Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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Catching up to see what's happening (work break)


Hidden visited Vanya last night. All of them. It’s confirmed.

But ok so to recap;

@Shrike saw Vanya bleeding or poisoning I don't remember
Andrew presumably gave him a ticket
@Laix claims to have protected him

giving laix the benefit of doubt, then it's most likely that Owner of a lonely heart is the baddie here.

I know what my action is, but I don't see a reason to disclose it as of this time.

Did I miss any names @Ishmael

I didn’t in my post I said that could explain laix saying she protected Vanya.. that was my way of saying she’s apart of the pool.

Should’ve just been blunt huh?

One of these three tried to shoot Vanya last night

@Owner Of A Lonely Heart What did you do to Vanya last night?

@JoJo Any comment about ish confirming laix visited vanya last night?

ah hidden too

Ok, hm

So the unnacounted for are myself, Hidden and Owner then.

I am gonna be simpleminded and say it's Owner still that is our bad guy.

But how did @Shrike know vanya was bleedin

Basically and that’s where I’m leading this too.

I remember folks called to heal Vanya but with laix claiming the only healing role or whatever and you seem confident so I don’t sus you…. It’s leaves owner.

who has no thread presence and gives excuses. It’s easier to just let your team hold thread presence and you let them or send your own actions.

andrews dead so yeah.

Vanya said it in the thread a few times.

Doesn't mean he guaranteed protected him. He had other abilities as I saw.

I dont think he's lying about it, but I think he is lying about what he did.

babe what were YOU doing visiting Vanya

No comment.


This. I believe laix obviously visiting but what they did is up in the air. It’s not fucking telling and that role is one maxed ass doctor… but it is favorites I guess.

But from my understanding. This favorites is more tactical based than role fuckery and laix role is FUCKERY THROUGH AND THROUGH.
I understand from what I read that Laix and Jojo are most probably t/t looking at the claims, and the scum reads are coming from playstyle. Conviction from both of them makes me put them in my town pile

I saw in Ishmael's claim that 5 players visited Vanya - (someone should protect Ishmael imo), he and other 4, and one of the 4 tried to kill Vanya? If that's true probably the wolves have one killing action except the factional who probably was on AG.
I don't know yet who claimed what, so I have to continue reading, the mechanical part is a nightmare in favorites, I rememeber how it was last year
You also, haven't had much thread presence from what I've seen. I don't see where the difference is. We apparently both received the same information.

I'm just didn't say it from the start. It's easier to claim something that hasn't been previously claimed. But that was in fact my action. It almost makes me wonder if you maybe somehow knew that I was receiving that information and then with Vanya's call for claims thought it be the perfect time to share it.

But in the same vein, it is still: I know that we all visited him.

There was no kill night 1, but there was a kill night 2. Does it make sense for us to be missing a kill on Vanya? Or why wasn't there a separate outcry day 2? I guess there was only 1 bleed?

I guess overall. I'm unsure about Ishmael, Mango and Hidden. But if we are missing a kill on Vanya among that list, we would also be missing a kill from day 1 too.
So you think I’m sus due to the information that was given?
Or you suspect something?

you can look at little postings before I revealed that information and you can see me attempting to put things together without saying much. As always most brushed over the @s. Now we’re here.
Hidden visited Vanya?
What I did notice in regards to Saturday was their town read of TravelingSwordsman (TS). In fact, I think they're the only player to have town read TS in this game thus far unless I'm forgetting someone.

I think Draekke asked them why they town read TS, but I don't remember their answer. In fact, I don't remember if the question was even asked tbh. @Saturday feel free to expand now please.

Also, TS is pushing NFC as a lynch right now amidst a Saturday wagon. Although I believe if him and Saturday were aligned, then his vote on AM would benefit Saturday much more than a vote on NFC currently.

In this regard, if Saturday is indeed mafia, I would possibly expect the TS town read to be pocket attempt from Saturday because TS' vote on NFC from a teammate perspective doesn't make much sense in saving Saturday. And even if his vote on Alwaysmind is telling when and if Saturday gets lynched and flips scum, he would still be out of the lynch pool the following day and this time with a may be more legitimate reason than his previous reasons.

So yeah, there could be teammate equity here between them if one of them is scum, but less likely on both for now.

