse so a meta-confirmation on that could potentially be huge especially seeing as how a lot of submitted characters are from the same universe.

Group 3:

Mr. Waffles

We will ask this question.

"How many players are anti-town?"

One of the most basic uses about the Oracle is asking about the setup itself.

Call me optimistic, but if we get any of this information from the Moon Goddess it can work as a good foundation to work from.

Comments? Concerns? Clever anecdotes?
I assume the groups is for cross checking purposes? I don't have any objections myself atm
I'm being toxic when you brought my name up out of nowhere and started posting lies about me?

Your only read was that @SupremeKage is scummy because he doesn't want to spite or policy lynch with you.

All of your posts have been about policy lynching instead of actively scumhunting. Nothing you've said has been significant.

Are you defending someone who openly supports spite and policy lynching instead of scumhunting?
You obviously aren’t reading big surprise
Okay, so here's the thing about Shizune mafia games meta. She doesn't like giving town too much investigation ability, or at least she doesn't like giving an individual agency over the investigative aspects of the game.

She will often gimmick it into being a global ability or a group concerted effort, such as when in his World of Warcraft game the cop ability was delegated to the Kirin Tor; an anonymous council of five players voted on who to investigate that night.

I'm thinking that this ability:

Is effectively this ability: https://wiki.[Blocked Domain]/index.php?title=Oracle

If so, it could potentially be a major source of information for us. I very much doubt that you can outright ask for player alignments or try to cover every angle with a base question like: "Who is scum in this game?" (hence the 'doesn't know everything') but I am sure it can provide a great deal of information that could potentially be very valuable to us.

Could it be a trap? It could, in theory...but I don't think so. Shizune considers lunar aspects to be sacred, hence her fandoms for characters such as Elune or Diana(LoL). So if there is any bastard modding in here, I don't think it's in this. I think she is not banking on us collaborating on this and grossly underutilizing it, with it possibly resulting in our pitfall. We should at least try once and see what happens.

The more likely 'bastard' mechanic in play is probably a Death Miller of some sort. Shizune LOVES her Death Millers. So that will be fun and exciting. :dead

But with regards to the question, I think this is how we should proceed:

There's 18 of us alive and I can't really account for who is being lynched so I think it's best if we send out three groups of six. People in the group will ask a question and see what the answer is to determine reliability of the mechanic and credibility of each other (i.e no one is lying about what the thing tells them).

Let's try this:

Group 1:


All of you will try asking this question:

"Are there more anti-town players numbered 1-9 on the player list or 9-18?"

This is a common splitting question that is an accepted inquiry for similar mechanics of this nature. If the Oracle mechanic is reliable, it will tell us the answer.

Group 2:

Kira Yagami

"Is there any duplicate members from the same series on the mafia team?"

This might be a wasted question, and possibly overambitious, but in mashup games that Shizune has hosted before she usually keeps the cast diverse so a meta-confirmation on that could potentially be huge especially seeing as how a lot of submitted characters are from the same universe.

Group 3:

Mr. Waffles

We will ask this question.

"How many players are anti-town?"

One of the most basic uses about the Oracle is asking about the setup itself.

Call me optimistic, but if we get any of this information from the Moon Goddess it can work as a good foundation to work from.

Comments? Concerns? Clever anecdotes?
The issue with this strategy is that it says "The Pale Lady doesn't know everything, but her counsel may prove useful to you."

If we all try to do this, Shizune will try to minimize its effectiveness. I say we look for even more creative ways to use the oracle instead of a systematic one, but that's just me. I'll still do it if everyone else will, since it's a free ability. :kanyeshrug
The issue with this strategy is that it says "The Pale Lady doesn't know everything, but her counsel may prove useful to you."

If we all try to do this, Shizune will try to minimize its effectiveness. I say we look for even more creative ways to use the oracle instead of a systematic one, but that's just me. I'll still do it if everyone else will, since it's a free ability. :kanyeshrug

the questions are negotiable for sure
what do you have in mind?
Okay, so here's the thing about Shizune mafia games meta. She doesn't like giving town too much investigation ability, or at least she doesn't like giving an individual agency over the investigative aspects of the game.

