You also, haven't had much thread presence from what I've seen. I don't see where the difference is. We apparently both received the same information.
I'm just didn't say it from the start. It's easier to claim something that hasn't been previously claimed. But that was in fact my action. It almost makes me wonder if you maybe somehow knew that I was receiving that information and then with Vanya's call for claims thought it be the perfect time to share it.
But in the same vein, it is still: I know that we all visited him.
There was no kill night 1, but there was a kill night 2. Does it make sense for us to be missing a kill on Vanya? Or why wasn't there a separate outcry day 2? I guess there was only 1 bleed?
I guess overall. I'm unsure about Ishmael, Mango and Hidden. But if we are missing a kill on Vanya among that list, we would also be missing a kill from day 1 too.
This is a weird post - if I saw that someone watched the same player as me and got the same results as me, I wouldn't be questioning if that player had some kind of "see what I see" ability, it makes more sense that there are two watchers and that should confirm Ishmael as true to you.
That being said, I have Ishmael as a null read right now, I can't nail down anything. MangoSenpai is one of my scum reads right now.
@Admiral Fujitora Hey, I wasn't really too here on Sunday. Can you fill me in on anything I missed lol? Last consistent reading was like around page 70~.
You're lynchproof?!
If you're a friendly indie just come out and say it, I'll defend you. But lynch proof, doctor, bulletproof under easy to follow conditions...
That ain't town
It's fine, we can still execute him.
[vote lynch Laix]
Gonna go make dinner, I'll check in to see how Jojo vsLaix develops later.
What? Alwaysmind is like, honest to goodness probably the only guy I have as a solid townie.
It'd be cool if, instead of lynching a player for a phase, us and group 2 have to trade 2 players each and deal with the consequences.
I ain't reading this many words.
How many posts does TAC have today? These are just a handful I gathered while catching back up. Nothing of use at all. Dude, please start helping.
I kinda am, just skipped some 15 pages of some very boring back and forth between the same people. I think that today's gonna be a day where scum will take a back seat and let us go at each other until we lynch a townie. I think Laix is an indie or town, my thoughts changed from yesterday regarding him. I don't think we should allow people to have endless back and forth like we did D1 and D2 with Draekke and Vanya not being able to simply not answer to something. Both are town, Vanya confirmed one, but his threadplay is shit and leaves a lot of wiggle room to scum because he's antagonistic in general.
We should take it easy and see what we have.
Show me how have I not been helpful.
Shrike, the onus is on
you to prove that you have been helpful. You've been insightful and supportive, but I haven't seen a ton of useful town help. Even in this post where you asked how you haven't been helpful - skipped pages, just comments on the Laix v JoJo duel in the most vague way - though indy read is strange I have to say - talking that we shouldn't let people go back and forth on eachother. Insightful, not helpful, if that makes sense.
That being said, I do agree with your thoughts on Vanya lol.
What was this post about lol.
where did everyone go, if u leave me like this I actually have to go do some actual work..
Don't make me do work..
lmao, I mean you saw what happened in the FMA game right.
I think it's plenty within the realm of reason to think this was thought up on the spot.
However if Laix is that kind of egg I don't know, but it's possible. I wouldn't exclude it
I have not read anythiing of D1, so I'm missing that knowledge.
And also wasn't that active last phase.
But, all in all Laix, AM and Owner on my top scum list atm.
As for town, I would say Shrike, Ishmael, Vanya
Rest are I have not too strong opinions on.
Mango hasn't done much at all except increase their post count, like TAC. Easy to throw either Jojo/Laix in your scum read, AM always hard to pick, and Owner who hasn't been talkative.
Your town reads, on the other hand, confuse me. Vanya obviously, but Shrike and Ishmael... tell me why you town read these two?
So I think Hidden is part of the Holy Roman Empire given his casual dismissal that it is a threat
Why then if the Holy Roman Empire title not blue? If it was really a town faction.
Sorry dude, but I think it's more likely that another role is trolling you with that PM. The rules clearly state conversions would be in the write up, so if they are still town and becoming the HRE, then great.
That being said, I now have you as a slight town read, given your miller claim (yes I also missed your hints, but it's been a while since I've played mafia, forgive me). That's likely as much as I'll ever get on you lol.
I admire your confidence. I won't make that 4 man group for sure, 'cause obviously I'm a woman, but also, that's too much responsibility and pressure.
Seriously, though, what is a POE? Vanya wouldn't answer me.
You are playing too safe. Just posted to fill the post count requirement to avoid on the execution block tomorrow, your read on Vanya vs AG looks diplomatic. You didn't say which one of them is town/scum because you want to avoid the suspicion on you if they flip town/scum.
Have you given your scum reads so far?
On page 113 now
That's what I call diplomatic. You want people opinion about them but you didn't tag any player here. Looks like you post just to fill post count requirement and play too safe to avoid being in the scum pile.
Pot meet kettle.
Not going to lie, my head is completely fried from waffling back and forth from Laix to JoJo today. At this point I feel like T/T. AG had Laix on his town reads, and that's enough for me right now to want to not vote either of them (since I have had a town read on JoJo prior to Laix lying).
I want to vote Traveling Swordsman, but since we can't I'm honestly unsure who to go for now. I would have said Alwaysmind, but he's townlean now for me.