Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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And based on what you knew a yoen who viewed this three caught up to EOD pages?

Townreading Nfcnorth based on what? What scumhunting did he do? I guess it doesn't matter if he is acting scummy now since you town lean him day 1. You think read cannot change?

The Ancient

Rottkins just gut feeling

No idea what you mean with your first sentence.

You're right, my town lean on him is weak, and is based on the few posts he has made seeming genuine, helpful and smart. Just a gut feeling to be honest. But it's still a town lean.

I agree with you about The Ancient Centurion for sure. Dude needs to do better. Honestly confused about Laix and Jojo... might be both town tbh, or just a strange mafia.

Vanya and Vivo are easy reads. And the only other town read you give is Rottkins "gut" feel. There are like 25+ other people in this thread, I'd like to hear more than just the 7 of these people.

Not trying to press you, just want to hear your reads on others.
No idea what you mean with your first sentence.

You're right, my town lean on him is weak, and is based on the few posts he has made seeming genuine, helpful and smart. Just a gut feeling to be honest. But it's still a town lean.

I agree with you about The Ancient Centurion for sure. Dude needs to do better. Honestly confused about Laix and Jojo... might be both town tbh, or just a strange mafia.

Vanya and Vivo are easy reads. And the only other town read you give is Rottkins "gut" feel. There are like 25+ other people in this thread, I'd like to hear more than just the 7 of these people.

Not trying to press you, just want to hear your reads on others.
My apologize if I was rude. These 4 are my strongest scum read now. I might throw Lukundo into my scum pile. He defended Flower yesterday then he chose to vote Flower. The sudden change in vote pinged me
Yes, Laix has quite the trolling attitude.

Any thoughts on the rest of the game? This is your second post of the game. And there are execution votes on you.
I see,

Yeah, I got back from out of city, and have had other commitments, so I've found time to today to attempt to catch up. As for the votes, I'd say it is fair as I've not been active as one would hope which would put suspicion on me unfortunately.

UB asking Vanya whom vote for, did make me raise a brow, whether he was joking or not. As it seems like they are trying to get credit by siding with Vanya, rather than coming to an independent vote. But could be reading to much into it. This being under the assumption Vanya is most likely town.
The way they said they suspected me based on my activity... Huh? I'm 2 years post retirement and I'm not an unemployed teenager, of course I'm not going to be as active. Yeah I fluff a lot but that's always been how I play regardless of alignment.

My main reasoning for JoJo being scum is how they responded to my poking. They have been super defensive since day 1 and have basically replied with 'no u' whenever I suggested they were acting suspiciously. Their ability is also absolutely viable to have on a scum team.

Like okay maybe there is a 1% chance I'm wrong on JoJo but I'm really trusting my instinct (whatever is left of it).
According to the whining Draekke, this has been resolved so whatever but

Nothing that Laix is saying makes sense in the head if they've done what their role claims to have done. Like, they claim the 3 name group X mafia ability yet their against JoJo for other reasons. If I had that ability, that would defo be reason number 1 after I claim
According to the whining Draekke, this has been resolved so whatever but

Nothing that Laix is saying makes sense in the head if they've done what their role claims to have done. Like, they claim the 3 name group X mafia ability yet their against JoJo for other reasons. If I had that ability, that would defo be reason number 1 after I claim
Look, do what you wanna do. You posting like you do isn't going to make me think any less or any kind of lean. Like I said, it just confuses me sometimes when you post up to date stuff and then jump back in time lol.

More a me issue than anything lol.
saw Laix's post.
Just wait until you get to the REAL Laix post lol.

Alright I'm dipping for the night. I'm honestly confused as who we should be voting for. I don't hate the idea of voting Laix to prove the unlynchable thing, but I'd rather have a better choice than what we assume to be a mislynch - remember that there's vote fuckery out there, so we can't just hold onto a smaller, second stack as that could be easily manipulated!
Just wait until you get to the REAL Laix post lol.