This is based only on a single read and vote, though so it's not very strong, but one I'm willing to consider tbh.
U can laugh at me but i fell asleep while Reading here lol
@Rottkins u said u caught up, what are ur general thoughts?

If someone had a secret relationship with aliens, who would it be?
Fuck sex I would be the best bros with any kind of an alien

[vote lynch Rottkins] I'll probably change it later. I just don't really remember them.
Don't worry I will be remembered as the stupid one with funny drawings :mitsukidefeat
And based on what you knew a yoen who viewed this three caught up to EOD pages?

Townreading Nfcnorth based on what? What scumhunting did he do? I guess it doesn't matter if he is acting scummy now since you town lean him day 1. You think read cannot change?

The Ancient

Rottkins just gut feeling

what made you town read vivo? He’s been a ghost for the most part. Possibly just meeting requirements.

This is a safe list of reads.

what do you make of Saturday and AM?

I don’t like karma either. I’ve seen folks give them credit but the play doesn’t match it imo. It isn’t deserved. Especially in this day.
I mean either you didn’t read or you’re scum because a vote for me is a vote for always mind lol

I don’t blame you, but you cannot disagree that a lynch against me is a huge waste of time when it will just bounce to #2 anyway

I believe AM and Saturday aren’t on the same team. One is scum, but the other isn’t.

Thank you for the reminder, I didn't realize that AM was the next highest vote. I have reason to believe his Miller claim, so I'd prefer to move away from Alwaysmind as the second lynch candidate and put it onto Saturday.

[Change Vote Lynch Saturday]

I didn't like his vote on DDL, I didn't like his excuse "well I was going to say something, but since everyone missed it, I figured I'd not say anything" - very anti-town mindset.

The conversation was actually about my playstyle and reasoning for not being on the Day 1 Lynch :zaru

Thats exactly what happened

Im town kween thot

Im toooooown

I think this shows how much I don't remember about your interactions, tbh. The only thing I remember is mentioning that Law is my brother and that's why my playstyle can come across very argumentative lol.

You’d have to at least skim to understand its long to explain lol but basically a lot of townies role revealed and we are lynching AM due to their weird interactions and claiming miller despite there already being miller claims

See above, I think his miller claim to be legit.

oh and we’re both unkillable this cycle

Who is we?

Catching up is the real scum this game lol.

I recall you saying Dreakke was filling the thread too much with self-defensive posts last day phase and that it was saturating the thread and starting to give you a negative impression on him. I can't quite remember the post too well, but why make a post like that if you'd be against any significant push on him.

Or is this a new stance you've taken for today?

Scum probably super killed him.

That would mean we're on the right track, though. Because AM was/is widely scum read so resistance to it still, would mean we're probably going somewhere with it tbh.

It was kinda a cluster fuck lol. Basically:
- Jojo got an ability belonging to Laix.
- Laix lied saying it's not his to get Jojo lynched 'cause he scum read him.
- Lot's of back and forth later, Laix town leaned Jojo and came out with the truth.

However @Laix you were still telling the truth that someone attacked Vanya, right?

PoE - (P)rocess (o)f (E)limination.

Basically your suspect pool.

Alright this post basically does these:
- Says that he's fine with the execution and deserves the suspicion and the votes.
- Throws a suspicion on Broki for asking Vanya who to vote for which is reasoned quite well imo.
- The last sentence augments and supports the previous one quite well to me.

Yeah, this is really genuine. I wouldn't be throwing my execution vote here and actually have a slight town lean on this slot.

[Vote execute Cooler]

Again, I'd like to re-examine the Alwaysmind train here. If it's due to the miller claim, I'd like to ask we move on from him at least for now.

POE - Process of Elimination group... this seems like a terrible idea, Vanya, to shrink the already small pool of lynch targets that we already have to deal with. Why do you think this would be a good idea, exactly?

Continued reads:

- I think Legend is town based on his posts and vote towards Flower day 1 for now.
- I slightly town lean Raven as stated previously.

- Nfcnorth - I still kinda scum lean him. His posts are, like, hard to describe. Like yes, I know that he knows what he's talking about, but I just don't see him actively pushing the discussion when he is online. @nfcnorth you said you town read AM, right? What do you think of this wagon on him now? Also, your read on Saturday if you could?

