JoJo is absolutely correct.
All the details they said regarding my role are true. However,
I AM town and I will explain what has gone on this phase.
I activated a limited use ability that basically lets me 'rig' a bet, so regardless of the outcome I decide who wins and they get the benefits. I used this on Vanya last night, granting us BOTH death immunity and giving Vanya an upgrade. I'm not too bothered about the upgrade part but I just want to protect Vanya as I know a confirmed townie is a great kill choice for scum.
So why did I accuse JoJo?
Well, I genuinely believed they were scummy. I didn't use any ability on them D1, that was a bluff. Again,
JoJo's explanation of my role is 100% accurate.
My plan was originally to get JoJo lynched. I thought it would be pretty easy and it seemed to be working. However, they called my bluff and revealed my entire role to the thread. Great.
So plan B: Get MYSELF lynched, dodge the lynch due to my immunity, then redirect the lynch to the 2nd most votes (JoJo). I faked a meltdown, made up that role including purposeful mistakes that go against the established mechanics of the game, made really obtuse role claims that would easily be called out for bullshit (I am a very experienced Role Madness host as some of you know, so it shouldn't be far fetched to expect me to make a realistic role up on the spot).
However, after going back and forth with JoJo and getting some third opinions, I am begininng to believe that JoJo may be town and this is indeed a town v town. When townies started role revealing too I realised my actions, based upon my selfish intuition, may be harming town more than good. I'm still not 100% sold JoJo is town but I don't feel confident enough about a scum read on them to pursue this plan further.
So what now?
Well, you can continue lynching me but I won't die, nor will I die to any attacks tonight (nor will Vanya). If my lynch goes through, it will redirect to JoJo as they have the 2nd most amount of votes in the thread.
I wanted to ask JoJo's opinions first before writing this to see what their other scum reads would be and he posted one that I really agree with. I was watching to see other players reaction to this situation and the ones genuinely trying to solve it and casting votes strike me as town. Scum, knowing JoJo and I are town (though they may actually think I'm just a weird troll indie) will probably keep their distance until town decides on JoJo or I to lynch. This is possibly giving scum too much power over what should be my play, so I'm coming clean.
You can choose to believe me or not but I have no reason to lie. JoJo's story is correct, I did target them N1 (and got roleblocked) hence why they found my abilities. Ishamael seeing me visit Vanya also matches my story.