Alright I'm dipping for the night. I'm honestly confused as who we should be voting for. I don't hate the idea of voting Laix to prove the unlynchable thing, but I'd rather have a better choice than what we assume to be a mislynch - remember that there's vote fuckery out there, so we can't just hold onto a smaller, second stack as that could be easily manipulated!

Until something better comes along - [Change Vote Lynch Laix].
Don't vote Laix.

JoJo is Town and also is claiming they're unlynchable.

I don't think we need to prove anything, Draekke.

Apparently there's another Laix post so I might just be wrong here but I think with confidence at this point, we can't kill Laix

Until something better comes along - [Change Vote Lynch Laix].

Lol @ the timing.
I'm game for this.

[VOTE LYNCH Saturday]
I think today might be a good day where we don’t force people to consolidate on votes. I looked at Game 2 d1 and they had 3 wagons and quite a bit of analysis coming from it. Giving others the opportunity to be independent and holding their agency against them tomorrow while viewing it in tandem with their activity, reads, voting patterns, etc. might be the next best way to game solve considering we have nothing outstanding
AM and his vote on me looked bad too, i dont think he replied to me anymore after i explained why i put my vote on LG. If he voted me to distract from flower then thats been some weak attempt.
I voted for Flower. :drake

But I had explained why my initial vote was on you, #2,580. It's the way you said it. That you were catching up and saw where the wagon was building, and so you jumped on it.
i read up to like page 8 (i have 80 posts per page or smth)

and i voted him since it seemed like the main wagon, usually good to have clear target instead of spreading votes
Like I said before, this type of jumping on the wagon is scummy.
Day 3 - Vote Count 1
Remember to use [Vote Lynch] or [Change Vote Lynch]
And for execute it's [Vote Execute] or [Change Vote Execute]
Let me know if I made any mistakes

Lynch candidates

1. Admiral Fujitora
2. Alibaba Saluja
3. Alwaysmind
4. Draekke
5. Hidden
6. Ishmael
7. JoJo
8. Karma
9. Laix
10. Legend
11. Lind
12. Mich
13. nfcnorth
14. Owner Of A Lonely Heart
15. Rottkins
16. Saturday
17. Shrike
18. The Lukundo
19. Underworld Broker
20. Vanya

Day 3 execution candidates:

1. Revan Reborn
2. Sallucion
3. Cooler
4. Vivo Diez

Vote Leaderboard
Laix - 4
Alwaysmind - 3
Saturday - 3
Mango/Jojo/Nfcnorth - 1

Cooler - 4
Revan - 3
Sallucion - 1
Well I mean, I have voted for you. So you're up there, lol.

Well for starters, the extremely low posters (definition so nobody bites my head off for missing someone - 50 posts or less) should get in here already and start playing the game.

Didn't mention Saturday below since he's been in here already and has said he'll be gone for a bit.

@FLORIDA MAN - How to have a read on this guy.
@Rottkins - seems earnest, but isn't doing much
@nfcnorth - town lean, but work harder dude. You have some decent posts
@Legend - barely remember you posting, aside from our convo about my playstyle
@Ishmael - I'd lean scum here. Heard he was good back in the day, but hasn't done anything interesting really
@Underworld Broker - unsure, I've waffled a couple times but nothing sticks
@Lind - has done the most out of this group
@Shrike - has acted like he's being helpful, but hasn't really been that helpful.

I suspect at least one mafia in the above group, if not more. town/indy lean Lind though.

Aside from that, I have mangosenpai as scum lean - posted inane things and just being oblivious.

Honestly don't like Alibaba Saluja's posting style and consistent communing with group 2. It's not a terrible thing to read up on the game, but to go so far as listen to them for your in-game choices is scummy. Lets you say "oh I was just listening to Ekko" or something.