- Owner dropped to my null list from town leans. Her last minute vote on Flower last day pinged me hard.
---- Also, I can't recall significant interaction between her and Flower. Correct me, if I'm mistaken @Owner Of A Lonely Heart

- Shrike is town lean based on his push towards Flower on day 1 and day 2 for now.

- In fact even TAC mentioned all of us voting Flower day 1 and pressuring her to claim. But later he just stuck to tunneling Vanya more and then last day he put himself and me over Flower lol. If anyone's been inconsistent, it's him, and I legit can't understand his stance anymore. Also, one of the few who town reads AM @TheAncientCenturion

TheAncientCenturion is very much in my group of scumleans for his what you've said and his lack of substance and the fact that he seemed to use D3 as a time to post a bunch so to seem active.

what made you town read vivo? He’s been a ghost for the most part. Possibly just meeting requirements.

This is a safe list of reads.

what do you make of Saturday and AM?

I don’t like karma either. I’ve seen folks give them credit but the play doesn’t match it imo. It isn’t deserved. Especially in this day.

Vivo was outed as Vanya's partner very early D2. By Vanya, for the record.
I think today might be a good day where we don’t force people to consolidate on votes. I looked at Game 2 d1 and they had 3 wagons and quite a bit of analysis coming from it. Giving others the opportunity to be independent and holding their agency against them tomorrow while viewing it in tandem with their activity, reads, voting patterns, etc. might be the next best way to game solve considering we have nothing outstanding
I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this JoJo post.

I'm not 100% sure it's the right idea to start splitting the lynch pool again. We got lucky once, and Flower kind of fell into our lap with Vanya's lynch ability.

I understand JoJo's point about reads and stuff, but Game 2 isn't exactly the bright and shiny example we want to be following now, is it?
what made you town read vivo? He’s been a ghost for the most part. Possibly just meeting requirements.

This is a safe list of reads.

what do you make of Saturday and AM?

I don’t like karma either. I’ve seen folks give them credit but the play doesn’t match it imo. It isn’t deserved. Especially in this day.
Saturday: Said he saw something about DDL. Then when I and Draekke asked him what did he see he didn't answer. Now he answered when he was suspected by a lot of players.
Always Mind: I cannot read him tbf. He mentioned something about certain player joined Roman Empire but the host said if someone is converted, it will appear on the write up.
Vivo: He was confirmed by Vanya who is confirmed town.

Karma: Laix said he targeted Vanya, Karma and Jojo and he could detect scums among these 3 players. Vanya is confirmed town. So it's between Jojo and Karma or both could be scums. Laix then townread Jojo. Then why didn't he switch his vote to Karma? He also townread Karma. I asked Laix but he hasn't replied.
You’d have to at least skim to understand its long to explain lol but basically a lot of townies role revealed and we are lynching AM due to their weird interactions and claiming miller despite there already being miller claims
I claimed miller before anybody else, sorry Laix, you lose.
Thank you for the reminder, I didn't realize that AM was the next highest vote. I have reason to believe his Miller claim, so I'd prefer to move away from Alwaysmind as the second lynch candidate and put it onto Saturday.

[Change Vote Lynch Saturday]

I didn't like his vote on DDL, I didn't like his excuse "well I was going to say something, but since everyone missed it, I figured I'd not say anything" - very anti-town mindset.

I think this shows how much I don't remember about your interactions, tbh. The only thing I remember is mentioning that Law is my brother and that's why my playstyle can come across very argumentative lol.

See above, I think his miller claim to be legit.

Who is we?

Again, I'd like to re-examine the Alwaysmind train here. If it's due to the miller claim, I'd like to ask we move on from him at least for now.

POE - Process of Elimination group... this seems like a terrible idea, Vanya, to shrink the already small pool of lynch targets that we already have to deal with. Why do you think this would be a good idea, exactly?

TheAncientCenturion is very much in my group of scumleans for his what you've said and his lack of substance and the fact that he seemed to use D3 as a time to post a bunch so to seem active.

Vivo was outed as Vanya's partner very early D2. By Vanya, for the record.
I don’t like TS at all then. His reads are to safe. Two confirmed townies? Claims rottkins is a gut.

scum are reads he sheeps for cred. You, north, laix and ancient were all people extremely well received D1… well not laix but still. All well received who have just now started gaining negative opinions from others. These are cheap reads.