She will often gimmick it into being a global ability or a group concerted effort, such as when in his World of Warcraft game the cop ability was delegated to the Kirin Tor; an anonymous council of five players voted on who to investigate that night.

I'm thinking that this ability:

Is effectively this ability: https://wiki.[Blocked Domain]/index.php?title=Oracle

If so, it could potentially be a major source of information for us. I very much doubt that you can outright ask for player alignments or try to cover every angle with a base question like: "Who is scum in this game?" (hence the 'doesn't know everything') but I am sure it can provide a great deal of information that could potentially be very valuable to us.

Could it be a trap? It could, in theory...but I don't think so. Shizune considers lunar aspects to be sacred, hence her fandoms for characters such as Elune or Diana(LoL). So if there is any bastard modding in here, I don't think it's in this. I think she is not banking on us collaborating on this and grossly underutilizing it, with it possibly resulting in our pitfall. We should at least try once and see what happens.

The more likely 'bastard' mechanic in play is probably a Death Miller of some sort. Shizune LOVES her Death Millers. So that will be fun and exciting. :dead

But with regards to the question, I think this is how we should proceed:

There's 18 of us alive and I can't really account for who is being lynched so I think it's best if we send out three groups of six. People in the group will ask a question and see what the answer is to determine reliability of the mechanic and credibility of each other (i.e no one is lying about what the thing tells them).

Let's try this:

Group 1:


All of you will try asking this question:

"Are there more anti-town players numbered 1-9 on the player list or 9-18?"

This is a common splitting question that is an accepted inquiry for similar mechanics of this nature. If the Oracle mechanic is reliable, it will tell us the answer.

Group 2:

Kira Yagami

"Is there any duplicate members from the same series on the mafia team?"

This might be a wasted question, and possibly overambitious, but in mashup games that Shizune has hosted before she usually keeps the cast diverse so a meta-confirmation on that could potentially be huge especially seeing as how a lot of submitted characters are from the same universe.

Group 3:

Mr. Waffles

We will ask this question.

"How many players are anti-town?"

One of the most basic uses about the Oracle is asking about the setup itself.

Call me optimistic, but if we get any of this information from the Moon Goddess it can work as a good foundation to work from.

Comments? Concerns? Clever anecdotes?
I like the plan but if The Moon Goddess doesnt know the answer to the question wouldnt everyone asking get the same "I dont know result".

I honestly think it should be divided into groups of 3 or 4 since mafia has at best 4 scummates.
Okay, so here's the thing about Shizune mafia games meta. She doesn't like giving town too much investigation ability, or at least she doesn't like giving an individual agency over the investigative aspects of the game.

She will often gimmick it into being a global ability or a group concerted effort, such as when in his World of Warcraft game the cop ability was delegated to the Kirin Tor; an anonymous council of five players voted on who to investigate that night.

I'm thinking that this ability:

Is effectively this ability: https://wiki.[Blocked Domain]/index.php?title=Oracle

If so, it could potentially be a major source of information for us. I very much doubt that you can outright ask for player alignments or try to cover every angle with a base question like: "Who is scum in this game?" (hence the 'doesn't know everything') but I am sure it can provide a great deal of information that could potentially be very valuable to us.

Could it be a trap? It could, in theory...but I don't think so. Shizune considers lunar aspects to be sacred, hence her fandoms for characters such as Elune or Diana(LoL). So if there is any bastard modding in here, I don't think it's in this. I think she is not banking on us collaborating on this and grossly underutilizing it, with it possibly resulting in our pitfall. We should at least try once and see what happens.

The more likely 'bastard' mechanic in play is probably a Death Miller of some sort. Shizune LOVES her Death Millers. So that will be fun and exciting. :dead

But with regards to the question, I think this is how we should proceed:

There's 18 of us alive and I can't really account for who is being lynched so I think it's best if we send out three groups of six. People in the group will ask a question and see what the answer is to determine reliability of the mechanic and credibility of each other (i.e no one is lying about what the thing tells them).