AG was my biggest town read aside from Vanya, obviously. Flower was biggest scum read. Working on increasing these pools.
The conversation was actually about my playstyle and reasoning for not being on the Day 1 Lynch :zaru
It’s weird because they have both been going at it and I guess dancing unknowingly but what are the odds it’s just bullheaded town v town?

we can afford a lost but can also avoid one too perhaps.
Thats exactly what happened
Spoiler: Reads
1. @Admiral Fujitora TOWNISH
2. @Alibaba Saluja
3. @Alwaysmind SCUMMY
5. @Draekke UNSURE
7. @Hidden LIKELY TOWN
8. @Ishmael LIKELY TOWN
10. @Karma LIKELY TOWN
12. @Legend
13. @Lind
14. @MangoSenpai SCUMMY
15. @Mich
16. @nfcnorth UNSURE
17. @Owner Of A Lonely Heart SCUMMY
19. @Rottkins
21. @Saturday A BIT SCUMMY
22. @Shrike LIKELY TOWN
23. @The Lukundo
24. @TheAncientCenturion
25. @Traveling Swordsman
26. @Ultra
27. @Underworld Broker UNSURE

Post JoJo-gate reads
Im town kween thot
Reminder that I haven't played mafia in YEARS so idk most of the players here so this only based on what I've read here, and I have no info through actions (I copy/pasted Laix list and just changed what I don't agree with)

1. @Admiral Fujitora UNSURE
2. @Alibaba Saluja I have no idea
3. @Alwaysmind SCUMMY
5. @Draekke Likely Town
7. @Hidden Unsure
8. @Ishmael Scummy
10. @Karma Unsure
11. @Laix honestly, still wishy washy but if he really typed all that info and was still mafia I'm impressed
12. @Legend - leaning scummy but not as much as the others
13. @Lind - unsure
14. @MangoSenpai a little scummy
15. @Mich - no clue
16. @nfcnorth UNSURE
17. @Owner Of A Lonely Heart SCUMMY
19. @Rottkins - idk
21. @Saturday - def town
22. @Shrike LIKELY TOWN
23. @The Lukundo - idk
24. @TheAncientCenturion - idk
25. @Traveling Swordsman - Scummy
26. @Ultra - idk
27. @Underworld Broker UNSURE
Im toooooown
@Laix, after reading through your back and forth with Jojo and the reveals. I do have a question, what were you doing on night and was that what made you the lone defender of Flower on Day 2? I lean town on you im just curious as to why you took that position.

I’ll presume you mean N1, I targeted JoJo to try make a bet with him hence why he found out my role

And I genuinely believed flower to be town at the beginning of the phase as I didn’t like the way her wagon started. Towards the end though I wasn’t convinced, especially once she’d given up.

That was also a factor in me not trusting myself with what I was doing this phase as I’d already gotten it wrong
I’ll presume you mean N1, I targeted JoJo to try make a bet with him hence why he found out my role

And I genuinely believed flower to be town at the beginning of the phase as I didn’t like the way her wagon started. Towards the end though I wasn’t convinced, especially once she’d given up.

That was also a factor in me not trusting myself with what I was doing this phase as I’d already gotten it wrong
Yeah sorry I meant N1, must have missed the key lol.

Okay that makes sense, her anger was probably also influenced by her scumteam giving up on her and piling on.

Always follow thy gut.
I voted for Flower. :drake

But I had explained why my initial vote was on you, #2,580. It's the way you said it. That you were catching up and saw where the wagon was building, and so you jumped on it.

Like I said before, this type of jumping on the wagon is scummy.

Its not really that deep since i usually prefer having my vote placed, id say that as scum i would've been at least aware of the eligible stuff for next day so likely wouldve placed my vote a lot earlier to avoid suspicion or just not vote at all (even tho the latter would look bad)
And yea ofc ud vote flower, bussing is a thing
I didnt follow the last 12 hours, dont know where we at

Cooler seems to have most votes so far, followed by revan reborn and sallu has a vote too

I'll go with cooler for now i guess [Vote execute Cooler]
Also i think i saw him posting earlier in the game but seems like he fell flat in activity, remids me a lot of his scum meta
Catching up is the real scum this game lol.

I think the case against you is weak and I have a town read on you. If there's any significant push, I'd be against it since I've read you town since D1.
I recall you saying Dreakke was filling the thread too much with self-defensive posts last day phase and that it was saturating the thread and starting to give you a negative impression on him. I can't quite remember the post too well, but why make a post like that if you'd be against any significant push on him.