I don’t like him basically bowing to you once you asked him about this by apologizing when there wasn’t anything to apologize about imo.
What I did notice in regards to Saturday was their town read of TravelingSwordsman (TS). In fact, I think they're the only player to have town read TS in this game thus far unless I'm forgetting someone.

I think Draekke asked them why they town read TS, but I don't remember their answer. In fact, I don't remember if the question was even asked tbh. @Saturday feel free to expand now please.

Also, TS is pushing NFC as a lynch right now amidst a Saturday wagon. Although I believe if him and Saturday were aligned, then his vote on AM would benefit Saturday much more than a vote on NFC currently.

In this regard, if Saturday is indeed mafia, I would possibly expect the TS town read to be pocket attempt from Saturday because TS' vote on NFC from a teammate perspective doesn't make much sense in saving Saturday. And even if his vote on Alwaysmind is telling when and if Saturday gets lynched and flips scum, he would still be out of the lynch pool the following day and this time with a may be more legitimate reason than his previous reasons.

So yeah, there could be teammate equity here between them if one of them is scum, but less likely on both for now.

This is based only on a single read and vote, though so it's not very strong, but one I'm willing to consider tbh.
This whole post was a waste of time.
However @Laix you were still telling the truth that someone attacked Vanya, right?

I don't know if someone definitely attacked Vanya. I'm just making the assumption that, between the players who visited Vanya last night that aren't confirmed, an attack was likely as confirmed town is always a good scum kill.

I claimed miller before anybody else, sorry Laix, you lose.

You should know that miller is a great go-to claim for scum, especially when cops are involved!

No joke I thought AM was being serious wen he said he made flour for a living

Idk if I believe the game has 2 millers tho

Y’all giving me way too much energy. I’m ok getting lynched tho. Just backtrack and look how people jumped on me next phase tho.
Ppl have asked u stuff but since ur last post, and u responded with defeatism. Flower went out the same way too.
You’re consistent. Your reads/suspicions go back to D1.

@Traveling Swordsman i do agree nfc post are to null almost. He comments on things without really commenting on them. None of it pushes discussion or starts a new narrative.

your town reads add up to previous things you’ve said as well.

Saturday looks horrible but we could kill him. They don’t seem interested in defending themselves and at best we get another useless player gone.

which one of your scum reads would you start a wagon on?
Ok @Ekkologix

This one for you


[Execute Atlantic Storm]

How did he die?

Anyone else find this post from Alibaba odd? I can't say that I really understand their playstyle, but this doesn't sound like the floating, ethereal, self-proclaimed medium sarcastically posting, it sounded like an actual question to Mich at the time.

Also I went back through their most recent posts, and of the last 20 or so posts, only one or two have been anything about this game other than chatting with random people and fluff posting. Also doesn't seem to be following our game as much as game 2?

Of your serious posts, you quickly replied to AG about your read on The Lukundo, you voted Flower, but only hesitantly at the end.

Saturday: Said he saw something about DDL. Then when I and Draekke asked him what did he see he didn't answer. Now he answered when he was suspected by a lot of players.
Always Mind: I cannot read him tbf. He mentioned something about certain player joined Roman Empire but the host said if someone is converted, it will appear on the write up.
Vivo: He was confirmed by Vanya who is confirmed town.

Karma: Laix said he targeted Vanya, Karma and Jojo and he could detect scums among these 3 players. Vanya is confirmed town. So it's between Jojo and Karma or both could be scums. Laix then townread Jojo. Then why didn't he switch his vote to Karma? He also townread Karma. I asked Laix but he hasn't replied.

You're missing info here, TS. Laix has since refuted that claim.

I don’t like TS at all then. His reads are to safe. Two confirmed townies? Claims rottkins is a gut.

scum are reads he sheeps for cred. You, north, laix and ancient were all people extremely well received D1… well not laix but still. All well received who have just now started gaining negative opinions from others. These are cheap reads.

I don’t like him basically bowing to you once you asked him about this by apologizing when there wasn’t anything to apologize about imo.