Let's try this:

Group 1:


All of you will try asking this question:

"Are there more anti-town players numbered 1-9 on the player list or 9-18?"

This is a common splitting question that is an accepted inquiry for similar mechanics of this nature. If the Oracle mechanic is reliable, it will tell us the answer.

Group 2:

Kira Yagami

"Is there any duplicate members from the same series on the mafia team?"

This might be a wasted question, and possibly overambitious, but in mashup games that Shizune has hosted before she usually keeps the cast diverse so a meta-confirmation on that could potentially be huge especially seeing as how a lot of submitted characters are from the same universe.

Group 3:

Mr. Waffles

We will ask this question.

"How many players are anti-town?"

One of the most basic uses about the Oracle is asking about the setup itself.

Call me optimistic, but if we get any of this information from the Moon Goddess it can work as a good foundation to work from.

Comments? Concerns? Clever anecdotes?
Lets do this
I like the plan but if The Moon Goddess doesnt know the answer to the question wouldnt everyone asking get the same "I dont know result".

I honestly think it should be divided into groups of 3 or 4 since mafia has at best 4 scummates.

i mean even the wording of that 'idk' response would be valuable info

ya i couldnt break divide 18 by 4 even

and i didnt wanna do groups of 3x6 because im accounting for ppl flaking on the plan or anomalies where it might be a cluster of like two scum with one townie and they can pretty much get unintentional cred or some scenario like that
i mean even the wording of that 'idk' response would be valuable info

ya i couldnt break divide 18 by 4 even

and i didnt wanna do groups of 3x6 because im accounting for ppl flaking on the plan or anomalies where it might be a cluster of like two scum with one townie and they can pretty much get unintentional cred or some scenario like that
Ok, that makes sense.

Im in.
how did you implement it there?

its blatantly OGI but a couple of days ago i was on voice chat with the host and she was talkin about OBD favorites which im 99% sure u hosted if im even vaguely peripherally aware so there might be a good chance that the loan concept will be mostly intact
Oh i actually did it on clash of hosts thinking About it
Katsu used the Oracle to get in which side there was scum among 1-15 or 16-30 of a list he gave me.
However on OBD favorites metatron would answer a question made by the top poster of each day phase.
So there is that i guess.

waffles seems like he's making an effort :mjpls:

Oh you.
You so funny.

And I don’t let people post defamatory bullshit like that about me on this forum.


Okay, so here's the thing about Shizune mafia games meta. She doesn't like giving town too much investigation ability, or at least she doesn't like giving an individual agency over the investigative aspects of the game.

She will often gimmick it into being a global ability or a group concerted effort, such as when in his World of Warcraft game the cop ability was delegated to the Kirin Tor; an anonymous council of five players voted on who to investigate that night.

I'm thinking that this ability:

Is effectively this ability: https://wiki.[Blocked Domain]/index.php?title=Oracle

If so, it could potentially be a major source of information for us. I very much doubt that you can outright ask for player alignments or try to cover every angle with a base question like: "Who is scum in this game?" (hence the 'doesn't know everything') but I am sure it can provide a great deal of information that could potentially be very valuable to us.

Could it be a trap? It could, in theory...but I don't think so. Shizune considers lunar aspects to be sacred, hence her fandoms for characters such as Elune or Diana(LoL). So if there is any bastard modding in here, I don't think it's in this. I think she is not banking on us collaborating on this and grossly underutilizing it, with it possibly resulting in our pitfall. We should at least try once and see what happens.

The more likely 'bastard' mechanic in play is probably a Death Miller of some sort. Shizune LOVES her Death Millers. So that will be fun and exciting. :dead

But with regards to the question, I think this is how we should proceed:

There's 18 of us alive and I can't really account for who is being lynched so I think it's best if we send out three groups of six. People in the group will ask a question and see what the answer is to determine reliability of the mechanic and credibility of each other (i.e no one is lying about what the thing tells them).

