Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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I'm not a leader. Vanya is one. I don't care if it is safest claim possible. It still remains to be the truth regardless of what you say or do. Why did you wait to say all this later? If you were paying any attention, you did see that I responded fairly quickly to you asking who did I watch night 1. Why would I say exactly what someone else said? There's lie detecting roles in game. So it would be pointless to say anything but the truth.
Because I literally didn't have the opportunity to reply before then.

And so what if there is a lie detect in the game, that doesn't mean shit lmao.
This isn't going to work. votes are like 8-6-3 or something Saturday/Laix/UB.

I'm going to put my vote on the highest stack, but I really think this will be something to look into next phase if the lynch flips a townie because too many people are happy to split votes right now.

I don't think we're going to have enough time for a reversal here, Lind.
I'll switch back to Saturday if the UB train doesn't work. But I can agree that UB has been suspicious as I've listed out in my posts towards her.

But, yes, we'll try and pivot to her if it's possible.

I'm afk for most of the days, it's bad timing for me. I can only play at work lmao

Who even is the majority.

And why should I vote with the majority.
This sounds like a setup for u to lynch me.

Lmao, well please vote on the highest wagon. You're a suspect and putting yourself in the lynch pool will at least help alleviate that a little.

So we're trying to vote UB now, but if that doesn't work out we need to switch to Saturday so that we'll be on the main stack. Can you do that?
I have many quotes sorry I put them all in spoiler
Reborn has 3 posts all game, promising activity and saying they caught up

Vote execute Reborn

Been on holiday, just got back now, seems like I have a bit of reading to do.

Finally caught up, forgot how long it takes to read through this stuff.

My thoughts surrounding laix, and their ability, do they generally have a trolling attitude to mafia games, because such behavior would fall in line to having a lynch redirect. It was confirmed they had lied to Jojo by own admission, and once people started to vote for them. He started to sing a different tune to save his own ass, so either they've truly changed their own mind, or is lying again. But the lack of consistent truth is troubling tp say the least.

I see,

Yeah, I got back from out of city, and have had other commitments, so I've found time to today to attempt to catch up. As for the votes, I'd say it is fair as I've not been active as one would hope which would put suspicion on me unfortunately.

UB asking Vanya whom vote for, did make me raise a brow, whether he was joking or not. As it seems like they are trying to get credit by siding with Vanya, rather than coming to an independent vote. But could be reading to much into it. This being under the assumption Vanya is most likely town.

First off not sure I would say it's fair to say I am not pushing discussion when I give a group a players who I think honestly provide good insight on people to comment on and it gets ignored despite me posting it twice. Not exactly my fault people are for the most part othern like 2 people are refusing to give comments on mich, rotkins, Karma, Saturday, lunkdo.

Sure Saturday is getting votes right now but I am nost sure the votes that are there really explain why tbh.

As for Alwaysmind on one hand I do understand it on the other I think it's always an easy wagon to push with the weakest reasoning in the universe. So it feels a little opportunistic to me.

I didn't get any notification of being attacked so yeah.

Exactly and judging by how many visits they had last night, my protection is valuable for him.

Remember to use [Vote Lynch] or [Change Vote Lynch]
And for execute it's [Vote Execute] or [Change Vote Execute]
Let me know if I made any mistakes

Lynch candidates

1. Admiral Fujitora
2. Alibaba Saluja
3. Alwaysmind
4. Draekke
5. Hidden
6. Ishmael
7. JoJo
8. Karma
9. Laix
10. Legend
11. Lind
12. Mich
13. nfcnorth
14. Owner Of A Lonely Heart
15. Rottkins
16. Saturday
17. Shrike
18. The Lukundo
19. Underworld Broker
20. Vanya

Day 3 execution candidates:

1. Revan Reborn
2. Sallucion
3. Cooler
4. Vivo Diez

Votes Leaderboard
Saturday - 8
Laix - 6
Alwaysmind - 2
Mango/Jojo - 1

Execution leaderboard
Cooler - 7
Revan - 5

Regardless I feel like there have been many people who have had something to do with Flower than someone like Saturday to me. He doesnt feel like a priority atm.
I would really appreciate if you would pay attention to the game. You are on of our only "confirmed" townies, so if you could keep up and be up to date on things, it would really help us.

We can't make the second wagon too small. There is definitely vote manipulation in this game, and that could be risky.

This. This is the biggest issue with split voting.

Like you said, you may be getting nerfed, or you may die tonight. We can't just rely on your "put player x into lynch pool" ability if you're dead. You think mafia won't be hard targeting you tonight because of that? I certainly do.

When I say I have reason to believe his claim, that means it's not just based on him making a claim. I have reason to believe that he's truthful about his claim. We should move away from AM lynch.

How exactly do you propose we do this? People won't just listen to you, lol.

Not the only reason. But yes, I believe AM to be town now.

Hopefully this was sarcastic.

Can you please attempt to do something useful in the thread? Not something for the other game?

Imo, it would be suicide for a mafia to claim what AM has done in order to cause chaos, because there have been no conversion write ups, the people who are mason with Rome fit thematically, trying to sow dissent towards the most town of town right now. That would be a bad call.

Don't do. Change your cote to someone else. Laix, Saturday, whatever. Not AM.

Not less than useful tbh. If we test your unlynchability today we can determine some truths vs lies, etc.

Nope, we certainly cannot because Mango is not in the lynch pool, good sir.

Honestly they are among my scum leans rn.

2 people verified im unlynchable but it doesn’t matter anyway because the mechanics mean 2nd vote gets lynched regardless

Hidden is human.
I can vote UB but I'm more confident that Saturday flips wolf
I’ll do it if you want to keep your vote on Saturday
[change vote lynch Underworld Broker]
I can vote UB but I'm more confident that Saturday flips wolf
I can understand that, I can't force you to vote UB.

I feel like Saturday isn't a good lynch. I feel like Broki is scum, while Sat is probably a townie.

Can I be wrong? Hell yeah - but I have a solid feeling that Broki isn't on her town game. She's way too passive and she's a good player. She also hopped waggons when they were at the end of the day every time. So she's either scum, or extremely disinterested in playing, which is strange for a solid player like herself.

Meanwhile Saturday just seems like a lost townie, unsure in what to do or how to react. OMGSUSing left and right. I don't have experience playing with them, but they really don't seem like scum.
You gotta have your daily does of chaos otherwise favorites isn't worth playing tbh
There’s only one god of chaos and that is @Aries

someone mentioned what if there is a role that has the ability to be in both games, while I don’t suspect it from Shizune, it would definitely be a possibility with @Aries

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