I definitely agree with you. Seemingly only having started hunting Day 3, again after some prodding by me. It seemed out of character, his sudden change in tone to me, but I also feel now after a few days back into mafia that I was probably being quite a bit of a dick lol. But it's also not like we can vote him right now anyways.
baby my role got posted to the thread against my will and a tracker confirmed who I targeted... a bit late for that now
You can choose not to reveal that you and Vanya are immune to kill tonight. Why did you choose to reveal it? If scums target you and Vanya then they would waste their night action. It would benefit town a lot. Also did you lie about your ability to detect scums from 3 players you targeted? You haven't answered this question.
You’re consistent. Your reads/suspicions go back to D1.

@Traveling Swordsman i do agree nfc post are to null almost. He comments on things without really commenting on them. None of it pushes discussion or starts a new narrative.

your town reads add up to previous things you’ve said as well.

Saturday looks horrible but we could kill him. They don’t seem interested in defending themselves and at best we get another useless player gone.

which one of your scum reads would you start a wagon on?
The Ancient is not eligible lynch today. I want to lynch him the most. From eligible lynch I prefer Nfcnorth and possibly Laix.
Thank you for the reminder, I didn't realize that AM was the next highest vote. I have reason to believe his Miller claim, so I'd prefer to move away from Alwaysmind as the second lynch candidate and put it onto Saturday.

[Change Vote Lynch Saturday]

I didn't like his vote on DDL, I didn't like his excuse "well I was going to say something, but since everyone missed it, I figured I'd not say anything" - very anti-town mindset.
To avoid the exact situation happening now. Anyways, Laix post is important.
Saturday: Said he saw something about DDL. Then when I and Draekke asked him what did he see he didn't answer. Now he answered when he was suspected by a lot of players.
Always Mind: I cannot read him tbf. He mentioned something about certain player joined Roman Empire but the host said if someone is converted,
That’s literally not what happened.
Also interesting thoughts on AM here too.
Anyone else find this post from Alibaba odd? I can't say that I really understand their playstyle, but this doesn't sound like the floating, ethereal, self-proclaimed medium sarcastically posting, it sounded like an actual question to Mich at the time.

Also I went back through their most recent posts, and of the last 20 or so posts, only one or two have been anything about this game other than chatting with random people and fluff posting. Also doesn't seem to be following our game as much as game 2?

Of your serious posts, you quickly replied to AG about your read on The Lukundo, you voted Flower, but only hesitantly at the end.

You're missing info here, TS. Laix has since refuted that claim.

I definitely agree with you. Seemingly only having started hunting Day 3, again after some prodding by me. It seemed out of character, his sudden change in tone to me, but I also feel now after a few days back into mafia that I was probably being quite a bit of a dick lol. But it's also not like we can vote him right now anyways.
I went and looked back on him. He squabbled with you D1 and he’s been consistent. It’s what I’m liking now.

I thought he was just sheeping but you can say he hasn’t been fond of his scum reads for a while now.

Can’t see scum risking an open tunnel like that when they’ve already caught heat from multiple angles.

Do you think a strawberry lynch is the way to go? He’s damn near given up.
Interestingly enough, UB isn't voting on the AM wagon here despite being quite vocal about scum reading him because AM misinterpreted her vote or something.

@Underworld Broker

The problem with Alwaysmind is that i always scum read him, logic never seems to work on him so id rather have him shot / investigated, but since he claimed miller i guess the former option seems better.
Id be down for a Saturday lynch if we decide to shoot AM, Saturdays reaction just really does remind me of how flower crumbled like a cookie
I went and looked back on him. He squabbled with you D1 and he’s been consistent. It’s what I’m liking now.

I thought he was just sheeping but you can say he hasn’t been fond of his scum reads for a while now.

Can’t see scum risking an open tunnel like that when they’ve already caught heat from multiple angles.

Do you think a strawberry lynch is the way to go? He’s damn near given up.
Your use of pronouns instead of names is confusing me. Are you talking about TS?