Let's try this:

Group 1:


All of you will try asking this question:

"Are there more anti-town players numbered 1-9 on the player list or 9-18?"

This is a common splitting question that is an accepted inquiry for similar mechanics of this nature. If the Oracle mechanic is reliable, it will tell us the answer.

Group 2:

Kira Yagami

"Is there any duplicate members from the same series on the mafia team?"

This might be a wasted question, and possibly overambitious, but in mashup games that Shizune has hosted before she usually keeps the cast diverse so a meta-confirmation on that could potentially be huge especially seeing as how a lot of submitted characters are from the same universe.

Group 3:

Mr. Waffles

We will ask this question.

"How many players are anti-town?"

One of the most basic uses about the Oracle is asking about the setup itself.

Call me optimistic, but if we get any of this information from the Moon Goddess it can work as a good foundation to work from.

Comments? Concerns? Clever anecdotes?

I approve. :hm
I don’t mind a spite lynch. Do it, pussies.

But there is a massive, massive difference between a spite lynch and a policy lynch.

One means you can’t take an L from me because you’re being childish, the other implies I play mafia unethically. And I don’t let people post defamatory bullshit like that about me on this forum.

Nah, you’re not even playing the game. You posted lies about me to get me lynched, you suggested a tactic that we should lynch based off vendettas and spite, and have posted other miscellaneous cringey shit since the thread started.

This isn’t the first time you do this shit. If people call you out for your unsportsmanlike behavior every single game, then stop playing mafia on this forum. Nobody wants you around. :camby
>Calls us Pussies
>Spite Lynch
>Policy Lynch

Child's 'cause we can't take an L from you. Plays Mafia Unethically. The Latter is the true statement I guess the Former can also be correct but it's Losing due to your own Team Mate Game Throwing 'cause of their own Ego. Difference, I for one have you seen first hand you be detrimental to Town's Win-Con or at least your own Win-Con where it is borderline Game Throwing. I've even seen the DN game and that was just, uhh what?

There are No Lies and which we are speaking you are not as good as you believe you are then again you are a NF Speciman.

I want Crugyr around 'cause if johit starts looking scummy to me I know he'll back me.
Your only read was that @SupremeKage is scummy because he doesn't want to spite or policy lynch with you.
Actually I was the one who mentioned SK being Scummy for defending Gifted and Referring to all Votes as a Scum tell.

Obviously Crugyr was correct in establishing you are not correctly reading the thread.
i was referring to the moon goddess bitch my dude
I realize that after I made my comment haha
Okay, so here's the thing about Shizune mafia games meta. She doesn't like giving town too much investigation ability, or at least she doesn't like giving an individual agency over the investigative aspects of the game.

She will often gimmick it into being a global ability or a group concerted effort, such as when in his World of Warcraft game the cop ability was delegated to the Kirin Tor; an anonymous council of five players voted on who to investigate that night.

I'm thinking that this ability:

Is effectively this ability: https://wiki.[Blocked Domain]/index.php?title=Oracle

If so, it could potentially be a major source of information for us. I very much doubt that you can outright ask for player alignments or try to cover every angle with a base question like: "Who is scum in this game?" (hence the 'doesn't know everything') but I am sure it can provide a great deal of information that could potentially be very valuable to us.

Could it be a trap? It could, in theory...but I don't think so. Shizune considers lunar aspects to be sacred, hence her fandoms for characters such as Elune or Diana(LoL). So if there is any bastard modding in here, I don't think it's in this. I think she is not banking on us collaborating on this and grossly underutilizing it, with it possibly resulting in our pitfall. We should at least try once and see what happens.