Or is this a new stance you've taken for today?

I can give ppl extra lives. Which is y i was surprised mafia managed to kill AG. It seems their kill passed through any extra lives.
Scum probably super killed him.

I’d prefer AM but I see people are going to put up a resistance towards that.
That would mean we're on the right track, though. Because AM was/is widely scum read so resistance to it still, would mean we're probably going somewhere with it tbh.

Were it up to me I would lynch TS or TAC rn but they are not in the pool, though Im sure scum slid in. Im also confused as to whats happened with the Jojo and Laix stuff ngl because hes town reading him no, can I get a TLDR.
It was kinda a cluster fuck lol. Basically:
- Jojo got an ability belonging to Laix.
- Laix lied saying it's not his to get Jojo lynched 'cause he scum read him.
- Lot's of back and forth later, Laix town leaned Jojo and came out with the truth.

However @Laix you were still telling the truth that someone attacked Vanya, right?

Seriously, though, what is a POE? Vanya wouldn't answer me.
PoE - (P)rocess (o)f (E)limination.

Basically your suspect pool.

I see,

Yeah, I got back from out of city, and have had other commitments, so I've found time to today to attempt to catch up. As for the votes, I'd say it is fair as I've not been active as one would hope which would put suspicion on me unfortunately.

UB asking Vanya whom vote for, did make me raise a brow, whether he was joking or not. As it seems like they are trying to get credit by siding with Vanya, rather than coming to an independent vote. But could be reading to much into it. This being under the assumption Vanya is most likely town.
Alright this post basically does these:
- Says that he's fine with the execution and deserves the suspicion and the votes.
- Throws a suspicion on Broki for asking Vanya who to vote for which is reasoned quite well imo.
- The last sentence augments and supports the previous one quite well to me.

Yeah, this is really genuine. I wouldn't be throwing my execution vote here and actually have a slight town lean on this slot.

[Vote execute Cooler]
Continued reads:

- I think Legend is town based on his posts and vote towards Flower day 1 for now.
- I slightly town lean Raven as stated previously.

- Nfcnorth - I still kinda scum lean him. His posts are, like, hard to describe. Like yes, I know that he knows what he's talking about, but I just don't see him actively pushing the discussion when he is online. @nfcnorth you said you town read AM, right? What do you think of this wagon on him now? Also, your read on Saturday if you could?

- Owner dropped to my null list from town leans. Her last minute vote on Flower last day pinged me hard.
---- Also, I can't recall significant interaction between her and Flower. Correct me, if I'm mistaken @Owner Of A Lonely Heart

- Shrike is town lean based on his push towards Flower on day 1 and day 2 for now.

- In fact even TAC mentioned all of us voting Flower day 1 and pressuring her to claim. But later he just stuck to tunneling Vanya more and then last day he put himself and me over Flower lol. If anyone's been inconsistent, it's him, and I legit can't understand his stance anymore. Also, one of the few who town reads AM @TheAncientCenturion
Remember to use [Vote Lynch] or [Change Vote Lynch]
And for execute it's [Vote Execute] or [Change Vote Execute]
Let me know if I made any mistakes

Lynch candidates

1. Admiral Fujitora
2. Alibaba Saluja
3. Alwaysmind
4. Draekke
5. Hidden
6. Ishmael
7. JoJo
8. Karma
9. Laix
10. Legend
11. Lind
12. Mich
13. nfcnorth
14. Owner Of A Lonely Heart
15. Rottkins
16. Saturday
17. Shrike
18. The Lukundo
19. Underworld Broker
20. Vanya

Day 3 execution candidates:

1. Revan Reborn
2. Sallucion
3. Cooler
4. Vivo Diez

Vote Leaderboard
Laix - 4
Alwaysmind - 3
Saturday - 3
Mango/Jojo/Nfcnorth - 1

Cooler - 4
Revan - 3
Sallucion - 1
Interestingly enough, UB isn't voting on the AM wagon here despite being quite vocal about scum reading him because AM misinterpreted her vote or something.

@Underworld Broker

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