Also what is a strawberry lynch?
The problem with Alwaysmind is that i always scum read him, logic never seems to work on him so id rather have him shot / investigated, but since he claimed miller i guess the former option seems better.
Id be down for a Saturday lynch if we decide to shoot AM, Saturdays reaction just really does remind me of how flower crumbled like a cookie
Lets not just jump to shooting AM. I have reason to believe his claim of miller, and no I did not investigate him to get that info (for one, I don't have any investigate abilities, and two I wouldn't be happy about that claim after I got a guilty read if I could investigate).
No joke I thought AM was being serious wen he said he made flour for a living

Idk if I believe the game has 2 millers tho

Ppl have asked u stuff but since ur last post, and u responded with defeatism. Flower went out the same way too.
Not gonna get into specifics but my role is kind of a half miller which is why I wasn't going to claim it until AM phrased something poorly on exactly me and made it sound like he knew I was miller lol. Hence why I can see AM being real because it's more like 2 and a half millers
You can choose not to reveal that you and Vanya are immune to kill tonight. Why did you choose to reveal it? If scums target you and Vanya then they would waste their night action. It would benefit town a lot. Also did you lie about your ability to detect scums from 3 players you targeted? You haven't answered this question.

The Ancient is not eligible lynch today. I want to lynch him the most. From eligible lynch I prefer Nfcnorth and possibly Laix.

I didn't reveal anything... I'm repeating established facts in the game...
No joke I thought AM was being serious wen he said he made flour for a living

Idk if I believe the game has 2 millers tho

Ppl have asked u stuff but since ur last post, and u responded with defeatism. Flower went out the same way too.
It’s not that. I already thoroughly explained the vote. Some of the people voting for me had no issues with my explanation till recently and I think that’s a mix of bad gameplay and scum mixing in.

also I’m on my way to work, I really don’t have much time so I’m just openly saying how I feel
Wuts ur read on me?

Last dayphase u said u had a scum lean on me and we even had a back and forth :pepethink
I have had a hard time finding a read on you. Your posting style is very laid back and chill, which reads slightly like misplaced confidence, or a DGAF attitude, which is part of my scum lean tbh.

And as mentioned before when someone I have a fairly decent townread on is being opposed by someone I don't have a good read on, then I tend to use that as more info. You have been on Hidden's ass for a period of time, but it doesn't look right to me.

Also dislike some of your comments about my playstyle (gaslighting or strawmanning), because that's honestly how I've been feeling about the people I've been arguing with - that they are trying to force a specific outcome and not pursuing the actual evidence. But I am biased on this point, to be fair.

Lastly, your commitment to trying to find suspects based on switching votes to the pile never rang correctly with me, since I've stated multiple times it will be very hard to use this method/pattern to find scum because tons of townies are doing the same in this game due to the lynch mechanics.

One of the things I've liked about you though is your consistency. Not that this is necessarily alignment indicative, but it at least doesn't have you waffling all over the place.

All that being said, most of this is rather minor stuff, so yes still a slight scum lean on you. But there are many bigger fish to fry right now, imo.
Quick question for the group - I'm not as learned (cultured) as many of you here are about many of the roles in this game. Can someone with knowledge advise if there is a main character among the roles that has telepathic or some otherwise not normal method of communicating with people - some kind of distance mental communication, or someone who likes to sow seeds of doubt into others through messages?
Also four hours until votes lock everyone. We need to start making a decision about which person to truly put up for lynch. We have a nearly split four-way tie (without counting, don't @ me if I'm wrong lol) between Laix, Jojo, Alwaysmind, Saturday.

Do we want to split the votes, like JoJo suggested, just vote the way we want to and see where things land? Or do we want to consolidate? Personally I don't enjoy the idea of having a small lynch pool to choose from, for multiple reasons - more places for mafia to hide, and when someone isn't in the lynch pool, it's hard to press them enough to get a reaction.

That being said, it doesn't seem like a large lynch pool has really helped us today, so idk.
Continued reads:

- I think Legend is town based on his posts and vote towards Flower day 1 for now.
- I slightly town lean Raven as stated previously.

- Nfcnorth - I still kinda scum lean him. His posts are, like, hard to describe. Like yes, I know that he knows what he's talking about, but I just don't see him actively pushing the discussion when he is online. @nfcnorth you said you town read AM, right? What do you think of this wagon on him now? Also, your read on Saturday if you could?