The more likely 'bastard' mechanic in play is probably a Death Miller of some sort. Shizune LOVES her Death Millers. So that will be fun and exciting. :dead

But with regards to the question, I think this is how we should proceed:

There's 18 of us alive and I can't really account for who is being lynched so I think it's best if we send out three groups of six. People in the group will ask a question and see what the answer is to determine reliability of the mechanic and credibility of each other (i.e no one is lying about what the thing tells them).

Let's try this:

Group 1:


All of you will try asking this question:

"Are there more anti-town players numbered 1-9 on the player list or 9-18?"

This is a common splitting question that is an accepted inquiry for similar mechanics of this nature. If the Oracle mechanic is reliable, it will tell us the answer.

Group 2:

Kira Yagami

"Is there any duplicate members from the same series on the mafia team?"

This might be a wasted question, and possibly overambitious, but in mashup games that Shizune has hosted before she usually keeps the cast diverse so a meta-confirmation on that could potentially be huge especially seeing as how a lot of submitted characters are from the same universe.

Group 3:

Mr. Waffles

We will ask this question.

"How many players are anti-town?"

One of the most basic uses about the Oracle is asking about the setup itself.

Call me optimistic, but if we get any of this information from the Moon Goddess it can work as a good foundation to work from.

Comments? Concerns? Clever anecdotes?
WAD & @iwandesu do you think it would be effective if we asked MG for a certain Flavour - Since I submitted Urahara/Aizen - Maybe we can ask if one player is in Say "Is Urahara Kisuke a Flavour?" to help us just narrow down whom is in and isn't in the game we can even ISO the Scum Entry Names such as Madara, Aizen etc the more Obvious Scum Flavours.
>Calls us Pussies
>Spite Lynch
>Policy Lynch

Child's 'cause we can't take an L from you. Plays Mafia Unethically. The Latter is the true statement I guess the Former can also be correct but it's Losing due to your own Team Mate Game Throwing 'cause of their own Ego. Difference, I for one have you seen first hand you be detrimental to Town's Win-Con or at least your own Win-Con where it is borderline Game Throwing. I've even seen the DN game and that was just, uhh what?

There are No Lies and which we are speaking you are not as good as you believe you are then again you are a NF Speciman.

I want Crugyr around 'cause if johit starts looking scummy to me I know he'll back me.

Actually I was the one who mentioned SK being Scummy for defending Gifted and Referring to all Votes as a Scum tell.

Obviously Crugyr was correct in establishing you are not correctly reading the thread.

I realize that after I made my comment haha

WAD & @iwandesu do you think it would be effective if we asked MG for a certain Flavour - Since I submitted Urahara/Aizen - Maybe we can ask if one player is in Say "Is Urahara Kisuke a Flavour?" to help us just narrow down whom is in and isn't in the game we can even ISO the Scum Entry Names such as Madara, Aizen etc the more Obvious Scum Flavours.
Per the last part I think the big issue with that is it hard to do without asking each individual to do so on a diffrent role and that can be throw off by lying.
WAD & @iwandesu do you think it would be effective if we asked MG for a certain Flavour - Since I submitted Urahara/Aizen - Maybe we can ask if one player is in Say "Is Urahara Kisuke a Flavour?" to help us just narrow down whom is in and isn't in the game we can even ISO the Scum Entry Names such as Madara, Aizen etc the more Obvious Scum Flavours.

We could ask that but I think it's better to pose broader, more general questions for now as a field test for it.

If it seems to work, we can probably move onto micro-inquiries such as that as a makeshift lie detector or flavor cop, possibly.
Per the last part I think the big issue with that is it hard to do without asking each individual to do so on a diffrent role and that can be throw off by lying.
I understand that but logistically let's say we go this route and I ask Is Aizen is a Flavour I get back Yes then I respond with I got back No.

The following Day Aizen is in a Action Write Up then that is an easy way to find scum. I understand it's asking every single player to ask a specific and pick and choose who to ask who but we can think about this a little later.

I like WADs idea I just think we can spread the wealth to get multiple questions and answers.
We could ask that but I think it's better to pose broader, more general questions for now as a field test for it.

