Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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[Vote Lynch Saturday]

Even though I kinda hate it I'm only able to put half my attention towards this right now so whatever I guess. If something else goes to the majority I'll join that. I still think this flips though though tbh
My bad if someone had already vouched for you, but this post is also suspicious. A mafia member would know Im town and say something like this.
Day 3 - Vote Count 2
Remember to use [Vote Lynch] or [Change Vote Lynch]
And for execute it's [Vote Execute] or [Change Vote Execute]
Let me know if I made any mistakes

Lynch candidates

1. Admiral Fujitora
2. Alibaba Saluja
3. Alwaysmind
4. Draekke
5. Hidden
6. Ishmael
7. JoJo
8. Karma
9. Laix
10. Legend
11. Lind
12. Mich
13. nfcnorth
14. Owner Of A Lonely Heart
15. Rottkins
16. Saturday
17. Shrike
18. The Lukundo
19. Underworld Broker
20. Vanya

Day 3 execution candidates:

1. Revan Reborn
2. Sallucion
3. Cooler
4. Vivo Diez

Votes Leaderboard
Saturday - 8
Laix - 6
Alwaysmind - 2
Mango/Jojo - 1

Execution leaderboard
Cooler - 7
Revan - 5
Alright i am here, from what i've seen of people quoting me JoJo and Laix are townies based on their roles? Well that doesn't mean MUCH cause lying is a thing in this world. But at least we can keep track of them

also @Laix whats with the voting contest?

Other than that, a lot of people visited me, if protects, i am thankful for that, people pay attention. I didn't get any notification of being attacked so yeah.

Who is the top vagon now?

I would really appreciate if you would pay attention to the game. You are on of our only "confirmed" townies, so if you could keep up and be up to date on things, it would really help us.

We should make a double wagon

First wagon is laix with all the people in the game

Second wagon is me - ishmael and Traveling swordsman

We can't make the second wagon too small. There is definitely vote manipulation in this game, and that could be risky.

What the hell Laix?

We can try it, only problem is if Laix really is lynch immune today then the voters on the second wagon are the only ones who qualify for the lynch pool tomorrow if it goes through.

This. This is the biggest issue with split voting.

Don't worry about that, just makes sure watcher is on me

Like you said, you may be getting nerfed, or you may die tonight. We can't just rely on your "put player x into lynch pool" ability if you're dead. You think mafia won't be hard targeting you tonight because of that? I certainly do.

Im personally not a fan of Miller claims cause ive seen enough mafia hide behind that, so if someone is playing rather anti-town id prefer seeing them dead instead of seeing them survive long or getting to end-game

Your tone still feels off so im not very convinced anyways. But only reason why id prefer an Alwaysmind lynch is cause from what ive seen hes had more interactions with ppl while i havent seen much of u, so regarding info he'd give us more

When I say I have reason to believe his claim, that means it's not just based on him making a claim. I have reason to believe that he's truthful about his claim. We should move away from AM lynch.

i mean we can just force the scummiest players to vote for the second wagon

How exactly do you propose we do this? People won't just listen to you, lol.

I think Draekke's town lean on AM comes from the fact that AM seems to be saying someone was converted to the Holy Roman Empire and that conversion wasn't shown in the WU.

So someone is screwing with AM and that AM's reveal like this makes him possible town.

Not the only reason. But yes, I believe AM to be town now.




Hopefully this was sarcastic.


Invite a scum to talk at night

Only to lynch him on his face

Master troll move


Can you please attempt to do something useful in the thread? Not something for the other game?

Hmm but he could be also scum making that stuff up no?

His team prolly told him to get active lmao

Imo, it would be suicide for a mafia to claim what AM has done in order to cause chaos, because there have been no conversion write ups, the people who are mason with Rome fit thematically, trying to sow dissent towards the most town of town right now. That would be a bad call.
[Vote lynch Alwaysmind]

ill try to show up in an hour, tag me for main wagon in case u decide on someone and need my vote

Don't do. Change your cote to someone else. Laix, Saturday, whatever. Not AM.

I also want to clarify for the 100th time

Even if I’m leading votes, it will bounce to the person with the 2nd most amount of votes. So a vote for me is less than useless.


Not less than useful tbh. If we test your unlynchability today we can determine some truths vs lies, etc.

No one, dunno who.

We can go for mango

Nope, we certainly cannot because Mango is not in the lynch pool, good sir.

Can we lynch this guy? He has been talking to group 2 which has nothing to do with eligible lynch to group 1

Honestly they are among my scum leans rn.
If we're not going to get this settled into one group by vote lock (which is in 48 minutes!!) I'd prefer we slightly tilt the votes to Laix over Saturday.