- Owner dropped to my null list from town leans. Her last minute vote on Flower last day pinged me hard.
---- Also, I can't recall significant interaction between her and Flower. Correct me, if I'm mistaken @Owner Of A Lonely Heart

- Shrike is town lean based on his push towards Flower on day 1 and day 2 for now.

- In fact even TAC mentioned all of us voting Flower day 1 and pressuring her to claim. But later he just stuck to tunneling Vanya more and then last day he put himself and me over Flower lol. If anyone's been inconsistent, it's him, and I legit can't understand his stance anymore. Also, one of the few who town reads AM @TheAncientCenturion
LG's flip in combination with Flower's claim is what sealed the deal as for why I voted Flower there. Originally, Flower was in one of my town lists. I voted for Flower like 30 minutes before votes locked, so it wasn't quite last minute. Even from the start of that day I was thinking that I was probably going to move vote to them.

Do you think staying off wagon is better this game?
Do we want to split the votes, like JoJo suggested, just vote the way we want to and see where things land? Or do we want to consolidate? Personally I don't enjoy the idea of having a small lynch pool to choose from, for multiple reasons - more places for mafia to hide, and when someone isn't in the lynch pool, it's hard to press them enough to get a reaction.
Just a thought. I’m wondering how the game would evolve if people could be held accountable for their actions. Imagine town gets lynched and people claim they did it to be on the lynch for tomorrow instead of displaying agency and a sense independence on who they think is town. If the votes are low and we lynch a scum, we can be pretty sure that most of them are town. if the votes are low and we lynch a town we can be pretty sure most of them are scum.

However it’s not sure fire. I don’t mind consolidating votes. Both are viable to me. Maybe people consolidate votes and they claim one person they could lynch instead.

Also, I kinda wanted to see a few votes on laix because I want to win the power up NGL. It’s selfish and greedy of me, but still something i want.
Also four hours until votes lock everyone. We need to start making a decision about which person to truly put up for lynch. We have a nearly split four-way tie (without counting, don't @ me if I'm wrong lol) between Laix, Jojo, Alwaysmind, Saturday.

Do we want to split the votes, like JoJo suggested, just vote the way we want to and see where things land? Or do we want to consolidate? Personally I don't enjoy the idea of having a small lynch pool to choose from, for multiple reasons - more places for mafia to hide, and when someone isn't in the lynch pool, it's hard to press them enough to get a reaction.

That being said, it doesn't seem like a large lynch pool has really helped us today, so idk.
Im leaning away from Laix or JoJo at this point from yesterday's exchange, both need to be monitored going forward. Which leaves Saturday and AM, which I would ever so slightly push to AM to be offed.
Nfcnorth - I still kinda scum lean him. His posts are, like, hard to describe. Like yes, I know that he knows what he's talking about, but I just don't see him actively pushing the discussion when he is online. @nfcnorth you said you town read AM, right? What do you think of this wagon on him now? Also

First off not sure I would say it's fair to say I am not pushing discussion when I give a group a players who I think honestly provide good insight on people to comment on and it gets ignored despite me posting it twice. Not exactly my fault people are for the most part othern like 2 people are refusing to give comments on mich, rotkins, Karma, Saturday, lunkdo.

Sure Saturday is getting votes right now but I am nost sure the votes that are there really explain why tbh.

As for Alwaysmind on one hand I do understand it on the other I think it's always an easy wagon to push with the weakest reasoning in the universe. So it feels a little opportunistic to me.
And as mentioned before when someone I have a fairly decent townread on is being opposed by someone I don't have a good read on, then I tend to use that as more info. You have been on Hidden's ass for a period of time, but it doesn't look right to me.
Ive liked his play since d2.

I feel like mafia wouldve just easily jumped on any of us 3 but him and shrike actually seemed invested in getting the correct outcome.
Also dislike some of your comments about my playstyle (gaslighting or strawmanning), because that's honestly how I've been feeling about the people I've been arguing with - that they are trying to force a specific outcome and not pursuing the actual evidence. But I am biased on this point, to be fair.
Even Andrew seemed to agree with me on this one.