If it seems to work, we can probably move onto micro-inquiries such as that as a makeshift lie detector or flavor cop, possibly.
I just think 3 questions is too little & we can use this first phase to get more out of Moon Goddess.
lets see do I want to

Lynch Jayjay for death note game
Lynch Supremekage for making the Death Note game
Lynch Santi because I hate him
Lynch WPK for generally being a jackass
Lynch Avito because he sucks and I hate him
Lynch Priscilla for being annoying(in games) little bitch
Lynch Crugyr for being a colossal douche
Lynch C A N T I for sounding like Santi
Lynch Kira because I hate his name
Lynch Novaselinenever because I both hate trying to remember his name and being CR's co host
Lynch Stelios because fuck you
Lynch Iwandesu because fuck mod
Lynch Ishmael because he is 25000 people in one and fuck you
Lynch nfcnorth because his fucking Vikings failed and it pisses me off
Lynch shade for being a noncommital double dick
Lynch Luck because it rhymes with fuck
Or Lynch Waffles because he does not like being excluded from things

Decisions decisions
I'm the nicest jackass around though, you know it to be true.

Kid has potential to learn imo, he seems more receptive to what people have to say if you feed it to him right. It's like tricking your dog to eat his medicine by crushing and mixing the pill into apple sauce.
When I first started here I got dressed down by James, Firestormer and others for always voting NL d1.

Would rather an enthusiastic player then jaded players and spiteful fucks who policy lynch.

Just stop talking shit, it's cringey. I have no intentions of getting anyone modkilled.

I thought you were talking about the DN game (which is ongoing), but now that we're talking about the Jihadfia game, let's laugh at you.

There are many humans on this planet. And some of these humans post on NF. Despite the many differences that these humans have on NF, every single one of them - besides you - will come to the same conclusion about you after they read that game.

You played bad
. I will hire people to run national studies on that game if you still try to blame me for that loss. You claimed cop after scum RNG RB'd you on night 1 or night 2, which then allowed them to chainblock you for the rest of the game. I tried to downplay it because you're from OJ and you're Mohit's friend, but c'mon, dude, that was just straight up garbage. Let's just ignore the fact that you couldn't figure out my role at the very end of the game when it was so damn obvious. That was the icing on the cake. The post-game? I invited an open session of criticism, where nobody on that player list decided to blame me for that loss, except for you. That told me everything I needed to know about you, and I never talked shit to you afterward.

I don't care about personally outplaying you, Canti. You are starting beef between us when there is none. I have never had anything against you, I'm just simply well aware of your skill level. So, just chill out. Don't look down on players that are better than you - learn from them.
To be fair to CANTI, pou outed him as cop to try and build a case on myself and Dr. White.

There are way too many policy choices. Honestly I can bet one has to be scum
Seems you have the first several phases all locked up with these fine policy lynch choices. Even trying to add justification to your "spite" by arguing the odds game.

[Vote Lynch Crugyr]
I understand that but logistically let's say we go this route and I ask Is Aizen is a Flavour I get back Yes then I respond with I got back No.

The following Day Aizen is in a Action Write Up then that is an easy way to find scum. I understand it's asking every single player to ask a specific and pick and choose who to ask who but we can think about this a little later.

I like WADs idea I just think we can spread the wealth to get multiple questions and answers.

I just think 3 questions is too little & we can use this first phase to get more out of Moon Goddess.

Wad's idea is better, we could compare answers and check who is lying or not.

@MAD, after night 1, consider a setup in which each day phase (starting D2) the group members post their answers in a certain pre-determined order. Each day phase (we would schedule them out), the group would have a pre-determined different order of who posts their answer first, second, etc.

The goal would be to reduce the chances of scum lying by posting the popular answer at the last moment.

That is why you ask the top suspects to post their results forst. WAD's plan not only helps us coordinate and figure out the mechanic but blocks mafia from asking their own questions. Very win-win.
Alternatively, you could do this, but this is NF, everyone is a top suspect. :laugh

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