That way either there's a lot of BS flying around and Laix isn't unlynchable, or he is unlynchable and then Saturday goes.
I think testing thr laix thing is just bad tbh. Like, it's so unlikely to be false, and if you put laix in the lead if/when it goes to second place we'll have no options tomorrow. Like, I'm lretty sure people.are already using that to hide on a laix wagon to look like they're contributing lol
I think testing thr laix thing is just bad tbh. Like, it's so unlikely to be false, and if you put laix in the lead if/when it goes to second place we'll have no options tomorrow. Like, I'm lretty sure people.are already using that to hide on a laix wagon to look like they're contributing lol
I don't disagree (I've posted multiple times on this decision), but the votes are 10-6 Saturday v Laix right now.
Making a lynch only to test seems bad, especially if we think he may be a villager.
Except something new appeared since I made the read
Oy, please don't think this is my idea. I don't want to either, I just don't like that the votes are split right now so close to the end of day.

If we can get everyone on Saturday that is best case for tomorrow's lynch pool.
I mean, it's what I'd do regardless of who it is though lol. Like, I'll pivot my vote to whoever picked up steam. The only difference being I might be willing to pivot to ub a little sooner than others lol
Right, all I'm saying though is you could have kept that to yourself since Shrike is trying hard to lead this movement and changed when it got some steam instead of advocating early for vote splitting, thus convincing more people to split votes.

All good, no biggie, just wish you didn't at this stage in the day is all.
What splitting are you afraid of when we have more than an hour and this really seems like a weak lynch??
Weak lynch or not, the more votes on the same person the better for tomorrow, no?

"more than an hour" yet you have lost track of time in previous day phases, and you know for a fact that a good portion of the players will not post in the last hour or so of the phase either because they aren't able to (irl busy), or are hiding.
Weak lynch or not, the more votes on the same person the better for tomorrow, no?

"more than an hour" yet you have lost track of time in previous day phases, and you know for a fact that a good portion of the players will not post in the last hour or so of the phase either because they aren't able to (irl busy), or are hiding.
Just stop and vote if you want. Keep your vote if you prefer the Saturday lynch, I don't.
Weak lynch or not, the more votes on the same person the better for tomorrow, no?

"more than an hour" yet you have lost track of time in previous day phases, and you know for a fact that a good portion of the players will not post in the last hour or so of the phase either because they aren't able to (irl busy), or are hiding.
Trying to coordinate a 25+ group of mafia players is like herding cats, is what I'm trying to say. If you wanted to do this earlier in the day, fair enough, but this late will only cause more chaos.
Right, all I'm saying though is you could have kept that to yourself since Shrike is trying hard to lead this movement and changed when it got some steam instead of advocating early for vote splitting, thus convincing more people to split votes.

All good, no biggie, just wish you didn't at this stage in the day is all.
Eh I don't really think people are looking at my post in particular and using that as permission to swap or not they were gonna do it or not either way imo
Cooler looks the worst among players in the execution platform but in this game sheeping on popular wagon is recommended to get a large pool of players to lynch.

Yepp, that's what I was saying. But you said he sounds genuine to you. And I don't see how sheeping on a popular wagon is connected to Cooler, though.

How can I look the worse when I have like zero interactions? lol.
Not going to stop if I continue to see poor logic coming into the thread. I've placed my vote already, and I'll be extremely sus of you if your vote isn't on the main stack regardless of where it is.
Then I don't know what the hell have you been reading so far. I literally made Flower claim and pushed her until she cracked so just move out of the way for me to lynch another scum.

Regardless I feel like there have been many people who have had something to do with Flower than someone like Saturday to me. He doesnt feel like a priority atm.
Go for Broki.
Then I don't know what the hell have you been reading so far. I literally made Flower claim and pushed her until she cracked so just move out of the way for me to lynch another scum.

Go for Broki.
lol whatever the fuck - just because you had one good read means nothing. Don't act like you're all that. You've done so very little in this game to have this type of confidence in yourself.
@Draekke UB's lynch might be worth a try.

Yeah, we can try UB.

[Change Vote lynch UB]

You appeared with perfect timing to your execute votes lol. Have you done any night actions? Any info?
This isn't going to work. votes are like 8-6-3 or something Saturday/Laix/UB.

I'm going to put my vote on the highest stack, but I really think this will be something to look into next phase if the lynch flips a townie because too many people are happy to split votes right now.

I don't think we're going to have enough time for a reversal here, Lind.
I don't like how Mango's vote is now on a player where he'll most likely not be in the lynch pool tomorrow either lmao.

@MangoSenpai please vote with the majority.
I'm afk for most of the days, it's bad timing for me. I can only play at work lmao

Who even is the majority.

And why should I vote with the majority.
This sounds like a setup for u to lynch me.


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