I cant remember if it was d1 or d2 but u asked me a question, that was proceeded by your stance on smth. It kinda rubbed my the wrong way, it delt like u were trying to set me as having an opposite standing despite never arguing against it.
Lastly, your commitment to trying to find suspects based on switching votes to the pile never rang correctly with me, since I've stated multiple times it will be very hard to use this method/pattern to find scum because tons of townies are doing the same in this game due to the lynch mechanics.
I still only half agree with ur logic here. Scum can still just be coasting, I think voting switching method is still valid to scum hunt if their votes look especially bad or they're overly eager to lynch ppl without much reason of their own.

The opposite is also true, AM refusing to change votes d1 being an example
Just a thought. I’m wondering how the game would evolve if people could be held accountable for their actions. Imagine town gets lynched and people claim they did it to be on the lynch for tomorrow instead of displaying agency and a sense independence on who they think is town. If the votes are low and we lynch a scum, we can be pretty sure that most of them are town. if the votes are low and we lynch a town we can be pretty sure most of them are scum.

However it’s not sure fire. I don’t mind consolidating votes. Both are viable to me. Maybe people consolidate votes and they claim one person they could lynch instead.

Also, I kinda wanted to see a few votes on laix because I want to win the power up NGL. It’s selfish and greedy of me, but still something i want.
Problem is if we go that route and end up only finding town, how long until we revert back? Will we do so with enough time to stop the mafia from completely derailing the game by not being in the big lynch pile? I'm not so sure.
So you think I’m sus due to the information that was given?
Or you suspect something?

you can look at little postings before I revealed that information and you can see me attempting to put things together without saying much. As always most brushed over the @s. Now we’re here.

Yeah, I saw your previous postings, but seeing the mention first with that group of people, my thought was "he has the same group of people I do". Yeah, I guess you did try to reveal it more subtly.

The sus is more in timing with Vanya calling for people to claim. I just read that situation as scum potentially wanting to get town cred. But at the same time, you follow through and revealed why you were saying what you were saying. Just because we have a different approaches, it doesn't mean that there is necessarily anything wrong with how you did stuff. Of the group I list, I think I'm least suspicious of you. As Draekke stated I think, it is far more likely that we have 2 watchers here than me thinking that you could have seen my watch information.
Im leaning away from Laix or JoJo at this point from yesterday's exchange, both need to be monitored going forward. Which leaves Saturday and AM, which I would ever so slightly push to AM to be offed.
I'd like to push you ever so slightly back to Saturday, if possible. I believe AM to be telling the truth about his claim, and it would be suicide for a mafia to be talking about the Holy Roman Empire PM thing he got earlier - that screams of someone trying to mess with him to make us lynch him.
fair enough. I thought we were in a decent enough position to try it out. It’s fine if ppl think it’s not a good idea
I understand, but I also am not a fan of "acceptable losses" mindset just because we lucked into one scum, and the other fell into our lap. Especially when you combine it with the merge of game 2 which is slightly behind us right now in their scumhunting.
To be fair, just cuase you claimed it early doesn't mean anything LOL
Not gonna get into specifics but my role is kind of a half miller which is why I wasn't going to claim it until AM phrased something poorly on exactly me and made it sound like he knew I was miller lol. Hence why I can see AM being real because it's more like 2 and a half millers
Just because you didn’t get doesn’t mean it was phrased poorly
Quick question for the group - I'm not as learned (cultured) as many of you here are about many of the roles in this game. Can someone with knowledge advise if there is a main character among the roles that has telepathic or some otherwise not normal method of communicating with people - some kind of distance mental communication, or someone who likes to sow seeds of doubt into others through messages?
warlock, class in DnD
I'd like to push you ever so slightly back to Saturday, if possible. I believe AM to be telling the truth about his claim, and it would be suicide for a mafia to be talking about the Holy Roman Empire PM thing he got earlier - that screams of someone trying to mess with him to make us lynch him.
Would the HRE be a cult that you can optionally join in your opinion?
Would the HRE be a cult that you can optionally join in your opinion?
Honestly I think that would be one of the biggest stretches of the game so far to think that Rome is a cult leader. It makes sense that Hades and Mars would be aligned with Rome, from a loose thematic viewpoint. So unless we're thinking that Rome had already converted both Mars and Hades - luckily finding the two most likely roles to be aligned with him, not to mention also randomly being in the same game as him - by Day 2, then I think this is a shot in the dark and chaos spreading at the extreme.

Which is why I feel like someone is setting AM up.

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