Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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i hope we have one more day phase before threads combine so we can get him tbh

I mean... he basically just stated that he quit (see below). Doubt Nitty would make us take a full day just to lynch him lol.

Also we lost at the point… I’m maf smfh

It’s fucking ridiculous … me and flower were the only ones with a thread presence

Bro this sht is done. I’ve dealt with enough.

Seriously fuck this. I’m out. We could’ve got subs or something. Legit most the team seemed dead.

Bro please stop quoting me with sense.

Idgaf anymore.. LOOK AT MY TEAM

Not watching this thread. Preciate the game and I was hype to see all the familiar faces.

Knowing you Drakke.. in advance… you’re right I’m wrong now leave me tf alone.
Also question how is revan not getting executed over rottkins anyways lmao. rottkins has like 50 posts and revan has 15 :lmao
I dunno, you were playing this game too. :caticon
Day 5 - Rottkins (Serika) and TAC (LBD) are lynched
@Rottkins (Serika Onoe) was executed!

Serika Onoe
from Chaos Child
Durability rating: 3

[Active - Tactical - The Perfect Murder Mystery] -
Serika wants to give other players the thrill of solving a murder. During the day, Serika can use this ability to gift another player one use of [Follow the Clues]. When Serika's target uses Follow the Clues, Serika will learn their result.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Follow the Clues] - During the night, this player can track another player to learn who they visit. This ability expires if it is not used in the same cycle it was given.

[Active - Physical - Murder She Wrote] - Serika helps create murders for other players to solve. During the night, Serika can kill another player. Once Serika successfully kills her first victim, she will permanently appear guilty to alignment investigations. Serika can only use this ability if she used [The Perfect Murder Mystery] that day.

[Innate - Everything Must be Perfect] - Serika is trying to guide other players toward solving murders. If the player Serika gifted [Follow the Clues] that day uses it to observe a murder that night, Serika will be emboldened, enabling her to use [The Perfect Murder Mystery] again the next day. If Serika’s target did not observe any murders, then she will need to rethink her plans, and she cannot use The Perfect Murder Mystery again until the following cycle.

[Innate – Schoolgirl] - Serika must maintain her appearance as an innocent, normal high school student. Serika cannot discuss her [Murder She Wrote] ability with other players, nor can she ever admit to attacking anyone. Serika must always maintain that she is innocent, and completely deny having any killing abilities. Serika cannot deliberately put herself in positions to be caught, such as telling another player to follow her when she attempts a kill. If another player tries to gift Serika a killing ability, she will decline it. If the moderator sees Serika disregarding this ability, she will be arrested and removed from the game. The host expects Serika to cooperate with this ability, and if Serika decides to test her boundaries, she should beware that the consequences may be fatal.

[Passive - Getting In on the Fun] - Serika enjoys solving murders almost as much as she enjoys watching other people solve them. If Serika helps to lynch or kill a guilty player, she can use [Follow the Clues] the next night.

[Active - Tactical - Social Club] - During the day, Serika can invite another player to join her social club. If they accept, Serika will permanently mark them as one of her [Friends].

[Active - Tactical - Sitting at the Same Table] - During the night, Serika can choose one of her [Friends] to spend the next day with. That day, Serika and her friend can discuss the game outside of the game thread. Serika should beware she must still adhere to [Schoolgirl] in her friends chat.

@TheAncientCenturion (Lady Bone Demon) was lynched!

Lady Bone Demon
from Monkie Kid
durability rating: 2

[Innate - Phantom] -
Lady Bone Demon exists as a disembodied spirit, protecting her against physical abilities.

[Passive - The Mysterious Whisperer] - Lady Bone Demon can hypnotize anyone who listens to her lies. Lady Bone Demon can fool lie detectors, and if another player uses a lie detector on Lady Bone Demon, she will learn their name and corrupt the results of all their investigative abilities for the rest of the current cycle and the next cycle.

[Active - Magical - Hiding in the Shadows] - During the night Lady Bone Demon can hide behind another player, redirecting abilities used on Lady Bone Demon to her target. Lady Bone Demon can also roleblock her target, and if the roleblock is successful Lady Bone Demon will possess them, marking them with [A Vessel for Evil].

[A Vessel for Evil] - This player is possessed by Lady Bone Demon, who controls their voting power. This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Active - Physical - Watch Them Dance] - During the night, Lady Bone Demon can control one player marked by [A Vessel for Evil] to make them kill another player.

TAC, you were one sneaky lady! Thank you for fighting until the bitter end. You just may have bought your team the time they need to turn things around!

Now, sashay away.

Tonight is the last phase before the games combined. At the end of the night, after I process all the actions, the games will join and the next day phase will be played with everyone.

Night 5 start
Night 5 - Ishmael (Ekko) dies
@Ishmael (Ekko) died tonight!


from League of Legends
Durability rating: 2

[Passive – Z-Drive Resonance] -
When Ekko visits another player, he uses time magic to mark them with [Resonance] and [Afterimages].

[Resonance] - If Ekko visits a player marked with Resonance, Ekko will consume the mark to empower himself, protecting Ekko against roleblocks and vote tampering for that night and the following day. This mark is permanent until it is consumed.

[Afterimages] - For every player currently marked by [Afterimages], Ekko gains an extra voting power. This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Active - Physical - Phase Dive] - During the night, Ekko can tackle another player to disarm them.

[Active - Magical - Chronoshift] - During the night, Ekko can hide behind one player marked by [Afterimages], redirecting abilities used on Ekko to that player. Chronoshift does not apply Afterimages to the player Ekko hides behind, but it does apply [Resonance]. Ekko cannot use Chronoshift two nights in a row, and if he uses Chronoshift, he cannot use any other active abilities that night.

[One Shot Active – Physical - Timewinder] - During the night Ekko can throw a temporal grenade at another player, marking them with [Temporal Anomaly] and temporarily granting Ekko an extra life for that night and the next day. Ekko will also learn the names of anyone who visits his target that night, and he will mark them all with [Resonance], [Afterimages] and [Temporal Anomaly]. If Ekko helps lynch or kill a guilty player, he will gain an extra charge of this ability. If Ekko is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Temporal Anomaly] - If this player uses a harmful ability on Ekko, he will counter their ability. This counter is a physical effect. If this player has fewer than 3 lives remaining, they are made vulnerable. This mark expires at the end of the next day.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - The Time Bandit] - On his way out of League of Legends, Ekko stole an extra Flash! Ekko can use this ability as a second Flash. If Ekko is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

Group 1 end

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